The Legacy of the Rome Empire

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Why was the Roman empire considered the Greatest Empire?

Romans connected by roads, law, customs, military. Many aspect of today's society have affected by Romans.

Political instability

Transfer of power was unpredictable the army would pick the new emperor not reflect the best interest of the people

What did the idea of citizenship descend from the ancient Rome to modern times?

all romans subject to and protected by roman law. enjoyed the same rights regardless of where from. citizenship is a privilege and a responsibility.

What are architectural features developed by the Romans?

arch vault dome

What are example Roman influenced architecture in Modern society?

capital building in Washington DC triumphal arch in Paris France

Social problems

crime, decline in the spirit of citizenship, corruption

Economic problems

high taxes to pay for the army Unemployment due to slaves taking all the jobs trade suffered

Weakened frontiers

mercenaries not loyal to rome. huns took over rome, communication was slow, difficult to deffend

What are art forms developed by the Romans?

mosaics statues/busts frescoes cameos blown-glass

What are examples of Roman-influenced art in modern life?

murals on the sides of buildings statues cut gems cameos found in jewelry stores.

What are engineering achievement of of the Romans?

roads bridges aquaducts

Why does Latin remain an important language?

Latin influences many different languages such as Italian, Spanish, and French.

Causes of collapse of the Roman Empire

Political instability Economic problems Social problems Weakening frontiers

How were the numbers 1, 10, 100, and 1000 written by the Romans?

1- I 10 - X 100 - C 1000 - M

Roman Empire ----> Byzantine Empire

1. In 330 C.E.,Constantine moved the capital to new city 2. Power of the empire was in the east. 3. In 410 C.E., Rome was attacked by germanic tribes. 4. In 476 C.E., last Rome Emperor was overthrown. 5. In the east, the Byzantine Empire rose.

Describe the Philosophy of Stoicism

1. a divine intelligence ruled all of nature. 2. living rightly - living in a way that agrees with nature 3. good character - virtues such as self-control, courage, duty, welfare of the community over self, would bear pain and suffering bravely and quietly

What are example of Roams ideas about law and justice are present in modern society?

All humans have basic rights that no law can take away. In the USA, all citizens have the same rights, which are protected by the Constitution.

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