Unit 1: What is Light?
hertz =
# of cycles per second (units 1/s) frequency
speed of light
-300,000,000 m/s -3 x 10^8 m/s
laser shined on a really small pinhole
-a bulls-eye pattern because of DIFFRACTION -the laser is a single color of light, all in phase -when waves add and subtract, they make dark and light spots (ray model does not predict this, much more complex)
WAVE definition
-a periodic (recurring) disturbance -the wave is the disturbance, not the material being transported -vertical oscillation, propagating outwards
a pinhole works by....
-blocking the majority of light rays -"less is more"
if you cover an extended light source with tinfoil and poke pinholes in it...
-each pinhole provides one formed image of the bulb's filament -there is a unique ray for each unique point on the filament that passes through the pinholes
Galileo's experiment
-for light to travel from Galileo to Luigi and back (roundtrip), would've taken 0.000018 seconds -human reaction time is about 0.1 seconds
when there are multiple light sources....
-gives MULTIPLE shadows -region where they overlap is the umbra -region where the shadows don't is fuzzier
-length of one cycle of the wave ->wave repeats its shape each time you move left or right
SI units of measure -length: -time: -velocity:
-length: meters (m) -time: seconds (s) -velocity: meters/second (m/s)
fastest to slowest: sound, light, smell
-light -sound -smell
diffraction grating example
-middle bulb has distinct bands of color -top & bottom have continuous ranges of wavelength
how does light travel from an extended source?
-multiple ray model -each point sends multiple rays
a light ray
-originates at the light source -points in the direction of travel of light -light rays allow us to draw diagrams of the motion of light
we treat the sun as a...
-point source, multiple rays coming out of it -only some of the light rays are implicated in part of the shadow -these are the rays that define the edge of the shadow
The size of the image depends on...
-the distance of the object -the distance of the screen relative to the pinhole
with the multiple-ray model, the closer an object is to a light source, the _________ (clearer/fuzzier) its shadow will be
FUZZIER -as you move object closer to light, shadow gets fuzzier
LARGER light source, (sharper/fuzzier) shadow
FUZZIER -many lights (ie in a classroom)
a fuzzy shadow has a (small/large penumbra)
if pencil is closer to wall, (large/small) umbra & (large/small penumbra)
LARGE umbra, SMALL penumbra -sharp shadow -->sharpness depends on distance between object & screen, and object & light, and size of light source
Vision needs...
Light, eyes (sensors), brain (processing)
does the object photographed with a pinhole have to be self luminous?
can you make a sharp shadow on your desk?
NO -multiple light sources -light sources are closer to us, light rays are not parallel like the sun
SMALLER light source, (sharper/fuzzier) shadow
if an object is farther away from the pinhole camera, the image will be smaller/larger
the larger the wavelength, the (smaller/larger) frequency
SMALLER larger wavelength (more spread out) = smaller frequency
You are seeing me now because:
Something is coming into your eyes
Where does moonlight come from?
Sun (moonbeams are just reflected sunbeams)
wavelengths are really (small/large) for visible light
Lo (distance between object and pinhole) Li (distance between pinhole & screen) --> if Lo = Li, what would happen?
The image would be the exact same size as the object -the rays would intersect halfway between the object and image
Testing experiment: "Light travels in straight lines"
We can sight a maglite bulb through a straw only when straw is pointing at it
what is a model?
a *representation or simplification* of an idea or process that cannot be visualized directly
a close agreement by competent observers who make a series of observations about the same phenomenon
light source is
a disturbance in the electromagnetic fields, causes an oscillation outwards that travels to your eye and you process as light
a fuzzy shadow will be produced if...
a large, extended light source or an object far from the ground
what will you observe on the screen when a bulb with a looped filament is placed in front of the pinhole?
a loop of illumination, exactly the shape of that filament but inverted vertically and horizontally
a partial shadow (only some light is blocked, some light is not)
a sharp shadow will be produced if...
a pointlike light source or an object near the ground
white light
a prism spreads out white light into the colors of the rainbow
what is an image?
a reproduction of an object, especially a reproduction that is made optically (lenses, mirrors, pinholes)
Point source
a single dot of light (candles, mini maglite bulb)
To see something, need...
a source of light and an object off which the light bounces (reflects) and then reaches the eyes of the observer
a synthesis of a large body of information that encompasses well-tested and verified hypotheses about certain aspects of the natural world
a total shadow (all light is blocked)
all light rays are traveling in same direction, can only see when obstructed by object and light scatters into eye -obstructing laser with hand scatters light in all directions and into your eye -smoke, fog water molecules sprayed can see beam of light
oscillation of a wave quantified by
amplitude & wavelength
an educated guess that is only presumed to be factual until supported by experiment -MUST BE TESTABLE
brighter light has (bigger/smaller) amplitude
brighter light = bigger AMPLITUDE = taller wave
diffraction grating
closely spaced slits, results in larger separations so we can more clearly see the pattern
what is color?
color is our brain's interpretation of light of different wavelengths/frequencies entering our eyes
colors have different wavelengths, and those wavelengths are affected differently by going through a material, and spread out
film of gasoline
colors that are displayed depends on thickness of film of gas
extended light source
consists of multiple points, each of which emits light
two slit interference
constructive interference: bright bands destructive interference: dark spots ->make the spacings smaller, light spots appear more spread out
anti-reflective lenses do what
destructive interference
speed of light lets us measure the distance from...
earth to the moon travel distance from (earth -> moon -> earth) = light speed * transmission time distance from earth -> moon = travel distance/2 returning light is much weaker than the light they send to moon
a large extended light source
forms a fuzzy shadow (very small umbra, large penumbra)
a pointlike light source (maglite, sun)
forms a sharp shadow (larger the umbra and smaller penumbra)
what captures the time aspect of waves?
frequency & period
the nautilus eye
is nothing but a pinhole
small gap (compared to wavelength) =
large diffraction effect
what travels farther distances? larger/smaller wavelength?
larger wavelength
Light travels in straight lines, called...
light rays
light rays traveling in multiple different directions, travels directly into eye
WAVE model
light travels as a wave from a point source, in a straight line
the type of eclipse in view of most people on earth is a
lunar eclipse (all viewers on nighttime side of Earth can view the same lunar eclipse)
Testing experiment: "Light rays point out in all directions from a point source"
observers all around the maglite can see it through a straw
ridges on peacock feather
only see some colors, can determine how the height of the ridge changes by colors that are reflected
rays at top and bottom of light that intersect with bottom and top of object, represent the (UMBRA/PENUMBRA)
as object moves closer to the light and away from the wall
shadow becomes fuzzier and penumbra becomes bigger
lunar eclipse
shadow of earth cast on moon
solar eclipse
shadow of moon cast on earth
the triangles of two shadows from the sun are....
similar because three equal angles (Hb/Lb) = (Hh/Lh)
wide gap =
small diffraction effect
interference causes....
the bright and dark areas
ray model tells you
the direction of travel of the rays
the height (from the midline)
the number of full wave cycles per second
if i move the sources farther away
the penumbra will get larger compared to umbra (less overlap)
diffraction depends on
the size of the gap compared to the wavelength
period (T)
the time to swing back and forth once (the amount of time per unit cycle) -->the INVERSE of frequency
if i move my hand closer to the screen in the classroom...(multiple light sources)
the umbra will get larger compared to penumbra
light beams are invisible unless...
they enter directly into our eye or are scattered by smoke, fog, or some object into your eye
rays at top and bottom of light that intersect with corresponding top and bottom of object, are the (UMBRA/PENUMBRA)
If we cover a bulb in foil and poke a small hole in the foil, we see...
uniform illumination --> light is emitted in all directions (multiple-ray model)
a pinhole diagram acts as a....
unique point -each pinhole allows one light ray to get through it -rays CROSS AT PINHOLE
speed of wavelength
wave travels at some speed -speed is called "c" for light waves in vacuum
different colors are different.....
wavelengths of light (why a prism separates colors in that order)
waves bend around a tiny hole and create a circular pattern
because the sun is so far away....
we treat the rays as parallel to each other
painted dot on the string example
what is actually moving is the VERTICAL displacement, so point moves up and down ->THE DISPLACEMENT MOVES, NOT THE MATERIAL fixed points are: -point where string is being grasped, moving string up and down -the painted point
testing experiment: single-ray vs multiple-ray model
when moving a pencil closer to the lightbulb, single-ray model would predict a dark, sharp shadow no matter how close/far away -multiple-ray model: almost uniformly illuminated screen with fuzzy shadow MULTIPLE-RAY MODEL IS CORRECT!