Theology short answer

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How did the differing roles of bishops and priests evolve in the early centuries of the Church?

At first the bishops and priests were used interchangeable, then it was changed to have preist and deacons being subordinates under the bishop

The early Christians were persecuted by the Romans in part for reasons related to Roman culture and politics. Describe one such reason.

Christians were persecuted because Romans were expected to worship the emperor as a god, and the Christians refused. They were persecuted out of a desire to keep control over citizens, and they were no longer seen as members of the accepted Jewish religion. They were persecuted because the religion was seen as subversive and unwilling to comply with the Roman culture.

The early Christians were persecuted by the Romans in part for reasons relating to their Christian beliefs and practices. Describe one such reason.

Christians were persecuted because they rejected immoral lifestyles common in Roman culture. They upheld the family and the marginalized. They followed teachings of Jesus that seemed unreasonable to the Romans, such as loving their neighbor

Name two differences between the way we celebrate the Eucharist today and the way it was celebrated by the early Christians.

Early Christians met in the homes of believers before they built churches. They would take the Body of Christ home to consume during the week.

Explain why the martyrs are a good example of the virtue of fortitude.

Fortitude is a gift of the Holy Spirit and equips human with courage. Martyrs had the courage to stay firm to what they believe and who they loved

Who were the lapsi? What decision had to be made regarding their return?

Lapsi were Christians that denounce their faith to be saved from being executed. The community needed to decide to welcome them or not back to the community and what penance needed to be made in order to be accepted back to their community.

Name two similarities between the way we celebrate the Eucharist today and the way it was celebrated by the early Christians.

The Eucharist is part of Christian initiation and is celebrated regularly on Sundays. The bishops, and eventually the priests, presided. We believe in the healing power of the Body of Christ.

Describe one reason why Christianity was appealing, despite the threat of persecution, to Roman citizens who converted.

The love they had for Christ, willing to die for their faith and the love they had for one another

What role did apologists play in spreading Christianity?

They defended the faith and clarified the teachings of the Church to the Gentiles

Describe two characteristics of the Roman Empire's geography and culture that helped the Church grow in the first centuries.

common language, ease of travel given the road system, and the stability of the Pax Romana.

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