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(CST 101) Solidarity is...

A commitment to see and treat the other as a brother or sister regardless of nationality, race, or any other difference.

(CST 101) Because the family is the basic cell of society, the breakdown of the family leads to...

Breakdown in society

(CSDC) _______________ is the the sum of the relationships between individuals and intermediate social groups, or the aggregate of economic, social, cultural, sports-oriented, recreational, professional and political expressions to which people spontaneously give life and which make it possible for people to achieve effect social growth.

Civil society

(Massaro) ___________ are substantial documents written by popes that are presented in the form of letters and are intended to circulate widely among members of the Church.


_______ is the tangible and definitive manifestation of how God acts towards men and women.


(Massaro) The first modern social encyclical,__________________, published in 1891 addressed working conditions.

Rerum Novarum

The way God directly shows himself to people is known as


(Massaro) Who is the privileged agent of the common good?

The government

(CSDC) Humans have a fundamental right to work.


(Hart) Christians' willingness to grant full humanity to persons of every class and condition contradicted social norms in the Roman empire.


(CST 101) Human rights come with corresponding responsibilities; we have a duty to petition our government to

structure law and policies so that people can better attain their human rights and exercise their responsibilities.

(CSDC) The encyclical Quadragesimo Anno states that "Just as it is gravely wrong to take from individuals what they can accomplish by their own initiative and industry and give it to the community, so also it is an injustice and at the same time a grave evil and disturbance of right order to assign to a ______________ association what______________organizations can do."

"greater and higher"; "lesser and subordinate"

(Massaro) What potential misunderstanding about the principle of "The Life and Dignity of the Human Person" does the principle of "Solidarity" correct, according to Massaro?

A misunderstanding of the support individual dignity and human rights as a support for a rampant individualism that does not account for the duties that correspond with our rights.

What is secular humanism (Heidemann)?

A philosophy which attempts to affirm the intrinsic value of humanity while rejecting religion and the supernatural.

(Schindler) _________________ reduced self-love in a problematic way by reducing it to a self-interest which instrumentalizes other.

Adam Smith

Which is not part of the three-step process that the Church uses to form moral judgments by reading the "signs of the times"?


(Massaro) "Subsidiarity" comes from the Latin word for


What claim characterizes subjectivism (Lewis)?

Because human logic is the result of blind evolutionary processes and/or social conditioning, it cannot yield objective truth claims.

(Evangelium Vitae) Humanity's unique place in creation is exhibited from the beginning with man's creation in God's image and likeness as a result of a special decision on the part of God to form a creature destined for fellowship with God in knowledge and love of him and most especially through...

Christ's death on the Cross for the sake of mankind's redemption

(Euthanasia) Which is not one of the arguments addressed in the article on euthanasia.

Euthanasia reduces overpopulation in a helpful way

(CSDC) Who has responsibility for the realization of the common good?


(CSDC) According to Catholic social teaching, work is a product of the Fall (sin). If sin had not happened, human beings would not need to work.


(CSDC) Government has the power to modify the natural traits of marriage (totality, indissolubility, fidelity, fruitfulness) and its purpose.


(CSDC) It is intellect, consciousness and freedom that defines the person. If these acts are absent, man ceases to be a person.


(CSDC) Those who have more do not have a duty to share their wealth with those who have less, according to Catholic social teaching. However, each person is highly encouraged to engage charitable activity.


(CST101) The Church professes that every human person has a right to life that extends from birth to natural death.


(Massaro) Sociologists have noted that a lack of participation in local, subsidiary institutions is a sign of a strong democracy.


(Massaro) The Church does not have a legitimate role in advising government leaders.


(Massaro) The Church's primary role is to ensure the realization of a perfect world order through the political process, which is the primary meaning of the phrase "kingdom of God."


(Massaro) The principle of the life and dignity of every person has led the Church to allow the promotion of elective abortion, euthanasia and capital punishment in an effort in an effort to respect and promote personal liberty.


(Solicitudo Rei Socialis) According to John Paul II (the author), those who are weaker can adopt a purely passive attitude when claiming their legitimate rights; they do not have an obligation to do what they can to contribute to society.


According to Massaro, Christians believe that you can have a deep personal relationship with God without loving your neighbor. Serving and loving one's neighbor is good, but it is not necessary to be a faithful disciple of Jesus.


Individuals do not cooperate in their own salvation.


Man can achieve complete satisfaction and full understanding of justice with a purely intra-worldly ideology of progress.


Moral codes vary so widely from culture to culture that there is no basis whatsoever for claiming a universal morality or code of ethics (Lewis).


What plan for humanity does Jesus reveal through his life, death and Resurrection?

God is Father and we are called by grace to become his children in the Spirit and therefore brothers and sisters among ourselves

What does God's progressive revelation of himself to the people of Israel make concrete?

God's love for mankind.

(Vogt) Thomas More was a husband and father who was ultimately martyred (died for his faith) during the reign of ______________

Henry VIII

(Pacem in Terris) ______________ and duties flow as a direct consequence of man's nature as a person. They include life, food and water, freedom of worship, and the opportunity to work and are universal, inviolable, and inalienable.

Human rights

(Behind the Swoosh) Where did Jim Keady spend one month living in a factory worker's slum working on a documentary to expose "sweatshop" conditions?


Why does Lewis claim subjectivism is "poisonous"?

It eliminates any helpful concept of "progress" in society. It eliminates any basis for condemning problematic value systems like Nazism. It eliminates all genuine values.

The Trinity models the unity God desires for the human race and reveals that the vocation of the human person is to


(Massaro) The _______________ is the name of the formal teaching authority of the Church which clarifies questions concerning doctrine.


According to Massaro, _________________ is based on the idea that humans, though affected by sin, were created by God with enough intelligence that they can use their reason to observe the natural world and to make reliable judgments about God's purposes and figuring out how their behavior may cooperate with God's plans.

Natural law reasoning

(CSDC)Which is not one of the unique facets of humanity?

Our capacity to experience instincts.

(Massaro) ___________________ is the term which expresses the idea that every person has at once a right and a duty to participate in the full range of activities and institutions of social life.


Hart discusses the accounts of __________________ and _______________________ in the Gospel which reveal a new vision of humanity in Christianity that completely inverted the contemporary world's concept of power and dignity.

Peter weeping; Christ before Pilate

(CSDC)What is the mission of the Church as a sacrament of Christ?

Proclaiming and communicating the salvation wrought in Jesus Christ, which he called "the Kingdom of God" and demands the transformation of social relationships.

(Massaro) What is the "rule of thumb" laid out in Catholic social teaching regarding subsidiarity?

Rely as much as possible on those solutions that are closest to the people affected and that employ the smallest groupings and mechanisms that are still effective and efficient.

The Decalogue reveals that fidelity to God's covenant involves not only fidelity to the one true God, but also

Right relationship with others, including right social and economic orders.

(CSDC) The ______________ shows us that all work should be ordered to God and it provides a barrier against becoming slaves to work.


(Solicitudo Rei Socialis) Solidarity entails a commitment love the other with the love of Christ which entails a willingness to_______

Sacrifice, even to the point of death.

What is the ultimate root of all estrangement, inequality, and conflict in the world?


According to Massaro, _______________ has(have) always been the starting point of Christian ethics.

The Bible

(Vogt) _______________ helped St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa) recognize Jesus among the poor, sick, and the dying.

The celebration of the Eucharist in the Liturgy

(Anderson) Which is are the potential detrimental effects of divorce on children enumerated by "The impact of family structure on the health of children: Effects of divorce"?

The child may lose economic security The child may have decreased social and psychological maturation The child may have a weakened relationship with his/her mother and/or father The child may lose emotional security The child may lose time with each parent The child may lose cognitive and academic stimulation The child may have a higher risk of emotional distress The child may be less physically healthy The child may lose his/her religious faith and practice The child may change his or her outlook on sexual behavior including earlier sexual debut

(CSDC) The _________________________ is "the sum total of social conditions which allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily."

The common good

(CSDC) The social doctrine of the Church contain the starting point for the promotion of an integral and solidary humanism which includes: _____

The criteria for judgment. The principles for reflection The directives for action.

(CST 101) ________________ is the first "school of communication" where we learn to love and be loved and prepare to go out into the community to serve other people.

The family

(Massaro) The principle of the life and dignity of every person is rooted in the person's being made in the image and likeness of God. According to this doctrine,

There is nothing a person can do or undergo to forfeit his/her dignity.

According to Massaro, what is the goal of Church teaching on social justice?

To form people who are committed to proper order, passionate about global justice, and sensitive to the well-being of their neighbors.

(CSDC) Catholic social teaching rejects abortion, sterilization, and artificial forms of contraceptives as methods of child-spacing, but encourages the use of natural methods of family planning in the exercise of responsible parenthood.


(CSDC) Conjugal love is by nature open to the acceptance to life and marriage is ordered to the procreation and education of children.


(CSDC) Parents are the first educators of their children and thus have the right to choose the formative educational tools that respond to their convictions and to seek those means that will help them best to fulfill their duties as educators. Public authorities have the duty to guarantee this right and to ensure the concrete conditions necessary for it to be exercised.


(CSDC) True or false: The human person cannot find fulfillment in himself, apart from others


(CSDC) Women have a right to work in a way that does not require them to abandon their unique role in bearing and raising children.


(CST 101) When we hear of people being spoken of more like objects than subjects, we know that the radical dignity and equality of the human person is being violated.


(CST 1010) The Church professes that we have a duty to alleviate injustices at both a person level through the corporal and spiritual works of mercy and at the global level by working against systemic injustice.


(Faithful Citizenship) . A Catholic cannot vote for a candidate who favors a policy promoting an intrinsically evil act, such as abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, deliberately subjecting workers or the poor to subhuman living conditions, redefining marriage in ways that violate its essential meaning, or racist behavior, if thevoter's intent is to support that position. In such cases, a Catholic would be guilty of formal cooperation in grave evil.


(Faithful Citizenship) While Catholic clergy cannot be directly involved in the political process, the lay faithful have a direct duty to work for a just ordering of society through the political process and other means.


(Massaro) In many ways the Church was ahead of its time in advocating for better treatment of workers.


(Massaro) The Catholic Church recognizes that the secular realm has a rightful independence that the Church must respect.


(Massaro) The writing of an encyclical is usually prompted by a certain event or set of concerns.


(Schindler) Comfort and pleasure, adequate food, clothing and property are inherently good.


According to Heidemann, the modern concept of human rights borrows from and is ultimately reliant upon the Judeo-Christian religious tradition.


God intends the salvation of all people.


Jesus Christ not only set a good example, but through his cross and resurrection, he opened up a way to truly love God and others by following him. Christ is the necessary prerequisite for real transformation of relationship with others.


According to Massaro, why is the field of ethics always evolving?

We still need to discern how to best understand and apply moral standards in new situations.

(Schindler) What is the person most basically?

a gift who desires to be loved and to love

(Schindler) What is poverty in the deepest sense?

a poverty of meaning caused by broken relationships

(Massaro) Solidarity begins as an inner attitude of recognition of the relational nature of human beings, but must also express itself in...

actions that demonstrate a person's commitment to the well-being of others.

(CSDC) Who does the Catholic Church speak to?

all people and all nations

(Evangelium Vitae) The _______________________ is characterized by a criterion of efficiency, functionality and usefulness: others are considered not for what they "are", but for what they "have, do and produce" which leads to the supremacy of the strong over the weak.

culture of death

(Massaro" The family is referred to as the ________________ because it is the first place children encounter God, form their consciences, and learn moral virtue.

domestic church

(Pacem in Terris) Every natural right gives rise to a corresponding __________ in other men


(CSDC) The principle of ______________ asserts that every person has the right to use the goods of the earth because God destined the earth and all it contains for all men and all peoples.

he universal destination of goods

(CSDC) The dignity of work is rooted in the person. The person should never be reduced to a(n) ___________________ of profit. Work is made for man and not man for work.


(Massaro) Pope XI and others have argued that excessive centralization can lead to...

learned helplessness

(CSDC) Understood in a positive sense, subsidiarity is economic, institution or juridical assistance offered to ________________

lesser social entities

(Vogt) St. Damien of Molokai expressed solidarity by...

living in a leper colony in Hawaii

According to Massaro, which is not one of the four sources of Catholic social teaching?

popular consensus

(CSDC) The negative implications that require the State to __________ anything that would de facto restrict the freedom and responsibility of smaller essential cells.

refrain from

(CST101) Workers have the ___________ to provide a fair day's work for a fair day's wage.


(CST 101) Workers have the _____________ to dignified work, just wages, leisure and rest, healthcare, sick leave, maternity and paternity leave, support in retirement, and to unionize.


(Massaro) There are two basic patterns of response when it comes to navigating the relationship of faith and culture: those who emphasize harmonious fusion and those who emphasize the inevitability of deep, even radical conflict between the two. The dominant approach within the Catholic Church is __________________ - a willingness to become deeply involved in society despite an awareness of the shortcomings and injustices of the present social order.

social engagement

(Faithful Citizenship) The Church has an obligation to

teach the moral truths that should shape our lives, including our public lives form the consciences of the faithful participate in shaping the moral character of society

(CSDC)The humanism which the Church proposes reflects God's plan of love in history. It is a humanism capable of creating a new social, economic and political order, founded upon

the dignity and freedom of every human person.

(CSDC) The whole of Catholic social doctrine develops from

the principle that affirms the inviolable dignity of the human person

Massaro defines ______________ as all the previous reflection on social issues that has gone on with Christian theology. It includes the reflection of great theologians such as Augustine and Aquinas, some of which has been formally taken up by the Church in doctrinal statements and writings like encyclicals.


(Schindler) What does Schindler mean by "anthropology"?

vision/understanding of the human person

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