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________ were initially developed to destroy the part of the brain that controls emotions.


resistance occurs when a patient transfers strong emotions felt about another individual to one's therapist.


explain the advantages and disadvantages of participating in group therapy.

*CONS:* some disadvantages of group therapy include having to share a therapist with other clients when some may want more one-on-one time. being in the same room with other people with very different personalities causing some to not get along or feel comfortable. if someone in the group has a more seriousness order they may not benefit from group therapy that's usually made for general and simple audiences and disorders. *PROS:* some advantages on the other hand is that the therapy session will be lower and cost for the clients, since a therapist is seeing multiple people at once the cost per hour will be lower for each person. it can also save the therapist Time by allowing them to see more than one person at one time. also clients are exposed to more than one person with similar problems and are able to bounce off ideas advice and have another ear to listen to the problems.

Which of the following therapy types is most associated with a form of role playing, where a client can feel free to express their true feelings about an experience or individual?

*Gestalt Therapy*

one of the most severe side effects from being treated with antipsychotic drugs is ________.

*Tardive dyskinesia* Explanation: Tardive dyskinesia is when a user is experiencing excessive uninvoluntary jerks of the face limbs and body. There's usually subsides after the discontinuation of the medicine but 20% of antipsychotic users do get tardive dyskinesia.

which of the following choices and it is an advantage to participating in some form of group therapy?

*group therapy allows exposure to others with similar problems*

An unconscious gesture intended to hinder therapy progression is known as ________.


Briefly describe what is involved in the three-step process of systematic desensitization.

A. The first step of systematic desensitization is learning to relax. If an individual is afraid of something, e.g. spiders, he needs to learn to relax when he faces the object of his fear. A common relaxation technique is deep breathing or chest breathing. B. The second step. In this step of systematic desensitization, the patient is asked to list 10-15 triggers of a specific phobia or situation and rate each trigger from 0-10 where 0 represents no anxiety at all and 10 represents extreme anxiety. The patient will then rate each of the above steps from 0-10 according to the level of his anxiety. C. The third step.In this step of systematic desensitization, the patient is asked to imagine himself being exposed to his object of fear or a fearful situation. For the patient who is afraid of spiders, he is advised to close his eyes and imagine himself in a room alone with a huge spider. When he feels anxious, he is asked to practice the relaxation exercise. D.After each imaginal exposure, the patientasked to rate his fear of spiders. When the patient's rating for the fear drops to a specific value, the therapist moves toward the next step of the anxiety hierarchy. For example, the patient is asked to look at images of spiders or even a dead spider. The therapy continues until the patient feels no fear when he is exposed to real spiders. The patient is advised to practice deep breathing and other relaxation exercises whenever he is exposed to spiders so that his anxiety will gradually be replaced with relaxation.

Explain what occurs as a result of an antipsychotic drug side effect known as tardive dyskinesia.

Tardive dyskinesia is a syndrome that causes the patient to make involuntary, repetitive jerks and movements of the mouth, face, arms, legs, hands, and feet. This side effect has no cure but does go into remission with discontinuation of the drug, which, in turn, may cause the client's psychotic symptoms to resurface.

What are the physical consequences of combining Antabuse with alcohol, and how does it work in treating alcohol addiction?

using interviews is a form of aversion therapy for alcoholics. the physical consequences of alcohol consumption and abuse is that the user will experience severe vomiting, chest, neck, pain, racing heart rate, and loss of balance. they can also experience lightheadedness, excessive sweating, and throbbing headaches. this use of aversion therapy helps treat addiction by it only taking a small amount of alcohol to get in the system for the antibus to work. this also is helpful by a user using the interviews once will last for 2 weeks regardless if they are consistent with their medication.

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