Unit 2: : Population and Migration Patterns and Processes

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Identify two reasons why more economically developed countries have lower death rates.

1) Less advanced healthcare system 2)Higher IMR & a more agricultural based economy


A hatred of foreigners based on stereotypes, prejudice, and racism.

What is the difference between arithmetic and exponential growth?

Arithmetic is when growth increases by a constant number. Exponential growth is compounded, causing a spike in numbers.

Explain the difference between acculturation and assimilation

Assimilation is when someone loses their current culture and takes on a new culture. Acculturation is when a person becomes integrated into a new culture and takes on some aspects of the new culture, while also retaining their original culture.

Where are newly industrialized countries (NIC) on the DTM? Why?

Between stage 2 and 3. NICs are moving from agricultural economies to manufacturing economies. This results in rapid rural-to-urban migration and more spending on infrastructure. Example: Vietnam

Stage 4

Birth Rate-Flat. Bottoms out. Death Rate-Flat. Bottoms out. Rate of Natural Increase- Zero population growth. Economic Focus-Service Industries (finance, insurance). Life Expectancy and Health-Highest. Specialized medicine/doctors. Role of Women-Economically and socially empowered. Migration Patterns- Suburban living and more immigration. Modern Examples- China, USA

Stage 3

Birth Rate-Rapid decrease. No need for many kids. Death Rate-Decreasing. Rate of Natural Increase-Increases at a slower rate. Economic Focus- Manufacturing. Life Expectancy and Health-Increasing. More access to health care. Role of Women-More women in workforce. Migration Patterns-Increase in rural-to-urban migration. Modern Examples-Mexico, Vietnam

Stage 1

Birth Rate-Very high. High fertility rate. Death Rate-Very high. High child mortality. Rate of Natural Increase-Little population growth. Economic Focus-Subsistence farming. Life Expectancy and Health-Low. Poor medical knowledge. Role of Women-Traditional roles of mothers Migration Patterns-Seasonal migration for food and flocks. Modern Examples-Isolated groups

Stage 2

Birth Rate-Very high. Need more kids to farm. Death Rate-Rapid decrease. Rate of Natural Increase-Rapid increase. Economic Focus-Agriculture for trade. Life Expectancy and Health-Increasing. Better nutrition/sanitation. Role of Women-Traditional roles of mothers. Migration Patterns-Rural communities. Modern Examples-Angola, Sudan

How do we find the NIR of a country?


The theoretical Stage 5 is not included on the model above. What are two unique characteristics of Stage 5?

CDR goes above the CBR, causing the population to decrease. This happens to advanced societies that must now depend on immigration and pronatalist policies for growth

The population pyramids above correspond to which countries?

Cambodia _A Saudi Arabia _B Angola_D Germany_C

Which three countries have the highest total population?

China, India, USA

What are 4 physical factors that influence the distribution of human populations?

Climate, landforms, bodies of water, availability of natural resources

Political push factors

Corruption, oppression, abuse of power

Which country will struggle to provide enough jobs for citizens in the future?

Country 1, due to the large amount of people in the prereproductive years

Which country most likely has an agricultural based economy? Why

Country 1. Population growth and birth rates are often higher in agricultural based economies.

Which country will struggle to have enough workers?

Country 3, due to the low amount of births.

Which country most likely has an advanced economy? Why

Country 3. Life expectancy is higher. Birth rates are low

Which country has the lowest rate of natural increase? Why?

Country 3. Low birth rates and relatively few children

Which country has evidence of a baby boom? Why?

Country 3. The 50-55 cohort

Which country most likely experienced an internal war? Why?

Country A. Decrease in number of men and women 40-44 suggests a civil conflict

Which country most likely has the most immigration? Why?

Country B. Disproportionate number of males suggest large amount of guest workers

What are 4 human factors that influence the distribution of human populations?

Cultural, economic (work opportunities), historical, political

Which country likely has a higher physiological population density, Egypt or France? Why?

Egypt. Compared to France, Egypt has relatively little farm land (arable land) since much of the country is desert (arid land)

What are three economic/social disadvantages of living in areas with less concentrated populations?

Fewer jobs means less opportunities, fewer schools and universities results in less education, fewer hospitals results in limited access to health care.

Identify two effects of China's one-child policy

Gender selective abortions, human trafficking, mail order brides, decrease in population growth

Environmental push factors

Harsh climate, difficult to navigate, isolated

Economic push factors

High unemployment, high inflation, lack of opportunities

What is the difference between internally displaced persons and refugees?

IDPs are people who were forced to leave their home, due to life threatening conditions, however, they do not cross an international boundary. Refugees flee their home due to life threatening conditions and do cross an international boundary

What is the difference between immigration and emigration?

Immigrant is a person permanently moving into a state, while emigrant is a person permanently moving out of a state.

Explain the idea of intervening opportunities and intervening obstacles

Intervening obstacles prevent or hinder migration, while intervening opportunities cause a person to stop migrating to their original destination due to a factor that they encounter while migrating.

Social push factors

Isolated in the community, heritage is not shown in society

Economic pull factors

Job opportunities, stability, low inflation

Identify two anti-natalist policies.

Limiting the amount of children per family, reducing tax benefits, propaganda

Identify three reasons why life expectancy has increased in the last century

Medical advancements, increased access to capital, more goods/services

Identify three reasons why the total fertility rate falls as countries enter stages 3 and 4 on the DTM

More access to contraception (more family planning), less need for children as source of income, more women enter the workforce

Which types of countries have a higher agricultural population density: more developed countries or less developed countries? Why?

More developed countries because they utilize advanced farming techniques that require fewer farmers per unit of arable land

What are Ravenstein's laws of migration? (11 laws)

Most migrants travel short distances and travel in step migration. Migrants traveling longer distances go to urban areas. Rural residents are more likely to migrate than urban residents. Families are less likely to migrate across national borders. Every migration stream creates a counter stream. Females are more migratory domestically, males are more migratory over long distances. Urban areas grow more by migration than by NIR. Migration increases economic development. Migration is mostly due to economic causes. Migration goes from agricultural regions to urban regions. Migration increases with advancements in tech and transportation

What type of agriculture would best match with transhumance migration?

Pastoral nomadism

Identify two environmental problems associated with higher population density?

Pollution and depletion of resources

What is the difference between population distribution and population density?

Population distribution shows where people live. Population density shows how many people live in a specific area

Social pull factors

Similar cultural backgrounds, has social activities of interest

Which country has a higher population density: Singapore or the USA?


Identify two reasons why women are more empowered in stage 4 of the DTM?

Society views them as equals to everyone else in society. Allowing for women to run for political office, move up in the private sector, and have every opportunity that men have.

Political pull factors

Stable, lack of corruption, protect rights of people

What is the difference between step migration and chain migration?

Step migration is when migration happens in stages, migrants stop at different places on the way to their final destination. Chain migration is a process in which legal immigrants may sponsor a family member to come into the country.

What is the difference between the total fertility rate (TFR) and the crude birth rate (CBR)?

TFR is looking at the average amount of kids a woman is having, while CBR is looking at all births.

Identify two pro-natalist policies.

Tax exemption, free child care, propaganda

How is the Epidemiological Transition Model different from the DTM?

The ETM analyzes development and population growth based on medical advances. Countries in later stages of the ETM have better sanitation, nutrition, and medicine but more diseases associated with aging like cancer and dementia

Why didn't the world experience a Malthusian catastrophe as population significantly increased?

The agricultural revolutions allowed society to produce more food, and population growth slows as society develops.

carrying capacity

The amount of people that can be supported without damaging the environment.

doubling time

The amount of time needed for a population to double in size.

dependency ratio

The ratio of the number of people not in the workforce and those who are in the workforce.


The transfer of money by a foreign worker to an individual in their home country.


The use of Earth's renewable and non-renewable resources in a manner that does not deplete either resource. Sustainable efforts strive to find an equilibrium with the environment and society, by making sure that the current generation does not hinder future generations

What was Thomas Malthus's prediction?

The world population would exceed the carrying capacity, because food production grows arithmetically and population grows exponentially.

How do you calculate arithmetic population density?

Total population divided by total land

What is rural-to-urban migration?

Urbanization, people move from rural settlements to urban areas.

Environmental pull factors

Warm, provides opportunities for citizens, easy to live in

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