The First Presidency

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What were problems that arose with Europe?

- 1789: France Revolution began - 1793: Revoltion turned very violent and public opinion was divided - 1793: Britain and France went to war - Americans took neither side to avoid another war

(Challenges in the West) What happened with the Native Americans?

- 1791: St. Clair's army fought against Native Americans and 600 soldiers were killed - 1794: British urged the Native Americans to destroy American settlements - August 1794: Waynes army defeated 1,000 Native Americans

What were challenges in the west?

- Europeans had intrest in the northwest territory - Signed treaties with Native Americans which settlers ignored

Who supported federalists?

- Merchants and manufactures - Northern cities

Federalists: Economic policy

- Modle Britain - Encourage manufacturing and trade

What were reactions of the three federalist acts?

- Oppostition to the Federalist party grew significantly - Inspired a movement for states to overturn federal laws

The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

- Secretly written by Jefferson and Madison - Stated that the alien and Sedition acts violated the Constiutiton - Argued that states to hullify, or legally overturn, laws that they thought were unconstitutional

What was Hamilton's economic plan?

- Take over the states debts - establish a Bank of the United States to handle the government's money matters - Levy taxes on imports

What were results of the three fedralist acts?

- convicted 10 Democratic-Republicans newspaper editors who criticized the government - Discouraged immagration, and some immagrants left the country

When did Congress pass a tax on whiskey?


Democratic Republicans: What was the economic policy?


Who was the Secretary of Treasury (during the first presidency)

Alexander Hamilton

The Alien Act

Allowed the President to impriso aliens (foreiners) and to send those considered dangerous out of the country

What is a farewell address?

Before the President leaves office, he gives a farewell address to important members of the government and to give advice

Federalists: Britain or France

Close ties with Britain

Democratic Republicans: Who did they think should have power in society?

Common people

When did George Washington die?

December 14, 1799


Examples to be followed later

Democratic Republicans: Britain or France?

Favored France

When was George Washington born?

February 22, 1732

Who was the first President?

George Washington


Group of advisors

Who was the leader of the Federalist party?


Why is a cabinet so important to the President?

He needed help running the government because he busy

How did Edmond Genet anger Washington?

He persuaded Americans to raid British ships after Washinton said not to several times

How did Washington's selection of the Cabinet demonstrate his feeling that Americans of different georgraphic backgrounds should feel part of the government?

He picked people from the North and South to be part of the government - The North and South started having conflicts at this point

What did Washington do about the Whiskey Rebellion?

He sent federal troops to the scene and pardoned the leaders because he wanted order in the country, not punishment

Why did Hamilton want debts to be paid off?

He wanted respect from other nations

Why was Washington concerned about setting good precedents?

He wanted to set example for future presidents

Who did the Federalists nominate for the Election of 1796?

John Adams

Who was the first vice president?

John Adams

Who won the election of 1796? With how many votes?

John Adams with 71 votes

Jay's Treaty

John Jay was sent to Britian to negotiate about the Western lands they were intrested in

What happened during the Whiskey Rebellion?

July 1794 - armed mob attacked tax collectors

Federalists: Interperting the Constitution?

Loose interpetation

The Sedition Act

Made it a crime to speak, or publish "false, scandalous, or malicious" critisisms of the government

What was the Treaty of Greenviel (1795)

Native Americans surrendered Ohio to the United States

Who was Edmond Genet?

New French minister

Who was upset by the tax on whiskey?

Pennslyvania farmers

What three things did Washington warn the nation about? Did we listen?

Political parties, money, foriegn countries - No we did not listen

The Naturalization Act

Required that aliens be residents for 14 years instead of 5 years before they became eligible fto be a U.S. citizen

Democratic Republicans: Fedral government vs. State government

Small Federal Government and a stronger State Government

Democratic Republicans: Who supported the democratic-republicans?

Small farmers artisans and wealthy planters - Souther cities

How did Washington respond to the war between England and France?

Stayed eutral although both sides wanted the United States to help them

Democratic Republicans: Interperting the Constitution

Strict interpetation

What happened in France after George Washington became President?

The French Revolution broke out against their king

How did Washington struggle to stay neutral and how?

The French tried to draw the United States into their conflicts - Washingtons issued Proclamation of Neutrality that prohibied Americans from fighting in the war

What were the three Federalists acts?

The Sedition Act, the Alien Act and the Naturalizaiton Act

What was the agreement Hamilton made for the acceptance of his economic plan?

The capital would be moved from New York City to Philadelphia - At this point Philadelphia was part of the south

Fedralists: Who should have the power in society?

The wealthy and educated

Why was the United States so heavily in debt?

They borrowed money during the war and owed money to other countries

Federalist: Federal government vs. state government

They wanted a strong Federal Government

What were the British doing to American sailors during the French revolution?

They were trying to persuade Americans to join their navy or be sent to prison

Democratic Republicans: Who was the leader?

Thomas Jefferson

Who became vice president after the election of 1796?

Thomas Jefferson

Who did the Democratic-Republicans nominate for the Election of 1796?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was the Secretary of State (during the first presidency)

Thomas Jefferson

What did France do to the United States and what did Federalists do about it?

Tried to separate the people from the government by spreading rumors to the people

How was George Washington elected to be the first President?

Unanimous vote (69)

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