Unit 1

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What were the three terms of the Treaty of Paris?

1. France lost all land 2. Spain got all land to the west of MS river 3. Britain got all land east of the MS river

Which factor most likely pulled the original French settlers of Louisiana to the area?

Copper, iron, lead, and fur (animals)

Which statement best describes Bienville's importance in Louisiana history?

Created New Orleans 1. It was located right next to the Ms river = trade. 2. It was on a higher bend of the river which created a natural levee 3. Spain and Britain can not ambush because NOLA is right next to the river

Which of the following were reasons for the slow growth of the Louisiana colony?

Disease/death and poor leadership

Reasons for migration are often described as "push" or "pull" factors. Which of the following was the "push" factor for Acadians immigrating to Louisiana in the 1750s?

During the French and Indian war, British soldiers told the Acdians they had to pledge allegiance to the King of England and charged their religion. The Acdians refused. The British burnt down their villages and forced them onto ships to the 13 colonies, France and England

Which of the following statements best illustrates the impact of geography on Poverty Point?

Living along rivers and swamps provided ample food options

The Code Noir was made to

Made to establish rules and expectations for slaves and slaves masters. It was often ignored

Governor O'Reilly changed the government in Louisiana by

Abolished Superior Council and created Cabildo

What can historians gather about Poverty Point after finding Atlatls?

Atlatls were used to throw spears faster and more efficiently. This was used for hunting.

Why did people come to Poverty Point?

Be apart of ceremonies on the mounds, their unique natural resources found in and around their swamps, trade

Which of the following settlements did Iberville settle? Select all that apply.

Biloxi, Mobile

What was the purpose of De Soto's exploration?


The three main reasons why explorers from Europe traveled to the new world was.

Gold (to be rich), God (spread Christianity), Glory (to become famous)

Based on all the sources, what non-economic benefit did the French get through greater trade with Native Americans?

It fostered peace between the groups

Which statement best explains how the scarcity of resources affected the relationship between Native Americans and European settlers?

It increased trade between groups

Why did St. Denis create Natchitoches?

It was located on a river, it was closed to a native tribe, it was closed to the Spanish so they could develop trade with natives and Spanish

What phrase best describes the Isleño in Louisiana?

Spanish from the Canary Islands

If Bienville had not convinced the English of his bluff, which of the following probably would have occurred?

The British would have taken over LA

What was the Natchez Revolt?

The Natchez tribe attacked a group of french colonist

Which statement was true of people in New Orleans under Spanish rule?

The french wanted to keep their french culture and language

How did the Natchez Uprising change the relationship between French settlers and Native Americans?

The relationship went from friendly to hostile

Who were the Acadians?

Farmers and fur trappers in Acadia (Canada). Eventually immigrated to Louisiana

What is Hernando de Soto known for?

Founded the MS River

Which of the following countries had control of Louisiana before 1804 (when Spain lost its ownership of Louisiana)?

France and Spain

Which statement most accurately describes Louisiana under French and Spanish control?

French Louisiana had many issues, including disease, poor leadership and lack of supplies. They were unorganized. Spanish Louisiana did much better because they focused on organizing the economy and government.

Which statement best describes the reasons for changes in the territorial claim of Louisiana between 1754 and 1763?

French and Indian War

Why did Spain come to control Louisiana?

French gave it to Spain as a thank you for helping them fight in the french and Indian war. Treaty of Fontainebleau

Which statement best describes who was fighting in the French & Indian War?

French, French Colonists and many natives VERSUS Britain, British Colonists (13 colonies) and 1 natives tribe

The French King sent LaSalle to colonize in the new world for what reason?

Fur trade

Why is Louisiana's location especially important for settlers and natives?

Mississippi River

Which of the following is the best reason why a creole culture formed?

Natives and Africans slaves built strong relationships and thus over time their cultures blended.

In the system of mercantilism, the main goal of the mother country was to -

Only by or import from your own country. Export (sell) more than you Import (buy)

Which of the following is the best reason that Acadians settled in Louisiana?

People in Louisiana spoke french, the Spanish offered to pay for their travels + livestock, also the MS river provided an area a form

What made the Poverty Point natives different from other Native American tribes in North America?

Poverty point natives as well as many other natives were hunter-gatherers. PP and other native american tribes build earth mounds out of soil. However, people in poverty point did not move around, they lived in one city year around and traded for food they needed when they ran out

What were two reasons Iberville and Bienville colonized Louisiana?

Secure the Mississippi River to protect from invasion and increase wealth through the fur trade

How did geography influence European patterns of settlement?

Settlers wanted to build forts/towns near rivers

What is the only major drawback to living at Poverty Point?

There were no rocks naturally located at the site

Why don't archaeologists know everything about Poverty Point?

They did not have a written language

Why did the Poverty Point people rely on trade to survive?

They did not know how to farm

What can historians gather about Poverty Point people after finding stone tools?

They traded for it

What factors helped the Acadians integrate into the Louisiana economy?

They were farmers and trapped animals for fur

What was the sole purpose of the French for colonizing Louisiana?

To create wealth and power for the French

How did the people in Poverty Point get the resources they needed?


What is the most likely reason that many tribes settled around the Mississippi River?

Trade, fish, fresh water, minerals

What was La Salle's contribution to the Louisiana Territory?

Traveled down the MS river and claimed the land for France. Named it Louisiana after the King of France

What is the main reason Governor Ulloa was expelled from Louisiana?

Ulloa was a weak leader and allowed the french to walk all over him. He was scared to be a strict ruler. Then he randomly started enforcing mercantilism laws which angered the Superior Council and they banished him.

What was life like for the earliest French colonists of Louisiana?

Uncomfortable- lots of disease and short on supply

How valuable were fur pelts to the French in Louisiana?

Very valuable, it was their main export. The french gave natives many different goods (gave, ammunition, clothes, cooking supplies) just to get fur pelts in return

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