The Tempest Acts 1-3

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What does Antonio say he will do for Sebastian? What does he ask Sebastian to do?

Antonio says he will kill Alonzo for Sebastian as long as Sebastian doesn't tell the others.

What does Ariel want from Prospero? Why does Ariel believe that he deserves this? Why won't Prospero do this for Ariel?

Ariel wants freedom. He believes that he deserves this because he never lies, never makes mistakes, and never complains.

What prevents Ferdinand's task from being odious to him?

Because he is doing the tasks for Miranda it makes them bearable.

Does Caliban expect to be accepted as an equal or as a friend to Stephano, or does he believe that he must serve him as a slave as he has served Prospero and Miranda?

Caliban believes that he must serve as a slave.

What does Prospero reveal about the ship and the storm?

Prospero reveals that it was an illusion, and the sotrm was not real.

What does Prospero promise to do?

Prospero says he'll set Ariel free in two days he is obedient and does all of his tasks without complaining.

What does Prospero say about Ferdinands appearance? Do you think that Prospero is telling the truth? Do Prospero's comments change the way that Miranda feels about Ferdinand?

Prospero says that Ferdinand is just like Calliban. I don't think Prospero is telling the truth. Prospero's comments don't change Miranda's feelings.

Why does Prospero treat Ferdinand harshly and take him captive?

Prospero treats Ferdinand harshly because he wants there to be some struggle in Ferdinand and Miranda's relationship so Ferdinand can fully appreciate it.

What does Stephano say he is? What is Calliban's reaction to this statement?

Stephano says he is the man in the moon. Calliban syas that he has seen him and he worships him.

What does Stephano think when he hears Trinculo's voice?

Stephano thinks that is a very special monster that he could get people to pay a lot of money for because it talks.

What does Antonio suggest that Sebastian might one day wear?

A Crown.

In what way do Gonzalo and Adrian perceive the island? In what way do Antonio and Sebastian perceive the island?

Adrian and Gonzalo see the island as a breath of fresh air with everything beneficial to life. Antonio and Sebastian see the island as smelly, and gross.

Who is about to eat? What does Ariel do? What does Ariel say about the three who were about to dine?

Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio are about to start eating. Ariel makes the food vanish. Ariel says to the three men that they are all sinners and they don't deserve to live.

With whom did Antonio align himself to gain the dukedom? What did he promise this person?

Antonio aligned himself with Alonzo. He promised him some for of payment.

What is Antonio suggesting that Sebastian do? In what way is Antonio speaking from experience?

Antonio is suggesting that Sebastian kill Alonso and become the king of Naples. This is similar to Antonio's experience because Antonio dethroned his brother and sent him off to an island to die.

Of what does Antonio remind Sebastian?

Antonio reminds Sebastian of the plan to kill Alonso.

Who was responsible for the "foul play" that bereaved Prospero of his dukedom? What authority did Prospero give Antonio? Why did he give him this authority?

Antonio, Prospero's brother is responsible. Prospero asks Antonio to temporarily take over as Duke of Milan. Prospero was so drawn to study things like logic, grammer, geometry, and astronomy and he thought he could trust his brother so he gave him the authority.

Who accuses Caliban of lying? Who do Stephano and Caliban believe is speaking?

Ariel accuses Caliban of lying but Caliban and Stephano think that it is Trinculo talking.

Whom did Ariel leave in an odd angle of the island?

Ariel put the Kings son Ferdinand in a far away area of the island away from everyone.

What does Ariel say about Ferdinand's father? How has the sea changed him?

Ariel says that Ferdinand's father is dead and there is nothing left of him. He says that his eyes turned to pearls and his bones turned to coral.

What explanation does Ariel give the nobles for the tempest? What does Ariel imply about Ferdinand?

Ariel says that Prospero caused the Tempest as a way to get back at the three evil nobles. Ariel implies that Ferdinand is alive but he is being held captive by Prospero.

Why does Caliban curse Prospero? In what way does Prospero torture Caliban?

Caliban curses Prospero because Prospero does not treat Caliban well. Prospero tortures Caliban by punishing him for every little thing. For example, his spirits take the for of different animals that and very frightening.

Whom has Caliban decided he does not admire?

Caliban does not admire Trinculo he says that he isn't as courageous as Stephano.

Why is Caliban so excited about serving a new master?

Caliban is so excited because Prospero did not treat Caliban well, he was always ordering him around.

What does Caliban say about the island?

Caliban said this island is his because his mother Sycorax gave it to him but Prospero took it from him.

For what does Caliban mistake Trinculo and Stephano?

Caliban thinks that they are gods so he decides to worship them.

What is Caliban's scheme?

Caliban's scheme is to take Stephano to Prospero so they can kill Prospero

Who serves Prospero? How does Prospero seem to feel about this person?

Caliban, Sycorax's son now serves Prospero. She has very strong negative feelings towards him.

What does Caliban ask of Stephano?

Calliban asks if he can worship Stephano and if he can be his god.

How does Calliban feel about what Miranda has taught him? Why might Calliban find Prospero's and Miranda's teachings unprofitable?

Calliban says that he only uses curse words out of the language Miranda taught him.

What does Caliban say about the island? What delightful things happen there?

Calliban says that the island is full of strange noises but they are harmless. He has wonderful dreams that make him cry when he wakes up because he wants to go back to sleep and continue the dream.

To whom does Caliban swear allegiance? Why?

Calliban swears his alegiance to Stephano because he thinks that he is a god because his liquor is so magnificent.

According to Antonio, why is Claribel not a possible contender for the throne of Naples?

Claribel is already the Queen of Tunis and she lives so far that it would take extremely long to get a letter to her.

What position did Prospero once hold?

Duke of Milan.

What does Gonzalo note about the group's clothing? What do Antonio and Sebastian think about his observation?

Even though they went in the water there clothes looked brand new. Antonio and Sebastian think that Gonzalo is lying.

What happened aboard the ship?

Everyone except the sailors just off of the ship.

According to Antonio, who is no longer an obstacle to the throne.


Why isn't Ferdinand disturbed by his imprisonment and by the loss of his family and friends? To what does Ferdinand compare this experience?

Ferdinand says that he is fine with his imprisonment as long as he can be with Miranda. He compares it to if he were in prison all he would need is to look through the windows once a day and be able to see Miranda and that would be enough freedom fro him.

What does Francisco say about Ferdinand?

Francisco says that he thinks that Ferdinand survived because he saw him swimming strongly with his head over the water.

Who helped Miranda and Prospero survive to reach shore? What did this person give them? What does this information reveal about this character?

Gonzalo helped them. He gave them food, water, clothes, and books. This shows that Gonzalo is a good person and he is very caring.

What does Gonzalo note about the spirits?

Gonzalo notes that the "natives" are much nicer than many of the people he knows.

What does Gonzalo say he would do if he were king of the island? What do Sebastian and Antonio point out about Gonzalo's idea? What do you think of Gonzalo's idea? Does it sound like a perfect world to you?

Gonzalo says he would do things differently that what is normal. Sebastian and Antonio undermine his ideas by saying that he must be confused. It sounds perfect because there is no social hierarchy and nothing to worry about.

What does Gonzalo point out about Sebastian's manner of speech?

Gonzalo says that although what Sebastian is saying is true he should have said it in a nicer way and he should be comforting his brother.

Who is about to stop Antonio's scheme? Why has Prospero intervened in this way?

Gonzalo stops the scheme.

What does Ariel claim to be?

Harpy: a mythological creature with a woman's face and breasts, and the wings and claws of a bird.

How many times has Prospero accused Miranda of not listening? Does Miranda seem to be listening? What does this reveal about how Prospero feels when speaking of his lost dukedom?

He accused her three times even though she is listening. Prospero feels that the things he is saying about his dukedom are very important.

What does Sebastian do instead of comforting his brother the king for his loss?

He blames everything on Alonso because Alonso married his daughter off to an African instead of someone form Europe.

Does Prospero accept any responsibility for what happened to his dukedom? Why, or why not?

He blames himself because he gave to much to his brother, but he still holds Antonio responsible.

Why doesn't Alonso care about Gonzalo's observation?

He doesn't want Gonzalo to keep talking because it reminds him of the loss of his son and his daughter.

How does Antonio feel about supplanting his brother Prospero? Does he have any regrets?

He has no regrets because it makes him looking better to be holding a higher title. He feels no guilt.

What comforts Gonzalo?

He is comforted by the fact that the Boatswain is so rude because he will probably die by being hanged, which means they won't drown.

For what does Stephano mistake Caliban and Trinculo? What does Stephano say he plans to do with this Creature?

He msitakes them for a monster of the island. He is going to cure him of his pain and take him back to Naples as a present for an emperor.

What does Ferdinand think of Miranda when he sees her for the first time?

He thinks that she is so beautiful like a goddess.

To what does Gonzalo attribute the madness of Alonso, Antonio, and Sebastian?

He thinks they have gone crazy because of there guilt.

What does the boatswain want the nobleman to do? Why is he rude? What does he point out about the limits of kingly power?

He wants the nobleman to order the storm to stop. It is rude because the boatswain is a very low position. He tells him if he can't stop the storm then he might as well just sit and wait to die.

How does Ferdinand feel about Miranda?

He wants to marry her and make her queen of Naples.

Why was Ferdinand weeping? What was the effect of Ariels music on the storm? On Ferdinand's emotions?

He was crying because he thought he lost his father. The music calmed the waves of the storm, just as it calmed Ferdinand. The music also entranced Ferdinand.

Why does Ferdinand wish that he were not a king? What does this reveal about his character?

He wishes that he weren't a king because that means that his father is dead.

What does Miranda say she will do if Ferdinand does not want to marry her?

If Ferdinand does not want to marry Miranda, she will die a virgin because she wants to stay devoted to him.

What does Trinculo say about the English people?

If he were in England and he had a picture of the "fish" everyone would pay to look at it. They will pay anything to look at something very strange.

What does Miranda ask her father to do? What does she think caused the Tempest? What has made Miranda suffer?

Miranda asks her dad to stop the storm because she thinks that he is causing the storm. She is suffering from seeing others suffer.

Of what does Prospero say Miranda is ignorant?

Miranda doesn't know who she is, which is royalty.

How does Miranda feel about Ferdinand?

Miranda has romantic feelings for Ferdinand.

With what is Miranda "infected"?

Miranda is infected with love.

What does Miranda offer to do for Ferdinand?

Miranda offers to carry Ferdinand's logs for him while he sits and takes a break.

What does Miranda say about Calliban's "race"

Miranda says that Callibans true nature is bad and that he can't even be around good people.

How does Miranda feel about Caliban? Why does Miranda and Prospero need Caliban

Miranda says that he is evil and she does not like him. But they need Caliban because he builds there fires gets fire wood and does many other useful things.

What did Miranda teach Calliban?

Miranda tried teaching Calliban how to speak.

What happened to the people who jumped off of the ship?

Nobody was hurt. Everybody was even fresher and cleaner than before. They were seperated into different groups around the island.

Where is this scene set? What danger are the characters facing?

On a ship at sea. The boat is sinking they are afraid that they are going to die.

What do Prospero and his spirits do?

Prospero and his spirits play music and set up a banquet for the king and his people.

Why did Prospero begin to treat Calliban more harshly?

Prospero began to treat Calliban more harshly when Calliban tried to rape Miranda.

Why must Ariel serve Prospero?

Prospero believes that because he was the one who saved Ariel, Ariel should forever owe him. Also Prospero threatens to put Ariel back in the tree.

How does Prospero really feel about the relationship between Ferdinand and Miranda?

Prospero feels happy that Miranda is falling in love.

Is Prospero happy that Miranda finds Ferdinand so pleasing? What do you think Prospero is planning?

Prospero is happy.

What task is Prospero making Ferdinand perform?

Prospero is making Ferdinand take thousands of logs and put them in a pile.

To whom is Prospero referring?

Prospero is referring to Alonso and Sebastian and Antonio.

According to Gonzalo, why should the nobles and lords be "merry"?

They should be merry because they are alive.

How did Prospero once treat Calliban? What did Calliban do for Prospero? How does Prospero treat Calliban now?

Prospero used to be very nice to Calliban, he would pet him, bring him water and berries, and he took care of him. Calliban would show Prospero features of the island. Prospero treats Calliban as a leave and keeps him in a cave untill he wants him to do work for him.

According to Caliban, what is the source of Prospero's power? According to Caliban, how do the spirits who serve Prospero feel about him?

Prospero's source of power is his books. According to Caliban the spirits hate him.

What reason does Sebastian give for his and Antonio's drawn swords?

Sebastian said that they heard a loud roar coming from some sort of animal and they were trying to guard them.

What does Antonio say Sebastian is doing?

Sebastian says that Antonio is the one sleeping if he lets this opportunity pass him by.

What will Sebastian do for Antonio if he kills Alonso?

Sebastian will forever owe Antonio and Antonio will no longer have to pay Alonso.

What did Sycorax do to Ariel?

She kept Ariel as her slave and when he didn't do one of her orders she locked him in a hollow pine tree for 12 years.

What does Miranda think of Ferdinand when she sees him for the first time?

She thinks that he is divine and noble looking.

What did Miranda do against her fathers orders?

She told Ferdinand her name.

Who or what causes the group of nobles, with the exception of Antonio, to fall asleep?

Something in the air.

What frightens Stephano and Trinculo?

Stephano and Trinculo are frightened by the invisible man talking and playing music they think that it might be the devil.

Why does Stephano beat Trinculo?

Stephano beats Trinculo because he thinks that Trinculo keeps calling him a liar but really it is Arial.

What plans does Stephano have for the island?

Stephano plans to be the ruler of the island with ztrinculo because he thinks that everyone else has drowned.

What does Stephano say Trinculo must not do? Why?

Stephano says Triculo must not insult Caliban because Caliban is his servant.

Whose army marched into Milan? Who let the army into the city?

The Naples army marched into Milan. Antonio let them into the city.

From what wedding is the group of nobles returning?

The marriage is between King Alonzo's daughter Claribel and the King of Tunis in Africa.

What must the three men do to save themselves from the wrath Ariel speaks of?

The only way for them to protect themselves is to be truly sorry for what they have done to Prospero and Miranda and to stop being evil for the rest of there life.

Why didn't the traitors kill Prospero and Miranda? What did they do to them?

The people of Milan love Prospero so much that Antonio couldn't kill Miranda and Prospero or else there would be a riot. Instead of killing them they put them out to sea.

What happened to the mariners aboard the king's ship? What do the people aboard the rest of the king's fleet of vessels believe?

The sailors were all sleeping below deck from a magic spell cast over them. The people aboard the rest of the kings vessels think that there king has died in a shipwreck.

What is happening to the ship? What do Antonio and Sebastian expect will happen to them? What does Gonzalo long for?

The ship is splitting. Antonio and Sebastian think that they are going to die. Gonzalo wants to die on land.

What caused the Tempest?

The spirit Ariel carried out the storm by setting fire to the ship and terrifying everyone.

Who use to live on the island? Whom did this person bring with her?

The witch Sycorax committed awful crimes so they took her to the island left her because she was pregnant.

In what condition are Alonso, Antonio, and Sebastian?

They are under the control of Prospero now and they are crazy.

What have Miranda and Ferdinand decided to do?

They have decided to get married.

What do Antonio and Sebastian plan on doing?

They plan on killing Alonso tonight.

In what way do Antonio and Sebastian react to Gonzalo's positive attitude?

They react negatively by telling Gonzalo to stop talking.

What does Trinculo do to escape the storm?

Trinculo crawls under Caliban's cloak to escape the storm.

What does Trinculo recognize about Stephano, Caliban, and himself?

Trinculo realizes how crazy they are.

What does Trinculo see? For what does Trinculo mistake this person?

Trinculo sees Caliban and mistakes him for a fish.

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