Unit 10 Nutrition

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reasonable rate of weight loss per week

1-2 pounds

reliable treatments for the condition of overweight or obesity

1. behavior modification 2. increased physical activity 3. decreased calorie intake

anerobic formation of glucose

1. cells convert glucose to pyruvate 2. pyruvate is converted to lactic acid 3. small amount of ATP is created 4. lactic acid accumulates in the muscle 5. lactic acid enters the blood stream 6. liver converts lactate into glucose

put the steps for calculating metabolic energy needs in order

1. divide weight in pounds by 2.2 2. multiply weight (kg) by men (1.0 kcal/hr)/women (.9 kcal/hr) formula 3. multiply kcal/hr by 24(hours in a day)

which of the following is a limitation of the BMI calculation

1. it would not be valid for a very muscular person 2. it may not be accurate for chronically ill persons

healthy recommendations for improving food practices

1. shop for food after eating 2. use measuring cups and scales 3. eat all food in "dining" areas

steps on how to explain how central-body obesity increases risk of CVD

1. visceral fat increases 2. fat cells produce substances to cause inflammation 3. inflammation increases risk of CVD

endurance athlete appropriate protein recommendation

1.2 kg/day - 1.4 kg/day

there are approx ______ calories in one pound of fat tissue


very low calories diets of fewer than _____ kcals/day can reduce metabolic rate


energy required for the thermic effect of foods is due to the _____ of nutrients

absorption, processing and digestion

specialized cells that store energy in the form of triglycerides are known as

adipose cells

running, jogging, walking, swimming, and cycling are all examples of _______ exercise


females that participate in sports that are _______ based are at a greater risk of developing the female athlete triad


____ metabolism is the minimal number of calories the body uses for vital activities after fasting and resting for 12 hours


BMI is based on the relationship between

body weight and risk for chronic disease

tears in the esophagus, blood chemistry abnormalities, abnormal heart beat, and elevated risk of death are all side effects of

bulimia nervosa


chemical changes in living cells

processes are included in basal metabolism

circulating blood, brain functioning, and breathing

what teaches people ways to monitor their eating behavior and change their unhealthy eating habits

cognitive behavioral therapy

as we age, basal metabolism _______ as a result of ________ in fat-free mass

decrease, loss


desire to eat appealing food

fad diets are successful at inducing weight loss because the

diets are low in calories

individuals with bulimia nervosa often abuse which of the following

diuretics, laxatives, and enemas

dietary approaches that have been most successful in long-term studies include

eating breakfast, weekly weigh-ins, and low-fat and low-calorie diets

heat stroke

elevated body temp; hot and dry skin; poor circulation

energy balance equation

energy input = energy output

________ refers to the energy needed to carry out daily activities

energy output

the body satisfies energy requirements by metabolizing

fatty acids, glucose, and amino acids

which of the following hormones stimulates eating behavior


during more intense exercise, the heart and lungs become depleted of oxygen which makes _______ the major source of energy


a low carb diet may effectively

improve triglycerides, improve good cholesterol and reduce weight

the level of exertion used to perform physical activity refers to


which of the following hormones inhibits hunger


health problems associated with increasing BMI

liver damage, gall stones, and breathing problems

just losing 5-10% of body fat has been linked to

lower blood glucose, improved glucose intolerance, and higher HDL cholesterol levels

skinfold calipers are used to

measure fat layer directly under the skin, estimate body fat content, and to measure fat layer at multiple sites on the body

during prolonged exercise, protein is lost from muscle to be used for

metabolizing amino acids for energy

disordered eating

mild or short term changes in eating habits that occur in response to stress, illness, or a desire to modify the diet for health or appearance reasons

physical fitness is the ability to perform

moderate to vigorous activity without becoming excessively tired

in order to lose weight, it is necessary to be in _____ energy balance


energy input < energy output

negative energy balance

bariatric medicine targets people that are


which of the following nutritional disorders affected almost 36% of American adults in the United States


heat cramps

painful contractions of skeletal muscles

energy input > energy output

positive energy balance

heat exhaustion

profuse sweating, elevated body temp, headache, dizziness and weakness

catabolic reactions

reactions that release energy

anabolic reactions

reactions that require energy to occur

multiplying your weight in kg by 6 and then by 10 is used to calculate the

recommended range of carbohydrate intake

NEAT (nonexercise activity thermogenesis)

refers to the physical activity that a person doesn't consciously control

best way to replenish glycogen stores following exhaustive exercise

rest and high carb diet

the ____ theory suggests that the body fat content is genetically predetermined


what actions are considered NEAT

shivering, fidgeting, and maintaining posture

which of the following is not a component of a sound weight-loss program

short-term change of eating and exercise patterns, eliminating food groups high in dietary fat

______ fat protects the body against cold temperatures as well as against injuries to the muscles and bones



the feeling of fullness triggered by stomach distension


the uncomfortable feeling after a period of time without food

The _____ metabolism theory proposes that some people store fat more readily to guard against starvation


which of the following behaviors is not associated with binge-eating disorder

throwing up following a binge

two major compartments that your body is comprised of includes fat-free mass and

total body fat

ergogenic aids are intended to directly improve exercise performance


bioelectrical impedance devices are

used to estimate body fat and connected to the body using electrodes

rapid weiht loss at the beginning of a weight loss program is a result of

water loss, lean muscle mass depletion, and glycogen depletion

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