Unit 2: Biology

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Different forms of the same gene are called what?


What kind of reproduction produces clones?

ASexual reproduction

Another name for a human body cells is what?

Somatic cells

Certain what send stop and go ahead signals at certain key points during the cell cycle?

Specialized proteins

What are the three main treatments to help stop cancer?

Surgery, radiation, chemo therapy

In what phase do chromosomes arrive at spindle poles, and decondense?


The spindle disappears and new nuclei form in what phase?


Duplicated chromosomes reach the poles, nuclear envelope reforms, is what phase?

Telophase 1

What is the mating between an individual of unknown genotype and a homozygous recessive individual?

Test cross

DNA replication ensures what?

That all somatic cells in a multicellular organism, carry the same genetic information

DNA replication follows a what model?


Amino acid is specified by a what?


What is an image of an individuals diploid cell are chromosomes


What may be violated the linked genes?

Law of independent assortment

What phase is it when chromosomes begin to condense and spindles form-attached to sister chromatids?


Crossing over occurs, homologous, chromosomes come together as pairs by synapis is what phase?

Prophase 1

Do you know what year DNA was first discovered?


Function of DNA was not understood until what year?


What is the flow of information from gene to proteins and is based on a triplet code?

Protein synthesis

What is the manipulation of organisms to make useful products?


What forms the backbone of the double helix?

Bonds between the sugar of the nucleotide and the phosphate

What are small, circular RNA molecules that infect plants?


What is it called when you have gene in a box and is known as an infectious particles?


What are less complex in cells and are used to study the function of DNA


Zoonotic diseases can be caused by what?

Viruses, bacteria, fungi and protists

How many meters is a single human cells?

2 meters

Human gametes have how many pairs of homologous chromosomes?


Only how many percent of DNA codes for proteins, so most base substitutions have no effect


There's about 175 nucleotide changes per normal cell in humans out of how many billion

6.5 billion

How many percent of all human diseases originated in other animals?


How many codons are possible?


Blank shows the inheritance of a trait in a family through multiple generations, demonstrates dominant and recessive inheritance, and can be used to reduce genotypes of family members

A Pedigree

What Do viruses consists of?

A bit of nucleic acid A protein coat called a capsid A membrane envelope (sometimes)

What does it mean to say a gene is turned off?

A gene that is turned on is being transcribed into mRNA and that message is being translated into specific proteins

Mutations can involve what?

A large chromosomal regions or single nucleotide pair

A gene located in the sex chromosome is called what?

A sex linked gene

Differs forms if genes are called what?


Do you cell elongates in what phase?


What phase is it when sister chromatids, separate and move towards opposite spindle poles?


Homologous pairs separate, move toward opposite poles of the cell

Anaphase 1

What has a membrane outer envelope and projects spikes of glycoprotein?

Animal viruses

Mutations can have a harmful or lethal outcome, and most what begins with a mutation?


The events of the cell cycle are directed by what?

Cell cycle control system

Reproduction at the cellular level is known as what?

Cell division

Produces offspring that are identical to the parent

Asexual Reproduction

What kind of chromosome has the same size shape and holds info about the same trait?


What are the two kinds of chromosomes?

Autosome and sex chromosomes

What kind of tumor remains of the original site?

Benign Tumors

An individual with a malignant tumor is said to have what?


What states that genes are located at specific points on chromosomes?

Chromosome theory of inheritance

What undergoes segregation and independent assortment and accounts for Mendels law?


What is a dominant allele that fully masks the expression of a recessive one

Complete dominance

What are the two variations of mendels law?

Complete dominance and incomplete dominance

What increases the combinations from independent assortment?

Crossing over

Division of the cytoplasm is known as what?


Every cell in your body has the same what as the zygote?


What is the basis of a life's unity


What is enzymes that make the covalent bonds between the nucleotides of DNA strand?

DNA Polymerases

What can be hundreds of millions of nucleotides long?

DNA molecules

What can help repair DNA that has been damaged?

DNA polymerases

What is modern techniques to study and manipulate genetic material?

DNA technology

Variations in the nucleotide sequence are the foundation of lives diversity. DNA Defines what and distinguishes what?

Defines species and distinguishes individuals

Mendel concluded that hereditary information is passed in....

Discrete units and predictable patterns

What offers a better chance of surviving environmental change in clones?


What is a two sugar, phosphate chain running in opposite directions with paired bases inside?

Double helix

Triaomy 21 results in what?

Down syndrome/extra chromosome

Viruses new to medical scientists are called what?

Emerging viruses

What is the transmission of traits by mechanisms not directly involving DNA sequence

Epigenetic inheritance

Mutations are caused by what

Errors during DNA replication Mutagens Hugh energy radiation Chemicals

Mutations give rise to variation in traits, which is the basis for....


The process by which genetic info flows from gene to proteins is called what?


XX is for male or female?


What alters the reading frame so that nucleotides are grouped into different codons and leads to significant changes in amino acid sequence?


What produces a nonfunctional polypeptide?


What results from deletions or insertions?


What derives from germ cells?


Every somatic cell contains every what?


The production of multiple, identical copies of a gene

Gene cloning

What allows for specialization of cells within the body?

Gene regulation

What is mechanisms that turn on certain genes while other genes remained turned off?

Gene regulation

What is the Chromosome theory of inheritance

Genes are located at specific positions (loci) on chromosomes and the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis and fertilization accounts for inheritance patterns

The manipulation of genes for practical purposes is called?

Genetic engineering

Who is the Austrian monk/amateur scientist and the father of genetics?

Gregor Mendel

What are the functions in cell division?

Growth Healing/repair Development Sexual Reproduction Asexual reproduction

Are gametes haploid or diploid?


Many phenotypic characters results from a combination of what?

Hereditary and environment factors

Pp is called what?


Organized in the nucleus with help of proteins is called what?


Genes occurs in pairs called what?

Homologous chromosomes?

PP is called what?

Homozygous dominant

pp is called what?

Homozygous recessive

Viruses rely on a what to reproduce?

Host cell

What holds the bases of the two strands of the double helix together?

Hydrogen bond

Nondisjunction can occur when?

In meosis 1 or 2

What are other patterns of inheritance that are not so simple?

Incomplete dominance Codominance Pleiotrophy Polygenic inheritance

Duplication of cell contents and creates sister chromatids is known as?


What are the two stages of the cell cycle?

Interphase and Mitotic Phase

Who discovered the double helix shape

James Watson and Francis Crick

What is located near each other on the same chromosome, tends to travel together during meiosis and fertilization and does not follow Mendels law of independent assortment?

Linked genes

Genes are located on chromosomes called what?


Two types of reproductive cycles of viruses?

Lyric and Lysogenic cycle

XY is for male or female?


What kind of tumors can spread to other tissues?

Malignant Tumors

Errors in what can result in genetic abnormalities?


What led to the law of independent assortment?

Mendels dihybrid cross

what suggests that the inheritance of one character has no effect on the inheritance of another

Mendels dihybrid cross

What phase is where chromosomes align between spindle poles?


Treads are aligned along the cell equator is what phase?

Metaphase 1

The (still duplicated chromosomes) are aligned midway between poles

Metaphase 2

The spread of cancer cells beyond their original site is called what?


What mutation can be beneficial, harmful or neutral?

Missense mutation

When you change the amino acid sequence that produces a different amino acid is what kind of mutation?

Missense mutation

Division of the nucleus is what?


What phase is known as division?

Mitotic phase

What moves and guides chromosomes?

Mitotic spindle

Sexual reproduction produces unique individuals, that...

Mixes up alleles from two parents Involves a fusion of gametes

What is the production of mutations?


Any change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA is called what


What are the three processes that contribute to the emergence of viral diseases?

Mutation- RNA viruses mutate rapidly Contact between species Spread from isolated human populations to larger human populations

What is it called when it's shared by all other organisms?

Nearly universal

Are there cures for most viral diseases?


Chromosomes fail to separate at anaphase, producing gametes with abnormal numbers of chromosomes is what?


What mutation creates a stop codon?

Nonsense mutation

Replacement of one nucleotide with another is called what

Nucleotide substitutions

What are the two kinds of mutations?

Nucleotide substitutionssubstitutions (base substitutions) Nucleotide Deletions or insertions (frameshifts)

Mutations in gametes are passed to what?


A graphic method of presenting the inheritance of a particular trait in a group of related individuals is known as what?


What are often used as vectors?


Misfolded forms of normal brain proteins are called what?


What are infectious proteins that cause degenerative brain diseases in animals?


The nuclear envelope breaks up in what phase?


A grid used to predict the genetic and phenotypic outcome of a cross?

Punnet square

Most plants and animal viruses have what rather than DNA?


Some infectious agents are made up of only what?

RNA or protein

What is formed by joining a nucleotide sequence from two different sources?

Recombinant DNA

What is is called when there is more than one codon for amino acids?


The genetic code is what?

Redundant Unambiguous Nearly universal Without punctuation

Who made first x-ray diffraction image of DNA?

Rosalind Franklin

Produces offspring with two sets of genes from two parents

Sexual Reproduction

What may convey Evolutionaries advantage by producing offspring of varied genetic make up and reducing the incidence of harmful genes more rapidly?

Sexual Reproduction

What requires fertilization of an egg by sperm/gametes

Sexual reproduction

What type of mutation has no effect

Silent mutation

The three possible outcomes of nucleotide substitutions are what?

Silent mutation Missense Mutation Nonsense mutation

Characteristics of the genetic code include?

Three nucleotides specify for one amino acid 61 Codons corresponds to amino acids AUG codes for methionine and signals the start of transcription 3 stop codons signal the end of translation

What is switching from the nucleotide language to the amino acid language?


Mutations can form in any type of cell? True or false?


Viruses are not cellular, true or false?


Abnormally, growing masses of body cells are known as?


The dihybrid cross is equivalent to what?

Two monohybrid crosses

A codon for one amino acid that does not code for any other amino acid is called what?


Mutations are relatively what


Codons are adjacent to each other with no gaps in between is called what?

Without punctuation

Most sex linked genes are found where?

X chromosome

Do some amino acids have more than one possible codon?


Can many species reproduce both sexually and asexually?

Yes, true

What disease spread from animals?

Zoonotic diseases

Every cell in your body was produced through successive rounds of mitosis starting from the what?


What is a disease of the cell cycle?


What is the mating of parental varieties that differ in two characters?

dihybrid cross

DNA is fast efficient and mostly accurate but errrors....

do occur sometimes

Cancer cells form what?


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