The Northern Renaissance and Its Impact

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What was an important effect of the Hundred Years War?

A greater reliance on new weapons reduced the importance of knights.

A major reason that the Renaissance began in Italy was that __________.

Italian city-states had grown wealthy from trade between Europe and Asia.

One major characteristic of the Renaissance was that the _____________.

classical cultures of Greece and Rome were studied and imitated.

In 1517, Martin Luther was dissatisfied with the Catholic Church because he ___________.

disagreed with the sale of indulgences.

Which innovation had the greatest impact on the Protestant Reformation?

establishment of a movable-type printing press

Which change to the Christian church practices was suggested by Martin Luther?

printing the Bible in the vernacular so all could understand it

What effect did merchant families have on the Renaissance in Italian cities?

the families supported the arts and learning

What factors resulted in the religious, Protestant Revolution?

1)Anger at church's corruption 2)Rising power of kings at the expense of popes 3)The fusion of Renaissance ideas from Italy with the still intense fever and emerging national cultures of the North.

The Protestant Revolution opened the way for what?

1)New ideas about money and the middle class, which would lead to the triumph of capitalism in Northern Europe. 2)The Protestant Reformation would play a vital role by sharttering the Church's monopoly on religious truth, breaking its iron grip on scientific thinking; paving the way for the Scientific Revolution of the 1600s & 1700s. 3)Growing power of Kings in Northern Europe, combined with Renaissance learning and local anger at the Church abuses, helped pave the way for more secular theories about the state.

How does the Northern Renaissance differ from the Italian Renaissance in two ways?

1)Northern Renaissance is more religious than in Italy. Scholars study the Bible in original Greek and Hebrew. 2)Each nation's Renaissance is unique. Literature is written in vernacular, not Latin.

What are the two major differences between the two cultural movements in Italy and the North?

1)The Church's influence, even though it was shaken by corruption and scandal, still was strong enough to make the Northern Renaissance more religious in nature. 2)The rising power

What were some movements that influenced the Enlightenment?

Greek and Roman thinkers; Christianity; The Renaissance and Protestant Reformation; The Scientific Revolution

What were the Renaissance thinks known as?


What does it mean to say that the Enlightenment was a "secular" movement?

It was non-religious; It was not a religious movement!

Which individual's work had the greatest impact on the spread of Martin Luther's ideas?

Johann Gutenberg

Which statement expresses a belief shared by most Renaissance humanist philosophers?

People should study secular subjects as well as sabred matters.

"Kings and princes coin money only out of metalsm but the Pope coins money out of everything----indulgences, ceremonies, dispensations, pardons; all fish come to his net." Martin Luther, 1519. The ideas in this passage contributed directly to the __________.

Protestant Reformation

The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France was built during the Middle Ages, while the St Maria Degli Angeli Cathedral in Florence, Italy was constructed during the Renaissance. In what ways did Renaissance architecture differ from the architecture of the Middle Ages?

Renaissance architecture borrowed more form classical styles.

What broke the church monopoly on learning during The Northern Renaissance?

Scientific REvolution

What is Enlightenment?

The use of rfeasonin guiding people's thoughts about philosophy, society, and politics which defined defined a time period. Also known as the "Age of Reason".

In the 1500s, Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses, Henry VIII's "Act of Supremacy." and John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion contributed to _________?

a decline in the power of the Catholic Church

What was the most important result of the Northern Renaissance?

a religious revolution

What did Renaissance humanists believe how people could improve their world?

by studying and changing it; humans were capable of improving their world.

One way in which the writers pf tje Renaissance were influenced by the writer's of ancient Greece was that Renaissance writers ___________.

emphasized the power of human reason

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