The political spectrum

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The political spectrum

is a line which along placed the various political ideologies and political parties.

Common Ideologies

liberalism, conservatism, socialism, fascism, and communism.

The New Demcratic Party of Canada (NDP)

- CCF was first created to support a more socialized society in 1930 and was disbanded to form the New Democratic Party of Canada (NDP) in 1961. -The NDP falls left of centre on the spectrum. It believes in increasing social services to all Canadians and increasing government involvement in society. -Strong supporter of worker's right and the environment. -Indexed income for seniors that provides a high economic welfare.


- In order to control the means of production, the government creates collective farms -The government takes away personal property for the collective good of society

The Conservative Party of Canada

- One of the original party of Canada - Long history -The Progressive Conservative party was formed in 1942 by joining the Progressive Party and Conservative Party. During the 1990s, the rise of the Reform Party took popularity away from the Conservatives. -The Reform Party changed into the Canadian Alliance, and in 2003 the Canadian Alliance and the Progressive Conservative Parties joined to form the current Conservative Party. -Smaller role in lives of Canadians. -believes in reducing taxes and the services provided by the government. -give Canadians credit for the things that they do to reduce government spending.

Liberal Party of Canada

-1867 -Supports right and changes demanded by the Canadians while attempting to keep the cost low. -If the Canadian public supports an issue, then the Liberal party can use their flexibility to support these issues. -Balance between individual and group rights is important to the Liberal Party. - Advantage: Being in the middle. However, it has been shifted left or right depends on the circumstances. -Dominating the government over a century. -The Liberals have formed more federal governments than any other political party in Canada.

Bloc Quebecois

-1987 -Support strong social services, the decriminalization of marijuana, and the legalization of same sex marriages. -support Quebec separation from Canada.


-Capitalism is the belief that individuals or companies are free to compete for profit to sell their goods and services. -The market supply and demand determines prices and individuals are free to buy and sell whatever they want. -Individual wealth is never limited, and you have the wealthy, the middle class and poor all living with this economic system.


-Communism is a social and economic ideology based on the belief that the state should own property and control the production and distribution of goods and services. -Under a Communist government the state-organized labour force works together for the common good. -Communists believe that human nature is naturally good and that people want to work together for the success and benefit of all. -Karl Marx is recognized as the Father of Communism.


-Conservatism is a political ideology that believes the government should have very little influence on the economic development of a country; instead, it should be up to private businesses to provide services for the citizens. -Conservatism can be divided into two types; social conservatism, which wants to preserve tradition, and fiscal conservatism, which requires the government to control its spending. -Social conservatism would allow the government to censor ideas if it is for the greater good of the community. -Fiscal conservatism means that the government cannot create a large debt and then pass it on to the taxpayers. -Lowering employment insurance payments. -Recognizing the professional credential of immigrants to come to Canada


-Fascism stresses national pride and loyalty above the individual, as well as a strong military to defend the state. -It has its roots in tradition, and believes in state control of all aspects of life. -A fascist government puts the state and the political party above individual rights. It also demands loyalty to a single leader and a single culture.


-Highly nationalistic and militaristic


-Liberalism is a political ideology that encourages the government to provide services for citizens to improve a minimum standard of living. -A liberal government believes strongly in giving people the most social freedoms while still protecting the civil liberties of society. -In Canada, we have a liberal leaning society. This allows citizens tremendous freedom, but provides services that help all Canadians. -Supports public health care that is accessible and available equally.

Left wing

-Supports progress and change -Government should play a large role in society, especially social services. -Laws and orders are important to protect the rights of citizens. -Intellecture freedom. -Economic equality.


-The government favours lower taxes for business -The government believes in private rather than government ownership of businesses


-The government sets the minimum wage to ensure that there is a minimum standard of living


-Totalitarianism is a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism. -It is a system of rule, driven by an ideology, that seeks direction of all aspects of public activity, political, economic and social, and uses to that end, at least to a degree, propaganda and terror.


-Tradition is important but change must be supported if most people want it. -Government plays a role in society to improve the lives of citizens. -Law and order are important to play protect individual rights.

Right Wing

-Traditional, little change. -Government play a small role. -Encourage small business. -Emphasize laws and orders to protect society and its own traditions. -Intellecture freedom -Economic Freedom


-make the laws, -vote on taxes and other money matters, -can help you or other citizens create a law.

At the federal level the legislative branch includes two "houses:"

1- the House of Commons and 2- the Senate.

What is a Political Party?

A political party is like a club at your school or in your community. It is a collection of people with a common set of values and beliefs and who are interested in the same things. But rather than making crafts or learning to tie knots, or any of the other things that clubs usually do, a political party is designed to promote political views and to get its members elected to government.v

A Representative Democracy

A representative democracy is one in which the citizens vote for people to act on their behalf in Parliament. This only works if those in power are aware of the issues and are listening to the concerns of those citizens in the areas they are representing. Participation in the electoral process is an important part of a democracy.

Executive branch

At the federal level the executive branch is divided into four parts: -the Governor General -the Prime Minister -the Cabinet -public service.

the Liberal Party of BC

BC and Canada both have parties called Liberal, however their ideologies are different. The BC Liberals are more social and fiscally conservative than the federal Liberals. They are further to the right of the Liberal Party of Canada, closer to the federal Conservative Party.

Bloc Quebecois

Bloc Quebecois was formed in 1987 in the province of Quebec. The Bloc supports such things as strong social services, the decriminalization of marijuana, and the legalization of same sex marriages. One of the primary purposes of the Bloc Quebecois, though, is to support Quebec separation from Canada. -Province should have more control.

British Columbia's Main Political Parties

British Columbia has three main political parties: the Liberal Party, the New Democratic Party, and the Green Party.

A Constituational Monarchy

Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy. - Due to our heritage with the United Kingdom, we recognize it in our government. - Canada does have its own constitution which allows it to be independent of Britain, however, we recognize our relationship due to sentimental and symbolic reasons. -A Representative DemocracyDoes Britain have any power? No, but the relationship is illustrated by having the Queen's representative - the Governor General - in government.

A Representative Democracy The Head of State

Canada is a nation that has a head of state and technically this is the Queen of England. However, because we are own independent nation we only have a representative of this heritage through the Governor General. In the early days of British North America this Governor was appointed by Britain however, it was almost always done in the interest of England. Now, this is simply not the case. This position is really only symbolic in nature. The relationship to Queen Elizabeth is really only a statement of our heritage.

political ideology

Different people have different ideas about how government should operate. These beliefs are known as a political ideology and are often categorized along a political spectrum from left to right.

The green party of BC

Focused primarily on the environment, the Green Party's platform is left of centre. They believe in strong social services for all Canadians.

Liberal Party of Canada

Liberal Party of Canada has been around since Confederation (1867). It falls in the centre of the political spectrum, which means that it can be more flexible in how it deals with major issues, sometimes leaning to the left or right. The Liberal Party of Canada supports the social rights and changes demanded by the majority of Canadians, but also tries to keep government spending low, although not always successfully. If the Canadian public supports an issue, then the Liberal party can use their flexibility to support these issues. Balance between individual and group rights is important to the Liberal Party. The Liberal Party has a considerable advantage being in the middle. Over the years, it has swung slightly to the right or the left, depending on the circumstances. This flexible approach has made the Liberal Party appealing to a broader group of Canadians, and has allowed the party to dominate Canadian government for over a century. The Liberals have formed more federal governments than any other political party in Canada.

The Conservative Party of Canada

One of Canada's original parties, the Conservative Party of Canada has a long history. The Progressive Conservative party was formed in 1942 by joining the Progressive Party and Conservative Party. During the 1990s, the rise of the Reform Party took popularity away from the Conservatives. The Reform Party changed into the Canadian Alliance, and in 2003 the Canadian Alliance and the Progressive Conservative Parties joined to form the current Conservative Party. It believes that the government should have a smaller role in the lives of Canadians, and believes in reducing taxes and the services provided by the government. The Conservative Party wants to give Canadians credit for the things that they do to reduce government spending.


Senate has 105 members There is no equivalent of the senate in province.


Socialism is a political and economic ideology that believes that production and distribution should be publicly owned and controlled for the benefit of all citizens. Canada has a particular brand of socialism known as democratic socialism. For example, we have government-owned companies, such as Canada Post, whose profits are then given back to the government to run other programs.

Head of Govenment

The Head of government is the Prime Minster of Canada. He has the responsibility of governing the country. This person has the most power in the Canadian Government. The prime minister controls the Cabinet and the House of Commons.

The most significant political parties at Canada's federal level

The Liberal Party of Canada The Conservative Party of Canad The Bloc Quebeçois The New Democratic Party of Canada

the New Democratic Party of BC

The NDP in BC is very similar to the federal NDP.


The government buys out all phone companies and creates a single government phone company


The leader of of provincial government

Left side

The political beliefs of the left side of spectrum supports economic equality and change or progress in society. The extreme left side associate with communism. Socialism and the social democratic parties are located on the left side of the circle.

The house of commons

elected by voters

Right wing

tend to see tradition maintained and old standards upheld; they are more cautious about change.

left wing

who supports change.

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