The Trial of Socrates (399 BCE in Athens)

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Aristophanes (448-380 BC)

"The Clouds" written by Aristophanes portrays socrates as a sophist. Socrates in the apology explains that this is not a true portrayal of him because he is not a sophist. There are significant differences between socrates and the sophists

More reasons why Socrates claims he is not a sophist

1. There are significant differences in his way of investigating the truth. 2. Socrates uses the Socratic Method instead of Rhetoric 3. THe socratic method searches for truth and the goal of rhetoric is victory. 4. Sophists claim to teach whereas Socrates claims not to be a teacher. Socrates neither accepts fees from others as a teacher nor claims to have any wisdom to sell

Two kinds of Wisdom, Human and divine

According to Socrates, there are two kinds of Wisdom. The first is the wisdom only the Gods possess. The second is the wisdom that humans can attain. Human wisdom is always of lesser value.

Socrates Introduces a Dilemma Argument

After Socrates dismisses the notion that he would corrupt the youth intentionally, he then proceeds to argue that Meletus's charges are false. Socrates uses a dilemma argument. Socrates is hoping that the jury will realize that Meletus is bringing up false charges. Socrates wants to show that Meletus is only seeking revenge on Socrates and that the charges are merely fabrications on rumors from the past.

The final vote

After the plea bargaining phase of the trial, another vote is taken to decide the ultimate penalty. Socrates is given the death penalty. Socrates after hearing his fate reflects on his future and death. Socrates says that there is good reason to hope that death is possibly a good. Socrates offers a second dilemma argument in reflecting on death.

Dilemma on Death

P1: EIther death is a nothingness and utter unconsciousness or there is a change and migration of the soul from this world to another. P2: If death is a nothingness and utter unconsciousness, then we have reason to hope that death is a good P3: If death is a change and migration of the soul from this world to another, then we have reason to hope that death is a good. C: Either death is a good or death is a good

Dilemma Argument shows the charges are false

Premise 1: Either I do not corrupt the youth or I corrupt the youth Premise 2: If I do not corrupt the youth, then the charges against me are false Premise 3: If I corrupt the youth unintentionally, then the charges against me are false Conclusion:Either the charges are false or the charges are false

The cross examination of Meletus

Socrates asks Meletus whether he maintains that he is an atheist. Meletus responds that Socrates believes in no Gods whatsoever. Socrates reminds him that he also accuses him of introducing new divinities. Socrates asks: how can a contradiction be true? I cannot both believe in Gods and not believe in Gods.

Is Socrates a Sophist?

Socrates denies the claim. A sophist is a teacher of rhetoric. Rhetoric is the art of persuasive speaking. A Sophist teaches for money. Protagoras, a sophist is often associated with the theories of relativism and skepticism. In the CLouds, Socrates is portrayed as the head of think shop. According to Aristophanes, in the Clouds, Socrates teaches students to be immoral and to make the worst argument appear the better. Socrates denies these fictions of himself in his trial.

Socrates and his Accusers

Socrates explains that he has a difficult task in defending himself. First he has to defend himself against two different sets of accusers. 1. the first accusers who have spread rumors about him that he is a nature philosopher and a Sophist 2. the second accusers are Meletus, Lycon, and Anytus who have brought the formal charges of corrupting the youth and not believing in the Gods of the state.

Likely reasons for the false charges against Socrates

Socrates explains that his questioning method is often imitated by young people who follow him around. Socrates suggests that this may be one of the reasons he is being brought up on charges of corruption. Another reason is that Socrates has questioned his accusers and they are upset with him because he has suggested that they only pretend to have wisdom or they are ignorant of their lack of wisdom.

Socrates and Additional Moral truths

Socrates makes additional claims that he claims are true. 1. Injustice and disobedience is an evil. 2. A good person cannot be injured in life or death. 3. The unexamined live is not worth living

Socrates and his service to the Gods

Socrates says that his questioning activity is just doing his service to the Gods. Socrates says Achilles never feared death so why should he if he is doing what is right. Both he and Achilles do what is right without fear of death. Socrates says that a fear of death is an imitation of wisdom not true wisdom.

Socrates and the Oracle at Delphi

Socrates sees himself as having a mission from the gods to question people about how they should live and what is most important in life. He mentions a friend of his Chaerephon who went to the oracle at Delphi and posed a question to the priestess. The oracle surprised Socrates as explained int the Apology

Analogies and Direct Questions

Socrates uses analogies to challenge Meletus' charge that he is a corruptor of the youth. Socrates questions Meletus about the laws and the possible improvers of youth. Socrates claims that it takes an expert to train horses and that training youth must be at least as difficult. Therefore SOcrates argues that Meletus' claim that he alone corrupts is rather implausible by analogy

Socrates' Defense

Socrates uses reasoning skills we learned earlier to defend himself against the charges put forth by Meletus. He uses the direct questioning method to show that the charges themselves are inconsistent

Socrates claims that his accusers are just mad at him

Socrates' defense is based on the idea that these are really trumped up charges and worn out rumors from the past. But before cross examining them to show these charges to be false, Socrates tries to explain to the jurors why it is so important for him to pursue his questioning and also adds that he has been given this mission by the Gods

The Jury Finds Socrates guilty

THe jury finds socrates guilty and meletus proposes the death penalty. According to the greek courts, socrates was able to offer an alternative sentence. Socrates first suggests that he should be put up with meals (maintenance in the Prytaneum) like a champion in the olympic games. Socrates then offers one mina for his fine because he is poor. But changes it to thirty minae after Plato and his other friends say they will provide the money.

Socrates on Trial-The Apology written by plato

The Last Days of Socrates was written by plato. The charges against Socrates in his trial were the same accusations mentioned in the Euthyphro. Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth , not believing in the Gods of the state and sometimes it is added that he is also guilty of introducing new divinities.

Second Accusers Agenda

The second accusers, according to Socrates, Meletus, Lycon, and Anytus represent groups including the politicians, poets and artists that all are angry at Socrates. Socrates questioned these groups and showed that they really did not have wisdom at all.

Socrates and his Mission

after hearing the declaration of the oracle, he set out to challenge it because he truly thought he was not wise. He started questioning the politicians, poets, and artists to see if he could find an individual with more wisdom. Socrates soon found out that these individuals thought they were wise but in fact they were not wise at all. So he felt it was his duty to enlighten these people of their ignorance but he himself soon found out that he was making many enemies by his activities

The second accusers

are Meletus, Lycon, and Anytus. These are the persons who have brought up the formal charges against Socrates. Socrates explains that he is worried more about the first accusers because he cannot cross examine them to show how erroneous these charges are in fact.

The first accusers

spread rumors that socrates was a sophist and studied nature philosophy. One of the accusers of Socrates specifically mentions was a comic poet by the name of Aristophanes. Aristophanes wrote a play called "The Clouds"

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