Unit 1 & 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 6, Midterm

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What is the only thing that gives Anne recompense for her love for her husband

"...aught but love from thee"

In section 2 of the excerpt from Civil Disobedience, Thoreau uses a metaphor when talking about the American government He compares the American government to what unlike thing

"A sort of wooden gun to the people themselves"

Read the highlighted passage in Section 7 of "Nature" carefully, here, Emerson describes the effect that being in nature has an egotistical, self-centered feelings

"All men egotism vanishes"

Because the young woman was pushed from the sky

Life began on earth

In Paragraph 8 of "The Masque of the Red Death," the revel that went "whirlingly" on in the densely crowded apartments in symbolic of

Life going on without regard of death

In "The Raven" Lenore is characterized as

Line 11: a "rare and radiant maiden"

In addition to the rhyme at the end of the lines in his poem, "The Raven," Poe uses rhyme within the lines, such as "While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping." Another example of this "internal rhyme" is

Line 19

Which line in Longfellow's poem "A Psalm of Life" suggest that we should be content to no matter what ends up happening to us

Line 23 Dash "let us, then, be up in doing, with a heart for any fate"

In addition to the rhyme at the end of the lines in his poem, "The Raven," Poe uses rhyme within the lines, such as "Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December," Another example of this "internal rhyme" is

Line 31

In addition to the rhyme at the end of the lines in his poem, "The Raven," Poe uses rhyme within the lines, such as "Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow" Another example of this "internal rhyme" is

Line 85

The narrator in "The Raven" expresses his hopee for a future with his lost Lenore in the lines:

Line 93-94

In addition to the rhyme at the end of the lines in his poem "The Raven," Por uses rhyme within the lines, such as "And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain." Another example of this "internal rhyme" is

Line 97

Which of the following is an example of imagery in Whitman's free verse poem "I Hear America Singing"?

Lines 2-3: Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong

According to Emerson in Section 6 of "Nature," there is no calamity that can befall him that nature cannot repair -- except for what

Losing his eyesight

Little Sprout modified the mosquito that Flint created by

Making it small

In which way to the American romantic writers try to create social reform

Making people aware of the problems through their writings

In section 9 of this writing on "Nature," Emerson makes it clear that the power that produces our delight in nature comes from

Man, or in the harmony between both man and nature

If you were writing about how Equiano might have been influenced to treat his own slaves by his experiences as a slave himself, paragraphs 4, 8, and 10 on the left would give good support to show that

Many slaves preferred death to the torture they had to endure at the hands of the slave traders

In Melville's Moby Dick, Queenqueg's description of Moby Dick from Paragraph 29 tells us that

Many whalers had attacked Moby Dick but had failed to kill him

Which sentence below is a good example of Descriptive Writing

Mark called loudly, desperately, into the room: "Has anyone seen some car keys on a green keychain?

Which sentence used the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

Mark was an avarice kind of person who sneered at all who came into the room

Which terms best describe writing that incorporates a variety of sentence length and construction

Mature, rhythmically balanced

In speaking about the grass in Line 29 from "Song of Myself," Whitman uses which poetic device Sec. 6 Line 29: "And now it seems to me the beautiful uncut hair of graves"

Metaphor (something is something else - a comparison of two unlike things)

Meteor showers are made of the icy debris of comets. Sometimes they are visible from earth These sentences have been combined using an appositive phrase. Which sentence below punctuates the appositive phrase correctly

Meteor showers, sometimes visible from earth, are made of the icy debris of comets

Which sentence best expresses the meaning of this aphorism "Mishaps are like knives, that either serve us or cut us, as we cross them by the blade or the handle." - Lowell

Mishaps can either hurt us or help us, depending on how we react to them

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

Most people don't consider respite acceptable or polite in public

Which sentence used the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

My favorite part of a salad is lots and lots of green and purple lattice

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined vocabulary word

My favorite part of the salad is lots and lots of green and purple lattice

Line 7: "to my God my heart did cry" Which is another way to write this line without using inverted syntax

My heart did cry to my God

Line 27: "My pleasant things in ashes lie" Which is another way to write this line without using inverted syntax

My pleasant things lie in ashes

Which sentence below is an example of "Narrative Writing"

My unexpected trip around the world begin in the most peculiar way -- an anonymous phone call

When the narrator in "The Raven" first heard the tapping of the Raven, he is


Part of the American romantic transcendental belief system included a turning away from the negative affects on industrialization and corruption in the cities


The idea that neither twin is wholly good nor wholly bad is shown by the fact that

Neither twin creates ideal animals

After a bitter dispute, the twins parted. Little Sprout became a dweller of the day, and Flint became a dweller of the ________


Line 29: "Under thy roof no guest shall sit" Which is another way to write this line without using inverted syntax

No guest shall sit under thy roof

The following lines in Whitman's poem "I Hear America Singing" are different from traditional poetry in what way? Line 1-3: "I hear America singing the varied carols I hear, Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong"

No meter and rhythm that is fixed

Which of the following is not an aphorism

Not for nothing once face,... character,... fact, makes much impression on him,... another none. SR-1

In which sentence is the modifier placed correctly

Not thinking clearly, the secretary sent an invitation to everyone on the list

One of the cruelties Equiano experienced as a slave that he might have tried to avoid as a slave owner is indicated in which part of Paragraph 4 on the left

On my refusing to eat, one of them held me fast by the hands... while the other flogged me severely

An evidence from the story that the Iroquois valued balance is that

One twin dwells in day; the other twin dwells in night

What sound device does Poe employ in the following lines from "The Raven" Line 13: In the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain


In Line 118 from Sec. 52 of his poem "Song of Myself," Whitman uses what sound device Line 117: "I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world."

Onomatopoeia (a word that sounds like it's definition)

The underlined word in Line 111 of Whitman's "Song of Myself" is an example of what sound device Sec 33 Line 111: "The whizz of limbs, heads, stone, wood, iron, high in the air."

Onomatopoeia (a word that sounds like it's definition)

In which sentence is the modifier placed correctly to avoid confusion

Our day tours include a visit to Arlington National Cemetery where U.S. soldiers are buried

In section 5 of us are riding on "Nature," Ralph Waldo Emerson suggest that nature changes corresponding to the hour and season but also corresponding to and authorizing

Our different states of mind

If you were writing about how de Vaca's experiences with the Native Americans may have influenced him to treat them humanely later in his life, which passage below would give good supporting detail

P 23: "we got to their dwellings, where we saw they had built a hut for us with many fires in it"

If you were writing that the four friends of "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" really did get young again, which passage below from the story would you use to support your thesis

P 24: There was a healthful suffusion on their cheeks, inside of the ashen hue...

If you were writing that the four friends of "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" really did get young again, which passage below from the story would you use to support your thesis

P 34: They were now in the happy prime of youth

If you were writing that the four friends of "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" really did get young again, which passage below from the story would you use to support your thesis

P 38: The Widow Wycherley, if so fresh a damsel could be called a widow... merriment and her rosy face

If you were writing that the four friends of "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" did not get young again, which passage below from the story would you use to support your thesis

P 48: Was it an illusion? Had the changes of a lifetime been crowded into so brief of space....

If you were writing that the four friends of "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" did not get young again, which passage below from the story would you use to support your thesis

P 50: ....the Water of Youth possessed merely a virtue more transient than that of wine

What passage below shows how de Vaca feelings of concern for others was influenced by the Native Americans

P: 20: "to see beings..so like unto brutes, yet so deeply moved by pity...increased my feelings"

Even though Edward seems to focus on the wrath of God in a fiery hell, what lines would you say if you were making a point to Edwards does hold out hope for sinners

Par 11: now you have an extraordinary opportunity... Christ has thrown the door of mercy wide open

If you were writing about how de Vaca's experiences with the Native Americans may have influenced him to treat them humanly later in his life, which passage below would give good supporting detail

Par 12: They "brought us plenty of fish in some roots... taken out of the water with much trouble"

If you were writing about how de Vaca's experiences with the Native Americans may have influenced him to treat them humanely later in his life, which passage below would give good supporting detail

Par 13: "they returned and brought us more fish and some of the same roots"

Which passage helped shows the contrast between what the Europeans feared from the Native Americans and what actually happened

Par 21: "...we expected to be sacrificed; they... treated us so well... we became reassured"

If you were writing about how de Vaca came to appreciate the Native Americans' way of doing things, which of the passages below would give the best supporting detail

Par 25,27: "We laughed, taking it for a jest;" Natives "think it effective, and I found it to be"

If you were writing about how de Vaca and the Europeans viewed the Native Americans, which of the passages below would give the best supporting detail

Par. 20: "Verily, to see beings so devoid of reason, untutored, so like unto brutes..."

If you were writing about how de Vaca came to appreciate the Native Americans' way of doing things, which of the passages below would give the best supporting detail

Par. 27: The Native Americans think it very effective, and I found it to be so by my own experience

In which of the following paragraphs does Washington Irving use description fo characterize Tom Walker's feelings about his wife in "The Devil and Tom Walker"

Paragraph 22

Which paragraphs of the sermon of Edwards use the image of an arrow of death

Paragraphs 4 and 6

What point is Thoreau making in the following passage from Section 6 of Civil Disobedience Sec. 6: The soldier is applauded who refuses to serve in an unjust war by those who do not refuse to sustain the unjust government which makes the war."

People applaud the soldier who is against the war yet sustain the government that is waging the war

In the following passage from Paragraph 44 of "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment," Hawthorne uses what figure of speech Paragraph 44: ... They stood still and shivered; for it seemed as if gray Time were calling them back from their sunny youth (some)


The following passage from "The Masque of the Red Death" is an example of what literary device Paragraph 5: "there came from the brazen lungs of the clock a sound which was clear and loud and deep and exceedingly musical"


Which poetic device does Dickinson use in the following lines of "Because I could not stop for Death" Lines 12-13: "We passed the Setting Sun — Or rather — He passed Us —"


Whitman's use of Death in Line 55 of "Song of Myself,"is an example of what poetic device Sec. 33 Line 55: "How the skipper saw the crowded and rudderless wreck of the steamship, and Death chasing it up and down the storm"

Personification (an object or idea is given human-like characteristics)

The underlined passage from Section 1 of Civil Disobedience illustrates one of Thoreau's purposes in writing, which is to

Persuade government leaders that the war with Mexico is not the will of the people

What differentiates free verse poetry from prose

Poetic devices — use of sound devices, imagery, repetition, and meter

Which sentence shows the modifier written correctly

Pouring down rain, the storm caused my umbrella to collapse

Which is a theme of Hawthorne's "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" is illustrated by this passage Paragraph 1: And, before proceeding further, I will mercery hint that Doctor Heidegger and all his four guests were sometimes thought to be a little beside themselves; (some)

Present troubles (4 friends) or woeful reflections (Dr. Heidegger) can cause agitation in old age

The narrator in "The Raven" calls the Raven


Which sentence below is a good example of Descriptive Writing

Pushing his way into the blaring lights and Jocelyn throng, he waited his turn at StarBlaster

Which of the following is a harpooner in Melville's Moby Dick


Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

Ralph was clearly misgiving in the confident way he operated the speedboat

In section 2 of "Nature," how does Emerson describe the influence of nature on the adult as compared to the child

Reflects the wisdom; delights fhe simplicity

In Line 61-63 of his poem "Song of Myself," Whitman uses which sound device Sec 33, Line 61-63: "How he follow'd .... / How he saved ... How the lank loose-gown'd women look'd ...."


In speaking about the child's question in Line 18-19 from "Song of Myself," Whitman shes which poetic device Sec. 6 Line 18-19: "I guess it must be the flag of my disposition, out of hopefull green stuff woven. / Or I guess it is the handkerchief of the Lord"


What poetic device did Whitman use in Lines 41-42 from "Song of Myself"


Which element of free verse poetry does Whitman use in the following lines of "I Hear America Singing"? Lines 4-9: "The carpenter singing... The mason singing.. The boatman singing... the deckhand singing..."


What free verse poetic device does Whitman use in these underlined words from "Song of Myself" Sec. 6 Lines 31-34: "It may be you transpire from the breasts of young men, It may be if I had known them I would have loved them," (some)

Repetition (repetition of words or phrases)

When writing in free verse, the poet is much more dependent on which of the following

Repetition, sound devices, and imagery

Which of the following describes a function performed by American romantic writers

Reporting issues; expressing opinions

What theme does Paragraph 35 of Melville's Moby Dick allude to

Revenge is pointless and often ends in obsession

The fireside poets wrote in the context of American romanticism that included which of the following

Revering nature, promoting individualism, and advocating idea of being true to oneself

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

Rob is impetuous that he just sits around playing video games all day

On Galveston Island, the Native Americans sustained the Europeans with

Roots and fish

In section 7 of his writing on "Self-Reliance" Emerson implies that sometimes "truth" is which of the following


Which sentence shows the modifier written correctly

Running down the stairs, I saw the bus just pulling away

Which of the text below is a good example of "Expository Writing"?

Satellite images show that the Amazon rain forest, the largest in the world, continues to shrink

In which sentence is the modifier placed correctly

Sean stuff does dirty gardening clothes that he had worn into the hamper and then took a shower

Which sentence shows the modifier written correctly

Searching through the coat closet, I found my jacket lying on the floor

Which of the following from Thoreau's Walden is NOT an aphorism

Sec 10: I have always been regretting that I was not as wide as the day I was born

Which of the following is not an aphorism

Sec 10: My civil neighbor, the tax-gatherer, is the very man I have to deal with....

Which of the following passages from Thoreau's Walden contains an extended metaphor

Sec 10: Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in

Which of the following is not an aphorism

Sec 15: I do not hear of men being forced to have this way or they by masses of men

Which quote from Thoreau's Walden is the best example of the transcendentalist idea of having individualism and self-reliance

Sec 17; If one advances confidently in... direction of your dreams... will meet with success unexpected

Which quote from Walden supports Thoreau's purpose to persuade us to simplify our lives in order to enjoy them more

Sec 17; In proportion as you simplify his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex

Which of the following from Thoreau's Walden is NOT an aphorism

Sec 2: The very dew seemed to hang upon the trees later into the day than usual

Which of the following from Thoreau's Walden is NOT an aphorism

Sec 3: For most men, it appears to me, are in strange uncertainty about [life],

Which quote from Walden supports Thoreau's purpose to persuade you to spend time in nature to help you focus on what's really important in life

Sec 3: I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately...living is so dear;

Which quote from Walden supports Thoreau's purpose to persuade us to not take our lives for granted

Sec 6: Why..live with such hurry and waste of life?..determined to be starved before we are hungry

Which of the following is not an aphorism

Sec 7: How can a man be satisfied to entertain an option merely, and enjoy it

Which of the following from Thoreau's Walden is NOT an aphorism

Sec 8: For my part, I could easily do without the post-office

Which of the following from Thoreau's Walden is NOT an aphorism

Sec 8: I never received more than one or two letters in my life... that were worth the postage

Which of the following is not an aphorism

Sec 8: Why is it [government] not more apt to anticipate and provide for reform

Which of the following passages from Thoreau's Walden contains a metaphor or an extended metaphor

Sec. 10: The intellect is a cleaver; it's a discerns and rifts its way into the secret of things

Which quote from Thoreau's Walden is the best example of the transcendentalist ideal of emphasizing spiritual well-being over financial well-being

Sec. 21: The shadows of poverty and meanness gather around us, "and lo! creation widens to our view

Which of the following passages from Thoreau's Walden contains a metaphor or an extended metaphor

Sec. 5: In the midst of the chopping sea of civilized life, such are the clouds and storms...

Which quote from Thoreau's Walden is a good example of the transcendentalist ideal of the need to simplifying our lives

Sec. 5: Simplify, simplify. Instead of three meals a day, if it be necessary eat but one

If you're writing that one of the transcendentalist ideals found in Emerson's "Self-Reliance" is the importance of not being a conformist but rather being self-reliant, which passage below would you cite to best support your thesis

Sec. 5: Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist

If you're writing that one of the transcendentalist ideals found in Emerson's "Nature" is that man is basically good, which passages from the text would you cite to support this thesis

Sec. 7: The currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part of particle of God

If you're writing that one of the ideals found an Emerson's "Nature" is that man has a close relationship with nature, which passage from the text would you cite to support this thesis

Sec. 8: The greatest delight... Is a suggestion of an occult relation between man and the vegetable

If you were writing that one of the ideas found in Emerson "self-reliance" is the importance of being an individual, or being self-reliant, which of these passages from the text would you like to support the thesis

Sec. 8: What I must do is all that concerns me, not what people think

One of the effects of the American romantic time period that was fueled by information supplied by its writers was

Sectionalism - people began to look out for themselves losing their central goals as Americans

Early in the account, de Vaca says he would have hailed death with delight rather than

See so many around him in such a condition

Which characteristic of American romanticism is evident in these lines from Longfellow's "A Psalm of Life" Line 21-22: "Trust no Future, howe'er pleasant! / Let the dead Past bury its dead!"


Which characteristic of American romanticism is evident in these lines from Longfellow's "A Psalm of Life" Line 5-6: "Life is real! Life is Ernest! / And the grave is not it's goal"!

Sense of hire density

Which is not an element of free verse poetry

Set rhyme scheme

What does and Bradstreet doing the following line of her poem: "Compare with me, ye women, if you can"

She changes who she was speaking to - from her husband to "ye women"

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined vocabulary word

She fixed my favorite dish - something I abhor

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

She had to be hospitalized because of her malediction to bee stings

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined word

She helped prepare dinner by inudating the silverware

In "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" what misfortune did Widow Wycherley experience

She lost her beauty

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

She personally didn't like the painting, but the admiring crowd thought it was a blunder

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

She told him if he ever did it again she would be pestilential

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

She tried to find out if there completing her project was a propriety

Anne Bradstreet was different from other Puritan writers in which way

She wrote about more than just her religious beliefs

When Longfellow omits letters of syllables in his words (indicated by an apostrophe), like how'er (Line 21) and o'erhead (Line 24), he is

Shortening the words for a better meter

In the following passage from "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment," Hawthorne uses what figure of speech Paragraph 28: "My dear widow, you are charming! cried Colonel Kilgrow who's eyes of been fixed up on her face, (some)


What literary device does Washington Irving use in the following lines from "The Devil and Tom Walker" Paragraph 2: A miserable horse, who ribs were as articulate as the bars of the gridiron, stalked about the field...


What literary device is Lowell using in these lines to describe the effect of the snow falling on the grave of his daughter Line 19-20: "How the flakes were folding it gently, / As did robins the babes in the wood."


What poetic device does Washington Irving use in the following lines from "The Devil and Tom Walker" Paragraph 4 :...and the water-snake, where the trunks of pines and hemlocks, lay half-drowned, half-rotting, looking like alligators sleeping in the mire


What poetic device does Washington Irving use in the following lines from Paragraph 5 of "The Devil and Tom Walker" From Paragraph 5: Tom had long been picking his was cautiously through this treacherous forest, (some)


Which type of figurative language is it being used in this example: poetry, as we see in the writings of Anne Bradstreet, is like this a solace in times of trouble


What figure of speech does Thoreau use in the underlined passage from Section 2 of Walden

Simile or extended simile

What figure of speech does Thoreau use in the underlined passage from Section 22 of Walden

Simile or extended simile (two unlike things or ideas are compared using "like" or "as")

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

Since Sophie was deliberately late for class, she decided get there as quickly as she could

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

Since the main highways closed for repair, you'll have to transgress through this hallway

When Dr. Heidegger's friend saw the dead rose revive when it was put into the water from the fountain of youth, their first reaction was (Paragraphs 10-13 of "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment")


In Paragraph 2, what condition does Equiano reveal unexpectedly existed both among his white captors as well as among his black countrymen back home


In section 4 of "Self-Reliance," Emerson points out that society wants each person to conform, and that self- reliance is

Societies a version - it's opposite, because self-reliance loves reality instead of names and customs

Which words does Lowell used to describe the effects of the snow in "The First Snowfall"

Softened, hiding, healing

To what creatures did Edwards liken sinners

Spiders, worms, serpents, loathsome insects

"I, starting up, the light did spy, / And to my God my heart did cry" Which is another way to write this line without using inverted syntax

Starting up, I spied the light, and my heart cried to my God

"Then straight I 'gin my heart to chide: / And did thy wealth in earth abide?" Which is another way to write this line without using inverted syntax

Straightway I began to chide my heart: did thy wealth abide on earth?

One of Thoreau's purposes in his writings on Civil Disobedience, as illustrated in the passage from Section 4, is to persuade readers to

Take a step toward better government by making known what kind of government they would respect

When Poe describes the bust of Pallas (the Green Goddess of Wisdom) as "pallid" or "colorless" in line 104 of "The Raven", whereas, earlier in the poem he described it as "placid" (Line 55), he is symbolizing

That in this experience wisdom had "paled", or had lost its power and relevance

This Creation Story is full of instances of the Iroquois belief in balance. One of these is

That many of the sky were supportive of the woman who is ill, but one was angry, showing balance

This Creation Story is full of instances of the Iroquois belief in balance. One of these is

That not all the waterproof supported the woman who fell from the sky. Some did, but some didn't.

In Section 19 of Walden Thoreau says, "The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the almshouse as brightly as from the rich man's abode." What is he telling us

That the real, important things of life are available freely to all, whether rich or poor

What conflict does Thoreau refer to in Section 1 of Civil Disobedience in which the US government was involved at the time his writing

The Mexican war

When da Vaca and his men arrived at the dwellings of the Native Americans, they saw that

The Natives had made a little hut for them, filled with many fires for warmth

Which of the following was one of the negative contributions to the Puritan made to America

The attitudes that resulted in the Salem Witch Trials

What comment is Dickinson making about accepting death in the following lines from "Because I could not stop for Death" Lines 21-22: "Since then — 'tis Centuries — and yet / (some)

The awareness of impending death came about slowly, subtly

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

The band worked hard and gave a nominal concert, winning the prize for best performance

Which sentence best expresses the meaning of the following aphorism "The best of a book is not the thought which it contains, but the thought which is suggests." -Whittier

The best things about a book is not the ideas it expresses, but the ideas it makes us think of

Which sentence used the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

The best way to reach that high ceiling is to use a lattice

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined vocabulary word

The boring movie whetted his desire to watch the next sequel when it came out

In Section 3 from Civil Disobedience, Thoreau asserts that the force behind all of this county's enterprise, its education, its trade and commerce — is which of the following? Sec. 3: It is excellent, we must all allow. Yet this government never of itself furthered any enterprise, but by the alacrity with which it for our of its way." (some)

The character inherent in the American people

Which sentence below is a good example of Descriptive Writing

The cinnamon smell of fresh-out-of-the-oven cookies seemed to suddenly consume all his faculties

In "The Masque of the Red Death," no one noticed the presence of the figure dressed as the Red Death until

The clock struck midnight

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

The coach told the team that they were in perturbation if they didn't show up to practice

It was the Puritans who established Harvard to train Puritan ministers. This now prestigious academic institution is known as which of the following

The first college in America

The American Romantic era in literature was important as which of the following

The first period that Americans really received worldwide respect as writers

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined word

The girl ingratiated herself to her friend by gossiping about her behind her back

Which sentence best states the meaning of the underlined aphorism from paragraph 1 of Emerson "self-reliance"

The good things around him, man can only benefit by improving what has been given

The welding shot of the gates of Prince Prospero' castellated abbey (Paragraph 2 of "The Masque of the Red Death") is symbolic of

The immutability of fate — they locked their fate (the Red Death) in with them

If you were writing about how Equiano might have been influenced to treat his own slaves by his experiences as a slave himself, the two passages on the left would be good passages to cite to indicate

The importance of a slave's relationships with other slaves of how own nation or family

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

The kids, not being very hungry, quaffed their sandwiches

The American romantic era consist of two types of writers:

The lighter, transcendentalist writers and the darker, goth writers

In section 2 of his writing on "Nature," Ralph Waldo Emerson points out that "nature...the flowers, the animals, the mountains...influences"

The man as an adult (reflecting the wisdom of his best hour) as well as the delighting him as a child

How does Paragraph 7 of "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" prove that the four friends did not get young again

The narrator suggests that he made up the story

In which sentence is the modifier placed correctly

The new telescope was a major breakthrough on which astronomers worked almost fifteen years

Paragraph 17 of Melville's Moby Dick illustrates which element of Gothic Fiction

The obsessive nature of a man or woman

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined word

The old rancher cauterized the name of the ranch on a metal sign high above the gate

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was the best known of the fireside poets and was

The only American poet to be honored with a plaque in poets corner in West Minster Abbey in London

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

The orchestra pervaded it's beautiful music through the concert hall and out into the street

In "The Masque of the Red Death," the ebony clock in the last room symbolizes

The passing of time until death

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

The place where buffalo used to roam freely is now filled only with consternation

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

The play directors request for more dramatic expression was born perturbation and valuable

An example of repetition in Whitman's free verse poem, "I Hear America Singing," is

The repetition of the word "singing" throughout the poem

One of the cruelties Equiano experienced as a slave that he might have tried to avoid as a slave owner is exemplified in the passage on the lede, namely,

The slave traders showed complete disregard for the needs or comforts of the slaves

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined vocabulary word

The speaker appeased the audience by talking for three hours, much to their dismay

Which of the text below is a good example of "Expository Writing"?

The storm system continues to track through the upper Midwest

Based on Dickinson's verb choice regarding the "Children" in the following lines, one observation is she most likely making about mortality (life) Line 9-10 "We passed the School, we're Children strove / At Recess — in the Ring —-"

The strife of mortality

Based on Dickinson's word choice in the following lines of "Because I could not stop for Death," what observation is she most likely making about mortality (life) Line 9-10: "We passed the School, where Children strove / At Recess — in the Ring —"

The strive of mortality

Which sentence used the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

The teacher was propitious with all of her students — even the smart ones

Which correctly combines the two sentences below using a coordinating conjunction The team played its hardest. The team won the State Championship

The team played its hardest, and it won the State Championship

Which below is not an example of "Narrative Writing"

The time has come for the citizens of the world to stand up for the environment

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined word

The tractor was not working because of locomotion and a flat tire

When de Vaca and his exploration party attempted to continue their voyage

Their barge overturned and they ended up back on the island

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

There is so much suffrage in the world that we all need to take action to relieve it

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined vocabulary word

There is so much wind and rain that the plane encountered a great impede on landing

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

There was a blasphemous look in her eyes she finally stroke the mane of her horse

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

There was a lot of disapprobation left after the party was over

Which sentence used the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

There was a propitious feeling of dread about that run-down house that made us run in terror

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

There was an unusual color in the countenance of her shoes

Which sentence used the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

There will be a respite served in the dining room after the meeting

What did the twins agree on?

They agreed to examine what each other had created

In Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death," what happens to the people of Prince Prospero's party

They all die

What did Equiano mewn when he called the slave traders "nominal Christians"

They are hypocrites - Christians in name only

Paragraph 10: "How dreadful is the state of those that are daily and hourly in the danger of this great wrath and infinite misery! (some) According to this excerpt from his sermon, what is Edwards' view of his congregation

They are in danger of God's wrath if they haven't been born again, no matter how religious they are

Which of the following best describes a good riders are trying to achieve by varying the length of their sentences

They are trying to achieve a good rhythmic balance between long and short sentences

What did the sailors do to the captives who refused to eat

They beat them

What shows that the Puritan' contributions to our history were not wholly good nor wholly bad

They believed in free education for all but not in religious freedom for all

After disease reduced the number of Europeans on the Idland from 80 to 15 and wiped out half of the Native Americans as well, some of the Natives wanted to kill the remaining Europeans because

They believed the Europeans were causing the disease

How did the Native Americans transport de Vaca and his sick, injured men from the seaside to their village

They carried them from campfire to campfire to keep them alive during the journey

In section 9 of "Self-Reliance," Emerson tells us that a great soul will speak in hard words what he thinks today, in speaking hard words what he thinks tomorrow even though

They contradict each other

In Moby Dick, why did Tashtego, Daggoo, and Queenqueg watch Captain Ahab with more intense interest in surprise then did the rest of their shipmates

They each have a recollection of a white whale with a wrinkled brow and crooked jaw

If you were writing that the Puritans had a positive influence on America in the field of education, what evidence would the strongest support

They establish free education for all, the first American college, and Boston publishing Center

Which option below turns this sentence into an example of descriptive writing The snow cane down in large flakes

They gathered in clumps and splat onto the already frozen road. "Looks like a big one," he drawled

According to Irving's tale, "The Devil and Tom Walker," the trees on Deacon Peabodys land were unusual in what way

They had names of great men of the colony of them and were scored by the ax

Not everything the Puritan contributed was positive. Their society was repressive in which of the following ways

They were not allowed to read or write plays and novels nor listen to music

Who was Edwards addressing his sermon to in "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

Those that have "not been born again "

Which of the text below is a good example of "Expository Writing"?

To clean your computer, damp in a soft cloth with isopropyl alcohol

Thoreau's purpose, as expressed in the underlined passage from Section 8 of Civil Disobedience, is

To convince men not to conform to an unjust government or to wait for the majority, but to resist

In the underlined passage from Section 10 of Walden, Thoreau compares the shortness and limited nature of (Time) to what

To fishing in a shallow stream with a thin current that slides away

Which of the text below is a good example of "Expository Writing"?

To get the Heins' bakery, drive 30 miles south on Whiting Street and turn left on Naple Street

Inverted syntax is changing the order of words in a way that is not expected. E.g.: "Never again shall I see such beauty" — instead of "I shall nrver again see such beauty." Poets use inverted syntax for which of the following reasons

To give their poems better meter and make their lines easier to rhyme

Which sentence below would not belong in a "Narrative" piece

To make sure you have an air tight fit, turn the drop all the way to the left until it clicks

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

To remind people not to talk, many libraries have signs that say "Tacit, please"

Which best expresses the meaning of the following aphorism from Section 14 of Thoreau's Walden Sec 14: "How work and dusty, then, must be the highways of the world, how deep the ruts of tradition and conformity!"

Tradition and conformity are like deep ruta that all the world travels in

How many American romantic writers responded to the negative effects of industrialization by which of the following

Turning to nature as a source of their own spirituality and as a source of cleansing

The story implies that if Little Sprout had created the world by himself, it would be


According to paragraph for in this excerpt of Edward sermon, what type of man are vulnerable to the pit of hell

Unconverted man

Which of the following best describes the form of Walt Whitman's free verse poetry


Carefully read the highlighted passage in Paragraph 41 from Moby Dick. Here Melville observes that "admonitions and warnings" are actually more like

Verifications of foregoing things within

Which is not an element of free verse poetry

Very clear meter

Which of the text below is a good example of "Expository Writing"?

Warning: There is a mudslide danger. Proceed at your own risk

Which sentence best describes the meaning of the following aphorism "When one door closes another opens; (some)

We are often so disappointed by an opportunity that we lost that we fail to see the one we gained

Which best explains Thoreua's message from the following passage in section 6 of Walden Sec 6- "Why should we live with such hurry and waste of life? We are determined to be starved before we are hungry."

We are so concerned about not having something that we don't enjoy it while we do have it

Which theme of Hawthorne's "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" is illustrated in this passage Paragraph 21: The doctors four vulnerable friends made him no answer, except by a feeble and tremulous laugh; (some)

We are too often sorry and adversity but not sorry enough to change in good times

Which sentence is a good example of Persuasive Writing

We have met all the historic site to inspire each of us to give more support to this great project

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined word

We held a special ceremony to inundate him into our club

Which sentence is a good example of Persuasive Writing

We need to provide challenging, meaningful activities to keep our kids safe at school

Which best expresses the meaning of the following aphorism from Section 28 of Thoreau's Walden Sec 18: "If a man does not keep pace with his compassions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer." (some)

We need to respect others and not judge because they are different from everyone else

Which of the themes of Hawthorne's "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" is illustrated by this passage Paragraph 47: "I love it as well thus an it's dewy freshness," (some)

We shall love life in all its stages

Which best describes the point Emerson is making about conformity in Section 7 of "Self-Reliance" "I am ashamed to think how easily we capitulate the badges and names, to large societies and dead institutions. Every decent and well-spoken individual affects and sways me more than is right. I often go upright and vital, and speak the rude truth in all ways."

We should always be governed by truth and not by what people think or societies dictate

Which best describes the point Emerson is making about conformity in Section 7 of "Self-Reliance" "I am ashamed to think how easily we capitulate to badges and names, to large societies and dead insinuations" (some)

We should always be governed by truth and not by what people think or societies dictate

According to Irving's tale, "The Devil and Tom Walker," Deacon Peabody had unusual trees on his land in that they

We're fair and flourishing without, but rotten at the core

Many Puritan communities functioned as theocracies

Well after the U.S. Constitution dictated the separation of church and state

Line 21: "When by the Ruine oft I past" Which is another way to write this line without using inverted syntax

When I oft past by the Ruins

Which sentence best expresses the meaning of the following aphorism "Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread." - Alexander Pope

When angels know to stay clear, fools come rushing in

Which sentence below does not belong in a "Narrative" piece

When hiking the many trails into the lower basin, be sure to pack plenty of water

In Section 9 of his writings on Civil Disobedience, Thoreau tries to convince Abolitionists

When you are right and have God on your side, you don't need a majority to try to change things

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

When you solder these two wires together, you will have a good conviction

Line 24: "Where oft I sat and long did lie" Which is another way to write this line without using inverted syntax

Where I off sat and did lie

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

Why don't you wear that cute, doltish jacket that I love so much

What team is illustrated in Paragraph 20 of Hawthorne's "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment"

Wisdom does not always come with age

According to paragraph 17, what action did the de Vaca and his men take when they realized they're desperate, near-death situation

With many tears, they "begged [Their] Lord for mercy and forgiveness of [their] sins."

When it was time to increase the size of the island, the twins

Worked separately to examine each other's creations

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined word

You are so ingratiate to speak to someone like that!

Which of the text below is a good example of "Expository Writing"?

You can preserve the finish on your oak table with any good scratch-cover and polish

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

You can use a stigma to mark how far you got on your science project

In section 5 of "Self-Reliance," Emerson makes a point that if you want to be a benefit to society — "to gather immortal palms" — you need to be careful that these acts are not just called "goodness" in name

You need to make sure these acts really are good - - by exploring if they are goodness

What does a row symbolize a Nathaniel Hawthorne's story, "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment"


Archaic language is

language that isn't used anymore. E.g., "thee" when speaking to another person; "doth"

Which of these lines from Bradstreet's poem used inverted syntax

"And them behold no more shall I

A good example of archaic language in Bradstreet's poem is which of the following:

"In silence ever shalt thou lie,"

Which line below from Bradstreet poem contains inverted syntax

"In silent night when rest I took "

Which of these lines below from Bradstreet's poem used inverted syntax

"In silent night when rest I took"

According to Paragraphs 27-28 of "The Devil and Tom Walker," Tom's feeling regarding the death of Absalom Crowinshield was

"Let the freebooter roast. Who cares"

One of Bradstreet's innovations as a poet was the use of a wide range of emotions. What lines below show the contrast of emotion

"The fearful sound of 'Fire!' and 'Fire!'... I blest His grace that gave and took

In section 1 of "Nature," Ralph Waldo Emerson tells us that the star separate man from things he can touch and change, this design giving him

"The perpetual presence of the sublime"

Which of the following is not an aphorism

"They should know the public opinion is suddenly turn into the light of truth."

Which of the following is not an aphorism

"They will constitute one of the most striking pages in the history of our times." - Whittier

Bradstreet uses archaic language in this poem. This is language commonly used in her time but rarely used by writers today. Which of the following are examples of archaic language

"Thy love"; "than thee"; "ye women"; "East doth hold";

What is the rule Emerson gives in section 8 of "Self-Reliance" that applies to actual living as well as to intellectual thinking

"What I must do is all that concerns me, not what people think."

Which sentence below is a good example of Descriptive Writing

"You're selling flowers!" Ellen mused, her breathing forming little ice crystals on the pink posies

Which sentence below is a good example of Descriptive Writing

"You, you creepy little rodent, don't you even think about climbing up on this table!"

As a young slave, Equiano was amazed by his captors in some ways (they used magic to run the ship!), but was also shocked at how they treated other human beings. Which of the passages below best express this contrast)

....we could not see how they managed the vessel. But this disappointment was the least of my sorrow

Which lines below from Lowell's "The First Snowfall" would be best to cite to show the Romantic writer's characteristics love of nature

11- The stuff rails were softened to swan's-down, And still fluttered down the snow

Which line from Longfellows "A Psalm of Life" would you say to show the American romantic characteristics of the importance of the individual, of taking charge of one's life and making a difference

19- "Be not like dumb, driven cattle! Be a hero in the strife!"

Which line from Longfellow's poem "A Psalm of Life" would you site to show the American romantic care respect of emphasizing the importance of the individual - - of taking life until one's own hands

23- 24: "act - - act in the living present! Heart within, and God o'erhead"

Which quote from Thoreau's Walden is the best example of the transcendentalist idea of the eternal nature of the soul

23: Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star

Which lines below from Lowells poem "The First Snowfall" would be best to cite to show the poets recollection to the death of his daughter

29- I remember the gradual patience That fell from the cloud-like snow healing, hiding The scar..

Which line below from Lowells poem "the first snowfall" would be best to site to show the poets profound sense of sadness at the death of his daughter

32- The scar of our deep plunged woe

Which lines below from Lowells poem "The First Snowfall" would be best to cite to show that he finally finds peace in the death of his daughter

34- "The snow that husheth all, Darling, the merciful Father Alone can make it fall"

Which lines below from Lowells "The First Snowfall" would be best to cite to show the Romantic writer's characteristic love of nature

7-And the poorest twig on the elm-tree Was ridged inch deep with pearl

In Paragraph 57 of "The Devil and Tom Walker," Washington Irving pokes at Christian religiousness by calling if

A "carear"

In which sentence is the modifier placed correctly

A bedtime Jen realized she hadn't studied for her test the next day

In her poem, "Because I could not stop for Death," Dickinson uses which of the following as a symbol of death

A carriage ride from mortal time into eternity

In paragraph 11 of his sermon, Edwards talks about

A day when sinners are flocking to Christ, "rejoice in the hope of the glory of God"

In Paragraph 21 of Melville's Moby Dick what does Ahab offer in exchange for sighting the white whale

A gold coin

Which of the following was one of the influences the Puritan had in the American Colonies that was NOT positive

A government that was controlled by the church

What is Dickinson describing in the following lines from her poem "Because I could not stop for Death" Line 17-20: "We paused before a House that seemed A Swelling of the Ground — The Roof was scarcely visible — The Cornice but a Mound —"

A grave

Edwards describes hell as

A hot, fiery, bottomless pit

In her poem, "Because I could not stop for Death," Dickinson personifies death as which of the following

A kindly, unhurried carriage driver

Which sentence is a good example of Persuasive Writing

A letter to the editor of the newspaper calling for changes in tax law to attract new business

What is the meaning of the aphorism below from Section 19 of Thoreau's writings on Civil Disobedience? Section 19: The progress from an absolute to w limited monarchy, from a limited monarchy to a democracy, is a progress toward a true respect for the individual

A monarchy becomes more democratic as it increases in true respect for the individual

Which of these types of text is not in a good example of persuasive writing

A novel about a historical event

Which of these types of text is not a good example of persuasive writing

A report on a study by the Center for disease control

Which of the text below is a good example of "Expository Writing"?

A report on recent scientific findings about global warning

In Section 1 of his writings on Civil Disobedience, Thoreau states that the objections which have been brought against have a standing or permanent army should also be brought against having which of the following

A standing government

American romanticism is associated with which of the following


Where was Equiano born


What happened to the other barge that was out at sea, waiting for de Vaca's barge

After four days a storm over took them, and the other barge was lost

Which sentence used the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

After his hard day at work, her complaining and scolding hit him like a balm

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

After the medical team gave him emergency care, he finally regained his conscience

In his comment about the chick pecking at the shell in Paragraph 4 from Moby Dick, Stubb is referring to

Ahab's obsession to kill the white whale which is ready to break out

According to Anne's poem, she values her husband's love more than which of the following

All the riches that the East doth hold

What sound device does Poe employ in the following lines from "The Raven" Line 26: Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;


What sound device does Poe employ in the following lines from "The Raven" Line 38: In there stepped a stately raven of the saintly days of yore


What sound device does Poe employ in the following lines from "The Raven" Line 67: But the ravens still beguiling all my sad soul into smiling,


What sound device does Poe employ in the following lines from "The Raven" Line 71: What does grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore -


Which poetic device does Dickinson use in the following line of "Because I could not stop for Death" Line 10: "At Recess — in the Ring"


Which poetic device does Dickinson use in the following lines of "Because I could not stop for Death" Line 6-7: And I had put away / My labor, and my leisure too"


In Line 129 Sec. 52 of his poem "Song of Myself," Whitman uses which sound device Line 129: "Failing to fetch me at first"

Alliteration (repetition of first consonant sound in words that near each each other)

Line 5 of Whitman's poem, "Song of Myself," is a good example of what poetic device Sec 1 Line 5: "I lean and loafe at my ease"

Alliteration (repetition of first consonant sound in words that near each each other)

Which poetic device does Dickinson use in the following line of "Because I could not stop for Death" Line 11: "We passed the fields of grazing grain"

Alliteration (repetition of first consonant sound in words that near each each other)

Which poetic device does Dickinson use in the following lines of "Because I could not stop for Death" Line 15: "For only Gossamerr my Gown—"

Alliteration (repetition of first consonant sound in words that near each each other)

Which poetic device does Dickinson use in the following lines of "Because I could not stop for Death" Line 22-23: "Feels shorter than the Day / I first surmised the Horses' Heads"

Alliteration (repetition of first consonant sound in words that near each each other)

The following passage from Paragraph 9 of "The Masque of the Red Death" is They are chords in the hearts of the most reckless which cannot be touched without emotion (some)

Almost like an aphorism

What is the predominant image of Whitman's poem "I Hear America Singing"

American from all walks of life singing

American Romanticism writers brought attention to the many problems associated with the industrialization of America Which of the following were their biggest concerns

Americans spending more time working and less time reading and becoming educated

In "The Raven" the narrator supposes the Raven had been taught the world "Nervermore" by

An unhappy master caught in some unmerciful disaster

Line 23: "And here and there the places spy" Which is another way to write this line without using inverted syntax

And here and there I spy the places

The lines "Then while we live, in love let's do preserve, That when we live no more, we may live ever" indicate which of the following:

Anne believes that preserving in love in life will continue in some kind of life after death

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

As Don made his final serve, he saw the ball transgress into his opponents court

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

As the students arrive, it will be important to make them feel your congenial and friendship

What sound device does Poe employ in the following lines from "The Raven" Line 86: Whether tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore


Which was not a source of possible death to de Vaca and his fellow explorers in this account

Attacks by Native Americans

Which sentence best states the meaning of the underlined aphorism from paragraph 3 of Emerson "self-reliance"

Be content with your station in life - - who your associates are and the things that happen to you

According to Paragraph 31 t-32 of Melville's Moby Dick, why does Ahab want to kill Moby Dick

Because Moby Dick took off his leg

What was the effect of the subject matter chosen by Anne Bradstreet for her poetry

Because she wrote poems on many subjects, we today have a unique look into her daily life

What is the meaning of the shortened word "gin" in line 37 of Bradstreet's poem


What did Equiano say was a "new refinement in cruelty "

Being separated from family and friends when sold

Which characteristic of American romanticism is evident in these lines from Longfellow's "A Psalm of Life" Line 7-8: "Dust thou art, to dust returnest, / Was not spoken of the soul."

Belief in a higher cause

Which characteristic of American Romanticism is evident in these lines from Longfellow's "A Psalm of Life" Line 25-26: "Lives of great men all remind us / We can make our lines sublime"

Belief in higher cause

Which characteristic of American Romanticism is evident in these lines from Lowell's "The First Snowfall" Line 33-26: "And again to the child I whispered, 'The snow that husheth all, / Darling, the merciful Father / Alone can make it fall!"

Belief in higher cause

How does Whitman characterize the singing of America

Blithe, strong, delicious, robust, friendly, melodious

According to the text of Edward sermon, who are in the hands of an angry God

Both A and B

The narrator in "The Raven" tells himself that the tapping he heard was

Both a. and b.

What is the reason the Transcendentalist Writers in the Gothic Writers are both classified as part of the Romantic Period

Both types of writers empathized emotion, nature, individualism, and the unusual

The Europeans and Native Americans both had ways of ministering to the sick. According to Par. 27 and 28, what procedure did the two methods have in common

Breathing on the patient

According to Sec. 59 of Irving's, "The Devil and Tom Walker," Tom tried to cheat the devil out of money he had accumulated as a usurer by

Burying his house upside down for a quick getaway

The Puritans advanced intellectual recognition for the American Colonies in what way

By establishing a publishing center at Boston — the second target in the English Empire

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

Candace didn't realize that the sugar in her yogurt was actually the main expedient

Which is one of the changes you were looking to make when you read your draft aloud

Changes to your choice of sentence combining methods

Which sentence below is not an example of "Narrative Writing"

Cleaning instructions for leather jackets: take to reputable dry cleaner

Which element of a narrative poem do lines 97-102 of "The Raven" portray


In "The Masque of the Red Death," the castellated abbey symbolizes


What did the great tree near the Lodge bear that we used for food


In which sentence is the modifier placed correctly

Decorated with beautiful furnishings, this cottage on the beach is loved by vacationers

In Section 11 of Walden, what word does Thoreau use to describe the evening


Which sensory language does Whitman use in the following lines of "I Hear America Singing" Lines 15-17: "The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work, or of the girl sewing or washing"

Delicious singing

What method of characterization does Washington Irving use in Paragraph 34 of "The Devil and Tom Walker" to reveal Tom Walkers feelings about wealth


Which of the text below is a good example of "Expository Writing"?

Directions: Shake contents well before opening a bottle

"Be like the bird who, pausing and her flight a while on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet signs knowing she hath wings." - Victor Hugo

Don't give way to despair when things seem to collapse beneath you, remember your help (wings)

Which sentence shows the modifier written correctly

Driving down the street at night, you can see a lighted restaurant sign on every corner

In section 1 of one of his writing on "Self-Reliance" Ralph Waldo Emerson tells us that the power in each one of us is new, and that's the only one who knows what the power is, is

Each person himself - - once he has tried it

What quality or characteristics does the character Mr. Gascoinge symbolize in Nathaniel Hawthorne story, "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment"


What elements of Gothic fiction do you find in Paragraph 12 of Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death"

Element 1

What elements of Gothic fiction do you find in Paragraph 2 of Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death"

Element 1

Which of the elements of Gothic Fiction is a writer using in a story about a hermit who lives alone in a run-down mansion at the end of town

Element 1

What elements of Gothic fiction do you find in Paragraph 8 of Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death"

Element 2

Which of the elements of Gothic Fiction does the following passage from the Irving's "The Devil and Tom Walker" contain from Paragraph 7: He reposes himself... listening to the boding cry of the tree-toad, and delving... (some)

Element 3

Which of the elements of Gothic Fiction does the following passage from the Irving's "The Devil and Tom Walker"' contain? from Paragraph 2: The old stories add, more-over, that the devil presided at the hiding of the money, (some)

Element 3

Which of the elements of Gothic Fiction does the following passage from the Irving's "The Devil and Tom Walker"' contain? from Paragraph 59: Some say that Tom grew a little crack-brained in his old days, (some)

Element 3

Which of the elements of Gothic Fiction does the following passage from the Irving's "The Devil and Tom Walker"' contain? from Paragraph 6: Any one but he would have felt unwilling to linger in this lonely, (some)

Element 3

Which of the elements of Gothic Fiction is a writer using in a story about a women who buys an old mansion that was previously owned by a man who mysteriously disappeared

Element 3

Which of the elements of Gothic Fiction does the following passage from the Irving's "The Devil and Tom Walker"' contain? from Paragraph 33: ...his attention was attracted by the clamor of carrion crows hovering about a cypress-tree. (some)

Element 4

Which of the elements of Gothic Fiction is a writer using in a story about a man searching for gold who keeps having dreams that the mine caves in on him

Element 4

What element of gothic literature is evident in the following lines from "The Raven" Line 97-101: "Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!" I shrieked upstarting - (some)

Element 5

What element of gothic literature is evident in the lines from "The Raven" Line 13-14: In the sock inside uncertain rustling of each purple curtain - (some)

Element 5

Which of the elements of Gothic Fiction is a writer using in a story about a man who is searching relentlessly for a lover who has spurned him

Element 5

What element of gothic literature is evident in the following lines from "The Raven" Line 49-54: Much I marveled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly... (some)

Element 6

What element of gothic literature is evident in the lines from "The Raven" Line 28-29: And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, 'Lenore!' (some)

Element 6

What elements of Gothic fiction do you find in Paragraph 10 of Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death"

Element 6

What elements of Gothic fiction do you find in Paragraph 5 of Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death"

Element 6

What elements of Gothic fiction do you find in Paragraph 7 of Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death"

Element 6

What element of gothic literature is evident in the following lines from "The Raven" Lines 79-80: Then, methought, the air grew denser, (some)

Element 6- Supernatural events: ghosts, unexplained sounds, ect.

Which of the elements of Gothic Fiction does the following passage from Irving's "The Devil and Tom Walker" contain Paragraph 68: On searching his coffers, all his bonds and mortgages were reduced to cinders. (some)

Element 6- Supernatural events: ghosts, unexplained sounds, etc.

What element of gothic literature is evident in the following lines from "The Raven" Line 11-12: For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore - Nameless here for evermore

Element 7

Which of the elements of Gothic Fiction is a writer using in a story about a famous female movie star who is being persuaded by a deranged dab

Element 7

What element of gothic literature is evident in the following lines from "The Raven" Line 46: Ghastly from and avienta raven wandering from the nightly shore -

Element 8

What elements of Gothic fiction do you find in Paragraph 4 of Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death"

Element 8

Which of the elements of Gothic Fiction does the following passage from the Irving's "The Devil and Tom Walker"' contain? from Paragraph 33: The bittern alone responded to his voice, (some)

Element 8

Which of the elements of Gothic Fiction is a writer using a story in a story that begins, "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary"

Element 8

What element of gothic literature is evident in the following lines from "The Raven" Line 9-10: Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow from my books surcease of sorrow - (some)

Element 9

Which of the elements of Gothic Fiction does the following passage from the Irving's "The Devil and Tom Walker" contain from Paragraph 36: She must have died game, however; (some)

Element 9

Which of the elements of Gothic Fiction is a writer using in a story about a women whose husband dies an unnatural death and who spends the rest of her life lying upon his grave

Element 9

Which element of American Romanticism did the Transcendentalist and the Gothic writers have in common


Paragraph 13: "O, ye know my know Christians! Might not an African ask you, learned about this from your God, who says and to you, do you want to all mine as you would man should do unto you " This passage would be a good one to cite to indicate

Equianos feelings about the hypocrisy he found in the "Christian" slave traders

In Section 10 of Civil Disobedience, Thoreau stresses the importance of the transcendentalist Ideal of individualism, implying that

Even one honest man standing up for right has the power to begin the change of an entire system

When Edwards says, (Paragraph 7) "There is no other reason to be given why you have not gone to hell, since you have sat here and the house of God, provoking his poor eyes by your sinful wicked manner of attending his soul and worship," he is telling his congregation which of following

Even though they may be in church, they are not necessarily holy

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined vocabulary word

Even though they were longtime friends, he couldn't discern her name

In section 4 of his writing on "Nature," Ralph Waldo Emerson portrays Nature as

Except a man as his creature, who will be glad in nature in spite of his trivial sorrows

American Gothic writers are sometimes referred to as "Brooding Romantics" or "Anti-transcendentalists" because, unlike the optimism of the Transcendentalist writers, they

Explored the human capacity for evil

Which type of figurative language is being used in this example: Anne Bradstreet was a rock. She stood strong and stalwart against every storm that came into her life

Extended Metaphor

In speaking about the grass in Lines 19-23 from "Song of Myself," Whitman uses which poetic device Sec 6 Lines 15, 19-22: "A child said What is the grass? ...." (some)

Extended metaphor (something is something else - an extended comparison of two unlike things)

What type of figurative language does Longfellow use in lines 14-15 of "A Psalm of Life" "And our hearts, thou stout and brave, still, like muffle drums, are beating funeral marches to the grave"

Extended simile - - the extended comparison of two unlike things using like or as

Jonathan Edwards uses the rhetorical device of loaded language and assortment influence his congregation. Which of the following from paragraph 11 or examples of "loaded language"

Extraordinary opportunity; pining and perishing; howl for vexation

Which element of a narrative poem do lines 103-104 of "The Raven" portray

Falling action

Which of the following is a symbol Jonathan Edwards uses in his sermon

Fire and flames

Longfellow, along with James Russell Lowell, Oliver Wendall Holmes, and John Greenleaf Wittler, was one of

Fireside poets

What is the meaning of the aphorism below from Section 6 of Thoreau's writings on Civil Disobedience? Section 6: After the first blush of sin comes its indifference; and from immoral it becomes, as it were, unmoral, and not quite unnecessary to that life which we have made

First we abhor sin, then tolerate it, then embrace it

In the passage marked in Section 14 of Civil Disobedience, Thoreau reflects the transcendental ideals individualism and self-reliance by pointing out that even though he may be locked in prison, Thoreau's thoughts and meditations, which were the only things that were dangerous about him,

Followed the jailers out of the locked door without permission of hindrance

The great tree stood near the chief's lodge was the only source of


The following passage from Melville's Moby Dick alludes to what literary device Paragraph 43: But those wild eyes met his, as the bloodshot eyes of the prairie wolves meet the eye of their leader, (some)


The following passages from Washington Irving's "The Devil and Tom Walker" are an example of which literary device Paragraph 64-65: Tom lost his patience and his plety. (some)


Although Emily Dickinson broke away from traditional poetic form in her poetry, she often wrote in regular stanzas In the poem, "Because I could not stop for Death," she wrote in regular stanzas of ___ lines each


Which is not an example of traditional poetic form

Free verse (verse that does not follow a fixed meter and rhyme)

According to paragraph five in the expert of Edward sermon, fire is coming from which two places

From hell and from the hearts of natural man

In the following passage from Section 5 of his writing on Civil Disobedience, Thoreau is saying which of the following Sed. 5: "Can there not be a government in which the majority do not virtually decide right and wrong, but conscience?"

Government decision should be made by conscience, not by majority

In his question below from Section 8 of his writings on Civil Disobedience, what point is Thoreau making "Why does it [government] always crucify Christ, and excommunicate Copernicus and Luther, and pronounce Washington and Franklin rebels?"

Government historically ridicule and persecute their most significant citizens

In section 8 of "Self-Reliance," Emerson gives a rule which he says "may serve for the whole distinction between

Greatness and meanness"

Which of these texts is an example of "Expository Writing"

Guidelines for keeping your campsite clean and sanitary

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

Hanging on the wall was a copious picture of a little girl with a dog

Because Walt Whitman's free verse poetry did not following the conventional rules of poetry, it was

Harder to write than traditional poetry

According to Thoreau in Section 14 of Walden, one attraction he had in going to the woods to live was to

Have leisure and opportunity to see the Spring come in

What analogy does Thoreau make about trade and commerce in Section 3 of On Civil Disobedience

He compares them to India rubber because of their ability to bounce over obstacles

How does Thoreau describe the change in season from winter to spring in Section 15 of Walden

He describes it as "memorable crisis"

Which sentence used the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

He didn't pass the math exam because of his avarice and apathy

In section 11 of his writings on Civil Disobedience, Thoreau tells us that the "truth is stronger than error" and that prison doesn't stop truth and justice Which of the following is true of a person who has experience injustice himself

He is better able to combat it

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

He is the most impetuous person I know, painstakingly planning out every last detail

According to the account given in Section 18 of Civil Disobedience, what did Thoreau observe about his friends and neighbors after his night in prison? Sec. 18: ...I saw to what extent the people among whom I lived could be trusted as good neighbors and friends:" (some)

He observed that they were "summer weather" friends who were, after all, "not so noble."

Carefully read paragraphs 37-38 of "The Devil and Tom Walker." How did the devil whet Tom's eagerness to make a deal

He played shy and delayed meeting with Tom

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

He read his occult in the paper each morning to see what kind of day he was going to have

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

He showed up with the roses, which was a very nice blunder after her surgery

After he had been captured, Equiano was taken on board a slave ship. Where did he sleep

He slept on deck

In section 1 of "Nature," where does Emerson tell us to look if we desire to be alone, to separate ourselves from the every day influences around us

He tells us to look at the stars

What does Equiano think will happen to him when, as a child, he is brought on a board the slave ship

He thinks he will be eaten

In section 8 of "Nature," Emerson explains that the fact of nature on him is that of a higher "higher thought or a better emotion" coming over him when

He thought he was already thinking justly or doing right

According to the underlined passage in Section 17 of Walden, how does Thoreau view his experience in Walden Pond

He views it as an experiment

Which of these best expresses what Thoreau is saying in the underlined passage from Section 3 of Walden

He wanted to discover the bare essence of life so he could live life to its fullest

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

He was pervaded with the thought that his team could lose the game

Which sentence used the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

He was quite a usurer, giving away his money to help families who lost their homes

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined vocabulary word

He was so far from the banquet at the side of the leftovers of whetted his appetite

In "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" what misfortune did Mr. Gascoigne experience

He was subject to political fallout

How was Equiano tested to see if he was physically sound prior to the ocean voyage

He was tossed into the air

Why did Flint change the course of the rivers so they only flowed one direction

He was worried that, for those who came, life would be too easy and they would be too happy

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

Her amazing dance was highlighted by grace and an acquiescence

Who is Bradstreet addressing in lines 29-36

Her house

The poem by Anne Bradstreet was written to

Her husband

What effect does the subject matter of Anne Bradstreet's poetry have on audiences today

Her poetry is interesting to us because, besides religion, it includes things of interest in her

Who is Bradstreet addressing in lines 37-50

Herselfc her own heart

Which sentence shows the modifier written correctly

Hiking up to our favorite campsite, we were rewarded by a spectacular view

According to paragraph one in this excerpt of Edward sermon, who is it easy for God to cast down to hell

His enemies

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

His handshake with sincere and tremulous, and I knew we had a firm deal

In Lines 58-59 of "The Raven," the other friends Poe is referring to who have flown before probably include Till I scarcely more then muttered 'Other friends have flown before - (some)

His mother, step mother, and aunt, who died of tuberculosis

In "The Devil and Tom Walker," what theme or message is Washington Irving convening in the following passage Paragraph 36: She had probably attempted to deal with a black man as she had been accustomed to deal with her husband; (some)

How dreadful is an overbearing woman

In "The Masque of the Red Death," the guests at Prospero's masquerade ball symbolize


Which of the following is not an aphorism

I am not alone and unackowledged. N-8

Which sentence is a good example of Persuasive Writing

I am writing this letter to encourage students to become more involved in music

Which sentence is a good example of Persuasive Writing

I believe expanding our national space program is a mandatory for these five reasons:

Line 22: "My sorrowing eyes aside did cast" Which is another way to write this line without using inverted syntax

I did cast aside my sorrowing eyes

If you were making the point that Equiano should have done more than be kind to his own slaves - he should actually have freed them - which of the quotes from Paragraph 9 of his own account as a slave would best support your thesis

I envied them the freedom they enjoyed, and as often wished I could change my condition for theirs

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

I have a constitution to go see a movie tonight

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

I have a new absolve to get my homework done early every night

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

I have search carefully and I'm not conscience of any more errors on this report

Which sentence is a good example of Persuasive Writing

I invite you all to support this effort to green up America by planting a tree today!

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined word

I plan to locomotion to work

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined vocabulary word

I think it is good practice to be venerable to others whenever you can

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

I think it's a good practice to be venerable to others whenever you can

In Section 13 of Civil Disobedience, Thoreau is asked by the state to pay for the support of a certain clergyman. instead, Thoreau made a written statement to declare which of the following

I...do not wish to be regarded as a member of any incorporated society which I have not joined

The narrator in "The Raven" asks the Raven

If in Paradise he shall again see his Lenore

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

If there isn't enough prosperity, there won't be enough food for all the guests

"God will not have his work made manifest by cowards. A man is relieved and gay when he had put his heart into his work and done his best; but what he has said or done otherwise shall give him no peace.... In the attempt is genius deserts him; no muse befriends; no invention, no hope."

If we don't work hard and do our best we won't have divine help (genius, muses, invention)

Which sentence best states the meaning of this passage in the context of Paragraph 2 of Emerson's "Self-Reliance" "God will not have his work made manifest by cowards" (some)

If we don't work hard and do our best, we won't have divine help (genius, muses, inventions)

Which sentence best expresses the meaning of the following aphorism from Section 21 of Thoreau's Walden Sec 21: "Moreover, if you are restricted in your range by poverty, if you cannot buy books or newspapers, for instance, you are but confined to the most significant and vital experiences;"

If you are too poor to buy books, you still have the most important things- significant experiences

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

If you didn't receive an expedient for your report, it was an oversight by the teacher

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined word

If you do not pass the exam, you will inundate your grade

Which sentence is not a correct use of the underlined vocabulary word

If you tease a wild animal, instead of calming, you may end up appeasing it

Which sentence best expresses Thoreau's meaning of the underlined passage from Section 17 of Walden

If you try to live the life you have imagined, you will find success at a time you don't expect it

Which sentence used the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

If you want to beguile, make sure you are always sincere and truthful with your co-workers

Which of the following best describes the form of Walt Whitman's free verse poetry

Indefinite structure

On what historic day, was recorded in section 1 of Walden, does Thoreau begin living at the Walden Pond

Independence day — the Fourth of July

In the underlined passage in Section 14 of Civil Disobedience, Thoreau expresses the sentiment that even though he is in prison, he is freer than are those on the outside because he stands up for what is right, while they merely conform to the governments demands. Which transcendentalist ideal does this thinking portray?


In the passage marked in Section 19 of Civil Disobedience, about how a government should behave holds up the transcendentalist ideal of


Which characteristics of American Romanticism is evident in this line from "A Pslam of Life" Lines 19-20 "Be not like dumb, driven cattle! / Be a hero in the strife!"


Which of the text below is an example of "Expository Writing"?

Instructions on changing the oil in your car

Which is one of the unusual aspects of Emily Dickinson's poetry as shown in the following lines from "Because I could not stop for Death" Lines 17-29: We paused before a House that seemed A swelling of the Ground - (some)

Inventive use of capitalization and punctuation

In the following line of "Song of Myself," Whitman is using what poetic device (Sec. 33 Line 91) "Heat and smoke I inspired"

Inverted syntax

In lines 3 of "A Psalm of Life" Longfellow uses what type of poetic device "For the soul is dead that slumbers"

Inverted syntax - - a change in the order of words in a way that is not expected

Jonathan Edwards sermon illustrates what aspect of life in early America

It illustrates the strong hold religion had on many of the settlers

Which is true about using mostly short, simple sentences in your writing

It makes your writing seem more elementary

Which of the following is a good reason to very the length of your sentences by combining sentences

It makes your writing seem more mature and makes you more believable

In the underlined passage in Section 7 of his writings on Civil Disobedience, Thoreau explains that once we start seeing the correct principles and then acting on them, we find that it divides states, churches, and families, and even divides the individual How does it divide the individual

It separates the diabolical in him from the divine

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

It should and will be given a weekly pass for cessation in the music lab

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

It was a differential moment before Sue realized that she had read the wrong part

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

It was obvious that he was transient because he stayed in the neighborhood several years

Flint didn't like his brother's plan because

It would make the people live too easily and be too happy

Which best expresses the meaning of the following aphorism from Section 12 of Thoreau's Walden Sec 12: "What sort of space is that which separates a man from his fellows and makes him solitary?" (some)

It's not physical distance that separates men but rather the difference in their thinking

Which sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word incorrectly

Jason gave a deliberately answer, which resulted in a large uproar from the class

Which best expresses the meaning of the following aphorism from Section 16 of Thoreau's Walden Sec 16: "The surface of the earth is soft and impressible by the feet of men; and so with the paths which the mind travels."

Just as our feet make paths in the soft earth, so our thoughts make impressions on our minds

Which of the following is an example of a simile

Just the sight of his sweetheart was like a cool breeze on a hot summer day

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