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What is an integrated resort?

a major resort property that includes a hotel with a casino, together with convention facilities, entertainment shows, theme parks, luxury retail and fine dining

what is the multiplier effect?

a phenomenon whereby a given change in a particular input, such as government spending, causes a larger change in an output, such as gross domestic product.

What is Product line extension?

adding additional products to an existing product line in order to compete more broadly in the industry

Describe two ways non-commercial organisations generate income? (4)

donations - given by the public memberships - charge annual fee fundraising event - such as charity events/dinners

Give three examples of indirect employment in the travel and tourism industry, (3)

e.g. the baker who supplies bread to a hotel; the builders who make the hotels.

What is performance management?

is an ongoing process of communication between a supervisor and an employee that occurs throughout the year, in support of accomplishing the strategic objectives of the organization.

Define what you understand by the term 'adventure tourism'. (2)

this is a type of specialised tourism (1) which encourages the visitor to do exciting or adventurous activities such as trekking in the jungle or bungee jumping - these are activities which give an adrenaline rush. (1)

Domestic tourism

visits by residents of a country to their own country. Eg. Staycation

How do social factors impact/effect tourism?

- Ageing populations - Decline in leisure time linked to raising the pension age in some countries - Rising middle classes in the East, Declining in the west - New Family structures: increased single market, fewer families with children - Increased awareness of health: areas with associated health risks avoided, contaminated beaches, high levels of air pollution, increased risk of disease (Ebola, COVID-19)

Describe two ways airline staff may meet the needs of disabled travellers. (4)

- Assisting embarkation (1) helping the passenger onto the plane and to their seat (1) taking them to the front of the queue to ensure no waiting (1) -Provision of extra leg room (1) planes have certain seats which have a larger space and staff ensure these seats are given to those passengers who need the extra room (1) -Wheel chair accessibility on/off planes (1) staff bringing a wheelchair to the plane ready for the passenger to use (1)

Describe three services that holiday representatives may provide for customers. (6)

- Booking excursions and car hire for travellers (1), they offer advice on visits and excursions (1) - They also put on entertainment (1) such as parties for their customer income (1) - They also provide advice and assistance (1) to their customers if they get into difficulties i.e. get robbed or lose passports (1) - Meet and greet at airports (1) they accompany tourists on transfers (1)

Explain three ways the problem of intangibility can be managed by providers of adventure tourism?

- Brochures - Websites - Virtual tours

How do Economic factors impact/effect tourism?

- Changes to national economy and GDP - Levels of disposable income - Change in distribution of wealth, eg. growth in BRIC countries - Changes in employment opportunities - Changes in currency exchange rates - Infrastructure development and improvment

What technological factors effect tourism?

- Developments in transport technology: more choice, faster, cheaper, longer distances - Developments in information technology: -> availability of information -> online reservations and the impact on traditional tour operations and travel agencies -> mobile technology ->. The role of social media ->. e-marketing and virtual tours ->. e-ticketing and self check in facilities -> Use of biometrics in passport control

State three reasons that may explain why increasing numbers of tourists from China now visit foreign countries.

- Easier to obtain visas. (1) • More holidays for workers. (1) • More money to use for travel. (1) • Better access to transport and any other relevant points. (1) • Business purposes (1) • VFR (1)

Explain the possible reasons for the USA being the largest tourist generating area for Mexico in 2017.

- Geographically close to the USA - No language barrier (spanish (Miami)) - A lot of flights - easier to get there - cheap price -Mexico is LEDC cheaper Destination -Weather from cold -> Hot -Mexicans work in America + VFR

What skills and qualities would you expect receptionist and servers to have?

- Good communication - Friendly / approachable - Good personal appearance -Good numeracy skills - Good literacy skills

Types of internal customers ?

- Members of staff within an organisation, eg colleagues, managers and supervisors - An organisation's suppliers - Employees of other organisations, eg. retail outlets at an airport are internal customers of an airport

Impacts of customer service for the organisation?

- More efficient/ inefficient workforce - Increased/decreased levels of customer satisfaction - Customer loyalty/disloyalty - More/less likelihood of repeat business - increase in/loss of income -positive/negative reputation of the organisation

Explain two reasons why families may prefer to use self catering accommodation. (4)

- No time constraints/set meal times (1) - can eat what they want and when they want (1) -It is cheaper for a family holiday (1) instead of having the coat added to the hotel bill they can make their own food (1) - Food can be more flexible (1) they can make food when they want and eat what they want/don't want to have to eat out every night/can stay in to eat (1)

Religous tourism is an example of specialised tourism. Describe the following types of religious tourism and give examples of each; pilgrimages, visiting religious sites, attending a religious festival. (6)

- Pilgrimage : Travel for the purpose of attending specific religious services or events (1) eg. Hajj (1) - Visiting religious sites : Visiting Famous religious buildings to see them for the cultural/religious experience (1) eg. Mosque in Jerusalem (1) - Attending a religious festival: Participating in an organised religious event (1) eg. Easter Celebration (1)

What is the impact of customer service on a customer?

- Positive/negative customer experience -satisfied/dissatisfied with organisation - Sense of gaining/not gaining value for money

How do Ecological factors effect tourism?

- Protection of the environment and conservation of natural/cultural heritage - the threat posed by climate change, global warming and natural disasters Diminishing oil reserves: seeking new travel forms

Explain 3 likely impacts of all-inclusive resorts on the local community? (6)

- Provide more jobs = good impact = provide money for family - mass tourism = noise pollution +litter = unhappy locals - Recruitment for jobs = multiplier effect - Employees require training (1) this will provide locals with skills and qualifications which will help them in their working lives (1) -Resorts require infrastructure (1) roads and other services can be used by the local community (1)

Needs of internal customers and how are they met?

- Safe working environment - Training appropriate to their job role - Knowledge of procedures, routines and performance standards for carrying out specific duties - Job satisfaction -Incentives and rewards - Respect form colleagues and managers (rule book)

Techniques to assess the quality of customer service in travel and tourism organisations?

- Setting organisational, functional area and individual customer service standards - Performance management and appraisal procedures involving managers, supervisors and employees - General customer feedback, including response ratings on social media, suggestion boxes and customer comment cards - Specific market research, including surveys, cusotmers acting as mystery shoppers, focus groups, observation of interactions between customer service staff and customers

Discuss the benefits of air and sea transport to international travellers. (9)

- Speed of travel - air is faster for long distances - Sea transport is restful but you can suffer in rough seas - people can take more luggage with them on a sea voyage - Cost of travelling is important - shorter distance can be cheap with budget airlines -Business travellers would get to their meetings faster -Planes will go straight to the city whereas ships require ports - Hotels for meetings are usually located close to airports -There will be more frequent flights for business travellers - it will be easy to work on flights - Sea transport is more leisurely and is suited to leisure travellers and those seeking a holiday such as cruise passengers - Accommodation is provided on board and is often all inclusive.

What Political factors effect tourism?

- Terrorism, civil unrest, crime and other factors affecting social harmony - Changes to security measures, visa regulations and entry controls - Changes to legislation, including consumer protection, employment law, anti-discriminatory practices on tourism providers

Explain two ways that visitor attraction operators may overcome the problem of intangibility. (6)

- The Problem may be overcome by producing promotional videos (1) as this givers clients a chance to see what there is (1) and there will therefore encourage them to purchase a ticket and visit (1) - Distributing sales literature (1) will advertise what there is in the attraction (1) and will provide them wth more detailed information (1) - Offering discounts (1) will encourage people to visit (1) and if people get discounts they may be less likely to complain if the experience is not tho their liking (1) - Giving Virtual tours (1) so people know what to expect (1) and therefore will not be disappointed with the experience (1)

What are the KEY patterns in local, national and global tourism? (including data interpretation and manipulation)

- The number of tourist arrivals in key destinations - Key tourism generating areas and receiving areas -visitor spending in travel and tourism - Number of people employed directly and indirectly in the industry - Trends in travel and tourism, including occupancy rates, duration of stay, method of transport

Needs of external customers and how these are met?

- Travel and tourism products and services that meet specific needs of customers - Ancillary products and services -Information and advice -Assistance -Resolving customers' problems and complaints

How do you write a conclusion for a 9 mark question?

- Which is best and why? -why is effective? -what could they do instead which could be better?

Discuss how all-inclusive resorts can meet the needs of their internal customers? (9)

---Intro= def of all-inclusive resorts & internal customers ---Points= -Provide a safe working environment - provision of working conditions where there is no risk to health like providing protective clothing or a uniform. -Also providing working conditions that conform with legal requirements. -Training - which is appropriate to their job role so that they can carry out their duties effectively. -Knowledge of procedures for carrying out specific duties as many organisations carry out activities which conform to performance standards and have a code of conduct for staff so they know how to behave. -Job satisfaction - by providing rewards and incentives which will help people to become happy in the job they are working. ---Conclusion= However they don't have: -seasonal contracts -low paid -low/high skilled workforce -tips

Explain one way that each of the following may impact on the travel and tourism industry.

-A Rise in disposable incomes of the residents population... -Building a new airport... -A decrease in the value of the local currency...

Suggest one type of accommodation suitable for each of the following customer types. Give reasons for your choices. Adventure tourists & Groups of young people & Business tourists

-Adventure tourists: hostel (1) where they can go in and out at various times and where there will be places that they can store their equipment.(1) -Groups of young people: camping/apartment (1) cheap/plenty of space (1) -Business tourists: hotels (1) as they have conference facilities/internet access/close to transport links (1).

Explain 3 advantages for tourists of using rail as a method of transport rather than travelling by air? (6)

-Being able to travel as a party (1) and to take more luggage than on a plane (1) -More able to work (1) as there are tables and compluter point plus places to charge phones (1) -People generally have more space on a train (1) which is better for childeren and everyone (1) -Trains will travel from city centre to city centre (1) so transfers are not a problem (1)

Discuss the economic factors that have encouraged the growth of leisure travel. (9)

-Better pay so people are able to travel where and when they like -Early retirement causing people to have more time for travel -Paid holidays providing more money so people can travel -Access to cheaper forms of travel such as budget airlines which will encourage people to travel longer distances -People are able to travel easily to more places visa regulations are more straightforward -People have more cars which makes travel much easier -National economic stability and progress provides a better standard of living and better lifestyles Example: The leisure travel market has grown significantly during the last 30 years. Most of this growth is due to more people having access to better wages and living standards so they are more able to spend more of their salaries on travel and holidays. Better pay has come to many areas of the world and more people have jobs that pay better wages and provide them with paid holiday. This means that they can afford to travel. This is probably the most significant reason although there are other economic reasons such as being able to afford the cheaper flights from budget airlines. More households having their own cars and are therefore able to travel for holidays even if it is only within their own country or to neighbouring countries. In addition more households can afford computers and have access to the internet and can therefore take advantage of the facilities which that brings with it in allowing ease of travel. Probably the most significant reason is that of income.

. Explain three customer service skills needed by receptionist staff.

-Communication skills (1) - informing guests (1) -Languages (1) - internal setting (1) -numeracy (1) - dealing with cash (1) -H&S (1) - accidents (1) -Selling Skills (1) - taking booking ect. (1)

Explain why domestic tourism would be important to many countries. (6)

-Creation of employment opportunities - in both direct and indirect means which in turn will cause better standards of living -Development of areas which have suffered through economic down turns e.g. in an old industrial area and this then helps the economy recover -Good for regional economies as it helps growth and developments in infrastructure -Keeps money within the country - stops/reduces leakage as money doesn't go to pay foreign companies -Some countries are not popular or easily accessible for foreign visitors so they need to rely on their own visitors for an income -Easier communicating with people from within their own country so less danger of people being offended by tourists and therefore more local people may become more sympathetic to the idea of tourism.

Describe two adventure tourism activities. (4)

-Downhill skiing (1) in mountain areas where routes can be taxing and this develops skills and encourages some degree of risk taking (1) - this makes the experience exciting. -Mountain climbing (1) can also be dangerous and this can be risk taking and needs skill too so that the task can be completed (1) -Water based activities such as water skiing / white water rafting / kayaking etc. (1) need skill and courage if activities are to be completed successfully (1).

Impacts of customer service for the employee?

-Increased/decreased job satisfaction - Increased/decreased skill development and enhancement - Work as part of an effective/ineffective team

Types of external customers of travel and tourism organisations?

-Individuals - Groups, Including different age or cultural groups, educational groups and special interest groups -Families -Foreign visitors with language and cultural differences - People with specific needs: people with mobility and access difficulties, people with sensory disabilities, visitors with special dietary requirements

What are the main reasons why people travel?


Whats the role of consular service providers? (6)

-Legal assistance (1) could be given to a Chinese national if they have got into any trouble (1) • Help if their passport is lost (1) they can issue temporary travel documents so that they can get home. (1) • Repatriation (1) they can help you get home (1) • Death (1) help to bring body back to home country (1) • Insurance issues with health care (1) help to bring people home in quarantine/special ambulance flights (1)

What are the Key specialised markets/travel motivations?

-Medical tourism -Religious tourism -Adventure tourism -Cultural tourism - Ecotourism -Sports tourism - Health and spa tourism - Special interest tourism (eg. Dark, slum & film tourism)

Suggest two ways the car ferry company may cater for the specific needs of each of the following customer types: People with mobility difficulties, People with sensory difficulties, People with special dietary requirements.

-People with mobility difficulties: would require doorways to be wider (1), ramps could be provided (1), lifts from car deck (1), personnel to help with lifting/moving (1) wheelchairs available (1). -People with sensory difficulties: may require braille/embossed signs (1) hearing loop systems (1) or being able to have a guide dog with them. (1) images on signs (1) different coloured lighting (1) textured walkways (1) route markers (1) lifts talk (1) -People with special dietary requirements: labels on food (1), provide vegan/halal/kosher meals (1) providing allergy information (1) providing gluten/dairy free options (1) trained staff who know what is in each meal (1)

Describe 3 roles of the UNWTO? (6)

-Promotes tourism as a method for economic growth -Encourages implication of the global code of ehtics -UNTO fosters education and training

Describe three likely roles of the National Tourist Organisation of Zimbabwe. (6)

-Promotion of their industry abroad (1) through trade fairs and exhibitions(1) -Advise travel and tourism organisations within the country (1) which allows them to develop their industry in an effective manner (1) -Provision of information to visitors in the country (1) encourage foreign visitors to see the main sites around the country (1) -Development of strategies within their country at national level (1) so this allows the country to develop and recognise the potential that tourism can bring (1) -Interaction within other sectors of the economy e.g. links with agriculture or business (1) which reinforces the importance of tourism and encourages developments (1)

State and explain three advantages to the hotel of having all staff in uniform.

-Recognition/easy identification (1) - guests know who to approach (1) -Corporate image (1) - all staff maintain a business like appearance (1) -Staff motivation (1) - company provides appropriate work clothes for employees (1) -cleanliness (1) - staff not in own clothes (1)

Explain three ways adventure tourism can encourage infrastructure development and improvment?

-Roads would have to be built going to more inaccessible regions (1) so that tourists can get to the regions where the adventure activity takes place (1) -New airports may be built in some places where none existed (1) as more remote places are popular for adventure tourism (1) -If tourists are doing risky activities then health care provision/hospitals (1) will be required as accidents will be more likely (1) -More accommodation will be needed (1) and this will mean that power supplies and water supplies will have to be improved to cope with the additional demand (1)

Compare the features of a scheduled and a chartered airline. (4)

-Scheduled airlines run to a timetable (1) whereas charters are booked and run for a specific purpose (1) -You may find more services such as business class and facilities for business people on scheduled airlines (1) whereas charter are usually used for cheap flights associated with mass tourism activities (1)

What ancillary services are offered as apart of a packaged holiday?

-Travel insurance -Local representative -passport/visa information -health -car hire -currency

What are Organisations which influence on International travel and tourism?

-UNWTO -NTO -RTO & LTO -Consular service providers -Industry groups and trade associations -Destination management companies (DMCs)

Explain two ways a tour operator can make money in addition to selling packaged holidays. (6)

1. - Many make their own airlines (1) often fill flights (1) by selling air tickets to destition (1) 2. - Provide the services of Holiday (1) who would provide other services such as booking excursions (1) which may be provided by the tour operator. The rep can also help with booking other facilities such s hire cars. (1) 3. - They can sell hotel rooms (1) or provide cruise ships (1) without the transport aspects of the packaged holiday (1)

State two methods which tour operators may use to promote their products? (2)

1. Brochures to promote their products 2. website advertisement/social media advertisements.

Suggest four ancillary services offered by a coach tour company. (4)

1. Can book seats in advance 2. Can book onward travel 3. Could obtain refreshments on board 4. services of a guide 5. purchase insurance cover 6. purchase tickets for attractions 7. Entertainment may be provided

Explain three advantages of rail transport for international tourists. (6)

1. City Centre to city so immediate access to the destination (1) less time taken for transfers (1) 2. Faster check in (1) so no need to arrive there two/three hours prior to departure (1) 3. Passengers can take more luggage (1) with them as there are no restrictions or excess charges (1) 4. Wi-fi access and use of phones permitted (1) so business users are able to work whilst travelling (1)

Analyse how changing consumer needs and expectations have encourages the growth of specialised tourism markets. (9) (EDIT)

1. Definition of Specialised Tourism : is the provision of customized tourism activities that cater to the specific interests of groups and individuals. 2. - Todays tourism industry has to have many products to meet the wide demand from the variety of customers which exist. It is market driven - that is that tourism providers try to cater for the changing demand and tastes of their customers - they put them into groups and try to provide what they think they would require for example providing plenty of activities for childeren in family resorts. above all they are looking at making money.

Discuss how changing economic factors may affect tourism destinations. (9)

1. Economic Factors? Definition 2. Negative: -Exchange rates (encourage or discourage) -Changes in disposable income -Recession / loss of jobs = Less disposable income -Changes to GPD -Country gets poor - less to spend on infrastructure Positive: - Disposable income (afford more) - Grey market (retirement) = More disposable income - Infrastructure good = Country attracts more tourists Conclusion --> changing economic factors can either increase or decrease tourism due to...

Explain three way coach travel may be more important than rail travel for a domestic tourist. (6)

1. More frequent services on coaches than trains (1) mean that it is easier to get from place to place (1) 2. Coach travel is more straight forward (1) and easier to use for moving around a country (1) 3. Countries tend to have more roads than rails (1) so easier to get a wider variety of destinations by coach (1) 4. Coach travel is usually cheaper (1) so may be more affordable to people/allows people to take more trips (1)

Explain three ways a hotel can meet the needs of its external customers. (6)

1. Room Service (1) providing meals and refreshments in room for convenience (1) 2. Providing business facilities for business visitors (1) such as conference rooms and wi-fi so that meetings can be effective (1) 3. Health and Safety standards maintained/housekeeping (1) such as making sure rooms and public spaces are cleaned so guests will be happy their environment is 'safe'/clean

Explain three reasons why budget airlines offer ancillary services to their passengers. (6)

1. To make profit (1) by offering additional services that passengers have to pay extra for means the airline will increase its profit (1) 2. To gain a greater market share/competitive advantage (1) e.g. not all airlines offer bookable seats so doing so will give the airline an advantage (1) 3. To attract more passengers (1) offering a greater variety of add-ons may appeal to a wider market (1) 4. If airlines make more money from selling services they may be able to reduce operating coasts and tiket prices (1) thus appealing to more travellers (1)

Explain three ways tour operators use new technology to sell their products. (6)

1. social media = access to large numbers of potential buyers 2. Text customers - stay in contact - promote new products directly 3. Internet allows selling/purchase of 24/7 - Dont have to meet 'opening hours' or have to visit shop = more convenient

Discuss the methods a Tour operator could use to resolve customers problems and complaints. (9)

1.what is a tour operator? 2. - Ensure that all information regarding their products is clear and easy to understand -Take careful note of any complaint -Quickly contact or re-contact the customer to apologise and to find out as much info as they can. This is important as customers quickly leave review online which, if negative, could affect their business. - Answer all Queries and thoroughly investigate the complaint. If necessary be prepared to refer the complaint to higher level employees eg. managers -Offer any necessary compensation quickly

What is a packaged holiday?

A Packaged holiday combines transport and accomodation advertised advertised & sold together by a vendor known as a tour operator. Packages holidays are a form of product bundling.

Define the term city break? (2)

A holiday taken in a city for various reasons which could include shopping, sporting events, visiting cultural attractions and for business. It is usually a short duration.

Explain the importance of air travel for a business tourist. (6)

Air travel is useful for business tourists because: it is fast/travel from city to city - major trade destinations/business facilities and lounges are found in airports/it is relatively cheap/ business flights have special facilities for business people and depart at the most convenient times of day/tickets can be booked quickly and easily.

Tourism development in the Sun-Saharan region of Africa is vulnerable to a variety of external factors. Explain how each of the following is likely to pose a threat to the development of tourism in the region; climate change, Currency fluctuations, Civil unrest. (6)

Climate Change ; - more drought (1) - desertification leading to decline (1) - Increased floods (1) - transport and infrastructure disrupted (1) Currency Fluctuations; - Inflation (1) - rising costs of materials hinder development (1) - purchasing/spending power (1) - price sensitive tourists go to other destinations Civil unrest; -Political instability/demonstrations (1) - disrupt development planes (1), tourists at risk (1) - Rioting/disorder/crime (1) - tourists advises not to travel (1)

Discuss how commercial organisations generate income (6)

Commercial organisations generate money through the sales of goods and services. They may sell a variety of goods and services to increase appeal and therefore make more money. They may also be able to put on entertainment such as shows for tourists and sell tickets for that. Commercial organisations such as hotels also sell tickets for other events and then they have guests sent to them from the attractions and this allows them to make money

what are consular service providers?

Consular assistance is help and advice provided by the diplomatic agents of a country to citizens of that country who are living or traveling overseas. Such assistance may take the form of: provision of replacement travel documents.

Discuss how traditions and customs might encourage the growth of cultural tourism. (9)

Cultural tourism refers to visits taken to heritage and historical sites often to cities such as Rome, Beijing and Bangkok. Visiting sites to see people taking part in activities such as following local traditions and customs is just as relevant to cultural tourism as seeing sites such as temples and ancient historical remains. These experiences are intangible. Cultural events are important to sustain destinations - they encourage visitors to come and spend their time and money in these places. This in turn will support jobs and will help develop infrastructure which benefits all. In addition information is transferred between people and encourages greater understanding.

Many Destinations are developing new, purpose built visitor attractions. With reference to one, evaluate the visitor appeal of one such attraction. (9) - explain the structure in detail.

Disney World, Orlando Florida, USA 1. Definition: A purpose built attraction are attractions that have been built purposely to attract tourists into that area. 2. Points : - Target market = families + kids - Themed Disney hotel - Downtown disney for adults with bars and restaurants - they have babysitting services - Theatres = shows appealing to children eg. lion king - Rides / rollercoasters - Food venues / restaurants - Appeal to people with specific needs because the provide: -> Brail on all signs -> Hearing aids -> Wheelchairs -> Assistance onto rides -> Disabled parking lots -> Epilepsy warnings -> Bilinguale staff 3. Reasoned Conclusion = which is best and why?

Assess the impacts of the increased risk of a disease on the travel and tourism industry. (9)

Example: Diseases are likely to have a profound impact upon the travel and tourism industry. They can have an impact upon the industry within a country as people will stop travelling there if there is an outbreak of something significant or they can also impact upon the organisations themselves in a significant way. For example the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa would have stopped many people travelling there and then the industries within the countries would have been affected and this could have included many sectors of the industry such as transport, hotels and attractions so lots of people would have had incomes reduced - some permanently if businesses closed. The country would also have had massive expense involved as the airports and seaports would have had to have had expensive screening centres put in to check that the disease was not spreading and this in turn would have stopped or reduced travel so having a further dampening effect upon the market. In some cases of disease such as SARS, Avian Flu and Norovirus people stop using certain methods of transport because they are afraid of becoming ill and then the transport businesses are more effected but this still has the effect of reducing incomes and putting jobs at risk as sometimes the businesses do not recover and close. So therefore the possibility of disease can have a major effect upon the industry causing a loss of confidence and a reduction in visitors, which puts at risk jobs and livelihoods.

Discuss what impact building a new ferry terminal would have on a destination's infrastructure.

Improve roads connections/networks/signage/street lighting/rail networks Improve catering outlets/parking/hotels/attractions/shops Build new buildings for suppliers/warehousing/storage buildings Regeneration of the area/industries

What is civil unrest?

In legal terms, civil unrest or civil disturbance means acts of violence and disorder detrimental to the. public law and order. It includes acts such as riots, acts of violence, insurrections, unlawful. obstructions or assemblages.

With reference to one job role within a travel and tourism organisation with which you are familiar with , assess the importance of teamwork in delivering excellent customer service

In some hotels, the room attendants work in teams, so that one person strips the beds (L1), another cleaner cleans the bathroom (L1), the beds are made together (L1), and so on. This way, hotels are a good example of travel and tourism organisations that rely on teamwork and a well trained staff. The key benefit of teamworking is improved operational efficiency (L2). For example, it may take an hour or longer to service a luxury suite with a sunken jacuzzi, while will be expected to do 15 or more during their shift.Teamwork allows for the housekeeping function to take place within a given time (L2). The system allows for self-checking to operate, which mean that individual team members are responsible for checking their own rooms, subject to spot checks by the hotel or head housekeeper, thus reducing mistakes and increasing productivity.

Discuss the social factors which have encouraged the growth of adventure tourism? (9)

Increase in paid holidays - giving people both the time and the money to be able to take up this activity. People are more adventurous now/changing trends in holidays and are more confident about travelling/doing more whilst on holiday. People are living longer - they have access to health care and are retiring at an early age which allows them to do be more active in their leisure time. People can also access education at a variety of ages and can learn new skills.

State two different types of external customer. Give an example for each type within the context of a hotel.

Internal customer 1: Member of staff Eg: Chef, manager, delivery man Internal customer 2: Employees of other organisations Eg: franchise staff

whats a non commercial organisation?

Is usually supported by the public sector/money from voluntary organisations there are organisations which provide a service which is not for profit.

Whats 'Indirect employment'?

Jobs that are created to supply and support travel and tourism organisations, e.g. the baker who supplies bread to a hotel; the builders who make the hotels. They will not meet or help the tourists themselves but will be meeting or helping those who do.

Explain two impacts of poor customer service for an organisation (6)

Less repeat business because people have had a bad experience (1) therefore the organisation does not make as much money (1) and therefore the costs incurred take up their income which means that profits are lower (1).High staff turnover (1) if staff have little loyalty to the organisation they will not stay if it is seen to be in difficulty and this will give a bad impression. (1) so there will be fewer customers(1).Loss of jobs and incomes if businesses close (1) people who work in the local area may be poorer (1) and this will affect the rest of the area eventually as there could be less work or incomes for other people (1) - multiplier effect may be mentioned.

Describe three ways local tourism organisations can work with the local population. (6)

Local tourism organisations can work well with the local population - they can have a bed booking service (1) which would put work into the local area (1). They can promote local businesses such as theme parks or other types of tourist attractions (1) so boosting the local economy (1) They can run guided tours (1) which show tourists around the local area and this would encourage them to visit other places such as food outlets (1) They can advise local businesses (1) by sharing information and expertise (1)

Describe what is meant by the term 'Budget airline'.

Low fares are charged because many of the traditional services have been eliminated

What is MIDAS? What is Heard?

M - make contact with the customer, listen carefully and empathize with them I - Investigate by asking questions about what the complaint is about. For eg. The food or hotel room D - Decide in a mutually acceptable course of action. Customers need to know what you are doing. You need to know what the customer wants A - Act. Do what you are going to do as agreed and within the agreed timescale S - Stay in touch. Follow up to make sure the complaint is resolved, and that the customer is happy. H - hear E - empathize A - apologize R - Resolve D - Diagnose

What does market-driven mean?

Market driven means you're building products that customers want to buy. ... Market-driven is the less risky and more sensible approach in most cases. It requires companies to look to current customers, potential customers, and channel partners for advice and feedback that can help them make strategic product decisions.

Justify the use of a mystery shopper as an appropriate way to access the visitor experience. (4)

Mystery shopper tries out the product/service and experiences customer service first-hand (1). This is an accurate snapshot of the service environment (1). It is unbiased (1) and is a very representative way to sample customer service procedures in action (1)

Describe three different types of food and beverage outlets available to tourists in most destinations. For each suggest the most likely target market. (6)

Outlet type: Pavement cafes Target market: appeal to business tourists Outlet type: cultural/street food Target Market: appeal to cultural tourists Outlet type: Theme restaurants Target Market:appeal to cultural tourists & families

Analyse how product differentiation impacts the accommodation sector.

Product differentiation includes making slight variations in products so that they will appeal to different market sectors. This will help to increase profits and take a greater market share. Hotel brands do this e.g. Accor hotels have a range of brands from low cost budget brands to 4 * hotels. Tour operators may offer the same holiday with a range of board types to appeal to a range of tourists.

What is product differentiation?

Product differentiation is what makes your product or service stand out to your target audience. It's how you distinguish what you sell from what your competitors do, and it increases brand loyalty, sales, and growth.

Describe three roles of the UNWTO. (6)

Promotes tourism as a method for economic growth (1) as it allows countries to see the benefits of using tourism to help their economy e.g. by providing employment which encourages spending. (1)Gives leadership and support in advancing policies worldwide. (1) as a respected organisation it has a standing which helps to convince that it's policies are beneficial (1) Encourages implementation of the global code of ethics. (1) It can persuade countries and organisations to be environmentally friendly for example. (1) UNWTO fosters education and training (1) which allows countries to develop technical experience allowing developments to take place (1). It works with the private sector; educational institutions and local or regional tourism development organisations (1) and this allows it to ensure that the strategies are both responsible and sustainable (1).

Explain why an NTO performs research and overseas publicity? (4)

Research: NTOs performs a research function so that they are well informed about what tourists want. (1) By knowing what the tourist wants, NTOs would be to concentrate on assisting areas to develop suitable tourism activities and infrastructure which will encourage visitors and help the industry grow. (1)

What is perishability?

Services that cannot be stored for later sale or use. Perishability is used in service marketing to define how services are unpreserved and cannot be warehoused for future usage. Service products have a very peculiar characteristic that it cannot be warehoused, refunded, or resold once they have been used. (eg. once you miss your room booking at a hotel, you cannot then do it, you have missed the days booked for the trip, you cannot go back)

Evaluate why social and technological impacts might account for the increase in the 65+ travel market to New Zealand.

Social and technological impacts can include any of the following : Early retirements so people have the time to travel especially in times when costs are cheaper.Good pensions so they can afford to travel and visit relatives.Better health and longer life spans as there are better medical facilities. Transport innovations leading to easier and cheaper travel over longer distances such as new types of cruise ships and long haul aircraft. Likely to have friends or relatives in other countries as more people travel with their jobs.Familiarisation with the internet so they are able to use it's facilities to book transport and accommodation quickly, cheaply and easily. The growth of the internet and the ease of access to it via phones and tablets. This allows the quick and easy booking of tickets and journeys at any time and of course the over 65 market can travel whenever the prices are lowest as they have few commitments. Social change is obviously very significant though because without their pensions and good health they would not be able to take advantage of the travel developments.

What is specialised packages?

Specialised tourism is the provision of customised tourism activities that cater to the specific interests of groups and individuals

What is sport tourism?

Sport tourism refers to travel which involves either observing or participating in a sport event. Eg. -FIFA World Cup Brazil 2018 - Olympic Games, South Korea, 2018

What is Sustainable and responsible tourism?

Sustainability is the goal, a goal which can only be achieved by people taking responsibility together to achieve it. Responsible Tourism is about taking responsibility for making tourism sustainable and about what people do to address the many specific challenges we face. Sustainable tourism is the tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities. Responsible Tourism is about "making better places for people to live in and better places for people to visit." Responsible Tourism requires that operators, hoteliers, governments, local people and tourists take responsibility, take action to make tourism more sustainable.

Define the term 'sustainable tourism'.

Sustainable tourism has to take into account the current and future (1) measured by its economic, social and environmental impacts within an area (1).

Describe two customer service standards a car ferry company might set to ensure the quality of its customer service. (4)

The car ferry company could establish timings for certain activities (1) for example ensuring that when serving meals another checkout could be opened if there were more than a certain number of people in the queue.(1) They could ensure that the toilets are cleaned on a schedule (1) for examples every 30 minutes or more often if the crossing is rough (1). All boarding must be completed 30 minutes before departure (1) to ensure the ferry sails on time (1) Assistance for boarding (1) parking cars in the correct spaces safely (1)

Explain two business objectives of a commercial travel organisation. (6)

To sell their products and services (1) to make a profit (1) and give returns to investors through their share dividends (1) To re-invest in their organisation to make improvements (1) which may increase their sales (1) and this may increase their market share (1) To become well known (1) as this will help to increase their share of the market (1) and will cause greater levels of income (1)

Discuss how responsible tourism might lead to the preservation of culture. (6)

Tourism can lead to the preservation of culture in a number of ways - people will buy locally made craft items as souvenirs and this may maintain the way of making such items. Tourists will pay to visit traditional industries for example sugar production in Mauritius/salt mines etc. and this will help to maintain the traditional industries. They will also come to places to see festivals and exhibitions again ways in which the culture can be maintained in an area. Responsible tourism means that these methods will help make the place better for the local people to live in and this in turn may make the tourism experience better for the visitors.

State four characteristics of a destination that would appeal to a cultural tourist.

Traditions e.g. dances (1) Art / architecture(1) Food (1) History (1) Religion (1) Dress (1) Crafts (1) Music (1) Language (1)

Explain how the car ferry company can provide its internal customers with increased job satisfaction.

Training courses will give the employees more skills and will help them achieve better grades and possibly pay rises. Rewards will make staff enthusiastic about their work and may encourage them to work harder so that they will be eligible for rewards which could include free gifts or holidays . Bonus payments would be popular as staff would be able to earn more money and they would benefit from this, staff/job rotation provides variety for staff and opportunity for development of new skills. Candidates will show a clear understanding of the question and include a detailed explanation of how the car ferry company can provide its external customers with increased job satisfaction. Candidates effectively explain some of the features listed above. There is sound and frequent evidence of thorough, detailed and accurate knowledge and understanding of concepts and principles using appropriate terminology.

What is dark tourism? Examples?

Trips to the locations of former conflicts such as battle fields or concentration camps such as Aushwitz.

Independent Tourism

Where tourists book their own travel and accommodation packages without agencies help. Eg. Via Website

Advantages of Tourism in LEDCs?

- Jobs created - Generates additional taxes for the government, which can be spent in improving the area

3 Advantages to booking a Packaged holiday

- Travel Agents find it easier to get good deals ( travel operators can buy bulk and have connections) - Travel agents can pass on vital information due to expertise (eg. Visa) - Less time consuming for travelers as travel agency takes care of it all - All inclusive packaged holidays means less cash to carry on holiday

Explain two technological factors which might affect tourist numbers from the BRIC Countries to thailand? (6)

1. Better transport links available in all the countries (1) - improvements in rail, road and air transport (1) - So much easier for the population of the BRIC Countries to move around. (1) 2. Easier access to information as access to the internet spreads in BRIC countires (1) - this means tourist from BRIC countries can reasurch Thailand and learn more about it (1) this would increase the number of tourists that want to visit as they know more about it (1) 3. Better security at airports (1) eg. exray machines (1) people feel safer so more inclined to visit. Social media (1) people post photos (1) increses desire for others to travel there (1) ———— Stronger candidates develop only 2 points in detail.

Give examples of Tourism involving history?

(Relates to dark tourism) - Auschwitz concentration camps - Alcatraz Prison tours - Graves of famous people - Stonehenge, UK (Architecture) - Statue of Liberty, built in 1875 - Taj Mahal, India - Pyramids of Giza, Egypt (Religious Sites) - Western wall, Jerusalem - Temple Mount, Israel -Dome of the rock, Jerusalem

Features of the Marina Bay Sands Resort, Singapore (Integrated resort)?

- A Museum - A boutique - Two Largest Theatre's - Casinos - Seven 'Celebrity chef' restaurant - convention exhibition center --> Families, large groups, solo travelers, Domestic & International tourists attracted

How could a country promote their business to target markets outside of their country?

- Advertisement through travel agencies - Advertisement ok websites - Advertisement through trade fairs - Advertisement through radio - Familiarization trips for travel agents - set up companies in other places for advertisement

How can organizations meet the needs of a culturally diverse work force? (3)

- Allowing Islamic women's cover up - wear a Burka - Veil or trousers - putting rules in place for co workers to be respectful of others religious beliefs - Having rooms set up for religions who need to pray -having culturally fitting food in the workers canteen for them

Usually a range of facilities are available at the natural attraction, what may this consist of?

- An information center - car parks - refreshment centers - souvenir shop - toilets - view points EG. Pyramids, Egypt Wales, lake Bala —> most tourists appreciate these facilities

What Travelers does Montego Bay attract and why?

- Attracts Families (water sport activities) (Luminous Lagoon night, Jamaica combo tour) - Solo travelers (luxury spa)

Disadvantages of a beach resort (Montego Bay)

- Economic imbalance - Increased crime - Revenue fails to help infrastructure - Locals miss out on the "tourist" offerings - Tourism can cause environmental damage - Local traditions lost

One of 3 Main reasons why people travel (for Business)?

- Employers will cover a significant proportion of the cost of travel - Traveling for work-related purposes - These tourists may be going to meet colleagues, they might be a delegate at a conference or an attendee

What's intangibility? (Look at book)

Services that cannot be touched or seen

Disadvantages of International tourists in Italy?

- Encourage Begging + attracts thieves - Demonstration Effect (loose culture) - Anchors from boats often destroy coral & tear up sea

Give examples of religious + cultural events + festivals?

- Festival of colors, India or Nepal Many tourists find religious and cultural events interesting & add to their understanding of the destination they are visiting.

How can staff support an organizations brand image? (3)

- Following a dress code ( fully ) = gives off a professional atmosphere -dressing smart appearance - dressing business like - supporting corporate identity

What are the Advantages of an LEDC in Developing their tourism industry?

- Foreign Currency spent by tourists can be invested in improving local education, health and other services - Jobs for local people are created - Construction creates jobs and develops local worker skills -Visitors get an in site into local customs and traditions

How can you satisfy customers belonging needs?

- Friendly welcoming atmosphere= belonging - when tourists build a strong relationship with local community it may help to motivate a repeat visit -provide social events/activities -group tours with people who have similar interests -group recognition gained by membership

What are the advantages for tourism and tourism providers of providing Medical tourism packages?

- Government earns more income, eg. from visa & tourist taxes -Locals are provided with employments opportunities (these jobs are ofter less seasonal) - Ancillary services are required, such-as hotels & shops. This can create employment opportunities for local people and improve facilities in an area

3 Disadvantages to booking an independent holiday

- Harder to find good deals as tour operators have connections and can bulk buy -Miss vital information due to lack of expertise (EG. Visa or passport info) -No consumer protection

Advantages of International tourists in Italy?

- Important for the economy - Provides jobs - Invest and improve ports (helps the economy by attracting more tourists.

Disadvantages of tourism in LEDCs?

- Increase in local prices - leakage of tourist money back to MEDC's - Volatility of tourism - Economic dependance on tourism - High cost of development, along with slower development through the country's economic situations - Local culture can be lost

Disadvantages of Integrated Resorts?

- Increased crime - Demonstration effect - Inc. number of gamblers who seek help

Why Do people travel overseas for medical care?

- Innovative treatments often found abroad - Medical care waiting lists too long @ local hospital - Nicer environment for recovery - Medical Visa easier to obtain in other countries - Exchange rates may make the cost of health treatment cheaper -better level of medical expertise - No language barriers - Doctors may speak English or there are translators

Features of Calangute (Costal Destination)?

- It is Goa's most commercial beach, so its packaged all year round - The weather in Goa in hot and humid all year - Accommodation at destinations are hotels or villas

3 Disadvantages to booking a Packages Holiday

- Less Flexibility - Tied to group agenda - Mass market destinations are often advertised/promoted more so its harder to find specialized package holidays

Types of Travelers which visit Island Destinations (Cayman)?

- Mass Tourism from cruise liners - Family travelers soley for leisure purpose - VFR Travelers - Specialized Tourism for divers exploring coral reefs

One of 3 main reasons people travel (for VFR)?

- Migration has resulted in large numbers of people working oversea while their families remain @home = visiting friends & relatives - International/national travel for the purpose if VFR -These tourists tend to spend money on transport & activities, but not accommodation

3 advantages of booking an Independent Holiday

- More Flexibility (you are able to rearrange your schedule) - Not tied to group agenda (able to spend time alone with your family or other) - You can book your holiday according to your own budget

What are the Disadvantages of an LEDC in Developing their tourism industry?

- Profits go to foreign companies, such as tour operators and hotel chains, rather than to the local community - Foreign companies may bring foreign workers to do the skilled jobs - House prices rise when foreign companies and investors buy property for hotel and holiday homes - Important projects for local communities might be sidelined as infrastructure developments are focused for tourists. - If the aim of activities is to entertain, rather than educate tourists, this many belittle the local people. -Pollution and disruption to wildlife habitats could occur is tourism isn't sustainable

Things to do in Coastal destinations (type of tourists it attracts)?

- Sunbathing - Swim & Relax - Water-sports - Yacht tours = Passive Tourists

Things to do in Island Destinations (Cayman)?

- Visit Crystal Caves - Red Sail Sports - Visit Sting Ray City & star fish point - Visit National Museum - Visit Turtle Turtle Farm

A tourist whom the culture of the destination has a strong appeal will try to do what?

- attempt to learn few words of the local language - find out about the history of the destination before the visit - eat in locally run restaurants, traditional dishes - shop markets & other places where the inhabitants of the local destinations shop - Visit important religious & historical sites in the locality - Visit museums and art galleries in the locality - observe local inhabitants & learn about their businesses

How can climate change effect tourism?

- coral bleaching = effects scuba diving tourist industry - coastal erosion = effect facilities - skiing season get shorter because snows melting due to rising temperatures (global warming) = cause a shift in skii season - uncomfortable high temperatures may have direct effect on islands and causes shift in destinations - spread of diseases due to High temps - snow caps melting = rise in sea levels

Sporting events add to the appeal of a destination in which the even is taking place. Give examples of this.

- cup finals and other important football matches are held at wembley - add to the appeal of London - Also, Most large stadiums provide tours of the facilities - Manchester United stadium

What is the culture of an area a combination of?

- religion & beliefs - food & drink - arts, theatre and music - language

What can people use seasonality for?

- seasonality can be used to help analyze stocks and economic trends. - can help determine certain business decisions such as inventories and staffing

Events increase the appeal of a destination to tourists. Events will have a publicized schedule, promoted to potential visitors, charge for entry. What can events be classified as?

- sporting events - arts and musical festivals - religious & cultural festivals and events

Give examples of entertainment?

- theatre's providing shoes & concerts - opera houses - cinemas - casinos (Las Vegas) - clubs & bars & night clubs - Theme parks —> London & Paris provide wide range of entertainment

Name the factors in transportation which ease reaching a destination, increasing the appeal.

- time taken - no. Of changes in the mode of transport made - cost - reliability of transport - availability of different forms of transport at the destination

One of 3 Main reasons why people travel (for Leisure)?

- travel for pleasure & enjoyment, taking a break from reality - Travel plans are not work related. Tourists simply on holiday - These tourists visit a destination to see an attraction and take part in activities - tourist use their own money to travel (eg. Going to Rome on holiday)

How can you satisfy the safety needs of tourists?

-Cruise ships providing doctors and medical facilities -tour guide services in exotic or unfamiliar places eg. Safaris -travel agents offering and encouraging customers to ass to travel insurance to their holiday package

How can you satisfy tourists self actualization?

-Educational tours & cruises -Theme parks providing educational opportunities and glimpses of other cultures -Learning the language and studying the culture of another country prior to travel

What can Maslows hierarchy theory help the tourism industry?

-Enhance an organizations knowledge about what kinda of experiences traveler seek -useful tool for understanding consumer motivations -useful for marketing strategy (who to advertise for) - leads to positive word of mouth recommendation -encourages repeat business

What are the advantages to cultural tourism?

-Important to sub stain destinations. They encourage to come spend their time + money in these places = Job creation/income for locals. - Encourages greater understanding for tourists from locals - it promotes sustainability. It is important to preserve & protect the resources that attract tourists while maintaining community pride in residents community tourism. - Intangible experiences = encourages more tourists - Income helps fund preservation projects. Eg. Historical architecture

How can you Satisfy tourists self esteem?

-flowers/cake recognition for birthdays -an employee getting named on a positive customer review -incentive travel awards for superior company performance -elite status, eg. Gold card...

Why do people take part in sport tourism?

-people have more leisure time (retired people) -disposable income = able to take more expensive trips - social media = influences people to go watch -Health = people wanting to keep fit so they take up sports and go on sport holidays - Celebrity participation

How can you satisfy the physiological needs of tourists?

-provide sustainable hotel room and high quality restaurant -tour packages offering frequent stops -easy access to food outlets -easy access to bathrooms

What two types of tourist groups are there for art & music events & festivals?

-those tourists who have travelled to the destination specifically to be apart of the event, either performer or spectator. -those tourists who are visiting the destination anyway and decide to visit an event during the course of their stay. Theses could be business, leisure of VFR. Eg. The Edinburgh festival or Kaaboo

Explain three changing consumer needs or expectations that might influence tourism provision in Thailand. (6)

1. By adapting to changing attitudes and tastes tourism providers will allow them to move away from packages and mass tourism (1) making it easier to for people to travel independently (1) 2. Perhaps being more sustainable and environmentally aware (1). allowing the development of specialised markets such as ecotourists (1) 3. Tourists want to travel and holiday in a more responsible way (1) Thailand will need to consider what they can do in a more responsible way/protect environment/ protect local cultures (1).

Identify two activities suitable for educational groups. For each give one reason for its suitability. (4)

1. Classroom available (1) for study and for talks (1) 2. Carefully designed worksheets (1) made for educational groups so that they can learn about the place (1) 3. Tours provided (1) so visitors can be informed about the features of the place (1)

Explain Three likely customer service standards for employees a a zoo. (6)

1. Guides must be knowledgeable about the animals (1) so they are able to answer all types of questions (1) 2. Timetables (1) for feeding of the animals or for the shows are displayed and kept so that customers can plan their day and will not be dissapointed (1) 3. Employees wear smart dress/uniform (1) so that their customers feel reassured about the standards ect. (1) 4. Friendly and approachable staff (1) so guests will feel happy (1)

Discuss the political factors which may affect visitor numbers to a country. (9)

1. Terrorism, war, civil unrest (people in country unhappy), crime and other factors affecting social harmony - political change can increase or decrease a country's effectiveness to tourists. If the country is unstable then visitor numbers are likely to fail. 2. Visa requirements - tourists must apply for permission to entry via a visa and visa conditions vary from country to country. Ease of Entry to a country may impact on visitor numbers. 3. Donald Trump travel bans, eg. Iran 4. Changes to legislation 5. Changes to security measures and entry controls — Discussing both positive and negative aspects of the factors allowed access L3.

Explain two likely resons why visitors numbers from Brazil to Thailand are lower than the visitor numbers from the other BRIC countries. (4)

1. Visitors from brazil do not have easy access (1) as Brazil is not near to Thailand. 2. Brazil is developing at a slower rate than the other BRIC countries (1) they therefore have less income / time than other people in the other BRIC countries for holidays (1) 3. Many people in Russia, India and China now have better paid jobs / paid holidays (1) so they are able to visit Thailand as they can afford it/ have time (1)

With Reference to one travel and tourism organisation with which you are familiar with, compare and contrast the ways in which quality customer service is delivered by staff in two different job roles.

1. name of organisation: Kimpton Seafire Resort & Spa, Grand cayman 2. Job Roles: Pastry Chef & server EDIT^^^^^

Island destinations Definition? (eg. Cayman Islands)

A Body of Sub- Continental land that is completely surrounded by water.

What is a focus group?

A focus group is where people come together and collect quantitive data; they do this by interviewing people and handing out surveys.

Describe Town and cities (Eg. Japan) ?

A holiday taken in a city for various reasons including; Shopping, sporting events, visiting cultural attractions and for business. Japan, Tokyo is one of the most popular travel destinations for the region - get a good sense of traditional and cultural history - world leader in innovative technology and fashion. Cultural attraction- Senso-ji appeal to solo travelers Recreational attraction- Disneysea appeal to families Business- Tokyo conference center appeal to business tourists

What is film tourism? Examples?

A specific form of cultural tourism which reflects the growing interest & demand for locations which become popular due to their appearance in films + television series Eg. Hogwarts, Harry Potter

What is adventure tourism? Examples?

Adventure tourism is about connecting with a new culture or a new/extreme landscape & being physically active at the same time. These activities give tourists an adrenaline rush. Eg. - Bungee jumping, Whistler - Shark cave diving, South Africa

What is an Unaccompanied Minor? What is a Young Passenger?

An Unaccompanied minor is a Child between the ages of 5-12, traveling on their own under an airlines supervision without a guardian present. A young passenger is a Kid between the ages of 12 & 16 flying with an airline, either unaccompanied or accompanied.

Describe an apartment & the features?

Apartments are especially great for longer stays or if you want your own space. - eg. Air bnb's - Modern and well equipped - bedroom, kitchen & living spaces - Sometimes washing machines - WIFI access - Great for longer stays

Describe a Rural Destinations (Eg. Provence France) ? + the features?

Are those in more remote & less densely populated areas - Tourists go to enjoy natural attractions Features: Rivers/Lakes = - Kayaking - Fishing - Fishing - boating (lake or Castilian Verdon) Hills/Mountains = -Paragliding/rock climbing - caving - skiing (Cannes to St. Tropez) Forested Areas = - Lavender Fields - zip-lining - Monteux karting Protected areas = -Winter activities - summer activities - Ebike rental (Vanoise national park)

Beach Resort? what is Montego Bay most popular for?

Beach resort is a coastal holiday resort with a beach Eg. Montego Bay -Montego bay is popular for its ; Duty free shopping, cruise line terminal, white sand beaches (Jamaica's premiere tourist destination)

Consumer Protection

Deals with safety features and product labeling standards that protect the consumer Eg. ASTA, ATOL

Describe the features a Country as a tourist destination (Italy) ?

Features: Leaning tower of Pisa - attracts Historic tourists Dolomite mountains - attracts Leisure tourists + Passive tourists Pantheon - roman temple - Historic tourists Shops on High street - Leisure tourists Aquarium of Genoa - Family tourists

Describe an hotel ?

Generally, though one-star hotels will be a basic room with bare essentials. There is unlikely to be a pool, bar or anything besides the room. As you go up stat levels the hotel will offer more benefits. Eg. Marriot Hotel Miami (LEISURE TOURISTS & BUSINESS TOURISTS)

What is Cultural Tourism? Examples?

Heritage tours visiting historical & cultural sites, often in cities. Eg. Rome, Athens and Venice - Massai tribe, Kenya

Whats an Integrated resort?

Integrated Resorts are a Relatively new, mixed development concept and are usually very large. They offer wide range of Leisure + conference facilities + casino

With reference to one job role within a travel and tourism organization with which you are familiar, evaluate the training procedures for new employees. (9 marks)

Kimpton seafire resort and spa, Cayman Islands (Pastry chef) 1. - definition of induction training: Induction training is a form of introduction for new employees in order to enable them to do their work in a new profession or job role within an organisation. 2. - 2 week training - Orientation presentation in conference room, given staff hand book - Meet co-workers - tour of hotel by HR Manager - Shadow co-worked for learning (buddy system) - Manager checks in on you —> this is good and why? 3. Conclusion: -which is best and why? - can reference to yourself - making the hotel more efficient, avoiding mistakes being made in future, making the employee feel comfortable, better working environment = Higher quality service

What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs? And how is it used in tourism?

Maslows hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs. It is used more in the travel and tourism industry to describe the needs and experiences of travelers and their host communities.

Describe a Guest House & the features?

May be Family run, Mist often take pride in property, has nice local furnishing, will make you feel at home. - great for family's or VFR - Homely environment - Friendly staff - cooking facilities - fully equipped with bedroom & living space - WIFI access - Great for cultural stays

Describe a hostel & the features?

May provide the cheapest accommodation. They normally offer shared rooms with bunkbeds, but some also have private rooms available. -No toiletries or towels include - bathrooms shared - great for meeting people - great locations - affordable bed options - social atmosphere - free WiFi - great for travelers wanting to connect ( backpackers )

What is Medical Tourism? examples?

Medical packages which offer cheaper general or cosmetic surgery abroad, followed by a period of recovery. Eg. Fortis la Femme, New Dehli, India

What's Built & natural attractions? Examples?

Natural attractions are features which appeal to tourists because of the nature of land form or the beauty of the landscape in which the attraction is set. Eg. Rivers, lakes, caves, mountains, coastal features

What is slum tourism? Examples?

Organized excursions to information settlements + improvised areas as more realistic form of experiencing a country, by getting in touch with real people & local culture. Eg. Favela, Rio De Janeiro

Explain one way zoos meet the needs of the following visitor types; People with sensatory diabilities, Visitors with special dietary requirements, Foriegn Visitors. (6)

People with sensory disabilities: -Braille notices (1) helps those who are visually impared (1) -sign posts and maps around the zoos (1) will help those who may have audio difficulties (1) -audio tours (1) will help those with sight problems Visitors with special dietary requirments: -Restraunt copes with all dietary rquirements eg. vegetarian (1) therefore everyone should be able to find something suitable to eat (1) -Childerens meals are available (1) so foods that they would eat are available (1) -Resteraunts provide Kosher and Halal options (1) for those with religous belief that do not allow them to eat certain dishes (1) Foriegn Visitors: -Leaflets are in vaious languages (1) so that foriegn visitors will understand (1) -Signs / Sign posts will be around the zoo (1) so foriegn visitors will be able to see where all thing are and find their way around (1) -Maps available in different languages (1) so foriegn visitors find themselves round the zoo (1) -There are also lots of food options (1) for visitors who want to eat food they are fimiliar with.

What is Religious tourism? Examples?

Religious Journeys or pilgrimages to destinations. Eg. -Vatican City, Rome -Hajj, Pilgrimage to Mecca -Festival of Colors, India & Nepal

Describe ski-chalets and features?

Ski resorts with cozy infrastructure. - catering - private bedrooms - cozy lounge -wellness facilities

"Around 50% of Cuba's hotel room capacity is managed and marketed by foreign companies". Evaluate the social and economic impacts that may result from the situation.

Social Advantages : - Social Integration takes place Social Disadvantages: - Demonstration Effect takes place - Increased Crime - tourists can be disrespectful of cultures - more tourists so prices are increased, bad for locals & socially -Seasonality of employment (both) Economic Advantages: - Foreign company has more contacts/ larger target market = Multiplier effect takes place - Higher tax = going into improving the economy - Tourists have high expectations, improving infrastructure = more jobs = improve standard of living Economic Disadvantages: - decline of traditional employment opportunities - increased living costs -leakages -----> Justification of which two were the best

How can sporting events discourage visitors to the destination?

Some tourists may be put off from visiting certain destinations when major sporting events are being held. This may be because of HOTEL SPACE not being available, TRANSPORT options are limited, EXPENSIVE trip and may additional congestion at the destination.

What's the multiplier effect?

The amount of times money spent by a tourist circulates through a country's economy.

What's perishability? (Look at book)

The decay of something. When something goes off. Come back from perishability by lowering prices.

How can accessibility appeal to different visitors?

The ease of reaching a destination increases its appeal. Most tourists want to reach their destination as quickly as possible. Destination more convenient to travel to have greater appeal. ESPECIALLY FOR BUSINESS TOURISTS.

what is the demonstration effect?

The effects on the behavior of individuals caused by observation of the actions of others and their consequences.

What's seasonality? ( look at book)

The fact that something changes according to seasons / the fact that changes according to the time of year.

Packaged Tourism

The scale of at-least two components of a holiday to a traveler, such-as transport, transfers, accommodation, meal plans and use of hotel facilities. Eg. Thomas Cook, TUI (Thomson) Packages holidays are a form of product bundling.

How is tourism a contributing factor to climate change?

Tourism is found to be contributing factor to climate changes because the movement of people and their activities while on vacation increase the level of carbon emissions. It is also predicted that there is going to be a shift in the movement of people away from overly warm climates to temperate ones, making the old destinations suffer economically due to jobs losses.

Mass Tourism

Tourism on a large scale to one country or region. (Involves the movement of large numbers of holiday makers coming to one destination.) Eg. Disney Land

International tourism

Tourism outside the country of residency. Eg. Traveling from the US (your country of residency) to the UK.

specialized tourism

Tourism which involves individual or group tours by people who wish to develop their given interests or specific interest. Eg. Bungee Jump @whistler

What is a Coastal Destination? (eg. India, Calangute Goa)

Towns or villages that attract visitors because they are located on the coast

What is ecotourism? Examples?

Trips to experience the unspoiled natural environment and wildlife in destinations. Eg. • ION adventure hotel, Iceland : -surrounded by lava fields -furniture made by recycled materials -water saving shower • Safari camp, Kenya -Ecofriendly resort which focuses on conservancy + supporting local communities

Outbound Tourism

Visits by residents of a country to another country. (Tourism going out of your country; Monitoring the number of tourists going out of your country)

inbound tourism

Visits to a country by nonresidents. (Monitoring the number of tourists going into your country.) Eg. Tourist from the UK to Spain on Vacation

What is Health and spa tourism? Examples?

Visits to spa resorts which offer health therapy and beauty treatments in luxurious, relaxing surroundings. Examples : Cala De Mar, Mexico - Voted as one of the best wellness retreats for 2019

With reference to one destination, evaluate the facilities that are available to host exhibitions and trade fairs?

• Hotel ballrooms etc. • Conference centres • Sports venues • Educational venues • Municipal buildings • Attractions hiring out space

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