The first civil war outline of events 1642-46

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What was the new model army consisting of

10 cavalry regiments and 12 infantry regiments Army well trained and strict discipline Army financier from monthly assessments collected in areas controlled by parliament Able to move around country to fight Royalists

When did Charles surrender to scots

1646 Charles surrendered to Scots

What did Earl of Worcester give


How many men died in first battle of civil war and who won

3000 from both sides Neither had victory

What did Newcastle raise from his own pocket

8000 troops

Why did Charles reject the treaty of Uxbridge

Charles was committed to episcopacy so would not agree to England becoming Presbyterian Failure persuaded lords to pass self denying ordinance

What was the self denying ordiance

Ordinance said parliament's military and political leaders should be separate. No MPs or lords should be army officers. Ordinance debated for some months as controversial in Lords

How did parliament overcome their issue with armies

Parliament grouped armies together into association leading to formation of regional armies

Why did not so many Irish people arrive as possible

Parliament had control over navy

Why did the purchase tax have limited success

Parliament had introduced measure year before

What did the self denying ordinance include

Parliament needed to reunite Separated all military and political functions Politicians from commons and lords barred from military posts Military leaders responsible for creating and leading new centralised army

Who won the battle of naseby and what did it show

Parliament showed importance of NMA and Cromwell' skill as cavalry commander

Why did Charles delay in October-November 1642 and what did this allow parliament to do

Political divisions amongst the Royalists led to disputes about the best course of action Charles eventually decided to continue to march London

What did soldiers do when radical and what did this make the NMA

Prayer meetings fasting sang psalms religious banners convinced them they were army of saints Convinced they were carrying out will of god by saving church from the anti christ so motivated and full of energy Made NNA unstoppable force

What did the oxford parliament pass in 1644

Purchase tax Conscription

What was the solemn league and covenant

Pym skilfully negotiated alliance with Scots Covenanters who wanted Charles defeated otherwise the bishops War victory would be lost Agreed to send army to help parliament if England agreed to become Presbyterian Many English MPs did not intend to keep this part

What did Charles need to do summer 1643

Rapid end to war while in commanding position Instead allowed parliament time to recover

What did the purchase tax mean

Realised officials had to be tougher and more efficient in raising taxes using sequestration ruthlessly

What did the Earl of Manchester do

Removed weak officers and promoted men on ability instead as long as they were good Protestants

When was the battle of naseby

June 1645

What was the new model army

Arising out of debates over the self denying ordinance came decision to remodel parliament's regional armies transforming them into one professional fighting force NMA under one command officers appointed on merit alone , military discipline was strict, pay regular,

What were the weaknesses of the association armies

Armies acted independently of each other and no overall commander in chief Many commanding officers were really politicians so their lack of military expertise made them unsuited to lead large armies

Why did it become harder for Charles to raise sufficient men and money using traditional methods the longer the war went on

Armies expensive South and east under parliament's control so couldn't collect taxes here Necessary for Charles to have more systematic way of raising revenues and recruiting soldiers

What was parliament's new centralised army formed by mering

Armies of Essex Manchester and William Waller

What created a new political relationship between parliament and the admy

Army had to negotiate with parliament over pay and conditions

What was the treaty of Uxbridge January-February 1645

Attempt at negotiations with Charles failed. The peace terms were that Charles should accept the solemn league and covenant and agree to limitations on royal prerogative

What was the self denying ordinance' purpose

Attempt to speed about progress of war and defeat Charles by separating military and political leadership and removing those military commanders from office who did not want to defeat Charles

When did charles raise his standard at nottingham and what did this show

August 1642 War had begun

When was the impressment ordinance passed

August 1643

When was the second cessation treaty with Irish confederates

August 1645

What did the impressment ordinance state

Authorised conscription of troops and ended parliament's reliance on volunteers, gave patients advantage asroyalist took a year to adopt this method

What happened when Charles surrender to Scots

By early 1646 Charles' position was hopeless he did not want to surrender to parliament so he left Oxford and went to Newark, where he surrendered to the Scots Covenanter army 1st civil war ended

Impact of Charles rejecting treaty of Oxford Feb-April 1643

By rejecting treaty Charles was convinced parliament that there was no point trying to negotiate with him. This motivated them to create a strong professional army in n attempt to achieve all out victory over the King

Who had the advantage in August 1642 and why

Charles as had large financial donations from wealthy supporters and the Earl of Newcastle provided troops Rupert brought many cavalry horses

What was the contribution

Collected monthly for Charles Inhabitants had to raise a stated amount of money or their property would be confiscated

What did parliament set up in July 1642

Committee of safety

What was the second cessation treaty

Concessions offered to Irish Catholics in return for catholic troops sent to help Charles in England

What did the committee of safety do

Coordinate war efforts County committees set up in areas controlled by parliament's so appeared they were using same methods as Charles but quickly changed

Who did Charles rely on to collect taxes

County committees made up of local officials such as JPs

What happened in financial reform in 1643

County committees was abolished and 6 military districts were set up under the command of royalist nobles such as the earls of Newcastle and derby However the problem of how to raise enough men and money continued and the ck trivutio never raised as much as parliament's assessments

Who did the new model ordinance not include

Cromwell as couldn't find suitable cavalry commander

When was the self denying ordinance

December 1644

What successes did Royalists have summer 1643

Defeated parliament at adwalton Moor in June so north of England fell under royalist control Rupert had success with capture of Bristol

What initial issues were there with parliament's military forces

Divided into local armies and tied to local regions meaning they did not want to leave own counties

What was the aim of the self denying ordinance

To speed up war by making parliament's army more professional and effective Politicians expected to resign posts

Who led the midlands army

Earl of Essex

What happened in August 1643 in the eastern association army

Earl of Manchester replaced lord grey as leader with authority to conscript 20,000 men

Who were Charles' experienced army commanders

Earl of Newcastle

What royalist army success was there in summer 1643

Earl of newcastle's forces moved south and by mid August controlled most of Lincolnshire

Why were parliamentary leaders arguing in November-December 1643

Essex and Manchester did not follow up success in marston Moor with push for total victory instead they delayed then moved armies elsewhere allowing Royalists to recover and delaying end to war Cromwell argued many parliament leaders did not want to defeat Charles but wanted a negotiated peace. Cromwell lord saye and sele and Oliver St. John argued that these officers should be removed from their commands in order to gain all out victory

What was the treaty of Oxford February-April 1643

Events of 1642 suggested war would not be ended quickly so Lords (in communication with Falkland) perished pyms to draw up peace terms to Charles- similar to 19 propositions. The doves tried to persuade Charles to agree but after several weeks Charles rejected the treaty

Who headed parliament's new centralised army

Fairfax who was a moderate Puritan who had military experience and expertise

When did the new model army come into existance

February 1644

When was the new model ordinance passed

February 1645

What did religious fervour promote people to do

Fight with huge enthusiasm and energy believing they were carrying out will of god

Why were religious zealots promoted

Fighting ability and were more effective parliament offficers e.g. Cromwell

What did parliament do to overcome problems of local armies

Grouped armies into associations leading to regional armies: Eastern association led by lord grey Earl of essex's army in midlands Western association Northern associstion

What did the spread of new ideas in army lead to

Growth in extreme Protestant sects eg anabaptists Wanted religious toleration so Protestants could worship in own ways know as independents

Why was Turnham Green a miscalculation for Charles

His army was stronger and better equipped than parliament at this point and could have won had he pushed onto London

Why did Charles surrender to scots

Hope to win them over to his side Knew they were unhappy because parliament was quarrelling about his decision to make England Presbyterian

Who were the doves and what did they want Charles to do

Hyde Falkland wanted Charles to open peace talks with parliament as he was in strong negotiating position

Why crisis was developing within parliament in 1644

Major problem was that the military commanders in parliament armies were also politicians who sat in the lords or commons so led to conflict of interests as what politicians wanted wasn't always what was best militarily

What did it become clear many parliamentary military commanders did not want

Inflict outright defeat on charles and appeared to be trying to extend the way indefinitely to give time to reach negotiated Settlement with the king. This could be seen in actions of Essex and Manchester after the parliamentary victory at naseby Neither commander was willing to follow up victory with all out attack on king

What was Cromwells cavalry regiment called


When was the battle of marston moor

July 1644

When was the commissions of array issued

June 1642

What was there a demand for amongst parliamentarians after royalist army successes And did it pass

Led to panic amongst parliamentary leaders in east anglia Demands for creation of army under central control that could move from anywhere in the country rather than being tied to one region Demand failed

What did Charles benefit from with wealthy supporters

Loans and gifts

Why was royalist tax collection inefficient

Local men were collecting money so expected it to be spent in local defence No bureaucratic method for collecting and accounting for these taxes so local collectors often did not demand money from friends and neighbours

What happened at the 1st battle of newbury August-September 1643

Lord Falkland killed and royalist lost After this Charles forces never recovered

Who led the eastern association

Lord grey

Why was the growth of neutralism an issue for Charles

Many regions reluctant to help either side and deeply resented taxes expected to pay Counties realised own troops called clubmen with aim of keeping out of war by preventing troops from either side taking over county or collecting taxes there Restricted areas from which taxes could be raised which affected Charles more than lasjemfn because parliament had greater financial resources than Charles

Why was there controversy over soldiers promoted on merit

Men from lower classes eg tradesmen taking over military offices that had traditionally been reserved for the upper classes Moderate MPs such as denzil Holles did not want this to happen because they feared the whole nature of English society was changing which they thought might destroy the entire social hierarchy

Where was the commissions of array successful and why

North and west which Charles controlled because of loyalty and generosity of his wealthy subjects

Why was the second cessation treaty a failure

Nothing came of it in terms of military help But when news of treaty leaked out of damaged charles' reputation Denied all knowledge of treaty

When was Turnham Green

November 1642

When was the battle of edgehill

October 1642

What happened with the sleige of Gloucester August-September 1643

Reversal in royal fortunes Royalists began siege but this was long drawn out affairs and delay allowed parliament to recover and relieve Gloucester Should have forced Gloucester to surrender

What happened at Turnham Green

Royalist forces came face to face with parliamentary army but neither side wanted to fight London trained bands joined essex's troops and intimidated Royalists so Charles retreated to Oxford

Why was the cessation with the Irish controversal

Rumours spread Charles intended to use Irish Catholics to fight against parliament Angered MPs and the Scots to quickly signed solemn league and covenant

Who were the hawks and what did they want Charles to do

Rupert Newcastle pressed him to go for outright victory Charles went with these

Who commanded Charles' cavalry

Rupert his nephew

What poor decisions did Charles make at the battle of edgehill

Rupert quarrelled with Earl of Lindsey and Charles took Rupert' side leaving Lindsey to resign During fighting Rupert cavalry lost dialling which left the royalty infantry unprotected at key part of the battle

Why did Charles reject the treaty of Oxford

Saw it as an insult to his divine right to rule, Rupert convinced him to reject peace terms as an outright military victory was still positive especially as HM was returning to England with money and weapons

What was the battle of marston moor

Scottish Anglo parliamentary troops met Anglo Irish royalist troops in largest battle of civil war Cromwell' cavalry regiment won battle by destroying royalist infantry when they were on verge defeating parliament's infantry Cromwell' brilliance as cavalry commander was displayed

When was the cessation with the Irish

September 1643

When was the solemn league and covenant

September 1643

Why was Cromwell allowed to keep his post and remain as mp

Such a brilliant cavalry officer

When did Royalists have successes

Summer 1643

What did Charles realise he needed to do when royalist forces became depleted through desertions and casualties

Tougher and more systematic methods needed In 1644 made conscription legal but Royalists became much more effective at raising armies by forcing men to join army

What was charles' strategy

To capture London do troops set out to march south

Why were soldiers with religious fervour being promoted

They were such enthusiastic and motivated soldiers They in turn promoted other religious zealots and this meant the whole culture of the army was changing. These deeply religious soldiers were independents who wanted religious toleration and opposed the Presbyterianism of many MPs in parliament

Who led the NMA

Thomas fairfax

What was charles' attempts to raise an army

Traditional way to request loyal nobles and gentry raise a force in their own region for his use

Why was Charles decision to fight at naseby misguided

Troops outnumbered Rupert's cavalry left the battleground to chase parliamentarians which allowed Cromwell' cavalry to carry out decisive attack ensuring victory

What did the commissions of array order

Wealthy subjects to organise their own militia to fight for king

Why did Charles have most effective cavalry

Wealthy supporters owned more horses than parliament's supporters and prince Rupert brought hundreds of horses with him

What other parliament armies continued to exist

Western association Northern association Scots Covenanter army in England

What was the cessation with the idish

When the Irish catholic rebellion had broken out in 1641, the Earl of ormond raised royalist Protestant army in Ireland to put down the rebellion which was still ongoing Charles wanted ceasefire in Ireland to allow loyal Irish troops to help him in England so signed cessation treaty with Irish catholic confederates

ImpAct of new model army

Won victory in naseby but not just because of this- reform of military forces ongoing progress with other armies and Scots Army was financed from assessments which were authorised from parliament - army had to negotiate with parl over pay and conditions

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