Theology 2: Chapter 2 Part A Test

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3 degrees of ordination

Bishops (episkopos-"overseer") receive the fullness of sacred orders through an unbroken succession of the apostolic line Priests (presbyters) serve as co-workers of the bishop to fulfill the church's apostolic mission by acting in the person of Christ Deacons (Diakonoi-"servant") have a special attachment to the bishop and assist him in the Eucharist and other select sacrements, and perform works of charity.

Teen Dating Violence awareness day

February 14th


The unity of the Church is described by the word, solidarity, a term that illustrates the love that binds the church together.

God is a relationship

We are created in that same image (we are relational beings, we crave/need relationships)


bridge builder (pope)

Consequences of teen dating violence

Depression, anxiety, aggression, substance abuse, antisocial tendencies, suicidal thoughts

Inner ring/body of Christ compare

Desires to be part of both are very strong and passionate, both are becoming part of a community

Episcopal synod

A representative body of bishops assembled periodically by the pope to advise him on important Church concerns. It is not a legislative body.

Healthy relationships

Healthy relationships are good examples for others, like Jesus and Mary's

Abusive relationship

Once you've been in an abusive relationship your perspective of love is off and it can affect your future relationships, people who are younger and in an abusive relationship are more likely to be victimized in college and throughout the rest of their life

St Augustine

One of the best metaphors/explanations of the Blessed Trinity "God the father is the lover, he is the source of all divine love. God the Son is the beloved, and the beloved returns the love back to the Father. The Holy Spirit is the shared bond of love between the father and the son.

Inner ring/body of Christ contrast

One relationship is toxic, the other is genuine and welcomed with open arms, body of Christ fosters equality and love, inner ring destroys individuality and destroy sense of self

Servant of the servants of God



Relationships consist of kindness, love, and understanding

Unity in Common Worship

The sacraments, especially the Eucharist, are a source of unity that strengthens the connection of those who pray and worship. Focus specially on mass: 4 ways the church's unity is guaranteed: -charity/love -profession of faith -divine worship -apostolic succession

Unity in God

The unity of the Blessed Trinity is the model for the church's unity that is lived out through the love people have for God and one another.

Four marks of the church

One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic

What are the four way the church's unity is guaranteed?

• Charity/ love- Primary guarantee. • Profession of Faith • Divine Worship/ sacraments • Apostolic Succession

The Inner Ring is a certain type of group

"It is not easy, even at a given moment, to say who is inside and who is outside. Some people are obviously in and some are obviously out, but there are always several on the borderline. . . . There are no formal admissions or expulsions. People think they are in it after they have in fact been pushed out of it, or before they have been allowed in: this provides great amusement for those who are really inside . . . I believe that in all men's lives at certain periods, and in many men's lives at all periods between infancy and extreme old age, one of the most dominant elements is the desire to be inside the local Ring and the terror of being left outside. But your genuine Inner Ring exists for exclusion. There'd be no fun if there were no outsiders. The invisible line would have no meaning unless most people were on the wrong side of it. Exclusion is no accident; it is the essence." "I must not assume that you have ever first neglected, and finally shaken off, friends whom you really loved and who might have lasted you a lifetime, in order to court the friendship of those who appeared to you more important, more esoteric. I must not ask whether you have derived actual pleasure from the loneliness and humiliation of the outsiders after you, yourself were in: whether you have talked to fellow members of the Ring in the presence of outsiders simply in order that the outsiders might envy. . . ." "Unless you take measures to prevent it, this desire is going to be one of the chief motives of your life, from the first day on which you enter your profession until the day when you are too old to care. . . . Of all the passions, the passion for the Inner Ring is most skillful in making a man who is not yet a very bad man do very bad things. . . . The desire to be inside the invisible line illustrates this rule. As long as you are governed by that desire you will never get what you want. You are trying to peel an onion: if you succeed there will be nothing left. Until you conquer the fear of being an outsider, an outsider you will remain." "And if in your spare time you consort simply with the people you like, you will again find that you have come unawares to a real inside: that you are indeed snug and safe at the centre of something which, seen from without, would look exactly like an Inner Ring. But the difference is that the secrecy is accidental, and its exclusiveness a by-product, and no one was led thither by the lure of the esoteric: for it is only four or five people who like one another meeting to do things that they like. This is friendship. Aristotle placed it among the virtues. It causes perhaps half of all the happiness in the world, and no Inner Ring can ever have it."

A relational God

(God is a pure being. He is not a part of any category known to man) The mystery of God is that he is incomprehensible, but we have the opportunity to know God in a deep and profound way. New Testament word-Agape: (Greek) "unconditional love"-the love God has for us God is love, from the 1st letter of John (since he is the Trinity) God is relational because he is a Triune God (Trinity) The way we get to know God is through love. God is already in a perfect, loving relationship The relationship we have with God is so much deeper and profound because he is already a Trinity (in a relationship with himself)

The Marks of the Church

-St. Paul wrote about the unity of the church -St. Ignatius of Antioch said we have an unbroken connection with the Apostles -St Irenaeus of Lyons said that the role of the Church is to unite people to Christ. -In 381 A.D., the 1st Vatican Council of Constantinople officially added to the creed the phrase: "we believe in one, Holy, Catholic, and apostolic church"

The Patemitas icon image of the Trinity

11 century Russian icon

Tertullian image of the Trinity

2nd century theologian used the image of a river to explain the doctrine of the trinity

St. Patrick image of the Trinity

3 leaf clover Saint Patrick used then 3-leaf clover in an attempt to explain the doctrine of the Trinity. 1-all three leaves are connect by the stem (they are one) 2-3 separate leaves represent the different people of the Trinity 3- all 3 leaves are same size and shape (like equal divine persons) same substance: all leaves

episcopal collegiality

All the bishops of the Church with the pope as their head. This college together, but never without the pope, has supreme and full authority over the universal Church. A formal meeting Here is legislation, official church teachings come from this They exercise full apostolic authority 2nd Vatican council: last time assembled 1961-1964

What are some words used today to describe the "Inner Ring" and those who are inside?

Although this speech was delivered in 1944, it holds a universal theme that is still very much prevalent in modern society. In today's world, some words used to describe the "Inner Ring" are popular, It, cool, relevant, and exclusive. The people inside are called the cool or popular kids and usually, but not always, are not nice people and tend to have negative values that tear down others and feed into the idea of exclusion.

Images of the Trinity

An attempt to try to understand a mystery beyond our comprehension

C.S. Lewis -Inner Ring

An invisible ring Inner is exclusive to outside people Desire to feel included can cause people to compromise who they are/beliefs/morals/ values Exclusivity is a byproduct


Being popular can destroy our sense of others and push those who we love away Also would lose themselves Compromising values destroys sense of self This connects to dating violence Some teens trade everything for a relationship and it becomes toxic and abusive.

Pontifex Maximus

Biggest Bridge builder (pope)

Inner ring/teen abusive relationships

Both desires are so strong and don't realize they're being pulled into a toxic environment Obsessive tendencies can become toxic Soul desire to be in doesn't allow people to foster relationships and if they do those relationships become toxic In abusive relationships can change people mentally and emotionally

Characteristics of unhealthy relationships

Bringing another person down, like communication, controlling, high temper, not knowing when the line is crossed, depression, anxiety, bullying, and constant disrespect

Lack of respect

Can lead to abuse

Teen truths issues

Can lead to abusive relationships

Christ's institution of the Church

Christ instructed the church. Though his choice of the twelve apostles, with Peter as the leader he gave the church a structure to succeed and live on Apostolic succession: the uninterrupted transmission of spiritual authority from the apostles through successive popes and bishops Without a system of succession, the church would be vulnerable. It protects the church from divisions among local dioceses and parishes

Jesus' lesson on Love

Church is United under love, the church is modeled after the Trinity Best way to know God-love second best way- others Jesus taught a practical way for people to participate in the love of God "the most important (commandment) is "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength". The second is this: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself". There is no other commandment greater than these ." Love of God and love of neighbor are inseparable They are intimately tied with each other Our relationship with God cannot be understood apart from our relationship with others.

The church is apostolic

Church is apostolic because it continues the faith of the apostles Remains apostolic in three ways! 1-it is the church that Christ founded the apostles. 2-with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Church continues to hands on the teaching of the apostles without changing anything essential 3-The church continues to be taught, made holy, sanctified, and led by the College of Bishops.


Comes from word presbyter meaning "elder" Cannot do confirmation (only on Easter vigil) or Holy Ordres (since there do not have the fullness of it) When a bishop ordains a priest, he is extending a portion of his apostolic authority to the priest. • The priest is a coworker with the bishop • The bishop assigns each priest to a particular parish or diocesan ministry, and the priest is responsible for leading it in the name of the bishop.

Characteristics of a healthy relationship

Communication, trust, respect, and not being controlling, building them up, giving them space, equality, empathy, compromise, fair, sensitivity, honesty, love, establish boundaries.

The Church is One

Doctrine of the Blessed Trinity understanding that God is s triune God, he is a family. -We are United in a family of Faith -this is so because we are created in God's image. He is a triune God: a family. -Love is the spiritual reality that unites the Church's members -Visible bonds of unity in the church ~unity in God ~Profession of one faith ~divine worship ~succession of the Bishops (unbroken line of apostolic succession) In our oneness we find diversity.

Eucharistic prayer unity

During the intercessions prayed by the priest offering the mass on behalf of the whole church in heaven and on earth , for the living and the dead (we are intimately connected) The Eucharistic prayer(when the priest consecrates the bread and wine like last supper) is the longest part of the liturgy of the Eucharist Begins the moment the priest says "pray my brothers and sisters that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God the almighty father" Ends with the doxology: the prayer of worship/praise to the Blessed Trinity (When he raises the bread/wine: through him and with him and him...." then we say amen Called the Great Amen


Embodies all characteristics most important commandment: Love God and Love your neighbor Love yourself so you can love others Love provides a sense of security and care Love does not hurt or violate Love doesn't put blame

3 degrees of the sacrament of Holy Orders

Episcopate (Bishop) Presbyterate (Priest) Diaconate (Deacon)

Parts of the liturgy where the church's unity is highlighted

Eucharistic prayer Lord's Prayer Holy communion

Each of the 3 persons in the trinitarian relationship we assign to them a different role

God the Father- in nature (sunset, flower) connected to creation, he is the creator God the Som- connects us to the Father- when we need forgiveness we relate to him the most because he was flesh like us (connected through humanity) God the Spirit-when we don't know what to do, when we need wisdom/advice, when making big decisions, when we need God's guidance (connected through guidance) The Trinity is a mystery beyond our understanding, but we still think/know that it's true. Gods built us with this instinct. The next way we can understand is to come up with images and metaphors.

Have you ever thought that the effort and desire to be "in" caused people you know to compromise their values? Why or why not?

I believe that the desire to be "in" has indeed caused people to compromise their values. As previously mentioned, people who are belong to the "Inner Ring" tend to have low moral standards and values that are part of the reason they participate in an exclusive circle. People who so desperately want to be like these people and be included in the group more often than not compromise on their values in order to fit in and attempt to feel some sort of validation from the "in crowd".

Do you understand what C. S. Lewis means when he talks about groups where secrecy is "accidental" and exclusivity is a "by-product"? Explain.

I understand what he means in that not all groups behave like the "Inner circle" with exclusive and poor intentions. Some groups are unintentionally exclusive because they are tightly knitted and practice strict or similar values that not many adhere to in the same extent that they do. Such group may also not be aware that they are excluding others because many people are trying to be included by the "Inner Circle" that the group forgets that there are people who crave authentic love and true connections rooted in strong ethics and moral values like the ones shared in their group.

Lord's Prayer (Our Father) unity

It acknowledges the identity of each person as God's adopted child and as brothers and sisters to one another. "When we pray to the father, we are in communion with him and with his son, Jesus Christ"(CCC, 2781)

The Blessed Trinity

Love is what unites the Trinity- the best way to get to know God is through love- if you love God you love others-facts are not enough to truly know a person, you need a relationship The Father " the Lover" <—- The Holy Spirit the shared bond of love—-> The Son "the beloved"

Inner ring

Loving relationships in solidarity build the Body of Christ. Not all relationships build, however; some ties are actually destructive if they are based on faulty foundations such as the perception that some people matter more than others or that self-esteem comes from excluding others. C.S. Lewis' "Thoughts of the Inner Ring" identifies relationships that do not build the Body of Christ. He believes that these relationships exist in what he calls "the Inner Ring." He describes the temptations that rise if people allow their need for acceptance to dominate them and deny their deep needs for authentic love. According to Lewis, this happens when people long to be on the "inside" of groups. Ultimately, the sole desire to be "in" can enslave people and make it difficult for them to form true friendships, the kinds that belong in the Body of Christ.


Means 1-public works (public worship to God) 2-service done on behalf of the people (ppl in mass who serve the congregation)

Preventing teen dating violence

Mentor and resources, therapy, school-based programs, awareness, education, advocacy

The doctrine of the Blessed Trinity (one of the most important teachings of the Catholic Church

Models the church's unity and teachers three important truths When we are in a relationship, we are like a mirror of the Trinity 1- the Trinity is one. The Divine Persons are each God, whole and entire. (One God) 2-The divine persons are really Distinct from one another. The Father is not the son, nor is the son the Holy Spirit the Father of the Son. They are one but different. 3-the Divine persons are relative to one another. They share the same nature or divine substance.

The unity with the Church of Heaven and Earth.

Not just about us in the mass on earth, the people from heaven and purgatory join us (unites us with living and dead) church is truly one Communion of Saints: both living and dead are still connected-we pray for each other The three states of the church: -The pilgrim church (those living on earth) we pray for the souls in purgatory amd we ask the ppl in heaven to pray for us -The Church suffering (those in purgatory) -The Church triumphant (the Blessed in heaven)

Unity with Apostolic Succession

The sacrament of Holy Orders (ensures the continuity of church until the end of time) ensure that the Church's apostolic leadership and ministry instituted by Christ will be intact until the end of time

Unity with Christ and one another

Technically 4 parts of mass but we say 2: 1-liturgy of the word: we believe that Jesus the risen Christ is present in the word proclaimed at mass 2-liturgy of Eucharist: we believe the risen Christ Jesus is present in the Eucharist Primary Grace of participation at mass: Christ Secondary Grace of participation at mass: others The communicants unity with Christ is a principal fruit or positive outcome of the sacrament The celebration of the sacrament also brings the members of the church into communion with one another

Teen Dating Violence discussion

Teen dating violence, defined as the physical, sexual, psychological, or emotional violence within a dating relationship, has many components that all create an abusive relationship. While many believe that abuse is mostly physical, emotional and psychological abuse occur just as frequently and more often than not, have a stronger impact on the victim than physical abuse itself. Shockingly high percentages of teens, both male and female, have experienced some form of dating violence that has affected them not only short term, but also long term. Dating violence/abuse has many negative consequences that predominantly stem from psychological trauma caused by emotional abuse, such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, antisocial tendencies, and suicidal thoughts. Some of these consequences have physical issues, but the majority of them originate from mental issues caused by emotional abuse. Not only that, while physical abuse can cause one's body to endure pain and injuries, emotional abuse causes trauma that is just as painful, if not more, than its physical counterpart, and can not only affect the victim, but others around them as well. For example, In the article, "Teen Dating Violence", a woman named Tanisha Bagley gave her testimony on what it was like to have been in an abusive relationship. Tanisha detailed they atrocities that her significant other caused her, both on a physical and emotional level. When she said that she "knew at that moment if she didn't leave her partner the abuse cycle would repeat. She questioned the messages she was sending her children and how it would affect them in the future," she is saying that the abuse that her relationship caused was emotionally scarring to herself AND her children, which could later bring them problems within and regarding relationships. In this case and in many others, the toll of abuse on an emotional level is more severe than that of physical abuse and opens doors for more emotional issues in the future. The pain and trauma of physical abuse can be healed, but the agony that emotional abuse causes may never heal and can affect other relationships in the future.

Communion at mass unity

The Eucharistic sacrifice is wholly directed toward the intimate union of the faithful with Christ through communion" (CCC, 1382) The reception of the holy communion is so intimate that Christ becomes a part of those who receive, and they of him. This bond of unity is the primary grace of the sacrament. Assuming the person is properly disposed, the church recommends that a Catholic receive communion at every mass or at least once a year. To be disposed is to be in a state of grace. If you have mortal sin you cannot receive communion, but if you have any venial sins they are absolved at the beginning of the mass therefore you can receive the Eucharist

Is the desire for the Inner Ring compatible with the desire to be a member of the Body of Christ? Why or why not?

The action no, but the desire itself is compatible with the desire to be a member of the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ, in the context of the Church, is built heavily upon inclusion and true love with solidarity, unlike the superficial pretenses of the "Inner Circle", but the strong desire to be a part of group is similar to desire of one who wants to be a part of the Body of Christ. This is because those who want to join the "Inner Circle" think that they will finally be happy and in the right place if they join such group, just like those who think that they will find authenticity and love in the Body of Christ. Their powerful aspiration to feel included by a group of such magnitude and esteem both share deep similarities and mental passions, even though they vary in reason and morals within the groups.


The pope is preserved from error in matters of faith and morals. Not everything is infallible, only when regards to faith and morals. He needs to announce that he is going to speak infallibly from the chair of Peter. It has only been used twice in history

Roles of the laity

The role of the laity is to share the faith and pass it on to a few generations. This role can depend on the specific laity 's ability to defend the faith, or being apologist. The laity are also called work hard to dispel false rumors about Christianity and make it appear both reasonable and acceptable to non-Christians. While defending the faith, all Catholics are also called to evangelize, or spread the gospel

Importance of the Papacy

There are many testament passages that speak on the importance of the papacy There have been opponents to the pope's authority and universal jurisdiction over the church, also called papal primacy.


Very different from priest or bishop Strictly service oriented Holy orders Works with ministries of the church The ministry of the deacon is different from the priest. • History: Apostles chose 7 men to assist in the distribution of Goods and welfare of the lowly of the community. • They may or may not be assigned to a parish. • Assist in the Eucharist and other select sacraments, and performs works of charity. Deacons can only administer 2 sacraments: -baptism -matrimony

The Church is Catholic

We are each unique We learn from each other's uniqueness Catholic means "general" or "universal" Applied to the Church by St. Ignatius of Antioch Main point of Catholic Church: All are welcomed; we are called to evangelize the world.

The Church is Holy

We are living in communion with God and one another This is made possible because of Jesus Jesus is holy and therefore the Church is Holy. Briefly touches upon sacraments (one the greatest things the church offres) Helps us to live Holy and get into heaven Encompasses Sacraments, vocations, saints, and canonization, Mary (Queen of Heaven/Earth/Saints)


successors of the apostles Can administer all 7 sacraments The bishop receives the fullness of Holy Orders. • Through the bishop's ordination rite, he becomes a successor to the original Apostles and takes on all the responsibility that Christ entrusted to them. • He becomes a member of the college of bishops, so that with his brother bishops, he must lead the entire church in union with the Pope • The bishop is uniquely responsible for the diocese that he has been assigned to lead as chief shepherd. Sacramentally there is nothing higher than a bishop (pope is a bishop of Rome) Pope is successor of Peter

Tell us about the Parish in Arlington Virginia, describe it

• Attractive to parishioners because it's diverse, open to everyone. • Started off as a black church, opened to white parishioners even tho it wasn't common. Now it's inclusive and everyone is welcome • Supports individualism while having solidarity, united by the faith despite their diversity. • Our Lady Queen of Peace • Attractive because it gives back to the community and does lots of service. • Ties back to chapter 1 because it isn't driven by consumerism, there united by faith. Even tho everyone is different, they have that belief in God in common. • It's important that everyone has individual views that are supported by their community, like the fight for equality and sexual preference, they want a faith that they can still go to despite what they believe. • One of the bigger appeals is the strong sense of community, people look forward to it not just seen as something you ave to sit through every week. • The Body of Christ, the diversity serving as the different body parts that make up the Church.

Look at the name of the Chapter, what are they trying to say

• Because working together, and being a part of the • We're a team, one person can't win the game, you need everyone. If you do something good the church does good too because they're there to help you. If you fail, they're there to catch and help you. The cumin it's is what makes the church what it really is today. It's the main thing. It's not the palace of heaven, it's the kingdom of people. Not just one thing. • Ex of the Olive branches? How we are all different and unique we come together to create something beautiful. • The church is everywhere, we may be separated physically, we are connected spiritually. The same belief, same God, same idea of community and service.

Bible passage used in book used as example of expressing this universal love (Peter's letter)

• Letter to the Colosians that refers to the bond of perfection which expresses the Church's primary guarantee of love

What is solidarity based on? Love. What is the Church modeled after?

• Love • And Church is modeled after the trinity. • Solidarity, did walk for breast cancer- family members she didn't even know came to the walk in solidarity. • Every weekend would go to uncle's house to pray rosary for uncle who also had cancer, gave them the feeling that people are there for them.

Elaborate a little more what are the characteristics of this church that make everyone want to go there. How do they seem to connect, why are they so successful at bringing people in?

• They're open minded and welcoming. • They live out the gospel and show how important it is to welcome people- inspired by the Bible • Not being exclusive like some clique • They include those w disabilities and homosexuals, most interpret the Bible literally and shut these people out for who they are but one of the most important parts of Christianity is love and inclusion. • Serves as a safe place, to go and worship in peace, like those suffering from abuse. • Appealing because it's comforting • By living the gospel it inspires them to serve their community, see the suffering in the world like the Apostles and Jesus and the Saints they make time for others, had outreach, even tho people were different. They follow that example as the representatives of Jesus and the faith. • Inclusivity is key, LGBTQ+ are welcome at Our Lady Queen of Peace, go out of their way to be welcoming to people that have been shunned by some Catholic communities • Inclusivity is a MASSIVE factor in the Church's appeal, social media has made a negative impact on the church's image and so people assume the church is this conservative body that hates people that don't conform

Remember what the word Church and Catholic mean what does that have to do with Unity?

• Universal love, our love for God and His love for us. Living out the Gospel • Ex of Our Lady Queen of Peace, the inclusion and universality. It doesn't matter who you are or anything. All that matters is that they come together in a universal love of God

Describes the unity of the church with the world solidarity. What does it mean and how does it connect to the oneness of the church?

• Word to describe a common love and friendship, words that come to mind are thoughtfulness and wholesome. • Solidarity as performing actions as- Grey's anatomy example of a school shooting where the uninsured members of the school got candles and sang the alma matter outside the hospital to support those injured. • Ex: Teen Dating Violence Awareness class shirts thing, ] • That same belief and solidarity • BLM movement and how when we come together we can do anything • Solidarity reminds her of a covenant, not official or said but if ur part of the church everyone else in that community and that faith has your back. We all have an understanding that • Strong alone, stronger together. After quarantine, when back at school, being together again helps us through these troubling times. • Foil's are opposites that bring out the best in each other, ie Mice and Men w George nad Lennie • People going through similar hardship, going through all the best parts of your life. Not just solidarity through the bad but the good too.,

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