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MATCHING: 1. People of a certain region who elected a representative to whom the representative is answerable. 2. a type of person who will staunchly campaign or vote for only one political party. 3. a political plan of action 4. the executive branch of the American government; particularly used in relation to the office-holder 5. a political party's assembly, usually for the purpose of presenting a candidate 6. a democracy where the people elect representatives to act as their agents.

1- constituency 2- partisan 3- program 4- administration 5- convention 6- representative democracy

Match the following definitions with your vocabulary words. 1- having larder numbers in the house of congress, assuring strong voting power in decisions of legislation 2- losing by a sizable margin in an election 3- a person who currently holds an office 4- a person who doesn't hold an office but who is trying to unseat an incumbent

1- majorities 2- landslide defeat 3- incumbent 4- challenger

The Democrats won all the election from 1818-1860 except in

1840 and 1848


A country with a one-party leader who is in complete control; usually one who is unfair.

political parties

A group of people organized with a governmental agenda in mind.


A group that may not be in agreement with the general direction of the larger population

Whig Party

A party formed mainly to fight the Democratic Party and Andrew Jackson; formed in the 1830's

Era of Good Feelings

A period from 1816-1824 where there was only one political party: the Democrat-Republicans


A person who currently holds an office


A person who desires a position in a political office


A person who does not hold an office but who is trying to unseat an incumbent.


A political plan of action


A public shame or disgrace brought about by illegal or unethical actions

The Populist Party of the 1890's was an example of a party formed chiefly to help a ____

A specific group of people


A type of person who will staunchly campaign or vote for only one political party.

The two major political parties in Canada are the:

Alliance & Liberal

The left-wing protest party that was formed in 1919 was the:

American Communist Party

economic unrest

An uneasiness due to the lack of stability in the financial market.


Arrangement or groundwork laid to establish a program.

The only two Democrats to serve as President from 1860 to 1916 were:

Cleveland & Wilson

The two major political parties in Great Britain are the:

Conservative & Labor

representative democracies

Democracy where the people elect representatives to act as their agents in making laws.

What party do the large cities tend to support?


Which political party controlled the South from 1861 to the early 1960s?


The two major American political parties are:

Democrat & Republican


Executive branch of the American government; as in "the Clinton administration"

John C. Fremont was the first Republican presidential candidate to win the office in 1856.


Starting with Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Republican Party was in office from 1952 through 1972.


The Republicans controlled the House of Representatives, but not the Senate in 1948.


The ____ believed in a loose construction of the Constitution


The ____ believed that the Federal government should possess all powers not specifically denied to it


stock market crash of 1929

Financial panic where the market lost so much power that many people lost their fortune in days.

Constitutional Convention

Gathering for the purpose of creating a Constitution which would frame the laws for running the U.S.


Having the large number in a house of Congress, assuring strong voting power.


In a national election, a candidate won the vote in a particular state.

loose construction

Interpretation of the Constitution allowing the federal government powers not specifically denied it.

strict construction

Interpretation of the Constitution limiting the Federal government to the powers in the document

Select three democratic presidents:

Kennedy Carter & Jackson

Alien and Sedition Acts

Legislation which gave the president power to deport any alien he deemed dangerous

The ____ Libertarian way is logically consistent approach to politics based on the moral principle of self-ownership


landslide defeat

Losing by a large margin in an election.

This party stands for prevention-oriented government, conflict-free politics, and proven solutions designed to bring national life into harmony with natural law:

Natural Law Party

Federalist Party

One of the first two American political parties; it wanted a strong central government

Anti-Federalist Party

One of the first two American political parties; it wanted a weak central government


People of a region who elected a representative; the representative is answerable to these people. Also, the region itself.


Pertaining to Canada; regional or territorial

Debt-ridden farmers founded these two parties in the late 1800s:

Populists Greenback

This party is an example of a single-issue party:


The party formed by Texas billionaires Ross Perot 1990s was this party:

Reform Party

Three of the parties that began by splitting away from the two major political parties include the:

Roosevelt Progressives Liberal Republicans Dixiecrats

Four examples of left-wing protest groups include:

Socialist Labor Party Communist Party U.S.A. Democratic Socialists of America Socialist Workers' Party

Third parties play a highly important role in the:

Strengthening the two major parties

The Democrats blamed the Republicans for the Stock Market crash of 1929.


Select the two true statements about the Democrat Party.

The Democratic party won considerable political strength during the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln was a Democrat

Ballot box

The container into which votes are put

central government

The federal power of the government


To yield or surrender, to admit or acknowledge

Abraham Lincoln was the Republican president during the Civil War.


Republican Ronal Reagan won the 1980 presidential election.


The Bull Moose Party was formed by Theodore Roosevelt in 1912.


The Republican Party appealed to groups such as farmers, industrialists, and merchants.


The Republican Party began as a series of anti-slavery political meetings held in the Midwest in 1854


The Republicans won fourteen of the eighteen presidential elections held between 1860 and 1928.


William Howard Taft led a divided Republican Party in 1912.


_____-party systems are most common in the English-speaking countries of the world


Select the five Republican presidents:

William Howard Taft Theodore Roosevelt Ulysses S. Grant Dwight D. Eisenhower Ronald Reagan

The Prohibition Party was founded in 1869 solely for the purpose of preventing the manufacturer and sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States. The Prohibition Party is an example of____

a party that has only one goal.

What is a coalition?

a temporary alliance of political parties

The Democrats fought bitterly at times over: -banking policies -slavery issues -tariff rates - all of the above

all of the above

A person running for political office is called a:


Dictatorships are most commonly found in which two places?

communist countries & fascist countries

Voters in a district who elect a public servant are known as a(n):


Many times a political party is accused of _____ if it appears they put their party's agenda ahead of the good of the people.

partisan policies

The Anti-Federalists believed in a _____ interpretation of the Constitution.


The Anti-Federalist would limit the Federal government strictly to:

the powers the constitution delegated to it

The Democratic split was so severe during the 1860 elections that:

they ran two candidates for the presidency

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