tutorial 25.1 Astronomy
Why must the universe have no edge?
Because someone near the edge would not see the universe as being the same in all directions.
What is the universe expanding into?
How does the expansion of the universe explain Hubble's law?
The wavelengths of light emitted from galaxies far away have expanded to longer wavelengths along with space.
Galaxies farther away from us have a greater cosmological redshift than closer galaxies because:
because their light has been traveling toward us for a longer period of time, getting stretched more as time goes on.
According to the cosmological principle, the universe is
homogeneous and isotropic
The fact that the Universe is homogeneous
indicates that it appears the same no matter where you are located in the Universe.
The fact that galaxies appear to be moving away from us is
not due to their actual motion but rather due to the fact that space itself is expanding
The Big Bang was:
the beginning of the Universe we live in
The terms isotropic means
the same in every direction.
The center of the universe is located
there is no center of the universe.