U61 Security Best Practices

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1. Due to a recent string of thefts in your office, you need to harden your local system. What two actions are most appropriate for your situation? (Choose two.) A. Install a hardware lock B. Disable unused services C. Install antimalware D. Enable encryption

1.A, D. All four answers are device-hardening options. If you are worried about local theft, installing a hardware lock is a must. In addition, if your device does get stolen, encryption will prevent thieves from accessing your files unless they know your username and password.

10. Which of the following actions is not considered a web-browsing best practice? A. Limiting the use of PII B. Disabling Autofill C. Closing untrusted source warnings D. Updating plugins and toolbars

10. C. You should recognize untrusted source warnings and act on them appropriately. Good practices include limiting the use of personally identifiable information (PII), disabling Autofill, and updating plugins, toolbars, and extensions.

11. The managers at your company have decided to implement stricter security policies. Which of the following login schemes will help them achieve this goal? A. Single sign-on B. Multifactor authentication C. Password confidentiality D. HTTPS

11. B. Multifactor authentication increases security by requiring users to use more than one method to authenticate. They need to use two or more items among something they know, something they have, and something they are.

12. Your coworker Rachel has recently discovered that when she starts typing her name into a field in a web browser, her whole name appears as well as her address in the appropriate boxes. What is this due to? A. Adware infection B. Single sign-on C. Suspicious hyperlinks D. Autofill

12. D. Rachel is experiencing Autofill, which is a feature in a browser that automatically populates your information in the right fields when you start entering any of the information. It can be convenient, but it can also be a potential security risk.

13. You have been asked to give training on network security. For your section on password management, which options should you recommend to users? (Choose two.) A. Do not use complex passwords because they are easy to forget. B. Change default passwords on systems. C. Use the same password on multiple systems so they are easy to remember. D. Do not reuse the same password after you are required to change it.

13. B, D. You should use complex passwords that are still easy for you to remember. Changing default passwords is a good idea, as is not reusing a password on multiple systems or after it has been changed.

14. You are in a library that has free computers to use for Internet browsing. Which of the following should you possibly be concerned about? A. Shoulder surfing B. Keyloggers C. Unsecured wireless network D. A and B E. A, B, and C

14. E. Shoulder surfing, keyloggers, and unsecured wireless networks are all potential security risks associated with public workstations.

15. Which two of the following statements are true regarding single sign-on? A. It is convenient for users. B. It can potentially cause security issues. C. It requires the use of multifactor authentication. D. It does not work across different operating systems.

15. A, B. Single sign-on can be a convenience for users, but it does introduce potential security risks. It does not require multifactor authentication, and it will work across different operating systems and software platforms.

16. Which of the following are considered characteristics of a strong password? (Choose two.) A. Long B. Uses patterns C. Uses symbols, numbers, and letters D. Contains PII

16. A, C. Strong passwords are long, complex, and use a variety of symbols, numbers, and letters. Passwords should not contain any personally identifiable information (PII), and patterns in passwords make them easier to guess.

17. You just read an article about an Internet worm recently causing problems. What type of software should you install to protect yourself from this worm? A. Software firewall B. Antispyware C. Antivirus D. Antispam

17. C. Antivirus software programs protect against worms and Trojan horses. Software firewalls can prevent malicious network traffic but do not recognize viruses or worm

18. YoureceiveanemailinyourInboxfromyourfriendSara.Thetitleoftheemailis"This is so cool!" and inside the email is an attachment with an .exe extension. What should you do? A. Delete the email. B. Click the attachment. C. Run virus scan, then click the attachment. D. Call Sara to see if she sent you the email.

18. D. It's possible that your friend sent you a very cool executable file. It's also possible that her email has been hijacked and you've just been sent a virus or other malware. Don't click it until you talk to her first and verify that it's legitimate.

19. You recently received a new workstation and need to properly secure it before browsing the Internet. Which actions should you take? (Choose two.) A. Enable Autofill. B. Enable acceptance of cookies. C. Upgrade your browser to the newest version. D. Configure browser security zones.

19. C, D. Two things you can do are upgrade your browser to the newest version (as well as any plugins, toolbars, and extensions) and configure security zones (if you are using IE). Enabling Autofill and accepting all cookies can increase your security risk.

2. What option can you configure on your workstation to increase security when you leave your desk? A. File encryption B. Multifactor authentication C. Single sign-on D. Screensaver password

2. D. A screensaver password will require someone to enter your password to gain access to the computer. File encryption won't help if the attacker has access to the computer as you.

20. Which of the following statements is true regarding web browser plugins, toolbars, and extensions? A. They should be updated to the newest versions. B. They are dangerous and should be deleted. C. They will be detected and removed by antivirus software. D. They only function in Internet Explore

20. A. Web browser plugins, toolbars, and extensions can add functionality to your web browser. To make sure you maintain the best security possible, ensure that they are updated to their most current versions.

3. You have just landed at the airport and have an unexpected six-hour layover. You want to use your smartphone to get some work done. What should you disable as a precautionary device hardening measure to help prevent potential attacks? (Choose two.) A. Autofill B. Bluetooth C. NFC D. FFC

3. B, C. You should disable Bluetooth and Near Field Communications (NFC) to help prevent attacks. Autofill is a browser setting. There is no FFC in this context.

.4. Claire, a co-worker, is browsing the Internet and wants to know if it's safe to enter her credit card information into a website. What do you tell her to look for? A. HTTPS:// B. HTTP:// C. SSL:// D. TLS://

4. A. Secure websites start with HTTPS://. Also tell her to look for the lock symbol nearby.

5. You enabled file encryption on your local computer. While you were on vacation, one of your co-workers managed to get on your computer and share your important files with other users. How did they do this? A. They logged on and disabled encryption. B. They used the Disk Recovery tool to access the encrypted files. C. All users logging into the system have access to encrypted files. D. They logged on with your username and password.

5. D. The only plausible answer is that someone else had your username and password and logged onto the computer as you.

6. Ray, a co-worker, is concerned that his computer is infected with adware. What symptoms should you tell Ray to look for to confirm his suspicions? (Choose three.) A. Excessive pop-ups B. Browser redirection C. Search engine redirection D. Multifactor login redirection

6. A, B, C. Adware can give you a barrage of pop-ups as well as cause browser and search engine redirection.

7. Which type of software will help protect your computer from malicious network traffic? A. Software firewall B. Password complexity tool C. Antispyware D. Antivirus

7. A. A software firewall protects your computer against malicious network traffic. Antispyware and antivirus software packages are good, but they protect against malicious programs.

8. You are using Google Chrome and you want to browse a website but not have the website stored in your browsing history. What should you do? A. Log in as someone else to browse the site B. Configure independent browsing C. Use InPrivate D. Use Incognito

8. D. Chrome's version of private browsing is called Incognito. Microsoft's version of private browsing is called InPrivate.

9. Your manager just got a new workstation and is not part of a domain. He wants to know which user accounts he should disable to increase security. What should you tell him to disable? A. Guest B. Users C. Power Users D. Administrator

9. A. Disabling the Guest account is a good security measure to reduce the number of entry points a potential attacker could use. You cannot disable the Administrator account, although renaming it is a good idea.

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