The Fetal Spine and Musculoskeletal System

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A benign fatty tumor is known as?


A benign tumor composed of blood vessels is termed?


A disorder that results in abnormal bone growth and dwarfism is known as?


A fetal abnormality characterized by fusion of the lower extremities, renal agenesis, and oligohydramnios; may also be referred to as mermaid sign is termed?

mermaid syndrome

A fetal abnormality characterized by fusion of the lower extremities, renal agenesis, and oligohydramnios; may also be referred to as sirenomelia is known as?


A form of acrania in which the entire cerebrum is located outside of the skull is termed?

amniotic band syndrome

A group of abnormalities associated with the entrapment of fetal parts in the amnion, often resulting in fetal amputations or cleft lips?

limb body wall complex

A group of disorders that include sonographic findings such as a short or absent umbilical cord, ventral wall defects, limb defects, craniofacial defects, and scoliosis is known as?

osteogenesis imperfecta

A group of disorders that result in multiple fractures in utero; caused by decreased mineralization and poor ossification of the bones is known as?

spinal dysraphism

A group of neural tube defects that describe some manifestation of incomplete closure of the spine are known as?


A herniation of abdominal contents through a right-sided, periumbilical abdominal wall defect is known as?


A lower than normal amount of amniotic fluid for the gestational age is termed?

talipes equinovarus

A malformation of the bones of the foot in which the foot is inverted and rotated medially, and the metatarsals and toes lie in the same plane as the tibia and fibula is known as?

meningomyelocele (myelomeningocele)

A mass that results from open spina bifida that contains a spinal cord and the meninges; also referred to as myelomeningocele is known as?


A mass that results from open spina bifida that contains spinal cord only is known as?

triple screen

A maternal blood test that typically includes an analysis of human chorionictropin, AFP and estriol is known as?


A neural tube defect that is described as the absence of the cranium and cerebral hemispheres is known as?

alpha fetoprotein

A protein produced by the fetal yolk sac, fetal gestational tract, and the fetal liver; may also be produced by some malignant tumors is known as?


A rare, lethal condition resulting in abnormal development of the bones and cartilage is known as?


A screening test that evaluates maternal levels of alphafetoprotein, estriol, and human chorionic gonadotropin during a pregnancy for neural tube defects and chromosomal abnormalities is known as?

germ cell tumor

A type of neoplasm derived from germ cells of the gonads; may also be found outside of the reproductive tract is known as?


A vitamin that has been shown to significantly reduce the likelihood of a fetus to suffer from a neural tube defect; also referred to as folic acid is termed?

autosomal dominant disorder

A way in which a disorder or trait can be inherited by a fetus; at least one of the parents has to be the carrier of the gene for the disease is known as?

trident hand

A wide separation between the middle and ring finger is known as?


Abnormal short stature is termed?

radial ray defect

Absence or underdevelopment of the radius is termed?


An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine is known as?

VACTERL association

An acronym for a combination of abnormalities that represent vertebral anomalies, anorectal atresia, cardiac anomalies, tracheoesphageal fistula, renal anomalies, and limb anomalies; may also be referred to as VATER association is known as?


An anomaly of the spine in which there is absence of all or part of a vertebral body and posterior element is termed?


An anterior abdominal wall defect where there is herniation of the fetal bowel and other abdominal organs into the base of the umbilical cord is termed?

acoustic shadowing

An area where sound has been prohibited to propagate resulting in a dark shadow projecting posterior to a structure is known as?


An estrogenic hormone produced by the placenta is termed?


An excessive amount of amniotic fluid for the gestational age is termed?

sacral dimple

An opening in the skin over the distal spine is termed?

open spina bifida

Between open spina bifida & closed spina bifida, which one presents with elevated levels of MSAFP?

laminae and posterior centrum

Between what two structures lies the vertebral column?

spina bifida occulta

Closed spinal lesions that are completely covered by skin and can be difficult to identify sonographically; also referred to as closed spina bifida is known as?

neural tube

Embryologic formation that results from fusion of the two folded ends of the neural plate is known as the?


Herniation of the cranial or spinal defect; contains cerebrospinal fluid but no nerve tissue is termed?

echogenic with acoustic shadowing

How do the skull and skeletal bones appear sonographically?


How will the laminae be angled in spina bifida?

meningocele or meningomyelocele (myelomeningocele)

In spina bifida aperta, what are the masses referred to as?

two posterior and one anterior

In the transverse fetal spine, how do the ossification centers lie?

thoracic and upper lumbar

In what common areas is scoliosis typically seen?


In what deformity does the spine present as "S" shaped?

body stalk anomaly

Limb body wall complex is also referred to as?

short umbilical cord syndrome

Limb body wall complex is also referred to as?

pregestational diabetes

Maternal diabetes that existed before pregnancy; includes both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus is referred to?


No amniotic fluid is termed?


Shortening of the proximal segment of a limb is termed?

spina bifida cystica

Spina bifida aperta is also referred to as?

frontal bossing

The angling of the frontal bones that produces an unusually prominent forehead is termed?

bilateral renal agenesis

The failure of both kidneys to develop in the fetus is termed?

sacral agenesis

The nondevelopment of the sacrum and coccyx; also referred to as caudal regression syndrome is termed?

posterior fossa

The posterior portion of the cranium located near the cerebellum where the cisterna magna is contained is referred to?

vascular occlusion, amnion rupture, embryonic dysgenesis

What are causes for limb body wall complex?

axial skeleton

What are the bones of the cranium and spine described as?

appendicular skeleton

What are the bones of the upper extremities, lower extremities, and pelvic girdle?


What are the coverings of the brain and spinal cord referred to?

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx

What are the five sections of the spine?


What denotes the abnormal development of a structure?


What describes the combination of both scoliosis and kyphosis in the fetus?

one centrum and two neural process

What does an ossification center consist of for each vertebra?

homozygous achondroplasia

What is a fatal form of achondroplasia?

human chorionic gonadotropin

What is a hormone produced by the trophoblastic cells of the early placenta; may also be used as a tumor marker in nongravid patients and males?

femur length

What is a sonographic measurement of the femoral diaphysis that provides an estimated gestational age?


What is another name for turned outward?


What is another term for adhesions?


What is described as a protrusion of brain tissue through a defect in the skull?

closed spina bifida

What is described as closed signal lesions that are completely covered by skin and can be difficult to identify sonographically; also referred to as spina occulta?


What is describes as protrusions of intracranial contents through a defect in the skull?


What is the abnormal lateral ventricle shape in which there is a small frontal horn and enlarged occipital horn?


What is the abnormal posterior curvature of the spine?

cloverleaf skull

What is the abnormal shape of the cranium caused by premature fusion of the sutures in which there is frontal bossing shape to the skull?


What is the dilation of the renal collecting system resulting from the obstruction of the flow of urine from the kidneys to the bladder; also referred to as pelvocaliectasis or pelvicaliectasis?

biparietal diameter

What is the fetal head measurement obtained in the transverse plane at the level of the third ventricle and thalamus; a measurement obtained from the outer table of the proximal parietal bone to the inner table of the distal parietal bone?

open spina bifida

What is the most common form of spina bifida resulting in open lesions that are typically not covered by skin, and a mass that protrudes from the spine; also referred to as spina bifida occulta?

spina bifida aperta

What is the most common form of spina bifida; results in open lesions that are typically not covered by skin and a mass that protrudes from the spine; also referred to as open spina bifida?

thanatotrophic dysplasia

What is the most common lethal skeletal dysplasia characterized by a cloverleaf skull with frontal bossing and hydrocephalus?

lumbarsacral region

What is the most common location for spina bifida?

heterozygous achondroplasia

What is the most common nonlethal skeletal dysplasia that is characterized by rhizomelia?

banana sign

What is the sonographic sign of the cerebellum being curved in the presence of spina bifida referred to as?


What malformation of the bones of the foot are inverted and rotated medially, and the metatarsals and toes lie in the same plane as the tibia and fibula?

sacrococcygeal teratoma

What neural tube abnormality will still have normal skull and intracranial anatomy?

neural process

What part of the ossification center does the vertebra become the laminae, pedicles, transverse process, spinous process and articular process?


What part of the ossification center of the vertebra forms the vertebral body?


What portion of the brain is located in the inferior posterior part of the skull that is responsible for motor output, sensory perception, and equilibrium?


What screening test is great for detecting a neural tube defect?

lemon sign

What sonographic sign is associated most often found in a fetus with spina bifida?

vertebral column

What structure contains the spinal cord?

caudal regression syndrome

What syndrome is associated with the absence of the sacrum and coccyx; also referred to as sacral agenesis?

banana & lemon

What two yellow fruits is spina bifida associated with?

spina bifida occulta

What type of spina bifida has no herniation of the spinal contents outside of the spinal column because they are covered by skin?

spina bifida occulta

What type of spina bifida is depicted in letter A?


What type of spina bifida is depicted in letter B?

meningomyelocele (myelomeningocele)

What type of spina bifida is depicted in letter C?

spina bifida occulta

What type of spina bifida is suspected in the postnatal period, after a sacral dimple, hemangioma, lipoma or a taft of hair is noted over the distal spine of the newborn presented?

spina bifida aperta

What type of spina bifida is the more common one and more frequently seen in utero?

16 weeks

When a mass is identified on the spine due to spina bifida, how early can an open fetal surgery be performed?

amniotic band syndrome & VACTERL

Where is distortion of the spine also seen in?

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