UAB Music Appreciation Test 2

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Gregorian chant and certain other folk songs in Western music use scales called

Church modes

What is the theme of Machaut's song, Puis qu'eb oublio sui de vous?

His disappointment after being forgotten by the young woman he loved

Which individuals are known as the school of Notre Dame?

Leonin, Perotin, and their followers

As with many medieval musical works, the instruments used to play estampie were what?

Not specified

Which sacred work was composed by Machaut?

Notre Dame Mass

Which position did Palestrina hold during his career?

Music director for St. Peter's in rome

Paris was the hone of which of the following institution that played a major role in the development of music in the later middle ages

The school of Notre Dame

What happens in a lute song?

The voice has the melody and is accompanied by the lute.

What is known about troubadour and trouvere songs?

They were commonly about courtly love, battle, and dance

T/F: Medieval music manuscripts do not clearly indicate whether instruments played as the same lines as sings


T/F: Melodic lines in renaissance music are rhythmically independent


T/F: Most Gregorian-chant melodies known today were created during the Middle Ages


T/F: Women troubadours existed who wrote songs that were sung to men from the perspective of a woman


Hildegard of Bingen claims to have written I Successors after being inspired by a


Most music during the middle ages was


In each of the three sections of pope marcellus mass, the music begins with a thin texture with only a few voices, then gradually adopts a ___ texture


A lute song is a musical piece written for what

solo voice and lute

All the characteristics of the French ars nova rondeau

1. 8 lines of poetry 2. A refrain that comes back at the end 3. Two phrases A and B

Descriptions about an estampie

1. A dance in triple meter with a strong fast beat 2. One of the earliest surviving forms of instrumental music

All the statements that accurately compare the motet and the mass in the Renaissance

1. A mass ordinary has 5 texts and takes more time to preform 2. The words of the mass are those of ordinary 3. The motet and masa were both important types of sacred music

Place these developments of organum from Gregorian chant in chronological order, with the first development at the top and the last at the bottom

1. A second improvised line duplicating the chant melody at a different pitch 2. A second melodic line that followed a different melodic shape, moving note against note in the chant melody 3. A second melodic line that differed melodically and rhythmically from the chant melody

Statements that describe church modes

1. Church modes and the modern major and minor scales have seven tones between each octave 2. The use of church modes helps give Gregorian chant its characteristic "otherworldly" sound 3. Church modes were the basic musical scales used in the Middle ages and the Renaissance

All the new developments in rhythm and meter that occurred in the early fourteenth century

1. Composers could precisely notate many different rhythmic patterns 2. Syncopation became more common 3. Beats could be in groups of two or three

Forms of entertainment provided by wandering minstrels

1. Dance 2. Stories 3. Acrobatics

Instruments that minstrels usually played for dances

1. Fiddle 2. Lute 3. Harp

All the instruments that were played by renaissance musicians

1. Harpischord 2. Shawm 3. Lute

All the statements that describe the composer John Dowland

1. He composed during the time of shakespeare 2. He was a virtuoso performer of the lute

All the statements that describe the music and writings of Guillaume de Machaut

1. He composed music and poetry 2. He presented beautiful handwritten copies copies of his music and poetry to noble patrons

All the statements about thomas weelkes who lived from circa 1575 to 1623

1. He composed the madrigal As vesta was descending 2. He lived at the same time as queen elizabeth I 3. He was an english organist

All the facts concerning the life of Guillaume de Machaut

1. He served king john of Bohemia 2. He traveled on military campaigns and on visits to royal courts 3. He was a church official

Characteristics of Gregorian Chant

1. It had a melody meant to enhance a religious service 2. It is set to a sacred text

Match the word painting techniques that Renaissance composers would likely use to accompany the words in a song

1. Low - low note in melody 2. Jump - leap in the melodic line 3. Stairs - series of notes that step upward 4. Chase - voice that quickly repeats another

All the statements that describe the musical texture in Josquin's Ave Maria

1. Mainly polyphonic 2. Has imitation between individual voices 3. Has imitation between pairs of voices

All the statements that explain the rising popularity of secular music

1. Many songs were written in many languages 3. The publication of song books provided more access 3. Educated people were expected to know how to play instruments and sing

All the activities that Josquin Desprez participated in

1. Master of Renaissance music 2. Traveled widely, writing music for different courts and chapels 3. He served in the papal choir in Rome

All the features that are typical of organum in medieval music

1. Melodic lines that produced polyphony 2. A chant line that was sung using low notes

All the statements that describe texture in Renaissance music

1. Most music during the renaissance was polyphonic 2. Texture could vary within a composition, from homophony and polyphony

All the statements that describe the the rhythmic and melodic lines in Renaissance music

1. Pitch patterns are relatively easy to sing 2. Rhythm is gentle and flowing 3. Each singer maintains and individual rhythm

All the characteristics of music during the renaissance

1. Renaissance music could be printed and circulated widely 2. Secular music was increasingly valued as an art in renaissance

Statements about Hildegard of Bingen

1. She was an abbess in Germany 2. She was a visionary and mystic 3. She wrote many monophonic chants

Descriptions of renaissance instruments

1. Shwam - an ancestor of the obeo 2. Recorder - early flute 3. sacbut - early trombone 4. viol - bowed string instrument 5. cornett - instrument w a cupshaped mouth piece

All the statements that apply to the Kyrie from Palestrina's Pope Marcellus Mass

1. Six voice parts 2. Three different sections 3. Melodic shapes imitate the general shape of Gregorian chant melodies

All the statements that describe the renaissance madrigal

1. Thanks to music printing, madrigals were published by thousands in italy 2. Madrigal composers included luca, carlo, and thomas

All the reasons for the richer and more developed sounds in Renaissance music than medieval music

1. The bass register was employed for the first time 2. The harmonies were fuller and more consonant

All the statements that are characteristics of rhythm and melody in Renaissance music

1. The beat is subtle because different melodies overlap each other 2. Each melodic line has rhythmic independence 3. Imitation of the main melody is a common device by composers

All the statements that describe what happens in Josquin's motet

1. The composer uses polyphonic imitate 2. Four opening melodic phrases all use the same text 3. A voice will enter while preceding entry is in the middle of its melodic line

All the statements that describe the texture of Renaissance music

1. The different voices in Renaissance music imitate each other 2. Choral renaissance music used four to six vocal parts 3. The majority of renaissance music was polyphonic

All the statements that describe what happens in Josquin's motet Ave Maria

1. The four opening melodic phrases all use the same text 2. A voice will enter while the preceding entry is in the middle of its melodic line 3. The composer uses polyphonic imitation

All the elements common in renaissance secular music

1. The imitation of natural sounds 2. The use of word paintings

All the statements that accurately compare the motet and the mass in the Renaissance

1. The motet and mass were both important types of sacred music 2. A mass ordinary has five texts and takes more time to perform than a motet 3. The words of the mass are those of the ordinary, whereas the motet uses other sacred text

All the statements that describe the Agnus Dei from Machaut's Notre Dame Mass

1. The text has two identical stanzas followed by a stanza that ends with "Grant us peace" 2. It has three musical sections thought to represent the trinity

Statements that describe the Gregorian chants?

1. The were originally passed along as part of an oral tradition 2. They were the official music of the Catholic church for more then 1000 years

All the characteristics that the renaissance motet and mass have in common

1. They are performed by a chorus 2. They are both sacred music 3. They use polyphony

All the characteristics that the renaissance motet and mass have in common

1. They are performed by a chorus 2. They are both sacred music 3. They use a polyphony

Descriptions about wandering minstrels or jongleurs

1. They performed in castles, taverns, and town squares 2. They carried news with them wherever they went

Statements that describe the poet-composers known as troubadours and trouveres

1. Trouveres lived in northern france and wrote in old french 2. Troubadours lived in southern france and wrote in the Provencal language

All the reasons that explain why little is known about how medieval music was performed or how it sounded

1. Very few medieval music manuscripts specify what instruments are to perform the music 2. Few medieval instruments have survived 3. Tempo, dynamic, and even rhythm are not indicated in medieval music manuscripts

All the statements that describe the changes that took place in musical patronage during the renaissance

1. Virtuoso women singers began singing in several Italian courts 2. Composers began to put their name on their compositions and expected to be compensated 3. Patronage increased in the courts of the nobility

All characteristics of rhythm in Gregorian chant?

1. Written in imprecise rhythmic values 2. Has no meter or evident beat 3. Flexible and free flowing

The developments in musical style that occurred during the ___ century were so significant that they are referred to as the ars nova


Renaissance choral music was usually performed ___, meaning that singers were unaccompanied bu instruments

A cappella

What was one of the most influential innovations that helped spread and popularize renaissance secular music?

Development of printing press

Gregorian chant developed as a way of what?

Enhancing religious services, including prayers and rituals

T/F: Josequin, one of the greatest Renissance composers, wrote only religious works, such as motets and masses for the church


How does a church mode differ from major and minor scales?

It had a different pattern of whole and half steps

Palestrina was an important ____ composer

Italian Renaissance

5 Texts (sung prayers) of the mass ordinary

Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei

Renaissance composers made a distinction between only which types of instruments

Loud and soft

Most troubadour songs that have survived in music notation show only the ___ of the song


Which statement describes the singing duties of months in the Middle Ages?

Monks sang as part of their duties and were required to perform with skill

What is the texture of Gregorian chants?


One of the few instruments used in churches during Middle Ages was the


The intellectual and artistic capital of Europe in the mid-twelfth century was


Which id a dance of the reminder era in duple meter with a stately tempo


Most medieval music manuscripts indicate only __ and lack detailed performance instructions


Most medieval music manuscripts indicate only ___ and lack detailed performance instructions


The development of ___ music in the 14th century reflected the changing attitudes towards religion, everyday pursuits and pastoral life


During Middle ages, a musician in a monastery or cathedral would do what?

Sing liturgy

Which description applies to Guillaume de Machaut's Notre Dame Mass?

The first polyphonic setting of the complete mass ordinary by a known composer

Who performed secular music in Middle ages?

Troubadours and trouveres

An important innovation at the school of Notre Dame between 1170 and 1200 was the use of __ rhythm


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