Therapeutic Communications Final Study

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Which statement would NOT be a roadblock to communication?

"We care about you and your health and understand you are going through a difficult time."

Which of the following is a closed question?

"When you move your foot, does it hurt?"

Which statement is moralizing/lecturing?

"You really ought to have done it this way."

Homepathy practitioners are licensed in ___ states.


At what age to infants begin to recognize familiar faces and voices?

3 months

In 2010, nearly $___ was spent by individuals for alternative health care.

34 Billion

What percentage of communication accounts for what is actually being said?



A drug recognized by the DEA as a drug with little or no benefit and high potential for abuse


A drug used medically as an anesthetic to deaden a local area


A drug used medically to treat short-term fatigue, depression, and narcolepsy

Which scenario illustrates displaced anger?

A man is frustrated from a problem at work and yells at his wife when he gets home.

"That must be frustrating for you."

Acknowledging feelings

An individual from which culture is most likely to visit a TCM practitioner?

American Indian

6-10 year old Children

Are very curious about death and want to plan their own rituals

Based on the belief that if there is a balance and harmony of body, mind, and spirit, then health and the absence of disease will follow



Behavior is brought on by frustration, obstacles, or offensive situations.


Behavior occurs when there is out-of-control frustration.


Behavior that is violent and there is intent to do harm

3-5 year old Children

Believe that death is reversible

What type of depression is associated with risky behaviors, suicidal thoughts, or psychotic symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized thinking?

Bipolar disorder


Causes mood changes, delusions, increases levels of vital signs


Characterized by loss of emotional control, irrationality, symptoms related to shock, gasping, possible chest pain, and loss of problem-solving capability.

Life-Threatening Illness

Chronic illness that has progressed to the stage when death is the inevitable result

For which condition is therapeutic touch most appropriate?

Chronic pain


Circumstances that prevent us from doing what we want to do

"When you say that, do you mean. . .?"

Clarifying and validating

Proposed the theory that the body's internal milieu changes constantly to meet the daily demands of life

Claude Bernard

Which characteristic is NOT typical of a person who uses CAM?

Communicative about CAM with their PCP

Which term in NOT one of the five C's of communication?



Consistent with one another


Content of the communication

A very large predicament; short term





Demands of schedule, workload, or expectations, placed on us by ourselves or others


Described three levels - preconventional, conventional, and postconventional


Does not include unnecessary information



If you find yourself feeling hostile towards your clients, what should you do?

Examine your feelings and discuss them without someone who can help.

Dr. George L. Engel identified which process or stage of working through grief?

Experiencing disbelief and shock over the loss

A PCP might use social media to report laboratory results to a patient.


Adolescents experience a loss of self-identity and feelings of belonging-more than any other age level.


After individuals go through medical detoxification, they will no longer need treatment.


All 50 states mandate the reporting of IPV.


Alternative health care is usually covered by most insurance plans.


Alternative, complementary, or integrative medicine are all similar in education, training, and licensure requirements.


An experienced health professional can move a dying client out of denial.


Annoyance is a chronic form of anger that is long lasting.


As health care professionals it is appropriate to moralize and scold clients for their behavior as long as it is done gently and with compassion.


As health professionals, it is unrealistic to continue with clients who fail or drop out of treatment.


Because of the time and responsibility of characteristic activities of older adult clients, they experience more stress-related complaints than other age groups.


Both Western medicine and CAM practices are based on scientific knowledge and research.


Child abuse is more under-reported than the abuse of older adults.


Clients with life-altering diseases get angry with themselves rather than project their anger to others.


Control is a critical factor in the helping interview. Even the use of the word client implies superior/inferior, higher/lower, and more-knowledge/less-knowledge.


Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross learned through her research there is a logical order to the stages a person experiences when dying.


During the orientation phase of the helping interview, it is best for the client to be standing when the health professional is seated.


Examples of acute illnesses include arthritis and fibromyalgia.


Fear and anxiety are reactions to known and usually external threats.


Federal law mandates that all medical facilities must inform their clients of the Patient Self-Determination Act.


Finger tapping commonly indicates indifference.


Health professionals should try to communicate acceptance of the abuser's feelings and the violent act.


Homeopathy can be used to treat an asthma attack.


If a client is experiencing severe anxiety, the health professional should focus on giving the client one detail at a time and say 'you seem very anxious today.'


If health professionals are asked questions by adolescents, it is a good idea to moralize as this helps adolescents learn and understand how to live morally as adults.


In Western Culture, 4 to 12 feet is considered public space whereas personal space is 1 1/2 to 4 feet.


In caring for infants, health professionals need to be especially aware of their own feelings toward aging parents or growing older.


It is easier for clients to work through their grief when the relationship has already experienced conflict and ambivalence.


It is particularly important to give rewards to adolescents.


Listening with a 'third ear' means to listen with your ears and your eyes.


Men are nearly twice as likely to experience depression as women.


Middle-aged adults experience more hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, and hearing and vision impairments than any other age level.


Most suicides occur without warning


Naturopathic doctors are currently licensed in all 50 states.


Older adults experience fewer chronic illnesses than acute illnesses.


One of the greatest barriers to listening occurs when receivers misinterpret the message.


Professional health care employees who work with chronically ill clients or those who have life-threatening illnesses should always keep their emotions distant from their clients.


Rape is a sexual act and one of violence.


Rubbing the nose usually indicates deception.


Stress is always described as negative and unhealthy.


Substance abuse and addiction are referred to as substance abuse disorders.


The Ayurvedic practice of medicine comes from ancient China.


There are 3 major tests used to diagnosis depression.


When a client is angry, it is natural and appropriate for health professionals to take the client's comments personally and act accordingly.


When clients are dying, health professionals should allow families to make decisions whenever possible.


When medication administration is entrusted to family members, they can determine the dosage with each administration.


When meeting clients for the first time, it is best to address them informally by their first names to lessen their anxiety.


When working with clients who have addictions, it is realistic for health professionals to think they can 'fix it'.



Fear that focuses on a person or object, and disappear when the person or object is gone.

Older Adults

Fear the loss of independence

Choose the correct priority of need fulfillment according to Maslow.

Food, safety, love, esteem, self-actualization


Group of gestures, facial expressions, and postures

Proposed the theory that is named General Adaption Syndrome

Hans Selye


Have a fascination and fear about dying

A belief that healing takes place when miniscule amounts of certain substances are able to leave an imprint in the body, stimulate the immune system, and help facilitate a cure



Hostility directed toward something or someone other than the cause of the frustration

Chronic Illness

Illness in which symptoms linger over period of time, gradually debilitating the client

Life-Altering Illness

Illness that affects or limits the quality if life of an individual, and creates feelings of powerlessness and lack of control

Acute Illness

Illness that is considered an inconvenience and does not normally result in life changes


Incompatibility between two important things or objectives equally important to us


Intense anger directed toward a particular person or people

For adolescents, which statement is particularly relevant?

It is important to set limits that are fair and consistent.

Which statement about marijuana is true?

It may result in lethargy, hunger, agitation, and respiratory problems.


Know that there is a loss only if they are not fed, clothed, and loved

Which theorist used moral dilemmas to determine which stage of moral reasoning a person uses?


According to Freud, the school age child (7-11) is in which stage:

Latent stage


Logical and in order

Which statement about child abuse is true?

Many children think the abuse is normal and the result of their wrong-doing.

Therapies based on the belief that the mind and body are equally significant medically

Mind/Body Therapies

Which type of practitioner is mose likely to believe that the mind and body are equally significant medically?

Naturopath (ND)

Based on 'natural' and nontoxic medicine, nutritional supplements, and physical modifications in breathing and posture



Occurs when an individual is overwhelmed with a feeling of impending danger.

A state of fear



Perceived as needing the support of others to deal with death

No easy solution


Has a solution



Psychosis of fear that is related to a feeling of being victimized

Which statement about rape is true?

Rapists are generally identified in one of three categories: angry, power, and sadistic.

"So you think milk and cheese cause gas for you?"

Reflecting and paraphrasing

Which term refers to a chronic form of anger that is long lasting?


Maslow believes that humans have the ultimate need to be all they can be - realize and fulfill one's own potential - which he labeled:



Sense that loss poses a threat to their pattern on living

According to Piaget, the infant is in which stage of intellectual development?


"Your hands are shaking."

Sharing observation

The client says "I cannot control my disease!" The health professional responds, "How is your mother doing?" This is an example of what roadblock?


A numbed or dazed condition


Individuals experience frustration, anger that turns inward, and hostility

Stage #1 of Suicide

Individuals' stress levels become unbearable and they panic

Stage #2 of Suicide

Individuals communicate their helplessness to someone else

Stage #3 of Suicide

Individuals begin to plan to carry out the suicide.

Stage #4 of Suicide

Which statement about major depression disorder with peripartum onset (PPND) is true?

Stress seems to be one of the contributing factors

Which type of practitioner is likely to use moxibustion as a treatment option?


How can heath professionals help clients who have a life-threatening illness and/or are dying?

Take care of themselves so they can help their clients

How does the body respond when the parasympathetic nervous system becomes active during the stress cycle?

The body returns to normal.


The fear usually experienced prior to an event

Which statistic about suicide is true?

The highest rate is for adults 85 years of age or older.

How do insurers gain when clients opt for CAM?

The insurance company pays out less dollars and creates more profit.

Which statement about major depressive disorder with seasonal pattern disorder is true?

The treatment of choice for major depressive disorder is light therapy or phototherapy.

_____ is often synonymous with reassurance, understanding, and caring, but helping professionals must be sensitive to a client's level of acceptance to it.


An ancient modality referring to the five elements of fire, earth, metal, water, and wood

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

'Modeling' can occur when we are in a situation that we are uncertain of what is expected of us.


'Tell me about a typical day with your baby.' is an example of an indirect statement.


A PCP might use social media to remind everyone to get a flu shot.


A person's age will in part determine how one reacts to grief.


About half the adults who are depressed believe their depression is a personal weakness and are too embarrassed to seek help.


According to Maslow, a person who is hungry and cold is not ready (or able) to strive for meeting needs related to love and belonging.


According to the NIMH, 20-25% of the the US adult population may experience a major depressive episode during their lifetime.


Anticipatory Grief simplifies the grieving process later.


As individuals continue to drink alcohol, there is an increase in their ability to tolerate alcohol.


Bullying can lead to depression and increases the risk of suicide in children and adolscents.


Calling in sick for an alcoholic spouse who is hung over is an example of codependency.


Children know instantly if you are insecure.


Children who have been physically abused may exhibit aggressive behavior and regress to an earlier state of development.


Health professionals must strive for an unbiased approach and see their role as one of helping clients choose recovery.


Hope should always be maintained with clients who have life-altering illnesses.


If conflict escalates beyond the angry state, clients may become aggressive and/or verbally abusive.


If health professionals need to give instructions to a client while he or she in the exhaustion phase of the stress cycle, the instructions should be written.


In the helping interview, during resolution, allow time for the client to think about what has just been said to formulate any questions.


In the helping interview, genuineness means that there will be congruency between the verbal and nonverbal messages.


Individuals who have been abused typically have few defense mechanisms for coming with anxiety and stress.


Inhalants are unstable and unpredictable chemical substances found in household items.


It is advisable to make 'small talk' when leading the client from the reception area to the exam room.


Many clients turn to CAM because they believe their PCP is more interested in providing a 'quick fix' for an ailment than in spending time getting to the root of the problem.


Men and women react differently to stress.


Of the more than 4.5 million Americans with Alzheimer's disease, half may show aggressive behaviors.


Older adults are more successful in suicide attempts than are younger people.


Persistent depressive disorder previously known as dysthmia is a less severe form of minor depression.


Physically, adult clients are quite healthy.


Self-assessment helps us determine who we are as seen by ourselves and by others.


The 4 types of abuse are intimate partner violence, child abuse, abuse of older adults, and rape.


The basic personality of clients with life-altering illnesses may be changed significantly, depending on their psychological experiences.


The latter phase of a life-altering illness is called life-threatening.


The majority of acute illnesses do not result in life changes.


The use of the term life-threatening allows for a place of hope and empowers a person to a higher degree of control over their grief and dying.


The vicious cycle that addicted individuals go through begins with excessive use of a drug, followed by disapproval, self-recrimination, guilt, rationalization, denial, and continued excessive use of a drug.


The way individuals spend their younger years generally predicts how they will spend their elder years.


Therapeutic touch in the use of treatment of illness is based on the premise that illness occurs when a person's energy field is out of balance.


To help decrease stress in toddlers, provide consistency and praise for accomplishments and talk at their level of understanding.


Unconditioned responses occur without prior training.


When working with clients who are dying, health professionals should deal with the present, here and now.


Younger adults may actually be living in an extended psychological adolescent period.


Your personal appearance and the appearance of the medical facility are vital keys in the helping interview.



Used medically in the treatment of certain stress disorders, relief of insomnia and pain


Used to medically treat pain, curb nausea, vomiting, suppress cough reflex

Which substance is NOT an opioid?



Verify perception

Proposed the theory that the body adjusts when change threatens to be too great

Walter B. Cannon

Belief that disease results from bacterial and viral attack on the body

Western Medicine

Nicotine is

a chronic and relapsing addiction that often results in serious illness

The phases of violence include all of the following EXCEPT

a resolution phase

Setting limits is especially appropriate when clients experience


Defense mechanisms are

an attempt to protect oneself by blocking an emotionally painful experience.

Initially, a client processing a serious diagnosis is likely to feel


An individual will have which response during the fight-or-flight stage of stress?

anger and frustration

Medications prescribed for terminally ill clients usually include


Older adults (65+)

appreciate making their own decisions on health care

Bipolar 1 disorder is classified as experiencing

at least one manic episode with or without previous episodes of depression

In reporting and documenting IPV, health professionals need to

bag, label, safely preserve, and protect any evidence collected.

When a client is dying, a health care professional should

be careful not to impose their own cultural values on their clients

Men tend to react to stress by

becoming physically or verbally aggressive.

Effective team communication is

built on trust.

Becoming skilled in professional interactions requires

caring about the client.

It has been said that the greatest grief comes from the loss of a


In levels of need, if the client seems panicked, it means that the

client will not be able to listen

In order to have a positive self-acceptance, we must have

congruency among our three selves

Use of defense mechanisms can be attributed to:

coping with or survival of a situation, providing time to adjust and accept a problem, and helping an individual block an emotionally painful expereince

Western medicine is based on the premise that

disease results from bacterial and viral attack on the body

Clients with life-threatening illnesses

fear the symptoms of the illness more than death itself

A rape kit commonly includes materials for collecting all of the following EXCEPT


In the helping interview, the person needing help typically feels

frightened or embarrassed

Defense Mechanism

has been defined as behavior that is used to protect the ego from guilt, anxiety, or loss of esteem.

Chronic illnesses

have a significant impact on client's lives

Research has shown that _____ is a significant factor in worsening the health of individuals addicted to a substance.

having no medical insurance

When clients provide advanced directive that specifies that no heroic measures be taken, the professional should

honor the directive and respect the clients' wishes as much as possible

One characteristic of empathy is that it

identifies with the client and feels what he or she is feeling

Defense mechanisms are considered unhealthy when:

inappropriate behaviors are developed in later developmental stages AND through use of them the problem is never fully resolved

Erickson's trust vs mistrust stage includes what age group?


Very rapid growth and development occurs in which age group?


Stressors are

internal perceptions or external events that cause the body to respond.

Oregon's law addressing those who are dying

is an assisted death law


is the formost proponent of ego psychology, broadened Freud's approach adding cultural and social factors as influence, and identified eight psychosocial crises

Of the following, probably the most significant loss grieved by clients with life-altering illness is their


The primary sensory skill involved in verbal communication is


Major depression

makes normal day-to-day activities difficult

An example of a drug used recreationally that has no medical use is


Appropriate therapeutic responses to angry, aggressive, or abusive clients include


The alarm stage of stress is characterized by


Addiction is defined as

physiological or psychological dependence on a substance that is beyond voluntary control

Skinner believed that behavior followed by a pleasant reward or stimulus is known as:

positive reinforcement

In caring for the adult client, the therapeutic response includes all of the following EXCEPT for

preparing them to transfer to a physician who cares for the older adult


produces a temporary feeling of well-being

The term 'defense mechanism' has been defined as behavior that is used to:

protect the ego from guilt, anxiety, or loss of esteem

Hospice is used for clients who are in the final stages of their life-threatening illness to

provide palliative care and supportive services

The goals of effective listening include all of the following EXCEPT

providing a response that offers a solution

Individuals who receive news that their illness is life-threatening

realize that death may be imminent

Substance abuse manifests impairment by

recurrent use that results in failure to fulfill major obligations at work, school, and/or home.

Palliative care

relieves or alleviates symptoms without curing

The therapeutic response to adolescents coming into the medical clinic should include

respecting their privacy needs and respect for modesty

All of the following are particularly important therapeutic responses for the older adult EXCEPT

setting fair and consistent limits

Use of _________ can help parents communicate more effectively with their infants.

sign language

Unresolved grief can cause

stress-related medical diseases

Therapeutic communication involves both professional and _____ skills.


Personal space refers to

the distance at which we are comfortable with others

A diagnosis of minor depression involves having depressed mood and/or loss of interest in things normally enjoyed for at least

two weeks lasting most of the day and occurring nearly ever day

An angry client is most likely to

use profanity

Characteristics of the exhaustion stage in the stress cycle include

weakened blood vessels.

Individuals with an addiction

who follow a 12-step program and are active in AA/NA meetings have a 50% greater chance at success in recovery.

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