The Renaissance and The Reformation Vocab. (History)

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"Rebirth" The Renaissance was a new rebirthing of culture in Europe.

How did religious authorities/Charles V see the reformation?

-challenge to church power -Charles saw it as a force that disrupted political and social order.

What year was Lither excommunicated by the pope?

1521- he was excluded from a church membership.

What was the Act of Supremacy?

1534- declared that king Henry viii was the only supreme head of the new Church of England.


A commonly used language of people in Europe. It was used by writers in order to attract readers.


A middle class person.


A painting done on moist plaster usually on a ceiling.


A person who is a regular customer or guest, usually a paying one.


A place in which human society is so ideally perfect that there is complete contentment.

Ulrich Zwingli

A priest in the Swiss City of Zurich. He sought an alliance with Lither and other German reformers.

Who was John Calvin?

A reformer and a new leader of Protestantism. He believed that faith alone was sufficient for justification. He also believed in predestination- God had selected some people to be saved and others to be damned. Followed Believed that they where doing God's work on earth.


A soldier paid/hired to fight.


A state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens.


A way of thinking in which human's interests and values are the most important. The people valued a liberal education and the development of well rounded citizens.

The Peace Treaty of Ausburg

An end to religious warfare in Germany in 1555 German states where now allowed to choose freely between Catholicism and Lutheranism.

What features of society where not changed?

Anti- semitism, or discrimination against Jews.

What was the Holy Roman Empire made up by?

Approx. 300 states.

Why was Luther made an outlaw in the Holy Roman Empire?

Charles V disagreed with Luther's new ideas. He ordered Luther's works to be burned. Charles V was threatened by Luther.

Who was the best- known Christian humanist? What did he believe?

Desiderius Erasmus- Believed that doing good things on a daily basis made you a good Christian. Christianity should show people how to be good citizens.

Charles V

Did not like Luther- tried to persuade him to change his ideas.

When did the end to religious warfare come to Germany. What did this mean?

End of of religious warfare- 1555 with the peace of Augsburg. This meant that the German states where able to choose freely between Lutheranism and Calvinism.

Who was Erasmus Desiderius?

He believed that Christianity should show people how to live good lives on a daily basis, not just provide beliefs that might help them be saved. He "laid the egg that Luther hatched."

Why did Charles V oppose the reformation?

He saw it as a force against political and social power.

What was Calvinism?

John Calvin emphasized the idea of pre- destination. By the mid sixteen century, Calvinism became important in Europe.

Frederick III

Liked Luther- JW refused to see his subject killed. He sent Luther into hiding and protected him.

What was the first Protestant faith?


How did the Reformation and the Catholic Reformation affect European life and thought?

Marriage, family life, and education views changed. The ways of the church changed as well.

When was the Ninety Five Thesis issued?

October 31, 1517 Was put on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg. Copies of the thesis where printed and spear to all parts of Germany. (The Gutenburg press)


Something that is regarded as NOT religious. Ex. Secular humanism


The development of perspective led to 3-D paintings that had dimension and looked realistic/alive.


The first Protestant faith.

Why did Christian Humanists call for reform in the church?

They believed that external religion such as relics where not as important as being a truly good person who did good things. They disagreed with the ways the church raised money.

Queen Mary I

Tried to restore Roman Catholicism to England. Burned almost 300 Protestants.

Who was Martin Luther and what did he believe?

Was a priest who disagreed with the buying of things such as indulgences. The led a stand against the church by writing the Ninety Five Thesis, explaining what he thought good Christians should really do.

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