Thyroid gland anatomy
Surfaces of gland and isthmus
Gland: lateral medial and posterior Isthmus: anterior and posterior
Relations to medial surface
Inferior constrictor and cricothyroid Trachea and oesophagus External and recurrent laryngeal nervez
Arterial blood supply
Inferior thyroid artery supplies blood to major part of thyroid Gland and anastomoses with descending branch of superior thyroid artery
Relations to posterior surface
Carotid sheath
Situated in front of c5 c6 c7 and r1 vertebrae
Venous drainage
Superior thyroid vein and middle thyroid vein drain into jnternal jugular vein Inferior thyroid vein into the brachiocephalic vein
True capsules and false capsules
Relations to borders
Anterior: superior thyroid artery Posterior: parathyroid 1. Inferior thyroid artery 2. Thoracic duct 3. Anastomosis between superior and inferior thyroid artery
Dimention and weight
Each lobe measures: 5x2.5x2.5 cm Isthmus: 1.2x1.2 cm Weight 25gm
Relations to lateral surface
Sternohyoid Sternothyroid Superior belly of omohyoid Sternomastoid