True and False Religion

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Fear of the Lord is an outmoded and unnecessary concern with a vengeful "God of the Old Testament"


Fortitude is the gift by which God is known as Abba, Father


God created Heaven and earth as an expression of his awesome power and might.


God first promised salvation immediately after the Fall of Adam and Eve (Original Sin).


Having been filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the Apostles proclaimed the Gospel and performed many miracles


In response to the request, "Lord, teach us to pray," Christ gave the Apostles the Lord's prayer


In the first part of the sermon on the mount, christ taught the beatitudes


In the garden of Gethsemane, Christ accepted the cup of his Passion and Death from his Father


In the second part of the Sermon on the mount, christ told the crowd he had come to abolish the Old law since his divine mission was to present the New Law


It is proper to human nature to experience love, joy, happiness, and sorrow. Christ, being human, experience these passions; however, he never felt hungry or laughed since he is God.


It is within its capacity of human reason to fully understand the blessed trinity - 3 persons in one God- using deductive reasoning


Much of what we know of the Blessed Virgin Mary's life immediately before and after the birth of Christ comes from the Gospel of St. Luke


Perfect, Pure Spirit, Immutable Eternal, Omnibenevolent, Omniscent, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent are attributes of God


St. John was the first to recognize Christ as the Son of God.


St. Joseph, being forewarned of the danger by an angel, had already taken the Blessed virgin Mary and the Christ child to Ethiopia, where they lived until the death of king Herod


The Blessed Virgin Mary is not the mother of the Person of Jesus Christ, only his human nature


The Blessed Virgin Mary is the spiritual mother of all Christians by virtue of being the mother of Christ the Redeemer


The Blessed Virgin Mary was forced to accept her role in the salvation of mankind


The Blessed Virgin Mary was free from the stain of all sin, both original and personal


The Blessed virgin Mary is given great importance in the religion of Islam, and the readings in the Koran state she is considered the greatest of women.


The Christian faith is unique in its proclamation of God as father, son, and holy spirit


The Fruits of the Holy Spirit are directed toward love of neighbor


The Holy Spirit allows each person to perceive the reality of sin in his or her life so he or she can embrace Christ's redemption


The Holy Spirit comes through the reception of the sacraments


The Holy Spirit is described not in the Gospels but only in the Acts of the Apostles, wherein he descended at pentecost


Adam and Eve lost God's friendship through Original Sin, but God did not abandon his people. Instead, he began to unfold his plan of salvation


Adam and Eve were not responsible for Original Sin since Satan deceived them.


After the infancy narratives, the Blessed Virgin Mary does not appear again in the Gospels or the New Testament


All forms of prayer are conversations with God.


Anyone can ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to intercede with her Son in Heaven


By calling Jesus the Christ, the Apostles proclaimed he was the promised Messiah who had been foretold in the prophecies of the New Testament.


Christ is true God and true man. As the Son of God, Jesus Christ possesses the divine nature of his father. As the son of the Blessed Virgin Mary, he shares our human nature.


Details concerning the hidden life of christ are recorded in the gospel of St. John but not in the gospel of St. Luke


During the transfiguration, the two other persons of the Blessed Trinity appeared with the Lord


The blessed trinity is the greatest of all revealed mysteries and consequently the most important truth of the Christian Faith


The church commemorates Herod's massacre of all male infants in Bethlehem and the surrounding reign after he learned from the Magi a new king had been born


The culmination of Divine Revelation is accomplished in the person of St. John the Evangelist.


The name Jesus means God saves. It was a highly fitting name because the very mission of christ was the salvation of man


The resurrection of Christ is the central defining event of Christian belief, but it cannot be investigated and proven merely by empirical research


The soul did not evolve; rather, each one is an instantaneous gift of God, who infused Adam and Eve with their souls.


The word trinity though not recorded in the Gospels, was first used by St. Paul in his Epistle to the romans


Though the soul was created to be united to the body, the soul continues to exist even after being separated from the body after death


Through Baptism, the sanctifying grace of God in the soul is restored and a person is cleansed of all sin, including the effects of Original Sin.


When Christ was baptized by St. John the Baptist, the two other persons of the Blessed Trinity manifested themselves


When someone prays the Hail Mary, he or she is worshiping Mary


When the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to St. Bernadette, she identified herself as the Immaculate Conception


While Jesus accepted the title Christ, he most often referred to himself in the Gospel as the Son of Man, an Old Testament term used by Daniel to indicate the Messiah.


While the disciples claimed Christ actually existed and Christians around the world proclaim it, there is little historical evidence to suggest he was ever on earth.


though Simon was not the first Apostle to explicitly confess Jesus is the christ, he was given a special role as head of the Apostles and leader of the early Church

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