T.O.P Chapter 2

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Which of the following defines people who continue to receive erotic satisfaction by keeping and possessing objects and by arranging them in an excessively neat and orderly fashion?

Anal character

________ refers to the fact that the manifest dream content is not as extensive as the latent level, indicating that the unconscious material has been abbreviated before appearing on the manifest level.


___________ refers to the fact that the manifest dream content is not as extensive as the latent level, indicating that the unconscious material has been abbreviated before appearing on the manifest level.


_____ can be defined as those mental elements in awareness at any given point in time.


_____ is the only level of mental life which is directly available to individuals.


_____ also is involved in dream formation, as when the dreamer's destructive urges toward a parent are placed onto a dog or wolf.


__________ means that the dream image is replaced by some other idea only remotely related to it.

Displacement dream analysis

According to Sigmund Freud, only the _____ can produce or feel anxiety.


Sigmund Freud objected to the term _____ complex, sometimes used by others when referring to the female Oedipus complex, because it suggests a direct parallel between male and female development during the phallic stage.


True or false: A criticism of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory is that it only uses operationally defined terms.


True or false: The ultimate aim of the sexual drive is changeable and the path by which the aim is achieved remains constant.


_____ is the permanent attachment of the libido onto an earlier, more primitive stage of development.


Identify a characteristic of the superego.

Ignorant of the practicability of its requirements

Identify a characteristic of the id.


The source of conscious elements from within the mental structure

Includes nonthreatening ideas from the preconscious as well as menacing but well-disguised images from the unconscious

_____ is a defense mechanism whereby people incorporate positive qualities of another person into their own ego.


In the context of the defense mechanisms identified by Sigmund Freud, identify a true statement about reactive behavior.

It can be identified by its exaggerated character and by its obsessive and compulsive form.

Identify a criticism of Sigmund Freud's theory.

It is not falsifiable.

_____ becomes a perversion when Eros becomes subservient to the destructive drive.


Identify the type of anxiety that stems from the conflict between the ego and the superego.

Moral anxiety

Negative transference

Must be recognized by the therapist and explained to patients so that they can overcome any resistance to treatment

_____ anxiety is defined as apprehension about an unknown danger.


Positive transference

Permits patients to more or less relive childhood experiences within the nonthreatening climate of the analytic treatment

According to Sigmund Freud, which of the following is served by the id?

Pleasure principle

_____ is defined as seeing in others unacceptable feelings or tendencies that actually reside in one's own unconscious.


_____ anxiety is closely related to fear.


_____ anxiety is defined as an unpleasant, nonspecific feeling involving a possible danger.


_____ becomes perverted when the sexual aim of erotic pleasure becomes secondary to the destructive aim.


_____ refers to the need for sexual pleasure by inflicting pain or humiliation on another person.


According to Freud, identify the major headings under which the various drives can be grouped....

Sex & Aggression

_____ is the repression of the genital aim of Eros by substituting a cultural or social aim.


Manifest content

Surface meaning or the conscious description given by the dreamer


The amount of force the drive exerts


The region of the body in a state of excitation or tension


The seeking of pleasure by removing excitation or reducing the tension


The thing that serves as the means with which the tension is reduced

Latent content

The unconscious material of a dream

Which of the following characteristics are found in people with psychological maturity?

Their ego-ideal is realistic and congruent with their ego. Their superego moves beyond parental identification and control. Their ego controls their id and superego.

According to Sigmund Freud, identify a true statement about parapraxes or unconscious slips.

They arise from the concurrent actions of two different intentions.

Which of the following statements is true of children in the late anal period?

They may present their feces to the parents as a valued prize.

Identify a purpose of psychoanalysis, according to Sigmund Freud.

To strengthen the ego

True or false: The aim of the destructive drive, according to Sigmund Freud, is to return an organism to an inorganic state.


The source of conscious elements called the perceptual conscious system

What is perceived through sense organs, if not too threatening, enters into consciousness

A stage attained after a person has passed through the earlier developmental periods in an ideal manner is known as _____.

a period of psychological maturity

Sadism and masochism possess generous components of the _____ drive.


When overt sexual love for members of one's family is repressed, a second type of love comes into existence. Sigmund Freud called this love _____.


During the late anal period, when the behavior of children is rejected, they adopt another method of obtaining anal pleasure—withholding the feces until the pressure becomes both painful and erotically stimulating. This mode of narcissistic and masochistic pleasure lays the foundation for the _____.

anal character

Sigmund Freud defined _____ as a felt, affective, unpleasant state accompanied by a physical sensation that warns the person against impending danger.


In a male child, a condition accompanies the Oedipus complex in which he develops the fear of losing his sex organ. This condition is known as _____.

castration anxiety

During the complete Oedipus complex, feelings of ambivalence in a boy play a role in the evolution of the _____.

castration complex

Josef Breuer taught Sigmund Freud about _____, the process of removing hysterical symptoms through talking them out.


The _____ results from experiences with punishments for improper behavior and tells people what they should not do.


The contents of the preconscious come from two sources, namely, _____ and the _____.

conscious perception; unconscious

The brain stem, and the ascending activating system in particular, is the part of the brain most directly associated with _____ consciousness or unconsciousness in the sense of not being awake.


The state of not being aware or awake is known as _____ consciousness, whereas the state of being aware is known as _____ consciousness.

core; extended

During the early anal period, the _____ nature of the sadistic drive in infants is stronger than the erotic one.


According to Sigmund Freud, an adolescent boy going through the genital period is most likely to _____.

direct his sexual energy toward another person

Identify a defense mechanism in which people redirect their unacceptable urges onto a variety of people or objects so that the original impulse is disguised or concealed.


Sigmund Freud used _____ to transform the manifest content of dreams to the more important latent content.

dream analysis

According to Sigmund Freud, _____ operate as a constant motivational force.


As an internal stimulus, _____ differ from external stimuli in that they cannot be avoided through flight.


The period in which children receive satisfaction by destroying or losing objects is known as the _____ period.

early anal

The sexual aim of the _____ is to incorporate or receive into one's body the object-choice, that is, the nipple.

early oral activity

As the sole region of the mind in contact with the external world, the _____ becomes the decision-making or executive branch of personality.


The _____ grows out of the id during infancy and becomes a person's sole source of communication with the external world.


The _____, or I, is the only region of the mind in contact with reality.


The _____ develops from experiences with rewards for proper behavior and tells people what they should do.


Being aware and able to reflect on one's knowledge and self is more a function of activity in the prefrontal cortex and is associated with _____ consciousness.


True or false: The purpose of free association is to to seek pleasure without regard for what is proper or just.


When the prospect of taking the next step becomes too anxiety provoking, the ego may resort to the strategy of remaining at the present, a more comfortable psychological stage. Such a defense is called _____.


The method in which patients are required to verbalize every thought that comes to their mind, no matter how irrelevant or repugnant it may appear is known as _____.

free association

While using catharsis, Sigmund Freud gradually and laboriously discovered the _____ technique, which soon replaced hypnosis as his principal therapeutic technique.

free association

Puberty signals a reawakening of the sexual aim and the beginning of the _____.

genital period

A disorder typically characterized by paralysis or the improper functioning of certain parts of the body is known as _____.


At the core of personality and completely unconscious is the psychical region called the _____.


According the Sigmund Freud, the phase in which children take a friendly interest toward their feces, an interest that stems from the erotic pleasure of defecating is known as the _____.

late anal period

Sigmund Freud believed that from the 4th or 5th year until puberty, both boys and girls usually go through a period of dormant psychosexual development, known as the _____.

latency stage

The _____ is brought about partly by parents' attempts to punish or discourage sexual activity in their young children.

latency stage

In the context of the headings under which the drives are grouped, Sigmund Freud used the word ________ to represent energy from the sex drive.


In the context of the sexual drive, Sigmund Freud believed that the entire body is invested with _____.


A manifestation of Eros is _____, which develops when people invest their libido on an object or person other than themselves.


After children establish a superego—usually by the age of 5 or 6—they may experience _____ anxiety as an outgrowth of the conflict between realistic needs and the dictates of their superego.


The superego is guided by _____ and _____ principles.

moralistic; idealistic

People may experience _____ anxiety in the presence of a teacher, employer, or some other authority figure because they previously experienced unconscious feelings of destruction against one or both parents.


Unlike Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud's notion of phylogenetic endowment relied on the _____ as a last resort.

notion of inherited dispositions

According to Sigmund Freud, a drive's _____ is the person or thing that serves as the means through which an aim is satisfied.


As ego develops, children usually give up their primary narcissism. according to Sigmund Freud, their narcissistic libido then transforms into _____.

object libido

According to Sigmund Freud, the first infantile stage of development is the _____ phase, because it is associated with the first organ to provide an infant with pleasure.


In the _____ phase, infants gain pleasure through the act of sucking.


During the _____ phase, infants feel no ambivalence toward the pleasurable object and their needs are usually satisfied with a minimum of frustration and anxiety.


According to Sigmund Freud, the emergence of teeth in infants aids their defense against the environment in the second oral phase, known as the _____ phase.


According to Sigmund Freud, infants respond to others through biting, cooing, closing their mouth, smiling, and crying during the _____.

oral-sadistic phase

James Strachey, one of Freud's translators, invented the term _________ to refer to what many people now simply call "Freudian slips."


Sigmund Freud believed that _______ __________ is often expressed by pre-Oedipal girls as a wish to be a boy or a desire to have a man.

penis envy

When pre-Oedipal girls discover that boys possess different genital equipment and also apparently have something extra, they become jealous and desire to have a male sexual organ. This can be referred to as

penis envy

According to Sigmund Freud, a way through which ideas can reach consciousness is through a system, which is turned toward the outer world and acts as a medium for the perception of external stimuli. This system is known as the ___________ of _____________ system

perceptual conscious

According to Sigmund Freud, the _____ phase is a time when the genital area becomes the leading erogenous zone.


The _____ stage is marked by a dichotomy in psychological gender development, a distinction that Sigmund Freud believed to be due to the anatomical differences between the sexes.


Sigmund Freud believed that a portion of the unconscious originates from the experiences of people's early ancestors that have been passed on through hundreds of generations of repetition. He called these inherited unconscious images people's ____________ _______________

phylogenetic endowment

In the context of the drives as recognized by Sigmund Freud, the aim of the sex drive is _____.


According to Sigmund Freud, the _____ level of the mind contains all those elements that are not conscious but can become conscious either quite readily or with some difficulty.


As the ego develops, children usually give up much of their _____ and develop a greater interest in other people.

primary narcissism

The condition in which infants are primarily self-centered, with their libido invested almost exclusively on their own ego is known as _____.

primary narcissism

When an internal impulse provokes too much anxiety, the ego may reduce that anxiety by attributing the unwanted impulse to an external object, usually another person. This defense mechanism is referred to as _____.


Through hypnosis, Sigmund Freud became convinced of a _____ and _____ origin of hysterical symptoms.

psychogenic; sexual

According to Sigmund Freud, which of the following often create feelings of anxiety, and the anxiety in turn stimulates repression?

punishment and suppression

One of the ways in which in a repressed impulse may become conscious is through adopting a disguise that is directly opposite its original form. This defense mechanism is called a _____.

reaction formation

The ego is governed by the _____ principle, which it tries to substitute for the pleasure principle of the id.


When the libido has passed a developmental stage, it may, during times of stress and anxiety, revert back to that earlier stage. Such a reversion is known as _____.


Dreams of people with a traumatic experience follow the principle of _____ rather than wish fulfillment.

repetition compulsion

According to Sigmund Freud, the forcing of unwanted, anxiety-ridden experiences into the unconscious as a defense against the pain of an anxiety is called _____.


In the context of the defense mechanisms as identified by Sigmund Freud, the most basic is _____ because it is involved in each of the others.


Regressive behavior is similar to fixated behavior in that it is _____.

rigid and infantile

During puberty, adolescents often redirect their libido back to the ego and become preoccupied with personal appearance and other self-interests. This condition is known as _____.

secondary narcissism

According to Sigmund Freud, the final aim of the aggressive drive is _____.


According to Sigmund Freud, _____ can take many forms, including narcissism, love, sadism, and masochism.


According to Sigmund Freud, the _____ drive can take either an active or a passive form, or it can be temporarily or permanently inhibited.


The desire for sexual intercourse with the father and accompanying feelings of hostility for the mother are known as the _____.

simple female Oedipus complex

According to Sigmund Freud, the one mechanism that helps both the individual and the social group is known as _____.


According to Sigmund Freud, the _____ is that province of the mind which strives blindly and unrealistically toward perfection.


The _____, or above-I, represents the moral and ideal aspects of personality.


Sigmund Freud defined _____ as the condition of rivalry toward the father and incestuous feelings toward the mother.

the Oedipus complex

According to Sigmund Freud, a drive's impetus is _____.

the amount of force it exerts

According to Sigmund Freud, during _____, the feminine nature in a male child leads him to display affection toward his father and express hostility toward his mother, while at the same time his masculine tendency disposes him toward hostility for father and lust for mother.

the complete Oedipus complex

The term _____ refers to the strong sexual or aggressive feelings, positive or negative, that patients develop toward their analyst during the course of treatment.


True or false: When children introject what they perceive to be their parents' values, they are relieved from the work of evaluating and choosing their own beliefs and standards of conduct.


The _____ contains all those drives, urges, or instincts that are beyond people's awareness but that nevertheless motivate most of their words, feelings, and actions.


To Sigmund Freud, the _____ is the explanation for the meaning behind dreams, slips of the tongue, and certain kinds of forgetting, called repression.


The primary goal of Sigmund Freud's later psychoanalytic therapy was to _____ through free association and dream analysis.

uncover repressed memories

A true statement of the id is that it is _____.

unrealistic and unorganized

The basic assumption of Sigmund Freud's dream analysis is that nearly all dreams are _____.

wish fulfillments

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