unit 2 nutrition

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What are some examples of empty calorie foods?

-Bacon -Cookies -Ice cream

Hair, skin, nails are structures of the __system


Match the section of the small intestine with its correct function: Duodenum- Jejunum- Ileum-

-Bicarbonate (an alkaline fluid) is secreted here -Absorption of nutrients occurs in the upper part -Minimal absoprtion occurs here

Breaks down food both mechanically and chemically- Removes waste products from the circulatory syste- Detects sensations, controls physiological and intellectual functions- Removes foreign substances from the blood and aids in fat absorption- Transports nutrients wastes gases and hormones throughout the body- Regulates metabolism through the action of hormones-

-Digestive system -Urinary -Nervous -Lymphatic -Cardiovascular -Endocrine

Solution- Solute- Solvent- Solubility- Electrolytes-

-Evenly distributed mixture of two or more compunds -Substance that dissolves in the solvent -Substance in which the solute dissolves -Ease with which a substance dissolves in a liquid solvent -Ions that conduct electricity when dissolved in water

Most ulcers are now attributed to infection with H. pylori. Other risk factors that may contribute to the development of an ulcer include

-Regular use of NSAIDS -Heavy alcohol consumption -Smoking

Skeletal system- Integumentary system- Digestive system- Reproductive system-

-Storage of minerals -Prevents invasion by disease causing bacteria -Breakdown and absorption of food -To produce children

Fortification- Enrichment-

-The addition of nutrients to foods that are normally not present -The addition of iron and B vitamins to cereals

Less than __of daily calories should come from saturated fats


Which of the following are recommendations of food components and food that the dietary guidlelines recommend be reduced?

Cholesterol intake should be less than 300 mg & reduce sodium intake to less than 2300mg

Which of the following represents the sections of the small intestine in order

Duodenum, jejunum, ileum

Identify the organs that work together to maintain the acid-base balance of blood.

Kidneys and Lungs

In contrast to the small intestine, the large intestine

Lacks digestive enzymes, has increaseed bacterial infection, lacks villi

Homeostasis can be disrupted by____

Lengthy periods of sickness, changes in the cell's internal environment, times of starvation or dieting

What is the primary organ of the respiratory system?


Components of saliva include

Salivary amylase & lingual lipase

Which of the following is a function of the pancrease?

Secretes bicarbonate ions to neutralize HCl

The supplement facts label must include the

Serving size, manufacturer's contact info., percentage DV of each nutrient


Speed up chemical reactions, are recycle

Which of the following are functions of the lymphatic system

Transport of absorbed dietary facts,, defense of the body against invading pathogens. returns fluid that collects between cells back to the blood stream.

Judy wants to find out the amount of specific nutrient needed to sustain good health. She initially checks the RDA requirements and can't locate the nutrient. Her next step is to

check AL standards

Ways to reduce your calorie intake and maintain nutritional adequacy include

consuming reduced portion sizes, the elimination of empty calorie foods

Standard for planning nutritious diets for groups of people are called

dietary reference intakes

A substance that cannot be seperated into simpler substances by ordinary chemical or physical means is called a(n)__


__calorie foods are ones that are high in solid fats and or added sugars. They provide calories but few to no nutrients. SOme examples are cookies, cakes, sodas, pizza, and candy


The mouth, esophagus, stomach, small & large intestines are major structures of the __

gastrointestinal tract

The chemical messengers of the body are called?


Filtering the blood is the function of which organ?


Constipation can be caused by a diet that is __poor in fiber & water


Water soluble nutrients are absorbed via the

portal vein

When an atom loses an electron it becomes an anion with a __charge.


The ___is the standard representing the highest average amount of a nutrient that is unlikely to be harmful when consumed daily

tolerable upper intake level

The FDA regulates specific wording for certain health claims that are allowed on labels


Ingredients are listed on the Nutrition Facts label in descending order by


Salivary glands- Liver- Gallbladder- Pancreas-

-Produce and secrete salivary amylase -Produce and secretes bile -Release bile into the duodenum -Produce and secrete the majority of digestive enzymes

Jon consumed 5 servings of popcorn while watching a movie. Each serving contained 40% of the DV for sodium. He therefore consumed___%DV for sodium from the bag of popcorn

200 (40% times 5=200%)

Typically the DV used on food labels refer to ages

4 years through adulthood

How is the stomach lining protected by the stomach's acidic environment?

A mucus lining

An ___looses hydrogen ions when dissolved in water, whereas a(n) __accepts hydrogen ions when dissolved in water

Acid: Base

Baking a cake involves a chemical reaction between the baking soda and cream of tartar forming __which "raises" the cake, giving it a light airy structure

Carbon dioxide

Intestinal cramps, abnormal bowel function, and feeling as though elimination of stools was incomplete are characteristics of

Irritable bowl syndrome (IBS)

The Daily value accomplishes which of the following on the nutrition facts label?

It helps to estimate how much of a nutrient an individual is consuming, it estimates how much of a nutrient is consumed in one serving, it shows how a single serving compares to the daily value.

Which of the following accurately describe the daily value?

It is used on the nutrition facts panel, it is based on a 2000 calorie diet, it is a generic standard

Which is true about the percentage daily value used on the nutrition facts label

It shows how a single serving compares to the daily value

Which of the following systems are responsibe for circulating fluids through the body?

Lymphatic and cardiovascular system

The contraction of muscles in the esophagus is called?


Which definition best describes absorption?

Substances are taken up from GI tract and enter the blood stream or the lymph.

Which of the following is true about organic food labeling?

The ability to use the label means the food has met strict government standards

Which is true about the DV?

They are based on a standard diet of 2000 kcal/day, They are more simplified than the RDA's

Self-contained, living structures that have similar characateristics and functions, join together to form


Heartburn can be worsened by__

excess body fat, drinking alcohol, and smoking cigarettes

In the fruits group, the standard serving size is equivalent to

one cup of fruit & half cup of raisins

The acidic environment of the stomach is beneficial in

partially digesting protein, killing disease causing microorganisms, activating some digestive enzymes

Ringlike muscular contractions followed by relaxations that are designed to help to mix the chyme in the small intestine are called __


The nutrient categories that the DV have been set for include

several minerals & vitamins

Treatment for diarrhea in infants and older adults

should be prompt to prevent rapid dehydration

The cardiovascular system is made up of which of the following components?

Heart, blood, blood vessels

Almost all of the macronutrients are digested and absorbed in the __intestine


The tolerable upper intake level is the maximum chronic daily intake of a nutrient__

that is unlikely to cause health effects in almost all people, above which toxicity effects are likely

After an immigrant population has assimilated fully, the prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure


The percentage of Daily values are applied to the nutrition facts label in which of the following ways?

They are based on 2000-kcal diet, people requiring more or less than 2000-kcal must make the necessary adjustment, the 2000-kcal diet allows easy comparison among similar foods

Nutrient claims on food packaging__

must follow legal definitions

Prompt treatment for diarrhea is especially important for

The elderly, & infants

The lymphatic system is responsible for transporting water-soluble nutrients


The "meat-and-potatoes" diet is common in

Germany, scandinavia, the united kingdom

A(n) __ describes the role a nutrient or dietary supplement plays in maintaining a structure, such as bone or promoting a normal function, such as digestion

structure/function claim

Match the dietary with the religion they reflect: Buddhist- Hindu- Islam- Mormon-

-Meat is avoided; vegetarianism is encouraged -Beef is forbidden;alcohol avoided; fasting encouraged -Fasting from all food and drink during Ramadan -Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages prohibited

Match cell structures with their functions 1. Nucleus 2. Cytoplasm 3. Mitochondrion 4. Ribosome

-Organization and expression of DNA -Watery fluid that surrounds the nucleus -Site of ATP synthesis -Protein synthesis occurs here


-highest amount of daily nutrient intakes unlikely to cause adverse health effects -estimation of calorie needs based on gender,age, height, weight, &physical activity level. -nutrient intake recommendation set when research is not sufficient to determine RDA -nutrient intake recommendation set to meet the needs or nearly all individuals of a given age and gender

Consume a variety of vegetables- Consume grains- Eat a variety of protein foods-

-including dark green, red and orange, legumes, and starchy. -at least half should be whole grains -including seafood, lean meats, and poultry, eggs legumes, nuts, seeds, & soy products

Exchange system: Carbohydrates- Meats- FAts-

-milk, fruits, veggies -cheeses, chicken, pork -nuts&seeds

Match the food with the food group with which it belongs Grain- Protein rich- Dairy- Fats and oils-

-popcorn -lentils -frozen yogurt -olives

Proton- Electron- Element- Molecule-

-positively charged particle in the nucleus of an atom -negativley charged particle that surrounds the nucleus of an atom -Type of atom that cannot be divided into a simpler compound -Forms when two or more compounds are formed together

Limited added sugars to less than __of daily calories


Health claims are only allowed on foods intended for people aged __years or older


In the veggie group __cup(s) of raw uncooked leafy greens is equivalent to one standard serving


The stomach empties in about __hours depending on the contents and size of the meal


What are some strategies that can be used to reduce portion size and or calorie intake?

Choose reduced fat or non fat dairy products, consume mostly nutrient dense foods, if you eat a hamburger for lunch, have a salad with lots of vegetables and low-calorie dressing for dinner

People with __ ___ produce thick mucus that block passageways, particularly in the respiratory & digestive systems. They often suffer serious breathing problems and respiratory infections.

Cystic fibrosis

List the organs in the order they occur in the gastrointestinal tract

Esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum

Which of the following best describes the passage of feces from the body?

Feces remain in the rectum until moved into the anal canal and out the anus

Which federal agency moitors food & beverge labeling in the U.S.?

Food &Drug admin

Identify the foods that are recommended in abundance by the Mediterranean diet pyramid

Grains, fruits, vegetables

The nutrition facts panel

Lists certain food constituents, indicates serving amounts, indicates the percentage Daily value of some food constituents

__vessels empty their contents (including chylomicrons) into the cardiovascular system through a duct near the heart.


The ciruclatory and the __ system are responsible for circulating fluids throughout the body.


Which of the following are functions of the liver?

Manufactures bile & makes cholesterol

___is the sum of all chemical reactions occuring in living cells


Milk has a pH between 6.35-6.67 and household ammonia has a pH of 10. Which is more acidic?


Which of the following are the main organs of the skeletal system?

Muscles, tendons, ligaments

Which of the following is a symptom of GERD?

Nausea, gagging,coughing & hoarseness

The brain, spinal cord and nerves make up which system?

Nervous system

Identify the part of the cell responsible for genetically controlling the actions that occur in the cell


In addition, to the product name, & address of manufacturer, amount of product in the package, & the ingredients panel, the __listing certain nutrient constituents is also a mandatory element of the food label

Nutrition Facts panel

Identify three organs that are an important part of the digestive system even though they do not come in direct contact with food matter in the gastrointestinal tract

Pancreas, liver, & gallbladder

Which of the following are components of blood?

Plasma, Red and white blood cells

Certain brands of yogurt contain microbes called __ designed to improve gut health.


Your diet is likely to be nutritionally adequate if your average daily intake for each nutrient meets the nutrients __or Al value


The pH of blood

Ranges from 7.35 to 7.45, is slightly alkaline, maintained by buffers

In general organically grown foods are nutritionally __non-organically grown foods.

Similar to

Which system of the body produces red blood cells and stores several minerals?


Select the two organs that produce most of the digestive enzymes

Small intestine, & Pancreas

Which of the following senses has the greatest effect on taste


A cell

The basic unit of structure and function in living things and is specialized to perform a particular function.

Choose the statements that are true about inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

The cause is unknown, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are the two most common forms, It is a general name for a group of diseases that cause inflammation and swelling of the intestines.

The general requirements that must be met before a health claim can be made for a food product include:

The food must be a good source of fiber, protein, vitamin A, calcium, or iron & The claim may describe the relationship between the product &disease.

Which of the following is a true statement about the digestive system?

The human digestive system can digest and absorb foods from plants, animals, fungi & bacteria

What is the main function of the cardiovascular system?

To ciruclate the blood throughout the body

The main purpose of the nutrion facts label includes which of the following?

To help consumers know about about which nutrients to limit, To help consumers learn more about the nutrition content of the foods, To help consumers know more about the food manufacture.

Which of the following is a primary taste sensation?


WHich of the following best describes dietary reference intakes?

Umbrella term for various nutrients set by thr Food and Nutrition board

What is generally an unpleasant experience but helpful because it prevents toxic substances from entering the small intestine?


The __ cells complete digestion and remove nutrients from chyme and transfer them into capillaries or lymph vessels


Increase physical__ and reduce time spent in __behaviors in order to balance calories to manage weight

activity; sedentary

When there isnt enough research to establish a RDA a(n) __is set

adequate intake

The normal pH of blood is slightly


The chemical breakdown of starch that occurs in the mouth is due to the enzyme action of


The names of most enzymes end with __


Diarrhea is most often caused by___

bacterial infections & viral infections

The main function of __is to emulsify fat, thus assisting in fat digestion


The traditional Asian dietary pattern is lackin in

calcium rich foods

The exchange of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products between the blood and the cells throughout the body occurs across the cells lining the


Humans are a mixture of chemicals which are organized into


A way to reduce calorie intake is to eat smaller amounts of food included in the ___allowance or eliminate them altogether


A protein that catalyzes a particular chemical reaction inside the body is called a(an)


The __is a flap of tissue that prevents food from entering the larynx and trachea during food consumption


The average daily enrgy intake that meets the needs of a healthy person maintaining his weight is the

estimated energy requirment (EER)

A food that has 1/3 fewer kilocalories or half the fat of a reference food can be labeled as

lite or light

The __is the open space inside a structure such as the small intestine


The mixing of food by muscular contractions is an example of

mechanical digestion

The role of beneficial bacteria in the large intestine is to

metabolize undigested food, & make vitamin k and biotin

The villi facilitate absorption of nutrients in the small intestine by:

moving nutrients from chyme into blood or lymph

Which system of the body produces heat to help maintain normal body temperature?

muscular system

Soybeans, berries, garlic, barley, kale, & legumes are rich sources of__


As a marketing tol directed toward the health-conscious consumers, food manufacturers make nutrition___ on food products

related claims

Whole milk contains enough calcium to reduce the risk of osteoporosis but this claim cannot be made on the package because of the high __fat content


Chyme is formed in the


The DV is

used as rough guide to compare nutrient content of foods with respect to human needs, based on a 2000 k-cal calorie diet, used on food labels

What type of nutrients are absorbed into the hepatic portal vein and eventually to the liver before they enter the general circulation

water-soluble compounds

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