Unit 3: Circulation

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Does the percent of oxygen stay constant throughout the circulation of the blood?

no (right side=95%→oxygenated, left side=50%→deoxygenated)

function of pulmonary circuit

carries deoxygenated blood from the right side of the heart and brings back oxygenated blood back to the left side of the heart

function of systemic circuit

carries oxygenated blood from the left side of the heart and then returns deoxygenated blood from the body back to the right side of the heart

What produces carbon dioxide in the body?

cellular respiration

How would you describe the flow pattern of the blood inside the circulatory system? What features might the entrances and exits to the heart need in order to maintain this flow pattern?

cycle/circuit→entrances and exits to heart need valves to control the direction of blood flow

How does the heart work as a pump?

double pump that pumps blood to top and bottom (not left to right) *pulmonary circulation*: right side pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs *systemic circulation*: left side pumps oxygenated blood to the body

What do our blood vessels carry?

*arteries*: thick; carry freshly oxygenated blood away from heart towards body parts *arterioles*: leads blood from arteries towards capillaries *capillaries*: chemical exchange between blood and interstitial fluid (where diffusion of O2 and CO2 happens) *venules*: leads blood away from capillaries to veins *veins*: carries deoxygenated blood towards heart and lungs

What are the chambers of the heart?

*atria*: small, thin chambers at top of heart; receive blood from body *right atrium*→receives deoxygenated blood from body *left atrium*→receives oxygenated blood from the lungs *ventricles*: large, thick chambers at bottom of heart; pump blood to body *right ventricle*→sends deoxygenated blood to the lungs *left ventricle*→sends oxygenated blood to the body

What is the heart made of?

*pericardium*: membrane over heart 3 layers of tissue: *epicardium*: outer layer *myocardium (myo=muscle)*: cardiac muscle *endocardium*: smooth muscle (movement) and blood vessels

components of blood

*plasma*: 90% water; contains nutrients, vitamins, electrolytes, antibodies *red blood cells (RBC)*: most abundant in blood; produced in bone marrow; contain hemoglobin that carries oxygen to cells *white blood cells (WBC)*: part of immune system; destroys pathogens; 5 types *platelets*: clotting factors that seal a wound and prevent blood loss

What are the vessels of the heart?

*vena cava*: *superior*→brings blood from top body parts to heart *inferior*→brings blood from bottom body parts to heart *pulmonary*: *arteries (R and L)*→carry blood to lungs *veins*→return blood to heart from lungs *aorta*: gets blood from left ventricle to be sent out to body parts

What happens to carbon dioxide before the blood enters the left side of the heart?

CO2 diffuses out of the blood and is exhaled by the lungs.

What path does blood follow as it flows through the heart?

Deoxygenated blood enters right atrium through superior and inferior vena cava. Blood goes from right atrium through tricuspid valved to right ventricle. Right ventricle contracts, causing the pulmonary valve to open. Blood moves through pulmonary valve into pulmonary artery. Oxygenated blood returns through the pulmonary vein and goes into left atrium. Blood goes from left atrium through the mitral valves and into the left ventricle. Left ventricle contracts, causing the aortic valve to open. Blood moves through aortic valve into aorta. Blood travels through aorta to organs and limbs.

Between leaving the left side of the heart and arriving back at the right side of the heart,

Its oxygen percentage has decreased from 95% to 50%.

Between leaving the right side of the heart and arriving back at the left side of the heart, what has happened to the percent of oxygen in the blood?

Its oxygen percentage has increased from 50% to 95%.

Where does blood flow to after leaving the right side of the heart and before entering the left side? How does this explain what happened to the percent of oxygen?

The lungs→oxygen in the lungs diffused into the blood, increasing it's oxygen percentage

What other gas than oxygen might be dissolved in the blood on the right side of the heart?

carbon dioxide (CO2)

Where does blood flow to after leaving the left side of the heart and before entering the right side? How does this explain what happened to the percent of oxygen?

all body organs and tissues→oxygen is delivered to all the cells of the body by diffusion, decreasing the perecent of oxygen in the blood

oxygenated blood

blood that contains higher levels of oxygen

deoxygenated blood

blood with lower levels of oxygen

What is the name of the circuit that connects the heart and lungs?

the pulmonary circuit

What is the name of the circuit that connects the heart to all parts of the body (expect the lungs)?

the systemic circuit

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