Unit 3 OT

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Job: 3 Sets of Dialogue

- Gods justice and purity - divine punishment - should be EXPECTED

Meter (Characteristic of Hebrew Poetry)

Refers to the accent patter (rhythm) of the text. Rhyme refers to the similarity in sounds at the end of each line. In Hebrew poetry, meter is more prevalent and prominent than rhyme.

Parallelism (refers)

Refers to the relationship that exists between two lines of poetry; they complement each other in some way.

Job: All of them, even job, believed in ____________________- blessings follow obedience, punishment follows disobedience or wickedness.

Retribution Theology

Synonymous (EX)

Psalm 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."

Chiasm (Characteristic of Hebrew Poetry)

Two successive lines of poetry reverse the order in which parallel themes appear.

Jewish readers have seen a picture of the love between ____________________

Yahweh & Israel.

The OT ____________the sexual relationship between husband and wife in positive terms.


Life caught in the pursuit of absurd and empty pleasure has no lasting value, thus


Poetry often served as a medium for ____________ literature.


______________has often been used to translate the word.


The only hope for surviving the trials of life is to fear and obey God. Another way to this:

"True meaning in life is found in a relationship with God."

-Psalms 120-134 are self-designated "Songs of Ascent" or "Songs of Degrees" (KJV). -Sung "going up" to Jerusalem for ___________?

- "Songs of Ascent" - required festivals?

other nations employ wisdom literature as well. There are two basic categories: ____________________ and ____________________

- Brief proverbial maxims _ lengthy discourses

Characteristics of Job

- Discoursive Wisdom Literature - This book portrays characters who wrestle with the question of THEODICY, THE QUESTION OF THE COEXISTENCE OF GOD AND EVIL.

Job: - Job's faithfulness is vindicated and___________________ - He is given a return to health, new children, and ____________ his property loss and he is given long life.

- God's faithfulness is illustrated. - double

Job: The Lords Speech - God's responds to Job's cry for an answer in an unexpected way, (38:3; 40:7) "brace yourself,_________________________________________" - Job responsibilities ________and _________(presumably of for his attitude). (42:1-6)

- I will question you and you will answer me." - humbly......repents

Questions asked in Job:

- If God is both all powerful and all loving, how can evil exist in the world? - How can the wicked prosper if God is just? - Why do good people suffer, and how could God let it happen?

The 5 Poetical Books?

- Job - Psalms - Proverbs - Ecclesiastes - Song of Songs

(WISDOM LITERATURE) Orgin/ foundation: _____________ _____ _______ prerequisite for true wisdom.

- Knowledge of God

Main characteristics of Hebrew poetry

- Meter - Parallelism - Chiasm - Acrostics

Job contains both _______ and ______________

- ancient - later Hebrew

Elihu's four speeches, Job 32- 37 -Elihu expresses _______ toward Job for trying to justify himself rather than to _________ God. - He (JOB) was ______________ in his own eyes. - Elihu is also angry at the other three friends for their inability to offer a response to JOb's arguments.

- anger..... justify - righteous

Job: Authorship and timeframe - The book is written _________ - Other descriptions suggest a PATRIARCHAL TIME PERIOD. - - -

- anonymously -sacrifice apart from priest -wealth measured in terms of flocks and servants -Job lived a long time (140 years)

- The book of Psalms is ______________________. - The _____________ for the divisions is ___________

- divided into five books. - rational........ unknown

Job: In addition to being described as blameless and upright, Job was one who "____________________________"

- feared the LORD and shunned evil.

Debates of Divisions: - Some suggest the ________________ - Some suggest they are _________________ - Some suggest they are grouped according to the __________________

- five-fold division of the Torah. - divided by authorship. - names used for God.

Book of Psalms: Setting: The Book of Psalm is a _____________________________.

- hymnal for the people of Israel.

While the OT shared elements with the ancient Near East, the OT emphasized ____________ and not polytheism

- monotheism

- Proverbs are general principles of life. - Read them ________and ___________________.

- slowly.....contemplatively

(WISDOM LITERATURE) define: Practical living for __________________________. This was NOT a special endowment; but something attainable by all.

- success/skill in living.

what is proverb? -A proverb is a _______________________________________. -What a proverb is ______: Promises or Commands. (22:6, 22:24-25, 27).

- succinct and persuasive saying proven true by experience. - NOT

- Always look for the ___________________________________________. - Remember their __________ and _______________.

- underlying principle of the statement. - broad......... general nature.

Book pf Psalm: authorship - Authored by___________ - _____________ascribed as author of ____ psalms. - The authors of the other 49 psalms are ________________

- various people - David..... 73 - still unknown.

The Book of Proverbs - setting: Designated to equip the reader in practical ____________, discernment, discipline, and discretion. - Maxims emphasize skill in life. - Example of ________________ wisdom literature.

- wisdom - instructional

While only 5 books are considered poetical, about_____ of the Old Testament documents contain _________________

-1/3 -Poetry

In addition to classifications based on content, various psalms employ the literary device of the ___________.


when studying the Poetical Books, it is important to appreciate not only ______ is said but also ______ it is said.

-what -how

The term "meaningless" used

33 times in book.

__________________approach: Suggests that texts present hidden meaning, historical accuracy is irrelevant. Also sees a picture of God's intimate relationship with His people, but without the historical basis.


Acrostics (Characteristic of Hebrew Poetry)

Alphabetic Poems. A phenomenon where the successive lines of text begin with the corresponding letters of the Hebrew alphabet.


Book 1- book 5

__________is emphasized over wisdom.


Lengthy Discourses

Essays dealing with LIFE'S most difficult question. Usually taking the form of dialogue or monologues, they were frequently pessimistic about life.

Classification of Psalms

Hymns-Songs of Praise Penitential-Confess sorrow for sin Wisdom-Express general observations about life Royal-Focus on the king as son of David Messianic-Describe some aspect of the Messiah's person or ministry. Imprecatory-Call for God's judgment against God's enemies Lament-Generally 3 elements: bemoan one's condition, statement of trust in God; affirmation of praise.

Example of rhyme (Meter)

Judges 14:14 "He replied, out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet."


Meaningless! Meaningless! Everything is Meaningless! (NIV)

Ugaritic illustrates the uniqueness of Israel whose poetry was from a....

Monotheistic perspective, among the nations.

Brief Proverbial Maxims

Offers observations about LIFE in general; tended to be instructional or didactic in nature and usually optimistic about life.

Synthetic (EX)

Psalm 1:3 "That person is like a tree planted by the streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither-- whatever they do prospers"

Antithetic (EX)

Psalm 1:6 "For the lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction."

Ugaritic shares...

100s of words similar in meaning to Hebrew and is beneficial for studying the OT.

Christian readers have seen a picture of the love between ________________

Christ & The Church.

3 Forms of Parallelism

Synonymous- Involves a reputation of the same thought or similar thought Antithetic- Involves two contrasting ideas. Synthetic- The second line in some way completes the idea of the first line.

Parallelism (Characteristic of Hebrew Poetry)

This is the most important feature of Hebrew poetry.

_______________approach: Accepts the historical validity of events but correspond to later events. Thus, it presents a picture of God's intimate, covenant bond with his people.


Ugaritic Parallels

Ugaritic is the ancient language of the Ugarit people who were located in north of Israel.

(WISDOM LITERATURE) An important characteristic to remember is that the scope is ________


Work is technically, ___________though some suggest ______________

anonymous ............Solomon

The book is set within the interplay of the _________(beloved) and the __________(lover) with occasional interludes to by the __________ (friends).

bride groom guests

The Book of Ecclesiastes The preacher of Ecclesiastes found that wisdom, wealth, works, pleasure and power all led to

futility and striving after the wind.

The evidence is still ___________________as to why Psalms is divided into 5 books instead of two.


Wisdom Literature

is placed among the poetical books due to the fact that much of the material is set in poetic fashion.

One of the primary foci of the book is___________________________.

israelite education.


life without God is meaningless.

While retribution theology is a general rule in the OT, it is ______ a comprehensive rule answering every individual case. ________________________

not.............God is in control.

Wisdom is based on a

personal knowledge of God.

The Book of Song of Songs Setting: This beautiful song portrays the intimate love relationship between Solomon and his Shulammite bride. It magnifies the virtues of

physical and emotional love in marriage.

Job: a _________ organ of the book is often suggested.


The Hebrew word is


Solomon is considered to be the author. The unity of the book cannot be denied. Highly _____________________________________________.

repetitious character, its consistent picture of the cast, and common themes all suggest unity.

Some focus on________________ the way of wisdom vs. way of folly.

retribution theology

The book depicts natural

sexual love between husband and wife.

Presents wisdom for

successful living.

The book of Psalm: Name of the Book: - Hebrew: ______________"Praises" - Greek: psalmos, "song" or "hymn"


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