T.O. 1C-135(R)-1-1

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A 25% bank turn decreases endurance capability by how much?

21,600 pounds of thrust

A F108-CF-201 engine produces how much thrust at sea level between -60 and +32 degrees Fahrenheit?

6 knots

All TOLD speeds are increased by how much with inoperative leading edge flaps?

Between 40 - 80 KIAS

Final throttle adjustments must be made between what speeds for the TRT speed charts to be valid?

For 30 to 20 flaps: 3E climb out + 10 For 20 to 0 flaps: 3E climb out +25

Flap retractions speeds are what?

A good rule of thumb is 100 ft for 50 flap landings and 150 ft for 30 flap landings

For 50 or 30 flap landings, by how much does one knot fast increase landing distance?

An obstacle that is within 8000 feet horizontal distance from unstick and 240 feet vertically above unstick altitude.

Define a close in obstacle.

An RCR of 4.

Do not attempt a t/o below what RCR?

If obstacle clearance is greater than 1.0 % of obstacle distance from the end of the runway, no calm wind adjustment is required. If the obstacle clearance is less than 1.0 % of the obstacle distance from the end of the runway, account for a 2 knot tailwind gust

Calm winds affect TOLD speeds how?

The speed at which an abort will cause the absorption of 36 million foot-pounds of energy per brake

Define Cautionary Brake Energy Decision Speed.

The maximum speed from which a t/o can be aborted and 50 million foot-pounds per brake (the max energy absorbtion) not be exceeded.

Define Maximum Brake Energy Decision Speed.

The speed at which an abort will not exceed 25 million foot pounds of energy per brake

Define Normal Brake Energy Decision Speed.

Ground minimum control speed is the minimum airspeed at which the airplane, while on the ground, can lose an outboard engine and maintain directional control with remaining engines at the N1 setting for takeoff.

Define VMCG.

Increase VROT, VTO, recommended three engine climbout, flap retract, approach, and emergency reference speeds by full gust increment. Observe maximum allowable crosswind component with increased VROT. Determine crosswind component with gust and adjust VMCG. Adjust stabilizer trim 1 unit nose-down for every 10 knot increase in rotation speed. Recompute CFL and VCEF if takeoff is obstacle limited or if takeoff is to be made with a tailwind. Takeoff N1 setting may be increased as desired, or required, (not to exceed TRT) if takeoff becomes critical after CFL adjustment.

Gusts affect TOLD speeds how?

Rotation speed is always increased 4 knots for each 10 knots of tailwind component parallel to the runway. CFL, rotation speed, and crosswind components are all adjusted in a conservative manner.

How does tail wind affect rotation speed, CFL, etc?

Approx 4,000 of gas or 1.875% of aircraft's gross weight. This is based off the 7.5% gross weight burn rate per hour of transition.

How many pounds of fuel does an instrument approach take?

2000 pounds (pg

If a penetration to a full stop landing is planned, use how many pounds of fuel as a planning factor?

Standard day, PMC ON, 2 packs ON, anti-ice off.

TRT N1 Setting chart conditions are:

Takeoff flare begins at unstick and ends when reaching climbout speed at approximately 35 feet.

Take-off flare occurs between what two points in the t/o?

1. Determine Climb Reference Number (CRN) for runway available minus 2000 feet from figure A2-3. 2. Determine CRN for obstacle clearance, if required. 3. Determine minimum Thrust Reference Number (TRN) for required CRN for step 1 and 2 from figure A2-4. 4. Determine TRN for 70% N1 from figure A2-5. 5. Select TRN = 20 or the TRN(s) from step 3. or 4., whichever is greater. Determine the minimum N1 setting for takeoff by converting the larger TRN to N1 using figure A2-5.

The minimum N1 setting for takeoff is determined as follows:

Variations of 4000 ft and 10 knots.

Variations of how much to altitude and airspeed will have negligible impact on endurance?

5 knots

Vref is how many knots below Flap 50 approach speed?

Use an RCR of 16 for wet runways or an RCR of 5 for slush covered runways when determining the maximum allowable crosswind

What RCR value should be used in determining crosswind capability?

If delay is not possible, an estimated value of wind shear can be used to increase rotation, takeoff, and climbout speeds. CFL will be increased if rotation speed is increased due to wind shear. CFL shall not exceed runway available but may be planned with 50% of the reported headwind as benefits. The takeoff will be made using TRT thrust.

What TOLD speeds does wind shear affect?

When landing without speedbrakes, the maximum allowable crosswind is reduced by 30% for flaps 30 or less and 35% for flaps 40 or 50.

What are the affects on max crosswind capability when landing without speedbrakes?

Do not attempt to take off when slush and/or water puddles on the runway exceed 1/2 inch depth. When slush or puddles are less than 1/2 inch, takeoff distances can increase up to 25%.

What are the considerations for taking-off through standing water?

Static: 200 Static/Rolling: 300 Rolling: the distance measured from the end of the runway to a point where the taxi guideline intersects the runway centerline. If this distance is not known, use 700 feet.

What are the line-up distances for the 3 types of take-offs?

A minimum CRN of 2.8 for TRT/ MCL N1 MAX mode, 4 for minimum N1 MAX mode

What are the minimum CRNs for t/o?

1. CFL + 2000 > RA 2. S1 exceeds Cautionary Brake speed 3. CRN is less than 4 4. Obstacle clearance is less than 1.0% of the obstacle distance from the end of the runway

What conditions drive a critical take-off designation?

Corrections for gross weight, center of gravity, RCR, hydraulic fluid temperature, and crosswind component are included on the charts.

What is Vmcg affected by?

Approximately 1:15

What is the glide ratio for the 135?

Maximum allowable speed deviation is 8 knots with 20 degrees flaps and 3 knots with 30 degrees flap

What is the max speed deviations on climb-out allowed?

Regardless of the reason for increasing rotation speed, in no case will the rotation speed increment exceed 25 percent of the charted rotation speed

What is the maximum Vrotate can be increased due to gust, tailwind, wind shear, etc?

4000 ft

What is the minimum CFL?

195 KIAS

What is tire placard speed at sea level with no wind?

TRT or MCL N1 settings are recommended for critical takeoffs unless a lower setting is required for VMCG/VMCA considerations.

What thrust setting is recommended for Critical T/O's?

As airspeed increases, gradually less nosewheel steering will be required until at approximately VMCG + 20 knots, adequate control can be maintained by aerodynamic controls alone. With an engine failure at chart ground minimum control speed, a deviation from the takeoff path of as much as 30 feet can be expected.

When will aerodynamic forces allow for control of the aircraft on the ground (versus usage of nose wheel steering) in a Vmcg situation?

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