The American Revolution: War for Independence 1777-1779

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Action for the War in the West

- American (George Clark) militia takes control of some forts in the West that had been controlled by the British and Indians. - Our country pans all the way to the Mississippi River.

Key Players of the Battle of Saratoga

- Americans: General Benedict Arnold (hero of the whole battle), General Horatio Gates (On paper, the commander), and Colonel Daniel Morgan (Sharp shooter/Sniper leader) - British: General John Burgoyne - Indirect contributors to the American victory of Saratoga: General George Washington and British General William Howe

Outcome of the British capture Philadelphia

- British occupy Philadelphia June 1778. - Congress flees to Baltimore. - British have to abandon Philadelphia after French alliance.

Outcome/Impact of Valley Forge

- By June, the American Army becomes vastly improved. - Continental Army attacks the British as they're abandoning Philadelphia, and they fight the Battle of Monmouth to a draw.

Action of the Battle of Saratoga

- First the American sharp shooters, led by Daniel Morgan, pick out the officers at Freeman's farm, and shoot at them. - The Americans outnumber the British 2:1 - The British are under siege. They are surrounded by the Americans. - They try to launch a counter-attack and break/bust out of the trap, and it starts out going well, but then Benedict Arnold rallies the troops, and helps them win the battle. He breaks up the counter-attack. - General Howe, who was supposed to help Burgoyne never showed up. - Burgoyne and his troops surrenders his whole army to the Americans, and they are taken as prisoners.

Struggles of the Continental Army for Valley Forge

- Freezing - Lack of supplies (mainly shoes and clothing) - Disease (Spread of lice, typhoid, smallpox, and "Putrid Fever"). 2,500 men died of disease. - Continental Congress can't supply the army with food, because they don't have the power to tac, and they don't have any money. - Stuffy cramped log huts - Soot from the fireplaces stung eyes/blackened skin - Sanitation was poor. There was barely any soap. - Close to starvation. Lived on firecake and water.

Baron Von Steuben and training of the troops for the Valley Forge

- He had fought with the Prussian Army on staff of Frederick the Great during Seven Years War (1756-1763. - Presented himself as Lieutenant General. - Continental Congress and General Washington appointed him Inspector General. - He arrives at Continental Army's encampment in February of 1778. - Selected and trained 100 men in the drill technique proven so effective in earlier wars.

Ben Franklin's role in the French Alliance

- He's the American diplomat to France. - He dresses plainly, doesn't wear a wig, doesn't carry a sword, which is not usual. - He's trying to be the face of America. - He wears a fur hat, which symbolizes that he's just an average poor man. - People find him fascinating/interesting. The French aristocracy loves him, and are fascinated by him/find him interesting. - He's a master of public relations, which really helps us when we win Saratoga. - When we win Saratoga, that gives us an in with King Louis, especially since people (the French) were already rooting for American to win because of Ben Franklin. They really liked/enjoyed him.

Background/events leading up to the Battle of Saratoga

- The beginning of the campaign goes really well, and the British take Fort Ticonderoga, and whoever controls Fort Ticonderoga, controls Lake Champlain. - Then there was a very hard, long march, which turns out to be a disaster, because Burgoyne brings a lot of extra stuff and people with him. They had to build bridges and cut out a trail for all the people, and all the stuff, to get through the wilderness. Burgoyne underestimated the geography of the land he was going to cross. - Burgoyne issues a couple of proclamations asking for Loyalist support, but it backfires on him. - The Americans were harassing the British by shooting at the British with hit and run raids. They knock/cut down trees to flood Burgoyne's path. - They send Hessians to Bennington to get horses, but they get captured and killed.

Outcome/Impact in the French Alliance

- They shipped badly needed supplies for Washington's rag tag army. - They sent thousands of French troops that fought long side the Americans. - The French Navy provided a blockade of their own against British ships off the Chesapeake in 1781, ensuring victories of the Battle of Yorktown. - Changes entire strategy for Britain. They have to think more defensively. - British troops evacuate Philadelphia, and Washington attacks them (Battle of Monmouth).

Outcome of the War in the West

- We control that territory at the end of the war, so we're granted that territory at the end of the war in the Treaty of Paris. - It was a very remarkable victory.

Context of the Battle of Saratoga

All part of the campaign of the Hudson River. Britain's plan to capture the Hudson River.

Background of the French Alliance

Ben Franklin has been sent to France before all of these military victories. He sets the ground work to guarantee France to ally with America.

Battles: Germantown and Brandywine

Howe fights George Washington and the Continental Army in two battles: - Battle of Brandywine (Sep. 11, 1777): Washington sets up defenses to try to keep the British from capturing Philadelphia. British attacked Americans, outflanked them, and defeated the Continental Army. British moved into Philadelphia at the end of the month. - Battle of Germantown (October 4, 1777): Washington launched a surprise attack against the British garrison at Germantown (around 9,000 troops). Foggy conditions and lack of communication led to confusion.

Background of the British Capture Philadelphia

Summer 1777: William Howe leaves NYC with 16,000 British and Hessian troops to capture the American capital (Philadelphia). Meanwhile, the Saratoga campaign (John Burgoyne) is underway in upstate NY.

Background of Valley Forge

The Americans have just won the battle of Saratoga, but they have also lost Philadelphia to the British. - Spot chosen by General Washington in winter of 1777-78 to winter his tired, ragged, and hungry army.

Definition of the Battle of Saratoga

The Battle of Saratoga was a decisive American victory, which is considered the turning point of the entire American Revolution, because it resulted in the French alliance. It was between the Hessians and British regulars vs. American militia and the American Continental Army.

Aftermath/outcome/impact of the Battle of Saratoga

This battle resulted in the French alliance.

Objectives/Plans of the Battle of Saratoga

Two armies are supposed to seize the Hudson River. One attacking down from Canada and one coming up from NYC, then at the Hudson River, they're supposed to connect, and then separate New England from the rest of the colonies.

Setting of the Battle of Saratoga

Upstate NY, in the upper Hudson Highlands, in the fall of 1777.

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