The Catcher in the Rye Study Guide questions and Answers

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why is stradlater is mad that Holden broke the rule by smoking in the room but feels no regret for taking ed bankys car

because he feels like he can do what he wants because he's the center of the basketball team and the coach gave him permission

What does Holden mean by his remark "mothers are all slightly insane" and how does this apply to Ernest and his mother

he means that all mothers think their children are the best and don't know ho thy really are because earnest acts like a bastard wen he's not around his mom

What trait or quality about Ernie does Holden criticize?

he said that he's a slob that doesn't talk to you unless you're a big shot or famous

Why do you think Holden is depressed about he three ladies going to see the first Christmas show at radio music hall

he seems to he depressed because he thinks that going there would be a waste

Why does Holden wake up ackley?

he wants to know if he heard the fight and he didn't want to be around stradlater at the moment

Why is Holden depressed by hearing the women "laughing like hyenas" on the street?

he was depressed because it could hear their laugh for mikes and it made him feel lonely

Why is Holden "not too crazy about describing rooms and houses"

he wasn't crazy about it because he couldn't think of any rooms or houses

in your own words, summarize Holden's description of what it is like to dance with a really good dance partner

he'd basically saying it feels good to dance with someone who knows what they're doing

Why is Holden so "nervous" when he asks stradlater about the date with Jane? Why do they fight?

he's nervous to ask because he didn't want to know if anything he didn't like happened, and they fought because he kept repeating someone stradlater didn't like to push his buttons

What is ironic about ackley's comment just before Holden walks out of his room?

it was ironic because Holden did get his head slammed into the ground earlier by stradlater

How do we learn, in Chapter 21 (and/or previous ones) that Phoebe, like her brothers, has a lively imagination?

For one, she creates new names for herself like Holden. Another thing, she likes to ponder through her mind and just think about pointless stuff, just like Holden.

What is the name of the main character in the books phoebe writes?

Hazle weather-field

Why does Ackley ask so many questions? What does this have a show about his personality?

He asks a lot of questions because he doesn't want anyone enjoying themselves and he wants attention and this shows that he likes to annoy people on purpose

Why does Holden compare people asking him if he is Catholic with "those suitcases" (113)? What parallel is he drawing?

He compares then because they both spoil conversations.

What triggers Holden's crying in Phoebe's room? Is there anything that differentiates this cry from the other points in the novel when he weeps

He cried probably because he was probably gonna miss Phoebe. It's different from other times because his tears are more sincere.

When he is walking up Fifth Avenue, what pessimistic remark does Holden make? How is this comment similar to what Mr. Antonini had forebodingly predicted about Holden's future?

He describes how this spooky thing happened, he felt that when he went past a curb, he would never come back.

Holden claims to admire Carl's intellectual ability, but does he engage him in an intellectual conversation? What kinds of questions does Holden ask Carl?

He didn't ask him anything intellectual because he didn't feel like it. HE asked him stuff like "How's your sex life."

How does Holden react to spencers wishing him "good luck!"?

He doesn't like it because he thinks that saying good luck sounds bad

Based on his description of the Natural History Museum he often visited as a child, how do you think Holden feels about change?

He doesn't like it, it doesn't depress him, but it doesn't make him feel 'GAY' as hell either.

Why doesn't holden throw the snowball?

He doesn't throw it because he likes the scenery and doesn't want to ruin it

Why does Holden feel "lucky" when he remember throwing the football around with Robert tichener and Paul Campbell?

He feels lucky because he remembers a good time that he had at pencey and it makes him feel as if he's getting a goodbye

Why does Holden feel sad when he thinks about the gift his mom gave him?

He feels sad because it was supposed to be a reward but he got kicked out again

At the beginning of Chapter 14, what emotion or emotions lead Holden to talk to Allie? What does this one-sided conversation show us about the relationship between Allie and Holden?

He feels very depressed, and it shows that he cares a lot about Allie, and that he regrets not bringing him that one time.

Why does it make Holden so happy that the girl he helps with her skate thanks him nicely and politely?

He get's happy because he tightened her skate, and because of the fact that she was kind and polite.

Why is Holden sad when he watches the girls home for vacation?

He gets sad because he thinks about what is going to happen when they finish school.

Why does Holden "sort of [hate] old Sally" (128) by the end of the show?

He hates that thot because she was listening to another guy while on their date.

What is Holden thinking about while he is "shooting the bull" with Spencer, and why is he thinking about it?

He is thinking about where the ducks at Central Park Lake go when the water freezes over

Describe Holden's emotional state when he is about to leave pencey

He is very upset evaluar he doesn't want to leave pencey

Why is Holden conflicted about his decision not to return to the Antolini's' apartment?

He kept thinking about how much of a nice guy Mr.Antolini was and the things he did for Holden, but he was freaked out that he was patting his head when he was sleeping.

Why does Holden feel sorry for Lillian?

He left sorry for her because nobody liked her very much.

What does Holden mean when he writes that Mr. Vinson "was very intelligent and all, but you could tell he didn't have too much brains" (185)? What is the difference between being intelligent and having brains, in Holden's eyes? In his view, which characters in the novel are intelligent, and which ones have brains?

He meant that he knew a lot, thus being intelligent, but he acted brainless. In Holden's eyes, someone who knows a lot is intelligent, but if they don't put it to good use, they're brainless. People like Phoebe, and Allie are intelligent and have brains, but someone like Mr.Vinson can be intelligent and not have any brains.

Why does Holden prefer horses to cars? Why does it upset him that other people are so attached to their cars?

He prefers that horses are actual living beings, and he hates that people get too attached to something that has no emotion, or something like that.

What is Holden's attitude toward Christianity? How do his views differ from those of his old schoolmate, Arthur Childs?

He really doesn't like it for its entirety, he only likes some specific people, like Jesus, unlike Arthur, who follows everything by the book.

What is the reason Holden gives for not going downstairs and say hello to Jane?

He says he's not in the mood

What does Holden see as the "trouble" with his attitude toward sex? How does this alleged problem manifest itself in his relationships with Jane, Sally, and other female characters?

He says that he can't have sex unless he likes the girl a lot, like he was about to smash a prostitute, and he wanted to just talk?

What observation does Holden make about how kids and adults look when they are sleeping? How does this comment reflect his attitudes in general toward childhood and adulthood?

He says that no matter what the kids do, they look alright when they sleep. This implies to adulthood because adults need to see their steps to make sure they're in check, know what i'm saying?

What does Holden mean when he describes himself as "partly yellow" (89)? What kinds of things does Holden tell us he fears? Based on the chapters we've read so far, do you think Holden is at all "yellow"? Why or why not? Refer to his specific actions in the text.

He thinks that he's part coward. He fears confronting people in a physical way, or calling them something they don't want to be called. I do think that he's part 'yellow' because he doesn't say what he wants to.

Why doesn't Holden cal anyone from the phone booth after he gets off the train in New York?

He thinks that his parents will pick of the home for his sister or jay no one else will pick up or be available

What frustrates Holden about girls and the guys they date?

He thinks that no matter how much of a bastard the guy is, the girls will always say he has an inferiority complex.

How does Carl respond to Holden's requests for advice and companionship?

He told him to get psychoanalyzed.

What gets Holden across each street, despite his highly anxious and depressed state?

He visioned Allie, and he'd ask Allie to not let him disappear, then when he got across, he would do it again.

Why does Holden decide to walk to the park, and what "terrible" event happens there?

He walks in the park to see where the ducks are and he drops Sophie's record and it shatters into 50 pieces.

What is Holden's dream job, and why? (Don't worry about the details of Burns' poem; we'll discuss it together in class.)

He wanted to be a catcher in the rye. He wanted to catch kids who were about to slip from the rye. This can be taken from a metaphorical standpoint, because it could be that Holden wants to keep kids from falling, falling being growing up.

What thought motivates Holden to go visit Phoebe?

He wanted to visit her incase he was going to die.

Holden mentions that he refused an offer to appear in a movie short, why was he asked and why did he refuse?

He was asked to appear in it because he was good at golf but refused because he didn't like movies

Why do you think Holden calls Sally, rather than Jane, when he is drunk?

He was drunk, and according to him, he's a madman while drunk.

Why is Holden so angry about the profane graffiti at Phoebe's (and Holden's own childhood) school? What does this graffiti represent for Holden?

He was so angry because he is the catcher in the rye, he is trying to prevent kids from growing up, he tries to prevent kids from knowing the word, and the graffiti represents maturity, and Holden can't have that.

Why is Holden sorry for having kidded "old Marty"

He was sorry because she was heart broken that she missed "seeing Gary cooper" on the dance floor

how does stradlater react to the composition Holden wrote for him?

He's mad because Holden didn't do it how he wanted it and didn't write about rooms or houses Why is Holden so "nervous" when he asks stradlater about the date with Jane? Why do they fight?

Why does Holden feel that now is the time to travel, not later?

He's probably in a very emotional state and wants to just calm down, there's a lot of tension in his life and he just wants things to go away.

What is ironic about the name of the prostitute?

Her name was sunny, and it's ironic because it was night, or because sunny indicates happiness, and Holden is feeling depressed.

How does Holden's physical state reflect his emotional state?

His physical state is very poor, it rubs on his emotional state because he feels depressed and worried.

Describe the relationship between Holden and stradlater. Are they friends? Why or why not?

Holden and Stradlater seem to be pretty close because stradlater says that nobody will know how much of a slob he is better than Holden

Describe Holden's and his brother D.B.'s attitudes toward war and the military.

Holden and his brother both show a negative attitude towards the war. The only difference is that his brother was actually in the second world war.

What does Holden ask Horwitz and how does he react?

Holden asked him where the ducks go ad he reacts viciously by saying "how the hell should I know that"

What is Holden's attitude toward storytellers who digress? Toward those who "stick too much to the point" (183)? How are these attitudes reflected in his own style of storytelling?

Holden doesn't like it when someone sticks to the point too much, he thinks it's more interesting when someone digresses in their story.

Based on how he describes "old spencer "how do you think Holden feels about old people and aging?

Holden doesn't like the idea of aging because it comes with responsibility and you go through a lot of things when you're older

How does Holden feel about his brother d.b. having become a screenwriter?

Holden feels repulsed by it because he says "it killed me."

Where does Holden go to pass the time before meeting Carl Luce for a drink? Why is it surprising that he goes there?

Holden goes to the movies to waste time, he doesn't really like the movies so it's odd that he decided to go there.

With which character in Romeo and Juliet does Holden identify? What reason(s) does he give for liking and relating to this character?

Holden identifies himself with Mercutio because he is smart and entertaining.

How does Holden feel about Jane? What actions or remarks demonstrate his attitude toward her?

Holden really likes jane and doesn't seem to like when her and stradlater are together

How did Holden feel when he used to hold hands with Jane?

Holden said he felt terrific when he would hold hands with her

According to Holden, what about the show would Jesus hate, and why?

Holden says that Jesus would hate all the costumes, because they looked terrible.

Compare Holden's reaction to Ernie's playing with that of the rest of the crowd.

Holden thinks it's dumb, but the crowd is going crazy.

Why does Holden almost wish his parents would catch him sneaking out of their apartment (180)?

Holden thinks that he's broken and needs to be stopped, and his parents would make him stop.

List two details that show how well Holden knows Jane

she always kept her kings lined up in the back of the chessboard , and she was fond of sports such as tennis

What words and phrases in the opening paragraph give you a sense of Holden's personality and state of mind?

Holden's personality is as if he doesn't really care about anything the words used were "lousy, crumby, and madman"

How did you react to Holden's finally telling Sally how he really feels about her? Did it surprise you, either pleasantly or unpleasantly?

I kinda chuckled when he told her because that thot had it coming. It did surprise me because Holden is very 'yellow'.

Why is Holden depressed by the long lines of moviegoers? Why is he so critical of actors?

It depresses him because people get excited to go, then they have to wait in this long, terrible line. He thinks that actors aren't authentic, and they think they act like real people, but they don't.

How does Holden's fantasy about having a bullet wound in his stomach reflect his emotional state?

It makes him look insane.

What does Holden's "nervous habit" (130) of burning matches show about his personality and/or state of mind?

It makes him seem bored.

What does the fact the Holden invites ackley to the movie show about Holden's personality?

It shows that he can be compassionate because he knows that ackley doesn't have anyone so he invited him

What does Holden's sympathy for Richard Kinsella show about his personality? For what other misfits or unpopular people has Holden expressed compassion in the novel?

It shows that he is more of a guy who doesn't follow the crowd, he shows sympathy for Robert because maybe he saw himself in Robert, a guy getting so much shit thrown at him for no reason.

What is ironic about the behavior of the woman who sits next to Holden during the film? Is her behavior unusual or similar to that of other characters described by Holden?

It's ironic that she looks kind hearted but shows otherwise with her kid. She is crying over something phony. It shows that it's no different from any other person in the book.

does it surprise you that Holden writes the composition for stradlater?

It's not surprising because they seem to be close and help each other out

What is the significance of the question Holden asks the taxi driver about the ducks?

It's significant because he seems to be very interested in where the ducks would go as he thought about it earlier while he was visiting old Spencer

How is the life advice Mr. Antolini gives Holden similar to or different from the advice he has gotten from other characters, such as Old Spencer, Carl Luce, and even Phoebe? What does Mr. Antonini think will be the key to Holden's future happiness (or at least, to helping him become less depressed)? Do you agree with what Mr. Antolini say? Why or why not?

It's similar in the way that it was pulled like a scripture, it wasn't authentic. He thinks the key is to stay humble for how he feels and what he wants to achieve.

How does Lillian react to the news that D.B. is now living in Hollywood, and how does Holden feel about this reaction?

Lillian thinks it's marvelous, and it drives Holden crazy.

Compare phoebe with Holden and Allie

Phoebe and Allie are both very intelligent while Allie and Holden share comedy with eachother

Holden and Sally don't communicate very effectively on their date. Describe at least one example of a misunderstanding or a lack of mutual understanding between them.

Sally keeps telling Holden to stop yelling and shouting at her but he doesn't seem to be shouting.

What makes the prostitute seem "spooky" (98) to Holden?

She kept giving him a dirty look. and her voice was to high tone.

What indication that Sally is a phony do we see in this chapter?

She pretended to act surprised when Holden already told her father who it was.

What comment does Phoebe make after listening to Holden's complaints about Pencey? How does this comment show her understanding of Holden?

She says he doesn't like anything. This is very true when it comes to Holden.

How does the way Sally talks shed light on her personality?

She talks loud, which makes her seem a bit annoying.

list two details about Holden's sister phoebe

She was very smart and ha straight A's as well as very pretty

Why did Holden's suitcases become an issue between him and his old roommate Slagle? What statement about wealth and/or social class is Holden making by telling this story?

Slagle wanted to think Holden's bags were his. This shows that the less fortunate don't like to look like they're less fortunate.

What does Holden mean when he writes that stradlater "was a little bit like ackley"? In what way or ways are these two different or similar? Is Ackley or stradlater like Holden?

Stradlater and Ackley are alike because they are both slobs but Stradlater is a little more quiet about being a slob. Holden and stradlater seem to be alike.

Why does seeing the little boy walking with his family cheer Holden up?

The boy cheered Holden up by singing with a beautiful voice.

What is the symbolic meaning of the fish frozen under the pond?

The meaning of the fish is that (what Horwitz said) it's being taken care of by mother nature, and maybe it can represent some people being taken care of their parents, and Holden isn't, or it can represents Holden's analogy of being the catcher in the rye, he wants to take care of the kids in the rye, just like mother nature cares for the fish.

According to Holden, how are the nuns' charitable works different than those of his aunt or Sally's mother? What attitudes is Holden expressing in comparing them?

The nuns didn't get bored and go anywhere swanky for lunch. Sally's mother would get their asses kissed for doing something charitable.

How are Holden and his mother similar in their reactions to Allie's death?

They both became very nervous.

Why do people call ackley by his last name only, and why isn't he at the football game?

They call him by his last name because that is what he is known as and he isn't at the game because he rarely goes out

Why does the dining hall at Pencey serve steak on Saturday night? Why is the reason typical of pencey in general, at least as Holden perceives it

They serve steak on Saturday night because the parents come to see their children on Sunday and Holden says the school is phony because they want to seem like a perfect School and want their parents to think they're getting served quality meals every day

What is similar about the performances by the Lunts and Ernie's piano playing?

They're similar in the way that when they show off it's not as good anymore.

What is ironic about Holden's concern with his appearance when he enters the Edmonton?

What's ironic is that earlier he stated that he didn't care how he looked but didn't want to go to the Edmont looking like a bum

What metaphor is used by both Dr. thurmer and Spencer in order to try to convince hold in the haste to change his outlook on school and life in general?

"Life is a game and you must play according to the rules" however Holden feels that The game isn't always in everyone's favor

What words show how Holden feels about Allie?

"but it wasn't just that he was the most intelligent member in the family, he was the nicest"

Compare and contrast Allie and Holden based on Holden's description of Allie

Allie is nice and intelligent and while stradlater can be compassionate at times he doesn't care about thinks like school as life as much as Allie did

Why does Phoebe get angry at Holden when he names Allie and talking to Phoebe as things he likes?

Because Allie is dead.

Why does Holden get upset when he thinks about the two rainy days at the cemetery?

Because he thinks about the people that come with their cars, and they go to nice diners when they're done.

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