Unit 1: Foundations of US Democracy

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Based on your own understanding and information in this lesson, what characteristics of the Confederate States of America made it a confederal government when compared to the government of the United States?

The Confederate States of America had a weaker central government than the United States, and individual states had more sovereignty and power than US states. The central government of the Confederate States handled only foreign issues or national economic issues.

Which Enlightenment idea is expressed in this excerpt from the Declaration of Independence? - All people are equal under the law. - Government's power should be determined by the people. - People are born with natural rights. - Government's power is established by God.

- People are born with natural rights.

Read this definition of a confederation: a group of states that ally to form a political unit in which they keep most of their independence but act together for purposes such as defense Which statement best describes why the early United States was a confederation? - The states approved a constitution to limit the power of the central government. - The central government consisted of a monarchy that the states overthrew. - The states all had considerable power, and a weak central government handled only certain issues. - The powerful central government allowed the states to have notable sovereignty.

- The states all had considerable power, and a weak central government handled only certain issues.

What was the main impact of the Anti-Federalists on the adoption of the US Constitution? -Their efforts defeated the original Constitution, which had to be completely rewritten for ratification. -Their support for a strong central government led to the inclusion of additional presidential powers. -Their concern about factions lent support for basing the US government on a representative republic structure. -Their concern for preserving liberty led to the inclusion of the Bill of Rights in the ratified form of the Constitution.

-Their concern for preserving liberty led to the inclusion of the Bill of Rights in the ratified form of the Constitution.

Why did the Founding Fathers compromise on using a federal system for the new government? -to provide the states with more power -to grant more liberties to the citizens -to balance power between the national and state governments -to separate powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches

-to balance power between the national and state governments

Why did the Framers of the Constitution want to include checks and balances in the federal government? -to confirm that each state had correct representation in Congress -to make sure that one branch of government couldn't completely control the other branches of government -to ensure that the new tax system adequately funded the new federal government -to prove that the new president could have more powers than were granted to Congress

-to make sure that one branch of government couldn't completely control the other branches of government

Which powers were left to the king? What was important about the powers that remained with the king?

According to clause 12, the king retained the right to tax the people on issues relating to a monarch's ransom, the ability to knight his heir, and the ability to raise a dowry for his daughter. By retaining some power to tax, the document implied that the monarchy was still an important aspect of the government.

Now compare your notes with different online sources about the US government, including this resource from the Government Printing Office. How do the notes you made in the table compare with the information you located in your online research?

Answers will vary. This is simply a place to capture your notes when comparing your work to online resources. - Name of Government & Issuing Agency, Title of Publication, Author(s) First-name Last-name. Publication/Report Number, Place of Publication: Publisher, Year.

Match each idea or policy to the document it is associated with, either the Articles of Confederation or the Constitution.

Articles of Confederation: -creates a central government dependent on each state for raising funds -does not include an executive branch Constitution: -provides for a more powerful central government -creates a system of shared powers between the central and state governments -uses a bicameral, or two-chamber, legislative system combining equal and proportional voting

Why do you think the Declaration of Independence outlines a political philosophy?

Because the writers of the Declaration believed the British government had treated them unjustly and unfairly, they found it important to express the foundations that should form a basis of a just government. To this end, the writers expressed that the main purpose of a government is to protect its people. Furthermore, they expressed that a government rules only because of a concept known as the "consent of the governed."

Research the positions of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke on social contract theory. Once you have finished analyzing the sources and your notes, write a short (two- to three-paragraph) reflective essay comparing and contrasting the social contract theories of the two philosophers. Be sure to include specific examples from the lesson and outside sources. Your essay should include examples explaining the different interpretations of social contract theory. It might include these points: -Hobbes - The state of nature is a state of war. - A state of war makes people very individualistic and out for themselves. - Human reason pushes for people to come together for protection. - Submitting to authority is a necessity for protection. - The preferred form of government is monarchy, which is needed for absolute authority. - Self defense is an acceptable reason for disobedience to authority. -Locke - The state of nature is a state of isolation (i.e., no government with power). - Sovereignty is dependent on the people. - There is no need for absolute authority. - Natural rights exist and occur without government. - People willingly enter a social contract to allow themselves peace of mind. - Rebellion is permitted to prevent a society in which might makes right.

Both English philosophers, Hobbes and Locke, believed there is a "social contract" -- that governments are formed by the will of the people. But their theories on why people want to live under governments were very different. Thomas Hobbes published his political theory in Leviathan in 1651, following the chaos and destruction of the English Civil War. He saw human beings as naturally suspicious of one another, in competition with each other, and evil toward one another as a result. Forming a government meant giving up personal liberty, but gaining security against what would otherwise be a situation of every person at war with every other person. John Locke published his Two Treatises on Civil Government in 1690, following the mostly peaceful transition of government power that was the Glorious Revolution in England. Locke believed people are born as blank slates--with no preexisting knowledge or moral leanings. Experience then guides them to the knowledge and the best form of life, and they choose to form governments to make life and society better.

In a one- to two-paragraph response, explain how the Nazis and the Khmer Rouge each rose to power.

Both the Nazis and the Khmer Rouge rose to power during times of political unrest and economic despair in their countries. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis gained support and power by blaming left-wing politicians, communists, and Jews for the defeat of Germany in World War I and the subsequent problems the country faced in the late 1920s and early 1930s. As the German economy improved under Nazi rule, Hitler and the Nazis gained more power. The Khmer Rouge gained power during a similar time of struggle in Cambodia. Cambodians had battled French colonization for decades. In the early 1970s, while the Vietnam War raged on the Cambodian border, a military coup supported by the United States toppled the Cambodian government. A civil war soon began, and the Cambodian communist party, also known as the Khmer Rouge, became a major factor in the fighting. As the fighting continued, more Cambodians began supporting the Khmer Rouge, who soon gained control of the country by defeating those who had led the military coup.

The US Constitution has 7 articles and 27 amendments, France's constitution has 92 articles, and China's has 243 sections. What are the benefits of having a shorter written constitution? Answers will vary but should include the idea that having a shorter written constitution means that the document probably doesn't contain a lot of complicated or unnecessary information. A shorter constitution might also be more flexible and more easily adaptable when circumstances change; it leaves more room for interpretation.

Both types of Constitution come with pros and cons, but specifically talking about the benefits of having a shorter Constitution we can mention that it is easier for people to read and be aware of their rights and duties. Also, having a long Constitution can bring dualities that probably won't be found in a shorter Constitution, because it will be more objective, and treat every matter once.

Explain how clause 39 of the Magna Carta was influential to the American Revolution.

Clause 39 was influential to the American Revolution because it outlined the individual rights of citizens. The early colonists considered themselves to be English, so they believed that they also were accorded these rights, which we now call "due process." In the list of grievances section of the Declaration of Independence, the colonists mentioned instances where the judicial rights outlined in clause 39 were ignored. By insisting on including the rights of individuals, the Founding Fathers made the Magna Carta, and especially clause 39, an important ideal in the American Revolution.

How did mercantilism increase the likelihood of conflicts between European powers?

European nations wanted to control more land as a way to become more economically powerful. The hope was to acquire colonies to control their natural resources and make the nation extremely wealthy.

provides for full citizenship and equal protection under the law

Fourteenth Amendment

According to Article 2, what was George Washington's major concern about the rebellion in Massachusetts?

George Washington was concerned that this rebellion would spread and incite others like it. He didn't want the rebellion to gather strength and was glad that the rebel force disbanded quickly.

Review the table, which shows the requirements of citizenship for ancient Athens, ancient Rome, and the modern United States. How has the idea of citizenship changed throughout history?

In ancient Athens and Rome, citizenship was not offered to everyone. In Athens and Rome, only free men were allowed to be citizens and only citizens had rights, including the right to vote. In the United States, citizenship has been expanded to include everyone born within the borders of the nation or born to American parents in another country. People can also apply to become citizens. All citizens are allowed to vote and run for most elective offices.

According to the article, how did the Magna Carta restrict the power of the king? What benefit did the nobles receive from restricting the king?

In clause 12, the king is restricted in the types of taxes he can impose without approval of the Great Council (a group made up of the nobles). This restricted his ability to raise taxes for wars. This had been the main concern of the nobles in the years preceding the document, because taxes had been raised to fund a war against France. The nobility benefited because the Magna Carta defined individual rights and emphasized the role of laws in society. Clause 39 states, for example, that people should be punished only after a ruling by their peers (similar to the idea of a jury trial) or by the sanctions of the law. Also, the phrase "no free man" implies that all people should be treated equally under the law. By emphasizing this ideal, the Magna Carta restricted the king's ability to punish his subjects.

Distrust of a single leader with absolute power, a feeling based on bad experiences under the constraints of the British monarchy, emerged as an important theme for the Framers of the US Constitution. Yet the framers developed a form of government that includes a central leader, the president, as the head of the executive branch. This leader is responsible for carrying out the actions of government necessary to enact the laws passed by Congress. In your opinion, how well does the Constitution strike a balance of authority among the three branches of government? Explain your view using examples from recent and current events.

It is difficult to say that the three branches are balanced because the Judicial branch seems more powerful than the other two. This is seen by The Supreme court does not give the presidential candidate his right to know if he won or lost the election. Or how the president elected is supposed to apply the good initiatives but the Court can diminish the power of that decision.

Read this brief excerpt from the Declaration: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness In a two- to three-paragraph essay, define in your own words the meaning of the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In your response, make sure to address whether these rights apply to ideals or issues that are important in today's world. Your response should include these points: -Life means that all people have a right to live. This means their lives cannot be taken away from them. This ideal is often applied to arguments against war, capital punishment, abortion, and assisted suicide. -Liberty is another word for freedom. This is a basic right that all people, no matter where they live, are entitled to. Freedom is a basic tenet of democracy. It can mean that people should be free from slavery, or it can mean that people are free to express themselves, either by voting or simply by sharing ideas. -The pursuit of happiness means that people should be able to live their lives the way they see fit. It also means that people live under a government that protects their rights and, in doing so, protects their rights to live and be happy. This ideal has always been important to Americans, many of whom believe that, with enough hard work, anyone can thrive and be happy. As a people, Americans believe a purpose of government is to make sure they have the liberty to do this.

Life means that all people have a right to live. Their lives shouldn't be taken away from them. Liberty is another word for freedom. This is a basic right to all people no matter the circumstances. The pursuit of happiness means that people should be able to live their lives the way they see fit.

Thomas Jefferson once described how too much government creates a dictatorship, too little government creates anarchy, and either outcome harms the citizens. Consider the federal government that the Founders crafted in 1787. It took serious debates for the Founders to sculpt a new government that balanced individual liberty with governmental authority. For this activity, you will write a 250-word essay that argues your opinion about the Constitutional Convention. You can imagine you are one of the delegates to the convention and argue from that perspective. You can even choose a specific player in the debates and compromises. In your essay, answer these questions: Do you think the final version of the US Constitution created a political system that gives too much, too little or just enough power to the central government? Do you think the Great Compromise created a functional and fair representative congress? Use this Knowledge Article to help gather resources, form your argument, and write your essay. Resources Milestones: 1784 - 1800 George Washington: Constitutional Convention Overview of the Constitutional Convention

Madison believed that the diversity of interests among people in a large territory would prevent factions from forming powerful majorities. As a result, Madison argues that peoples' rights would be safe not only from the rule of a tyrant but from the mob rule of a direct democracy.

In the table provided below, note the methods for proposing an amendment, the methods for ratifying an amendment, and how many times each method has been used. Conduct research as needed to complete the table.

Method for Proposing an Amendment: -proposed by a two-thirds vote in both the US Senate and the House -proposed by a national convention requested by two thirds of states Number of Times Used to Propose an Amendment: -All of the amendments have been proposed with this method. -No amendment has been proposed with this method. Method for Ratifying an Amendment: -ratified by three fourths of state legislatures -ratified by three fourths of state conventions Number of Times Used to Ratify an Amendment: -All amendments but one have been approved using this method. -Only the Twenty-First Amendment (the repeal of Prohibition) used this ratification method.

gave women the right to vote

Nineteenth Amendment

Based on your knowledge of the events leading up to the rebellion, how did Shays's Rebellion highlight problems with the Articles of Confederation?

Shays's Rebellion revealed several problems with the Articles of Confederation. The economic problems that the states faced after the Revolutionary War required them to raise taxes and also created high unemployment and inflation. A stronger central government, which the Articles prevented, could have helped solve the national economic problems after the war. Also, after the rebellion started, Massachusetts had a difficult time raising a militia to combat the rebellious farmers. A stronger central government could have used federal troops to stop the uprising sooner.

Record your initial thoughts and understandings of the US government in the table provided.

Structure and Institutions: - The United States has a president, the Congress, and the Supreme Court. They represent the three branches of government. - The United States is a representative democracy, or republic. - The United States has a strong central government, but states also have many powers to rule day-to-day activities. Important Documents: - The Constitution stands as the foundation of the US government and society. - The Declaration of Independence holds important US ideals about freedom and equality. - The Articles of Confederation created the first government of the country. Guiding Principles: - Americans believe strongly in limited government. Limited government protects individual liberties such as religious freedom, equality, and justice. - Many Americans believe in individualism and entrepreneurship. - Americans believe in government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Americans promote democracy around the world.

How does the Bill of Rights protect the unalienable rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" listed in the Declaration of Independence?

The Bill of Rights protects citizens' basic freedoms, such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom before the law, and several other important individual liberties. These protections allow Americans to more easily live happy, free, and productive lives. By listing them explicitly, the Bill of Rights ensures these rights will be protected. It provides written directions to those in the federal government on how to enact new laws without infringing on the underpinnings of these unalienable rights.

Why do you think the United States has a constitution? What role does a written constitution play in everyday US society? Answers will vary but should include the idea that the United States has a constitution to set the laws of the land and create a limited government. Having a written constitution applies the rule of law to all citizens and government representatives.

The Constitution plays a very important role in our society today. ... The Constitution explains what each branch of government can do, and how each branch can control the other branches. When Congress passes a law, it must be legal according to the terms of the Constitution.

Why did the colonists believe they were justified in breaking away from British rule?

The Declaration states that "whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it . . ." This means that, according to the creators of the Declaration, the main purpose of government was to protect and uphold the rights of citizens. If a government fails the people it governs, those people have the right to rebel and overthrow the government. The colonists included a long list of grievances they had with British rule. These included unfair taxes and no representation in British Parliament. To the colonists, their treatment at the hands of the British government was an abuse of power that gave them the justification to break away and form their own government.

According to Article 1, why did Massachusetts raise taxes on citizens, and what about the currency of the time made it difficult for citizens to pay these taxes?

The Massachusetts passed higher taxes to pay off the state's Revolutionary War debts. The state required that the taxes be paid in cash rather than barter with goods or produce. Many farmers and other citizens did not have enough money to pay these taxes.

According to Article 3, explain both sides of Shays' Rebellion. Include perspectives of the political leaders and the leaders of the rebellion.

The Shays insurgents claimed they were fighting for liberty as they did in the Revolution while the governor and other political leaders saw it as tyranny. The political leaders saw this as a threat to government and to the security of life and liberty. Thomas Jefferson thought that "a little rebellion now and then is a good thing". He thought it was necessary for the health of the government. John Quincy Adams saw the rebels as idle malcontents.

What was life like living under the Nazis in 1930s Germany and the Khmer Rouge in 1970s Cambodia? How did the everyday lives of the citizens in each nation compare?

The citizens of 1930s Germany and 1970s Cambodia dealt with ruthless dictators and corrupt, vicious governments. The Nazis and the Khmer Rouge turned their countries into police states, with frequent arrests and violence. Both the Nazis and the Khmer Rouge persecuted anyone they deemed "impure." The Nazis and the Khmer Rouge ultimately killed millions of their own citizens in concentration camps and executions.

Consider your research and your findings above. Write a two-paragraph essay discussing why you think the amendment process is easy or difficult. Which process for proposing an amendment is easiest and which is the most difficult? Which process for ratifying an amendment is easiest and which is the most difficult? Answers will vary but should: -mention each process for proposing and approving amendments to the Constitution -discuss your thoughts on whether the amendment process is simple or difficult -analyze which methods for proposing and approving amendments to the Constitution are easiest and most difficult -cite sources

The easiest should be getting a proposal by 3/4 of those in both houses of the congress. This should be the easiest because you don't need 3/4 of all members elected, but rather the 3/4 of those who are there if a quorum exists. This means that a high majority of the quorum is needed and it is not difficult to get all these people to be there and to vote for what your party wants if you're in the majority. The most difficult should be the second option which requires the state legislatures of 3/4 of states to accept the proposal and send it to congress. This means that almost 40 states have to adopt the proposal in their own state legislatures which is extremely difficult to do and is extremely time consuming. When an amendment proposal is adopted, then the easiest way is for the 3/4 of state legislatures to ratify the amendment before it becomes a part of the constitution. This is a very time consuming process but it has been the way for the amendments to become ratified almost every time in history that an amendment proposal was adopted. The second, more difficult option, should be forming state conventions in which the conventions have to ratify the amendment proposal instead of the state legislatures. This was only used once in the history of the United States. Which mode of ratification would be used depends on what the congress chooses as allowed by the Supreme Court.

Create an info graphic or a flow chart that shows the steps for proposing and ratifying an amendment. Answers will vary, but this is an example of how to represent this process visually; Proposing Amendments: -Congress two-thirds vote in both the House and the Senate -National Convention Called by Congress when two-thirds of states petition Ratifying Amendments: -Legislatures approval by legislature of three-fourths of state -State Conventions approval by ratification conventions in three-fourths of state

The first method is for the bill to pass both houses of the legislature, The second method prescribed is for a Constitutional Convention to be called by two-thirds of the legislatures of the States. Firstly, recommended modification is sent to a long deliberation in both the houses of Congress. After which 75% approval of both the Houses are sought. Next it is sent to the states where 75% of the states' approval is obligatory. Secondly, forming a convention in which 75% approval of the states' legislature is required to amend the laws. Many amendments were carried on till now but thousands of them were discussed in both the Houses of congress.

What similarities existed in the two countries that allowed the Nazis and the Khmer Rouge to gain power?

The political unrest and economic instability of the 1920s and the 1970s provided an opportunity for extreme political parties to blame more-moderate political parties or the ruling government for either not doing enough to solve the country's issues or for causing the problems in the first place. In both 1920s Germany and 1970s Cambodia, these circumstances allowed these authoritarian groups, the Nazis and the Khmer Rouge, to climb to power.

abolished slavery

Thirteenth Amendment

repealed the prohibition against the sale of alcohol

Twenty-First Amendment

lowered the legal voting age to 18

Twenty-Sixth Amendment

Which part of English society was completely exempted from restrictions under the Magna Carta?

Under Clause 1, the church was exempted from the Magna Carta. The nobles made clear that the church should be free from interference of the king and nobility. An interesting point was that the nobles explicitly included the phrase "for us and our heirs forever," which means that they envisioned no point when government should be involved in the affairs of the church. This can be seen as a precursor to the philosophy regarding separation of church and state that emerged in the Enlightenment.

Throughout the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, democratization has become a growing movement. Democratization refers to the level of personal freedoms and democratic institutions within a certain country. For this task, you will analyze the importance of democratization indicators and compare the levels of democracy of three nations. Skim this document on how officials determine democratization levels. Pay attention to different terms and the democracy indicators described. Next, compare the democracy levels of the United States, Iran, and Russia. Pay attention to the level of civil liberties (from 0 - 60) and political rights (from 0 - 40) in each nation. Note that a lower number represents less freedom. You can refer to this rating system for more information. In the table provided below, report your findings on the level of democracy in each nation in terms of political rights and civil liberties.

United States: -Civil Liberties: The rating for the United States is 53/60 in terms of civil liberties. With Americans' firm belief in limited government and the importance of civil liberties, the government structure and independent organizations help protect civil liberties. -Political Rights: The United States has a rating of 33/40 for political rights, meaning citizens have the freedom to elect their representatives and to protest peacefully. Iran: -Civil Liberties Iran scores 10/60, which puts it in the second last category. This means the country restricts civil liberties. During the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (2005-2013), civil liberties and human rights became an issue of discussion and protest. -Political Rights: Iran also scored 7/40 for political rights. According to the article, Iran suffers from gender inequality: women cannot serve as judges and are excluded from public office. Russia: -Civil Liberties: Russia scored 15/60 in civil liberties, which falls into the lowest category. Freedomhouse.org rates Russia as "not free." President Vladimir Putin has cracked down on civil liberties, including organizations that promote democracy in Russia. -Political Rights: Russia is rated 5/40 for political rights. President Vladimir Putin has altered laws in order to stay in power, which means Russian citizens do not enjoy the right to free and fair elections. Putin held the presidency for two four-year terms, which the Russian constitution allowed. However, he placed Dmitry Medvedev in the presidency for one term. Putin returned to the presidency in 2012, sidestepping the constitution.

While he was significant as the United States' top commander during the Revolutionary War, George Washington also played an important role as a Founding Father during the formation of the US government after the war. For this task, you will conduct research and write a 250-word essay about Washington's role as a Founding Father. In your essay, answer these questions: -How did George Washington play a role in forming the new federal government in 1787? -How did George Washington define the executive branch for future presidents, such as through his decision to retire after serving two terms? Use this Knowledge Article to help gather resources, form your argument, and write your essay. Resources -The Presidents: George Washington -George Washington Resigns His Commission -George Washington: First President

Washington became the president back in 1789, and since he took office, he has been regarded as the father of America. He is therefore became a hero and started graviton in the country before independence. When Levi addressed him in a letter presented to him as the father of political. The role of Washington was preserved as a hero and gave the authors and other media houses a chance of remembering his good deeds I all his works to the nations.

What might be the benefit of having a longer constitution, as France and China do? Answers will vary but might include the idea that a longer constitution will have specific rules on how to deal with different, specific issues. It leaves fewer vague provisions, allowing for less need for interpretation by future generations.

What might be the benefit of having a longer constitution, as France and China do? ... Frequent amendments adopted by a longer constitution would keep the document up-to-date.

Ruler(s) may come to power through revolution or coup d'état or be elected democratically and then seize power.


Authority is derived from nobility, family lineage, or the "divine right of kings."


A small group of powerful, often wealthy, citizens is in charge.


A religious leader or hierarchy rules.


A single party rules and controls all aspects of society and everyday life.


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