Unit 3 Psych 111

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"inside-to-outside rule" motor skills emerge in a sequence of center moving outward -move body side to side -move hands and grasp things with fist, pick up handful of cheerios Pincher grasp: thumb and index finger can pick up on own


"top to bottom" motor skills emerge from the head to feet -baby gains muscle control over head then shoulders then torso till able to control and use feet

Embryonic Stage

(2-8 weeks) further differentiation -Head, face and neck develop -Buds for limbs form and grow -Major organs/digestive system differentiating -Heartbeat begins


accepting and lax with few demands; little monitoring; few controls. Preschoolers were impulsive, aggressive, bossy self centered, low in independence and achievement -if someone always does it for you, don't get benefit of realizing able to ahieve and do that for yourself

Active vs passive

active baby, passive family good fit if parents can realize and make sure child has lots of places and things to explore, doesn't work if can't find way to meet baby's needs

8th/9th month

fat is deposited for later use, fingernails beyond fingertips(need mits so don't scratch face), lanugo is shed, myelination of brain takes place in the fetal stage, vernix covers body -fetus is developed

Kagan found that infants who react

fearfully to novel stimuli tend to be more subdued, less social, and less positive even through adolescence(longitudinal study)


fine, wooly hair over body -evolutionary past or protective function

5th month

fingernails and toenails appear, Lanugo, Vernix


forms when sperm and egg meets; fertilized egg; divides and implants itself in wall of uterus


glial cell covering axons -early connections being made even in utero

Disorganized/Disoriented Attachement

greatest amount of insecurity, In reunion show disorganized, confused behaviors. Seem confused, glazed and spacey. Mothers are more avoidant and inconsistent with a lack of sensitivity to infant's needs. ~ 5% of infants in the U.S. -kids who fall down in moms lap, mom totally misreads cues

Physical symptoms of Fetal alcohol syndrome

growth retardation(smaller than usual), head and facial abnormalities(bump between lip and nose gone), microcephaly, skeletal, brain and heart damage


harmful exposure to situations/substances that affect development resulting in defect, damage, or anomaly(outside typical aspects of development)


inborn, automatic responses to a particular form of stimulation Ex: when go to doctor and hit you with little hammer on knee and you kick leg -would not be appropriate reflex if lifted left arm

Gross and Fine Motor Development

individual differences exist, normative expectations for these skills and abilities often called milestones

Example of disorganized

kid on beanbag-mom thinks bragging about how he is on and she isn't but really wants to cuddle with her, she's just not picking up

Accommodation vs. Assimilation Example

kids show Barney, kids understood dino world based on Barney, Barney was purple dinosaur, also baby pop was green -knock on door in barney world and new dinosaur shows up , BJ who is yellow with orange-red spots -if child's schema is Barney, new character shows up try to assimilate that, works for schema of dino world until go to national history museum and now seeing T Rex or brontesaurus instead of Barney, doesn't fit in existing structure of dino world and compute in that schema so have to accomodate

Parental age

may be a factor in birth defects and/or certain developmental disabilities -sperm can be affected by teratogens


mixture of other temperaments


models about how the world works -developed by kids says kids like sense of equilibration, have world make sense

Cognitive difference

see some gender effects in verbal and mathematical abilities, as well as visual-spatial ability -interaction between expectations and environment -differences easing

Gender-related diagnostic issues and adhd

"ADHD is more frequent in males than in females in the general population, with a ratio of approximately 2:1 in children (Polanczyk et al. 2007)... Females are more likely than males to present primarily with inattentive features." (DSM 5, 2013) -females more likely to be underdiagnosed with adhd

Example of Dependent

"Should I wear this or this?"- Ask 20 people and then 20 more and then think "I'll wear this but oh I don't know what i should do" -Should I take this class or that class, embedded that have to get somebody else's approval and somebody else has to help them in the process -being alone feels really anxiety producing and helpless


"voice of reason" , mediator of id/superego, helps find compromises that help adapt most successfully in world -develops over time -not in pejorative way, healthy part of you -ego is appropriately mediating and modulating between what know is right and wrong and part that would like to have some of your needs met in nice, pleasurable way

Positive Symptoms

(Presence of a distortion or bizarre behavioral symptom) -Bizarre delusions -Hallucinations -Heightened Sensory Awareness -Disorganized incoherent speech and behavior

Fluid Intelligence

(basic information processing skills) is more likely to decline with age

Germinal phase

(conception-2 weeks) -Zygote -Placenta

Negative Symptoms

(loss of functioning or ability; behavioral deficits) -Poverty of speech -Emotional flatness -Loss of motivation -Social withdrawal -Apathy -Impaired attention

Who we are more willing to help

- people who are similar to us - women are more likely to be helped than men - perceived responsibility -identified by researchers

Kitty Genovese

-1964, returning from work in New York -Outside apartment building, attacked by a man with a man. -initial report that 38 people witnessed the attack which lasted 35 minutes -of those 38 people, no one appeared to have called the police -One man yelled out window to "leave that girl alone" -one report that elderly couple pulled up their chairs to the window -when each of reported witnesses asked why they hadn't called for help, everyone gave same response: all assumed somebody else had

Physical differences between personalities

-2/3 diagnosed report puzzling physical changes -sizemore(right handed), some others could only paint with left -some with glasses, some who could read from telephone directory without glasses -purple lady had bad arthritis in both hands, none normally -eve black only one allergic to nylon -one alter was blind -Bobby came back from driver's license test and new personality named Andrea who was deaf -retrace lady once got injection of strong sleeping mod but when purple lady came out, didn't feel affected, able to get in car and drive home -more mind control over body functions than give ourselves credit for

Clip of Elderly + Young Daycare

-44% of americans have aging parent for whom they care and young children presents problem of caring for both -idea of bringing generations together and enriching lives of everyone involved -model facility in CA, creating solution to growing problem of daycare for elderly and young children, bring generations together -Janet winslow has husband with alzheimer's who likes to help with kids, not only recieving but also giving care -senior and kids given opportunity to connect with each other 7x a day, supervised by trained caregivers -share activities geared to age and abilities like singing, dancing, and reading -one generation cares for kids 6 weeks-6 years and provides elders with day services for range of disabilities(memory loss to parkinson's) -don;t have multigenerational homes anymore so younger generation missing something, program gives back -500 similar programs nationwide -intergenerational care may boost significant social skills -preschoolers with regular contact with seniors 11 months ahead of standard day care kids in ability to name emotions, work cooperatively, and participate in social activities, better manners -wonderful opportunity to learn about people who are different(wheelchair, walker, oxygen tank)

Clip: What would you do?

-76 million tuned in to final episode of seinfeld(got lots of laugh when characters were arrested for not helping someone in distress) -people approached actors pretending to be in distress, recruited them to meet them at office near the park for television try out -told will go to studio with lights and cameras set up, told audition is in studio on other side of park, told when get there will be asked to speak on camera about being a Good Samaritan, based on bible story which reviewed for them -man traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho, person on side of road(who helps and who doesn't) -jesus said go and do the same -give participants $75 for their expenses and directions and map that will take them right by actor in distress -tell actors to be just like victim in Bible and not ask for help directly -"participants might be very suspicious of set up and to make themselves look good, might stop for anyone who shows need anyway" -Carrie keating(psych professor from colgate) -man and woman strolled by without helping, looked nervous, certainly noticed a person in need -two men, one begins to read newspaper, other goes on phone, trying to do any other activity besides offering help -if can pretend distracted by something else and don't see need that's in front of us, makes it easier to justify our own behavior -people chose not to stop because had easy out and weren't going to get caught -when in situation where ease of escape is there, escape will often occur -arrive at studio and deliver speech as promised, give heartfelt words that are direct opposite of their actions from moments before -one woman stops and lets actor Darryl use her cell phone but also takes out envelope of cash just given to her and offers him money, another man went even further and offers to bring him to get cup of coffee and makes sure he gets something to eat, expects change back after buying, only 5 minutes before meeting -another man offers to buy Darryl a pair of shoes, figured rather give money to him than girlfriend -those who walked by not necessarily less caring and compassionate -even though volunteers have just heard parable of good samaritan, see one person after another stroll by, offering no help -plenty of volunteers ARE ready and willing to do something -Carrie keating says results mirror famous 1970s princeton study on seminary students that experiment is based on -one thing predicted who stopped and who didn't 30 years ago in original student and current study: time pressure -producer danielle told 1/2 of volunteers they're running late, believe in order to get big break, chance to be on ABC TV, they have to hurry, makes big difference -most fly by actors in distress, only 35% stopped to help -for those not rushed, more than 80% do -not a difference between good and bad people, any one of us would behave in some way under time pressure -research says can get anyone to pass by with enough pressure -almost everyone who doesn't stop mentions being rushed as a reason -for those who do help, reasoning more complicated, obviously just heard story of good samaritan but some say stopped because have been in similar situations themselves -some say just the way they were raised, one man raised and adopted by single mom who taught to always sop and offer assistance -not scientific experiment but another significant factor: race -people help white actor Darry 3 times more often than emmanuel(African american actor) -both blacks and whites make judgements about african americans -african americans generally seen as more threatening -One man claimed emmanuel looked confrontational so why he didn't stop -one woman noticed no one else in park so didn't help because no one could help her if something happened -even african american man walked by because he thought emmanuel was crazy, felt intimidated, fear deterred him from helping -one woman so moved runs back and forth to help, left phone in car so ran to get, offers to drive him, more worried about stranger's well being than her own even though she suffers from asthma, both actor and her a mess, felt real to her

Example 2 of lowballing

-Ask if willing to drive me to airport -agree to do it for saturday -then say it's 6 AM flight and need to leave at 4 am -different answer then if said had a 6AM flight, would you be willing to take me at 4 AM

Formal Operations(12-up)

-Begin to see abstract reasoning -Understand metaphor and deductive reasoning -Become more systematic in thinking -Can discuss moral values -more cognitively complex -deductive(syllogistic thinking)


-Bizarre or odd patterns in behavior -Odd beliefs or magical thinking that influences behavior -Uses unusual words (vague, metaphorical) -Inappropriate or constricted affect -no break in reality, not psychotic disorder -different from not understanding what's real or not

Physical Factors

-Body shape -symmetry

Tourette's Disorder

-Both multiple motor and one or more vocal tics -Occur many times a day nearly every day or intermittently over a period of more than 1 year -Onset before age 18 -Does NOT need to interfere with daily functioning for diagnosis which excludes from rest of DSM -considered developmental disorder -may not have subjective distress

Latane and Darley: Bystander Research

-Bystander won't help if they don't notice -Decide if it is an emergency -If an emergency: intervene or not -Take on responsibility: begin to question self-efficacy and confidence - when have efficacy or confidence or decide to Intervene anyway regardless of cost -came up with decision tree to help realize whether or not someone is more or less likely to intervene to help

Clip: Ecocentrism

-Carmen knows has own body but acts as if one communal mind -like every 2 year old, thinks her way of thinking is only way -doesn't realize others see differently, can make communication tricky -talking to grandpa on phone, assumes he can see her nodding, doesn't see point in describing toy because if she can see, so can everyone else

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

-Continuous feelings of worry, anxiety dread/foreboding Sympathetic nervous system will engage leading to : -Restlessness -Difficulty concentrating -Irritability -Muscle tension -Sleep disturbance seeing things as potential threats -not uncommon to have TMJ from teeth clenching, tension headaches, back pain

Clip: Overcoming Dog Phobia with Systematic Desensitization

-Danny, 10 year old, phobia makes walk to school a daily horror -believes fear of dog stems from single moment when he was a toddler -when was 18 months old in a buggy a dog jumped at him, didn't bite him but scared him -when jumped up, thinking it's going to bite, hurt him and attack -people say he'll be alright, try to think to himself how it's not going to hurt him but can't help thinking it is -much to his embarrassment, often asks mom to take him to school -when sees dog, holds mom's hand, doesn't want to walk, she comforts by saying "it's alright" -wants to cope with dogs because wants to be able to go to school on own, go to mate's house, grandad's house -father hoping phobias just a phase, will grow out and will think all dogs not bad dogs but has got worse over years -phobias provoke intense physical responses -danny has heart rate monitored by behavioral therapist before and after seeing dog -first dog, hidden behind a screen and heart rate is 86 bpm. -when saw dog, danny's heart rate almost doubled as blood pumped to his muscles and body prepared to either run or attack(the fight or flight response) -once screen went back down, heart rate back to normal in moments -mom worries fear in part came form her(whether she made him anxious about big dogs) and worry to degree about their size -guilt trip syndrome: thinks must be something she did to make him scared and petrified -danny has behavioral therapy to be gradually exposed to dogs but any exposure is frightening -1st day of behavioral therapy, get back in car when sees dog, equivalent of looking down barrel of gun and not knowing whether it's going to fire or not, could feel that terrified -feels worried, says will be alright to get out of car -Colin(behavioral therapist) arranged for colleague to bring dog on a leash to a nearby clearing -ended session because other dogs off leash were bothering him, able to walk couple feet away from dog but couldn't go closer -second treatment session, Labrador in garden -anxious but able to keep moving forward -has never touched a dog, goal is to stroke the lab -got same distance from dog as previous time but started to back up -stated had anxious score of 4, after few minutes of standing, anxiety has come down a lot -moves a little closer, anxiety of 3 -able to teach and pet dog, not breathing fully -running around and petting small dog Oscar with gloves on -after 4 sessions, danny is no longer afraid of dogs and is even able to enjoy them -see process of systematic desensitization with them -as he got increasingly comfortable, able to get closer until ultimately does want a dog(would highly recommend)


-Dean Halo found a gene that parents might be very interested in (mood gene) -gene like natural prosac(long version) -short version, like never had prozac -what effect would have on personality, would gene really act like prozac and make some people less depressed and anxious or no effect? -analyzed personalities of hundreds, checking what form of gene they had -one type of personality dramatically affected by gene: neuroticism -people with long term, low on neuroticism, feel good about self, optimistic about future -people with short form opposite, more depressed and worried about things, more pessimistic -one of the first clear demonstrations that one single gene could make big difference in person's personality

Events on Social Readjustment Scale

-Death of a Spouse =100 points -Marital Separation= 65 points -Marital Reconciliation =45 points -Change in Financial Status = 38 points -Change in Eating Habits= 15 points -Going on Vacation= 13 points

DSM 5 significant shifts and changes

-Diagnostic categories take a developmental/lifespan approach beginning with disorders that appear in infancy/childhood though those most likely to occur in adulthood. -Autism Spectrum Disorder replaced different categories, including Pervasive Developmental Disorder and Asperger's -Bipolar Disorder consider its own category instead of in the mood disorders -OCD ( including hoarding ) and PTSD are no longer considered anxiety disorders although anxiety is part of the symptom picture -Bereavement can be included as a stressor for Major Depressive Disorder -Types of Schizophrenia are removed from the DSM 5

Clip: Pets Fill Void

-Dr. Bill Thomas started 7 years ago, designed habitat for elderly -transformed antiseptic facility into thriving home filled with thousands of plants, hundreds of birds, and countless companions -100% preventable to die from loneliness -cure: eden alternative -thomas made world where dogs do essential work, dogs like ginger give affection, cats offer companionship to everyone, overweight rabbits provide comfort -taking care of spirit as important as taking care of body -over medicated people in nursing homes, eden alternative substitutes genuine human caring for drugs, saves 75K in drug costs -people surrounded by kids, plants, animals, eyes light up and sparkle again -infection rate down 50%, death rate down 25% -fight for lives because meant something -animals bring out tenderness and warmth in staff too -having lousy day, dog brushes against you, you pet it, changes whole mindset -brought eden alternative to 300 nursing homes -people belong in human habitat surrounded by affection, kids, plants, and animals

avoidant personality disorder

-Excessively sensitive to rejection -Fearful of humiliation or shame -Socially withdrawn -Wishes to be accepted by others but avoids opportunities based on anxiety and fear of rejection or ridicule -Views self as socially inept, personally unappealing or inferior to others

Preoperational(2-7 years)

-Gradually improve in mental images -Can pretend -Action Oriented -Develop representational thought -Have NOT mastered conservation -achieving cognitive tasks, not just marked for what can do but also what can't(why called preoperational) -action oriented(ability for purposeful action and activity)

Happiness and Positive Relationships Clip

-Harvard study of adult development-longest study of adult life ever done -track lives of 724 men for 75 years, asking about work, home lives, and health -60 still alive and participating in study, in 90s -interview in living rooms, get medical records from their doctors, draw blood, scan brains -message: good relationships keep us happier and healthier -1 big lesson: people who are more socially connected to family, friends and community are happier, physically healthier and live longer -experience of loneliness is toxic -people who are more isolated, health declines earlier in midlife, brain functioning declines sooner, and they live shorter lives -second big lesson: not just number of friends but quality of close relationships -high conflict relationships without much affection are very bad for health, worse than divorce -people most satisfied with relationships at 60 were healthiest at 80 -third big lesson : good relationships don't just protect bodies but protect brains -people in 80s with relationships that really feel they can count on other person in times of need,memories stay sharper longer -leaning into relationships: replacing screen time with people time, livening up stale relationships by doing something new together or reaching out to family member that haven't spoken to in years -common family feuds take terrible tole on people who hold the grudges

schizoid personality disorder

-Have very few if any friends or family relationships -Loner, choosing solitary activities -Indifferent to praise or criticism -Shows no warm or tender feelings to other people -truly has no interest in social relationships -much prefer to be alone -individuals truly don't feel connected to others in this way have some limitation in ability to successfully function

example of fundamental attribution error

-If we're laid off, may say the economy stinks -No matter what I did, I wasn't gonna be able to keep my job -if someone else loses job, may think weren't a good employee or not looking hard enough to find a job -don't give other people same opportunities to be able to have challenges without assuming it is a personal failure to them

Heinz Dilemma

-In europe, woman near death from special kind of cancer, one drug that might save her -form of radium that druggist recently discovered was expensive to make but druggist charging 10x what cost him(200 vs 2000 charging for small dose) -heinz(husband of sick woman) went around and gathered $100, asked druggist to sell for cheaper or let him pay later but refused because wanted to make money because discovered it -heinz broke into store and stole it- should he have? why?

Individuality of Medications

-Individuals each have own biochemistries

Celebrities with Bipolar Disorder

-Kay Redfield Jamison (very famous psychiatrist) has written numerous books and does research about bipolar disorder -Catherine Zeta jones -being able to see models of us within general society helps to live in adaptive and successful ways and people with marked experience of sucess

Clip: Research on Original Kitty Genovese Reports

-Kitty Genovese, case was shocking and terrifying because she died while other people could have helped her. Her neighbors just watched and did nothing about it -decided to create ambiguous situation to see how people would respond -often hard to tell if emergency situation is real or not so made one to do with fire and sitting in room in building with vapors coming through vent and door(is it fire or AC, gone crazy or something else?) -had woman direct people to urban study waiting room when they came -genovese might've been alive if fewer people had seen her -wanted to see if people would be less likely to make emergency interpretation of an event if in presence of other people vs if were alone -24 people came in, one at a time and exposed to situation alone, response was very characteristic and typical. -let woman know that smoke was appearing out of one of vents in room -perhaps mere presence of others in genovese case, knows other people watching -in ambiguous situation, each person looks to each other to see what to do may have helped to inhibit the response. -when collected 3 people together, reactions to smoke are quite different -until someone acts with several people present, what each person sees is other people who are doing nothing and telling you that it's the right thing to do -if person is alone, 75% left the room to report the smoke -if 3 participants, only 38% reported the smoke -astonishingly, most groups kept working, even as the room filled with smoke -each person looked to the other who did nothing -when someone else does nothing, become convinced that the smoke wasn't an emergency

Clip: ADHD and Families

-Liam is fearless and impulsive -brain and eleanor know if sees something across road, won't think twice about running towards it, regardless of traffic -rarely does what told -won't hold stroller or hand -liam constantly on go, never stays with anything for long -no matter how many times parents tell not to, liam will do something over and over again -severe level of hyperactivity and impulsivity not just seen when on the go but also broader implications of concern mother had and without being treated, could significantly impact quality of relationship with that too

antisocial personality disorder

-Likes to break rules/laws -no problem being deceitful -Gladly take advantage of people -Lacks remorse -Can appear charming/friendly -Often intelligent (use to take advantage) -History of conduct disorder

borderline personality disorder

-Manipulative -Stable pattern of unstable relationships -Frantic efforts to avoid "abandonment" -Splitting: all good or bad -Self-mutilating behaviors -Impulsivity -Sexual promiscuity -Quick to anger -seen real shift over years in understanding but respect for individuals diagnosed for this

4 sources of self-efficacy

-Mastery of new skills, overcome obstacles successfully which lets think can overcome other obstacles -Successful and competent role models(model for us ways to be able to set and achieve goals) -Positive feedback and encouragement -Awareness of feelings/manage responses -think about what helps accomplish goal, assume get frustrated, do you give up or take breath and try again?

exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy

-OCD treatment -developed through research applying behavioral principles -still primary psychological treatment for OCD today -graduated exposure -like desensitization, often paired with coping responses that are incompatible with anxiety(e.g. relaxation) -ERP/applied cbt: successful in 70-80% of cases

Histrionic Personality Disorder

-Overly dramatic -Everything is a trauma -Attention seekers -Seductive(overly) -Not genuine(words and music don't fit) -Dependent on others

Love: Walster and Berscheid

-Passionate Love -Companionate Love

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

-Perfectionist to the point that task completion can be difficult -Preoccupied with details so that major point of activity is lost -Rules are essential -Particular -Serious and formal -Work gives pleasure -Reluctant to work with others unless they submit to doing things "exactly" his/her way

Clip: Research of Interpersonal Attractions: Clothes make the man

-Peter, 36 year old politics lecturer, married in his twenties, now divorced and single for 2 years -when asked what women think about him, he says they say he's a very nice guy -rates his appearance as short, skinny, men-gin(not very good looking) -Peter thinks physical appearance is problem, before introducing him to anyone, scientists try to identify what is turning women off -asked women for immediate impression of him, women thinks he's 40, thinks he might work in a shop, rates himas 0(not attractive at all), Peter can't hear what women are saying until results are played back -another woman thinks he's 46 and a window cleaner, rates him as -1, wouldn't go on date with him -another woman had a boyfriend but wouldn't go on date if didn't, peter is perceived to have a low status job and income -scientific studies show women attracted to men who provide resources, next day fashion stylist gives peter a more affluent look -peter is very anxious to see results of 2nd window experiment because it was a terrifying experience, more than day before because now knows what is coming and day before feedback so negative, terrified will happen again -despite research, many women claim money isn't one of their priorities -one woman claims she is looking for someone who doesn't care about status in society, not money driven, another wants more of tree hugger than porsche driver, another wants someone who isn't into cars, football, or money -second day, women think he works as businessman or in management, professional and would maybe go on date with him -people think he's making a lot of money(more than 40,000, rated as 4 by 1 person, 6 by another because whole package is good -day before most thought income was 30,000 now thought to be 40,000 -first day avg of 3.4, second day average of 5.8 -inherent biases even in research like that

Lecture goals

-Provide an overview of psychological disorders and their primary symptoms -Destigmatize mental health challenges -Focus on the individual first (not a diagnosis) -Identify the ability to successfully live adaptive, happy and productive lives with appropriate diagnosis and treatment options.

Distinguishing between different ADHD medications

-Ritalin is very fast acting -problem was kids with severe ADHD would take ritalin in morning and by lunchtime, it would wear off -concerta and adderall have slower release but still may wear off by end of day and same people will take Concerta and then a smaller dose of ritalin to help get homework done and focus on that and still be able to get to sleep and do what they need to do to finish work and get a good night's sleep

Factors that influence attraction to others

-Situational -Psychological -Physical

Clip: Treating OCD: Exposure and Response Prevention

-Stephanie's fear of contamination has colonized every aspect of her life -her whole house is subject to decontamination ritual as strict as the one she uses on herself -has to clean in a certain way, start at front door and work backward -once starts, can't stop and has to decontaminate in perfect way, nothing can go wrong -if it does, contamination jumps to something else -frightening when something has contaminate because only matter of time before it takes over everything -stephanie starting her therapy taking prozac which often helps OCD out, hasn't been enough -Doctor has begun CBT -today, stephanie is bringing in mail, which hasn't done for a year, nervousness number of 40, low nervousness -nervous to put it down,, doesn't want to put down anywhere -has terror of contamination from bodily fluids -thought of handling envelopes which someone might have locked shut is particularly repugnant -idea is to expose Stephanie to situations that cause her anxiety, but then prevented from doing the compulsive cleaning rituals she would normally do to contain it -difficult, 50 to hold the opened mail, touching too hard for her at moment, able to touch the couch -Dr. wants her touch couch everywhere, she touches couch first to help with Stephanie's anxiety -Stephanie has contaminated her hands and now dr. wants her to spread contamination around -difficult, but able to do it, feels better already -anticipation makes it worse, better to pounce as soon as can -stephanie has to spread germs she imagines on letter all over the couch, lots of energy, angry at OCD(shouldn't be angry at herself) -should be angry at OCD because it's ruining her life -thinks she can handle spreading letter on jake but freaks out once he enters room, wants comforts it's ok to do and won't hurt him -dr will reassure for first time but not higher items -starts crying with son in arms, concerned will make her bad mom but puts him on the couch, 60 score for nervousness -75% of people with OCD show some improvement with CBT -our experience with other people that have this kind of OCD are that many will get a lot better by end of treatment -stephanie has had 9 sessions of therapy -well on way to life again, made incredible progress in many small ways -one of most important things is that she can now let Jake take things off the ground and behave like a normal child, while she behaves like a normal mom -able to reorganize in mind what is something to be fearful of and what is not -for year, stopped experiencing things -something never able to do before, she can do without even thinking about it, let spontaneous things happen -OCD better but not gone -very honest assessment that there will still continue to be work, not magic solutions out there -found such an ability to truly be able to enjoy jake and all the ways the can explore the world -how do we even define normal

Research shows that

-Teaching about implicit biases and challenging incorrect assumptions can be helpful in reducing negative stereotypes and behaviors. -Direct contact with individuals from another group reduces prejudice. -Intergroup contact can increase a new intergroup identity encouraging more positive and realistic perceptions of those in the other group. -Direct contact through the development of intergroup friendships is a particularly successful method to reduce prejudice and negative attributions.(one of most successful) -still significant work to do, not only acknowledging explicit bias but knowing how to challenge those implicit attributions that are there that will lead us to being more cooperative and work together in more understanding, successful, and equitable way

Problems with the DSM Classifications

-The danger of overdiagnosis -The power of diagnostic labels(comes with any time give diagnosis) -Many of the symptoms are based on subjective not objective measures -Some categories have political/social/cultural implications -want to think of broader ramifications of any diagnostic system

Results of Asch study

-When people were alone they got the answer correct(none had difficulty knowing what correct answer was) -When in a group only ~25% appeared to remain completely independent in their responses.

Age and ADHD

-adults are diagnosed with ADHD but since considered developmental disorder can't develop as an adult -have to have shown pattern of symptoms earlier in life, even if not diagnosed -used to think outgrew ADHD, some might but research shows people develop more adaptive skills and tools to help successfully deal with ADHD

Signs of Conduct disorder

-aggression to people/animals -destruction of property -deceitfulness or theft -serious violation of rules -specify if with limited prosocial emotions

Example of Conversion Disorder

-all the sudden report have lost their vision even though no organic basis, when look at how light refracts on their eyes, they should be seeing but truly experience as if they can't see -talk about fact can't walk but can do all of different tests and look at how nerves respond and no reason why shouldn't be able to work -movie Talledega nights, character Ricky Bobby develops conversion disorder where says he can't walk -clear he physiologically can but psychologically gets into place where if he stands up, he crumples until has breakthrough and gains ability to walk again


-antidepressants -main difference between two is SSRIs prevent reuptake of serotonin and SNRIS prevent reuptake of seretonin and norepinephrine -used to treat depression and sometimes other conditions -if prevent uptake, more of serotonin or norepinephrine floating around to be able to bind with receptor sites that then can start action potentials

Herbal and Natural Products

-anything you take that alters biochemistry is important -challenge is that many of these products have not been effectively studied Ex: St John's Wort, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, cava -in some studies, have been shown to have positive benefits for whole range of different kinds of psychological disorders and challenges -many have been inconclusive -need to continue to explore safety and effectiveness

paranoid personality disorder

-approach most things with an overarching Suspiciousness -Argumentative -Reluctant to confide in others because of fears information will be "used against" him/her -Looking out for trickery -Blame others and bears grudges

Example of role conflict

-as student, know job is to watch your lectures, write your papers, study for your exams, stay on top of your work -when think about norms for being a good friend -friend calls and says "I really need someone to talk to -can i talk to you right now?" -in most situations, can fulfill social roles and expectations for student and friend, unless you have paper that's due in an hour and friend is saying they need to talk -when experience role conflict -good friends there for each other, good students turn in their papers -what do you do and how do you make that work?

Asch Conformity Clip

-asch looked at how powerful an influence is the group on changing attitudes, behaviors, or at least what people say they see -had subjects in room with 7 other subjects -showed them lines of different sizes, then showed comparison line -asks which one is identical, all other students give answer which appears to be incorrect -under what circumstances will subjects conform -conducted controlled lab investigation of conformity -individuals asked which comparison line was closest in length to standard stimulus line -6 of 7 participants were accomplices of Asch, after few trials, confederates gave obvious wrong answer to see if subject will go along with them -many initially showed resistance and expressed some doubts as they made a series of judgements -3/4 ended up agreeing with obviously wrong answer at least once -social pressure exerted by group simply too strong -world very different in 50s when study conducted : TV in infancy, personal computers unheard of, and individuals had less contact with others through the mass media -Dr. Anthony Pratkanis(social psychologist at UCSC) has been studying conformity in context of contemporary society -people today considered more self aware and sophisticated about effects of social influence -performed same experiment -on first two trials, confederates give right answer -third trial and after, confederates give obviously incorrect response -male subject initially resists influence of group pressure, picking right answers -most subjects start out defying the group but after repeated trials, may begin to conform -voices may drop, know giving wrong answers but eventually give in -50 years later, same experiment and nearly same exact results -majority would conform at least once

Example of lowballing

-ask people to sign up for experiment that was done where students could sign up for 7AM time slot -24% are willing -different group of subjects asked to participate in a study -of those that signed up, then said its 7AM start time, 56% agreed to do it and 95% showed up at 7 -if said sign up for 7 study, not going to get as many people

Clip: Whom do we Help?

-asked actress to appear in distress to see how long it took for people to help her -almost immediately, people come to her aid -woman said she stopped because saw lady in distress, not sure if would've stopped if it was a man and if late at night probably not -if going to collapse, certain things will make it more likely for people to help you -in situation, what person has going for them is the fact she's a female(people tend to be more likely to help a female, perhaps feel as if more they can do for them or more empathy) -also fact of general appearance because she appears to be middle class, people less likely to come to negative assumptions about why she collapsed -woman was in similar situation and since then tries to help -before was hesitating, before depended on person because see drunk people so don't really feel like stopping because basically it's their own fault -repeated the experiment with man holding beer bottle, everyone is just walking by, no one is stopping to help -he looks homeless and drunk and people making assumptions about what's happened to him, taken longer because of assumptions about him being collapsed drunk to actually recognize his distress -after nearly 7 minutes, someone stopped to offer assistance -man who helped thought something could've been severely wrong with him and might need help so helped him out

Clip: Hierarchies

-asked kids to count daisies and carnations -asked if more daisies or carnations then more daisies or flowers and preoperational girl(4) says daisies -concrete operational girl(9) knows more flowers than daisies


-boy needs to walk to school with mom because phobic about encountering a dog -can't play at friends house if dog, avoids doing things because fear of dog takes over

"Like a Girl" Clip

-challenges us to think about how much of us is inherent and how we come to the world, how much of who we are is shaped by environmental cues and expectations -older kids and adults used like a girl in a demeaning, mocking way, whereas young girls viewed as challenge of their strength and ability -like a girl can be used to humiliate -girl's confidence plummets during puberty(10-12), "like a girl" telling them they are weak or not as good

Emphasis of ERB clib

-class involves numerous strategies of mindfulness, relaxation training, thinking about how to change your fears by being able to give you some cognitive tools and understanding -fear of flying classes involve teaching you things about aerodynamics -rollercoasters teaching you about safety mechanisms -how to challenge your irrational beliefs -journaling, positive imagery are tools that we can see helpful in a variety of therapeutic interventions

Taking on responsibility

-cognitive questioning, self efficacy -Do I know what to do? -am I confident in how to intervene?

Clip: Conservation

-conservation marks end of preoperational stage -experiment with beakers. conservation of amount -ashley sees same amount of water in both glasses and experimenter pours into taller thin glass and ashley says taller one has more water -children in preoperational stage will answer amount has changed, not conserving amount of water through physical transformation -every day application: have 3 cookies, give 1 to kid child asked if fair distribution that experimenter has 2 -says not fair but when splits their single cookie in half becomes fair because two pieces each, saw as fair distribution because couldn't conserve in transformation

Subjective Example Symptoms

-depressed most of day nearly every day(subjective report) -if have someone currently depressed are they accurately able to represent how long felt this way and how much of day felt this way? -markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all or almost all activities most of day nearly every day(objective or subjective?) -significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain(more objective measure) -insomnia or hypersomnia -psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly every day(some might be agitated, others not moving at all-catatonia, removal of any activity-) -fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day -feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt -diminished ability to think or concentrate -recurrent thought of death(Sometimes includes suicidality with that) -key is symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other areas of functioning -not attributable to physiological effects of substance or other medical condition -subjectivity goes into meeting diagnostic classification

Subjective Example

-diagnosing someone potentially with major depressive episode, need 5+ of following symptoms that have been present during same 2 week period and represent change from previous functioning -at least one symptom has to be depressed mood, loss of interest, or pleasure -make sure can't include symptoms clearly associated to another kind of medical condition -are you getting objective measure or subjective report ? And is there change in previous functioning?

Eve(real name Christine Sizemore)

-didn't know about DID till happened to her -first publicly documented case -1950s and shy, conventional young woman appears to just be changing clothes but she's not -doctor has her under hypnosis, asks her to switch personalities -story would become landmark film 3 Faces of Eve, first most americans had heard of multiple personalities -over period of 44 years, had 22 different personalities -cured for 2 decades but remembers how painful the attacks could be without hypnosis -when about to switch, got severe headache, turned red in face and then dark period and then next personality would surface -all had fear of dark period because afraid might stop there -some stayed hours, days, months -isn't roleplaying/mood swings, they are totally separate entities -tone of voice changes, different facial expressions -some personalities didn't know others existed or what they did -19 others named by children for their compulsions

Kitty Genovese Case showed

-diffusion of responsibility -bystander effect -recent challenges to the original story but much empirical support for the concept

Clip: PTSD

-does a good job of explaining how someone that does have PTSD in the context of one of the ways try to get a better grasp of the symptoms is useful to show -many times when think of PTSD, even though it can involve much more than stress-related exposure in military service, this does nice job of gentleman explaining what challenges have been -guy was in Army National Guard for 16 years, ink tells his story(skull, empty boots, soldier's cross) -went to Iraq with father's words branded on his mind(person he respects most) -"son you've got 11 guys, make sure you bring them all back", didn't all come back -has survivor's guilt and nightmares, numerous times he hit wife or cold sweat, had to change sheets because like a puddle of water -doctors tried a bunch of medicines for his PTSD, used to throw in trash -since then, nothing has helped then learned about canines for warriors, nonprofit that matches custom trained service dogs to warriors with PTSD -his dog Gumbo is glued to the ground next to his chair -when found out had PTSD, got mad, ugly words came out of mouth, "don't put stigma on me because of what books say" -Gumbo realizes Eric is getting upset and agitated before he does, has amazing instinct and power to stop panic attacks and tackle PTSD -Gumbo is picking up symptoms for him and serves to help ameliorate some of them by having something that feels connected -Harlow, warmth of dog being able to pet it and benefits of contact comfort associated with therapy dog

social loafing

-dreaded group project -think others will do it -someone will pick up slack and do work

Clip: Happiness Drug

-drug to cure over-perkiness and happiness to help 20 million -natural remedy of eating corn syrup and white bread and lack of total exercise -spoof by inion news -reduce costumes and theme parties by 40% -shows humorous way to think about some people that see world in positive way and some that don't

Example: Children of divorce group therapy

-each had experienced parental divorce but could be at different stages in proces, each child had a different experience -but each knew dealing with change in family was something that was helpful to see that they weren't the only one going through it -can make you feel less alone with own unique challenges in a broader context that other people may have different challenges to Modeling strategy: what's something you can do when you're feeling sad or mad? -someone doesn't have good strategies for what to do when sad, may have one for when they're mad -can share with each other while the therapist in charge of the group can help for the model and encourage you in your adaptive strategies

Treatment for Hoarding

-employs behavioral principles and cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT)

Example of normative social influence

-everyone is watching queen's gambit and you love it too -when everyone watching Game of thrones and everyone said "oh my gosh, i love the show, you've got to love this" and what it was like to say you weren't watching it and people would look and say "you're not watching game of thrones" as if doing something wrong -almost makes you want to say you'll watch it tonight -what you do to feel accepted as opposed to rejection

Clip: Informational social influence

-experiment about how easy it is to make people change course -made signs and set up on bridge in central park -scott wearing smokey the bear hat, fake ear piece, turned off walkie-talkie -enforced a bunch of made up rules -people are self-sorting, obeying these rules, fell for it -when man walks on wrong side, turns back past rope and to other side, obeying authority -lou bei and robert chealdini's principle of social influence and authority states people will obey orders from others if assume are in positions of power -tried to make dad and baby separate for different hair colors but not able to -many willingly sorted themselves by hair color -with height requirement, have to allow scott to physically measure them -strangers let scott measure them because thought he had some kind of authority -one woman questioned authority, thought it was a joke, didn't like it but she follows it , still fell for it -walking baby didn't listen to scott and walk on short side, stuck with mom, baby not yet conditioned to respect authority -one woman cheated to walk on tall side by standing on tiptoes for measurement -some figured out scott had no authority, one guy asked if it was psychological test, still let scott measure him -we follow information and role of social influence -he wore a hat, sunglasses, had a whistle, sounds strikingly similar to zimbardo's prison study -just images make us think that somebody has authority -if have authority, do we believe they have more information that is more likely for us to be able to follow it and are expected to follow, also other people were doing it

Clip: ERP therapy

-fear is part of human condition, serves evolutionary purpose, can keep you alive in a dangerous situation -when keeps you from driving car or getting in a plane, fear can also be unnecessary and destructive -for students, nothing amusing about ohio amusement park -here in rollercoaster capital of world to face and hopefully overcome their biggest fear -girl feeling nervous standing by ride -terrified students signed up for this, human guinea pigs in abnormal psychology class -in unique face your fear project, professor kevin meyer teaches his students to overcome general anxiety and phobias through immersion and exposure therapy -class will have learned to overcome own mental corkscrew -techniques learned in class are generalizable to all sorts of anxieties, fears -nearly 40 million adults in US suffer from some form of an anxiety disorder -many of these different anxieties can be treated and cured using a common approach -teach people how to relax their bodies so they can learn to control their emotions and become more mindful of what they're thinking and feeling -chances are if afraid of something, there may be a class designed to help you overcome it -Bridgestone winter driving school in Colorado for those paralyzed by icy roads -scared of flying, take class of airless flying with retired air force pilot -to get baseline of level of fear amongst Professor Meyer's students, brought a few to cedar point 8 weeks early -one girl is touring safety feature of 93 mph Millenium force -Lexie Busnee sees younger kids excited to go on but she's 21 and afraid, which is almost embarrassing, hoping to ride in 8 weeks and be able to conquer her everyday anxieties(Afraid of crowds) -mary tout has goal to not overthink or ride on top thrill dragster, skeptical anything she learns in class will be enough to erase her fear, feels sick to stomach, terrified, goal to get farther in line -Zach Irwin(6'6'')- never riden rollercoaster because consumed with idea that he might fall out, hoping to join lexie on millenium force in 7 weeks, very intense fear -in preparation for big day, Prof Meyer teaches his class a series of techniques -Step 1: learn how to breathe, try to breathe slowly to a count of 5, focus on present 2: positive affirmation, write letter from your future self telling you what it feels like to succeed 3:Rethink how you think by watching POV videos -professor meyer says it takes mindful practice to make them work -8 weeks later, lexie seeing noticeable change, think breathing exercises have been working more than thought, finally slowing thoughts down -zach has newfound determination -mary wracked with apprehension, sick to stomach -lexie and zach did millenium falcon, lexie feels so proud -mary traded tears for cheers, had fun, happy over with knows she was able to overcome fear and have confidence to do it, feels she can do anything

strategies to reduce dissonance

-focus on more supportive beliefs(support ideals) -reduce the importance of the conflicting belief -change the conflicting belief

Testing Locus of control

-forced choice, what agree with more -one is usually more adaptive strategy that helps us be able to contend with the challenges that we may experience in our lives

Clip: Girl with autism is able to communicate with technology

-girl unable to speak or connect to world around her in any way -something remarkable happened to 14 year old marked as mentally deficient which may help unlock mysteries of battling disorder -2 year old when clear not keeping up with twin sister Tara -delays prevented her from walking, sitting up -carly lost in own world, perpetually swimming underwater -told early intervention was critical, therapy since 3 has been intense and unrelenting -40-60 hours a week, 1-1 therapy, 3-4 therapists working with her -if approach not working, move on to try something else -ceaseless rocking, flailing arms, tantrums, couldn't speak a word -didn't expect would have fluid form of communication -dr walton diagnosed carly as severely autistic and possibly moderately mentally retarded -carly's progress excrutiatingly slow -break through at age 11, ran to computer spelled hurt. help. and ran to couch and threw up -everyone skeptical, carly refused to type, exhibiting hysterical behavior(stripping off clothes, went into bathroom and engaged in fecal smearing) -had to type in order to get what wanted or to go somewhere -several months later started typing to others, realized had power over environment by communicating -carly not shy about expressing desires and frustration -carly sees herself as normal child locked in body that does things she has no control over -brain takes over 1000 pics of face, why can't look at people -one thing can control is typing, needs to be motivated -year later, carly is happier, calmer, more independent, writing a novel, has a blog and twitter -looks at herself as someone who can make mark on world

Declining Health

-greater incidence of health challenges as get older

Strong Competitive orientation leads to

-greater physiological reactivity in response to stress may cause wear and tear in cardiovascular system -exposure to self-imposed stress may be high because competitiveness and time urgency foster pressure, while hostility and anger lead to interpersonal difficulties -more likely to get in arguments with people if have to win, have to be on time or if looking to blame other if things don't work well

Research of Latane and Darley on perceived responsibility

-had gentleman in a suit standing in NY subway station and collapse -counted how many people stopped to intervene -then put gentleman in old tattered coat holding a paper bag and collapse and counted how many intervened -many people didn't intervene when gentleman had tattered coat and paper bag because they made an assumption that maybe this person was drunk because someone has been drinking doesn't mean they're any less deserving of your help and assistance -a significant amount of bias goes into assumption of perceived response

Goal-Directed activity

-had idea would one day write book or novel now sit down and you fell like you're hyperfocusing on this idea

Sizemore's son Bobby

-he is a high school guidance counselor -like grew up with 22 different moms -never knew how long one would be around -out shopping and alter came out that couldn't drive, sat for 6 hours


-if drink alcohol once taken, it can create terrible nausea and vomiting -may take as way to stop what's reward they find from drinking

Example of general predicting general, specific predicting specific

-if want to know how important it is for somebody to practice their religion(in devout, consistent way), don't say "do you believe in some kind of god" -may want to ask "how important do you believe it is to practice the tenants of a religion -then see if they attend a weekly service -general attitude about do you have faith would not necessarily be as predictive of specific behaviors of do you attend at least a weekly or do you do do a daily prayer

Heineken ad

-illustrates what happens when you bring individuals together to solve problems and ideally promote the beginning stages of challenging biases and negative stereotypes.

Bystander needs to notice situation

-in Genovese case, of 38 reported witnesses, many people didn't really fully pick up that something was going on outside the apartmentbuilding -if someone doesn't notice, can't help -even noticing doesn't mean going to intervene

First impressions in real life

-in own life, have negative initial impression of someone -over time realize weren't that bad -often takes some time for them to overcome that negative impression -differently than person who first meet and think is really great and then doing something that unsure about and realize maybe first impression wasn't right -can be lot better to start off on right foot

Research study of confidence

-interviewed 269 college students and faculty and asked how many felt they had ever witnessed child abuse in public -asked what percent intervened, 25% of subjects who witnessed reported intervening -of those that intervened, 71% said felt confident, sense of efficacy about what to do -of the percent that saw and didn't intervene, 80% didn't take action because didn't know what to do, didn't have feeling of efficacy or confidence

Political Implications

-is showing dissent to political viewpoints a sign of pathology or just sign of dissent

Relaxation strategies clip

-kidw when feel really angry, take deep breaths -find place where can be alone and find way to calm down -close eyes -calm down so not moving, slowing down and it stops, heart pumps low to go to brain -out of control like sparkles shake up throughout brain, when relaxed sparkles go to bottom of brain -brain slows down and feel more calm and ready to speak to that person

Other characteristics of ocpd

-lack insight that their obsessive rituals, thoughts, interfere with ability to live successfully with other people -particular ways to do things and need to be done that way(how load dishwasher, vacuum carpet, park car, trim bushes) -idea everything needs to be done the right way and if not, get frustrated, angry, upset, have to go fix it and do it right -live with someone with OCPD and constantly remaking bed because you're doing it wrong -because work doesn't have messiness associated with it, great pleasure -reluctant because others want to do wrong way and needs to be done their way

Clip: big bang theory

-leonard spent 5 with every waking hour with tight grasp on his penis -character is actress because external locus of identity, value self only as others value, unmet childhood emotional needs -didn't feel power because knew dad wanted boy, didn't live up to expectations -didn't fully finish phallic stage, fixated on relationship with father and him wanting a boy and being called slugger till puberty -mom offers she will have sex with someone with dad' s cologne

example of systematic desensitization

-little albert conditioned to be afraid of a white rat -terrible fear or even phobia of a spider -may give a fear hierarchy on scale of 0-8 or 0-10 how much anxiety does just thinking about a spider make you feel(could be at 8 or 9 for someone just thinking about it) -teach them relaxation techniques so can get to point when thinking about a spider about a spider it's not associated with any subjective feelings of fear -next have them look at a spider-how anxious does that make you feel until get to where that's not anxiety producing -then put them in a room with a spider but it's sealed away and can't get out till ultimately holding a spider without fear


-longer acting stimulant drug -effects can last 24 hours or so -really good option, especially for kids that may have trouble getting up in morning -also has antidepressant properties -choice for some with additional anxiety or depression -some have negative reaction, don't like how it makes them feel and can lead to some really incomfortable side effects -doesn't exacerbate tics or tourette's syndrome in individuals that have, sometimes have comorbidity where have ADHD and Tourette's -doesn't appear to be as effective as some of the other stimulant meds for treating symptoms of hyperactivity


-looked at wooden beads(some painted yellow, other brown) asked kids if saw more yellow or wooden

Clip: Hoarding

-made documentary because felt stuck growing up in circumstance where didn't understand or even know about hoarding disorder that was a diagnosis or how to label what mother had, didn't know how to get help -goal was to help destigmatize challenge mom had to help bring understanding and awareness -as seeking to identify resources, bring about need for there to be better identification about resources that exist -lead to challenges of how deal with her mom -send mom to NY to be with her for awhile and brothers clean house which leads to mom experiencing depression with suicidal ideation -realized mom had problem when kids from school said mom in alley going through dumpster -grew up in Poland(communist country) not having things -pushed herself out of own home and sleeping outside -takes 3-4 times to go through before gets rid of something because wanna save, sell, or give to somebody, or to salvation army but then would by more at salvation army -son saw everything turn into trash not picked up, going around neighborhood and picking up trash -wants to bring mom to NY to get her help -mom upset didn't get to finish her mess before she left -mom snuck back to lA after 8 weeks -mom upset at family for robbing her of stuff, city had contacted family that had to help her or would take house

Clip: Tourette's

-main symptom is emission of uncontrollable tics -motor tics(jerking head) and vocal tics(emitting sounds and words) -minority of cases, could include uttering of socially unacceptable words -ben, 17, diagnosed at 7 and brother also has -while tics involuntary, able to assert some conscious control over them -started major ticking first and second grade, moved head side to side, throw arm out -can hold in for a while -sees himself in middle, not mild or severe case -accepting diagnosis in comfortable way, not causing subjective distress/interfering with every day life

Treatments for GAD

-many empirically based treatments for and meds that can help individuals -anxiety prevents from being able to enjoy pleasures in life way they wish could experience them

Social pressures in group setting

-many other situations where in group setting, social pressures can feel really powerful and make people not speak up for what they actually see or what actually believe or know in their hearts to be true

Clip: Case study in successful aging

-never stops, started working in church after retiring, do arts 3-4 times a week with neighbor -eats and sleep right, no smoking, takes champagne -had friend that wasn't going anywhere so has arthritis -if keep going, no chance to think about yourself -was married but he died, had a nice friend who died from heart attack 3 years ago -pray to god for health and safety, don't want to suffer -no use in moaning after death because not coming back


-new babies aren't quite sure hwat happens to objects when leave sight -sky's mom disappearing and reappearing (peekaboo) -infants learn object permenance in first year, everything has life of own, even if out of sight -Maya's age, know how to look for object but not everything else is straight -10 month old simon about to make A not B error, watched place toy plane under white cloth looks where last found it vs where watched hide it -if 1 year old can't find object looking for right away, likely to give up looking

Practical implications of diagnosis change of ASD

-no longer meeting criteria would mean no longer qualify for resources -identity some poeople own about being neurotypical or being atypical, very strongly feel positive about -community called Aspy community and different between how people feel about that or not -implication when take away sense of belonging to particular group or category that felt that had place that understood them

Early maturation

-not just in biological context -males have positive self-concepts -females have greater chance of depression, anxiety, eating disorders -what hormonal influences on depression and anxiety and broader social context -are girls treated different by peers?

example of group polarization

-on hiring committee and talking -someone says I really don't like that comment person gave -someone responds "I thought that was really not only uncomfortable but really bad -someone says thought it was even more -discussion brings people to not just agree but somehow assert themselves by leading to more extreme and extreme positions -sometimes one goes far on one end and one goes far on other end

Antiracism programs

-one of best positive outcomes of empirically based anti-racism programs are those that are associated with people that work together toward a common goal being on same team, working on group projects, increasing contact with other groups and making people aware the inconsistencies and inaccuracies with their beliefs

Clip: 3 faces of eve

-one of most significant cases see talked about in first identification -eve is at case conference, talking about what their goal is going to be -3 alters are Eve White, Eve Black, and Jane -in hyponosis where goes through different personalities with ultimate goal to help people come to understand, think going to have jane become predominant personality to take over -must go through eve white to go between jane and eve black or vice versa -she wrote book several years later talking about journey with DID

Flexibility in thinking

-one word can mean two things(homonym) -Amelia Bedelia -when told people to dust furniture does it mean to dust off or put dusting powder on? -does drawing drapes mean to sit down and draw or open/close them?

Situational social influence clip 2: creating a movement

-overlaid is something know about leadership -leader needs guts to stand alone and look ridiculous but what doing so simple it's almost instructional. this is key, must be easy to follow -first follower publicly shows everyone else how to follow up -leader embraces him as an equal -not about leader anymore, it's about them plural -calling to friends to join in, takes guts to be first follower, stand out, brave ridicule yourself -being first follower is under-appreciated form of leadership, spark that really makes fire -second follower is turning point, proof first has done well -2 then 3 more immediately, have momentum -tipping point and now have a movement -as more jump in, no longer risky if on fence before, no reason not to join in now -won't stand out or be ridiculed, will be part of in-crowd if hurry -rest prefer to be part of crowd because will be ridiculed for not joining -lesson is leadership is overglorified -first follower that turned lone nut into a leader, no movement without first follower -everyone being leaders would be really ineffective -best way to make movement is to courageously follow and show others how to follow

What critiques of the methods, strategies and basic premises of this "experiment" can you identify?

-oversimplifies problems of systemic racism -places burden on marginalized group(could harm them) -one sacrifices more to reach common ground -deception is used

Clip: Heineken Ad

-part of Heineken's movement toward social responsibility. some elements of deception -two strangers, divided by beliefs, white men on new right, black woman on left, know nothing about each other or what experiment was, one is feminist, other thinks feminism is men-hating -two men: one thinks climate change doesn't exist, other thinks not enough action being taken -third pair one is trans woman other is transphobe -first build stools, then have Q&A, have to describe what like to be you in 5 adjectives -transphobe says frustration, feminist says dedication, climate denier says opinionated and offensive. transwoman says lucky and attacked, misunderstood, nonfeminist says ambitious -have to name 3 things in common, climate denier says they are both male, confident, loud spoken -trans woman says they know each other better than people who know each other for 10 minutes should -nonfeminist says feminist is ambitious, positive, and has a glow -trans woman is ex military, transphobe is not -nonfeminist grew up in a rough state, has experienced homelessness, knows what it's like to have absolutely nothing, grateful for life -climate denier says would be able to have good conversation with other and good to hang out with -build bar together -then place bottle on bar for both participants, watch short clip, getting to hear other's beliefs, all stayed to discuss instead of leaving -transphobe decides to share phone number with trans woman so they can keep in touch

Theories of post formal operations

-past adolescence see shifts and changes in stage theory -piaget talked about formal operations as if cognitive development stopped at adolescence

Characteristics of DSM

-pattern is inflexible, pervasive, and of long duration -some question the validity of the category -controversial -last few updates of DSM, gone back and forth about whether to include personality disorders -latest edition, made decision to continue to keep them -more trait determined than state determined -by definition, can't be diagnosed until have reached age of 18 -prior to 18, personality has not been fully formed

Research on same level of attractiveness

-people have an idea of where they are in terms of cultural levels of attractiveness -research studies of couples and ask them to rate on 0-10 scale and generally 7s and 8s end up with 7s and 8s -notion of dissonance, if see couple that think is discordant -might see young attractive woman with much older gentleman think maybe has money, way to come up with something to explain what you think doesn't go along with matching hypothesis

Lazarus and Folkman (1984)

-primary appraisal -secondary appraisal -threat -challenge -body responds differently to a threat(negative appraisal) than challenge(positive appraisal) -differ from selye with different response to threat and challenges -makes sense to them that something that see as a threat would respond differentially than something see as a challenge

Clip: Schizophrenia

-psychotic disorder that causes psychosis and extended break from reality -motor behavior also positive symptom -negative symptom: impaired social interactions, loss of empathy or expression of emotion -occurs at similar rates all over world -1/100 will be diagnosed at some point in life -Maurice "Mo", 22 year old, has chronic paranoid schizophrenia, full blown onset at 18, started hearing voices at night, started to hink people had bugged room with cameras, that cell phone was tapped -most difficult when flares up, Mo has to grip and grit and tough it out -evidence that arises out of interplay of genes and environment -certain environmental influences though to activate genes present in DNA of people predisposed to schizophrenia -no single cause, variety of elements that tend to go together, research on epigenetic influence -epigenetic component determines when particular gene may turn on or off, famine, malnutrition in mother, second trimester infections can affect how severe symptoms become -neural images reveal change in brain structure associated with schizophrenia -overactivity in dopamine system may contribute to symptoms of hallucinations and paranoia -neuroimaging also shown thinning of tissue in thalamus(structure in middle of brain which filters incoming sensory information) -with psychotic symptoms, antipsychotic meds come into bring person back to contact with reality and treatment plan evolves from tha point -in addition to healthy lifestyle, psychotherapy recommended as part of treatment -psychotherapy includes variety of techniques, CBT is most prominent -with early intervention and diagnosis, good chance can function much better -when mo started medicine regiment and saw therapy, like waking up from nightmare, 80% of total symptoms gone -supportive social networks also shown to be important -mo has very supportive friends and family -if says need to talk, not feeling well, they all respond -for some therapy and medical interventions not enough and struggle -mo plans to go to grad school and become mental health profession(psychologist or counselor), can understand what patients going through

Influences on persuasion

-repetition affects persuasion -lots of tools use in marketing, psychology that know can influence persuasion -some relates to person(whether they are credible, trustworthy) -some relates to message -is the message just very strong on one side or one of repetition -if repeat something enough, people come to believe it even if not true -or is persuasion argument of two-sided recruiting -look at mediums used, is message someone right in front of you -product placement: subtle message that's given -is message affected by receiver -some people more likely to be persuaded than others -use forwarning, say be careful this person is going to do hard cell and can make you less likely to be persuaded

Notion of opposites attract

-research shown in general that having something in common increases the likelihood partly because of situational factors and also psychological factors helps sustain relationships too

Stage 2

-second and third years of life autonomy vs shame and doubt Stage: Muscular-anal Key Event: toilet training Positive resolution: child learns what he or she can control and develops a sense of free will and corresponding sense of regret and sorrow for inappropriate use of self control -can I do things myself or must I always rely on others? -greater physical development occuring -child takes some responsibility for basic needs -if able to do successfully and parents show sense of pride and pleasure, child feels adequate -if not, child starts to feel shameful and doubt own independence drivings -applicable right around time child being toilet trained, can feel sense of i can do it myself and feel good? -if not, take shame and doubt to next stage

Final thoughts of documentary

-seems like acting because personalities you encounter are rather 2d -multiple identities seen as fragments of single personality, like mirror broken to shards during childhood -incredible respect for relationship between brain and behavior and see this plasticity and adaptability in ways still don't fully understand -not our job to believe or not, very disrespectful to individuals

Clip: self confidence

-self confidence is not just how see ourselves but potentially affects how others see us -how does way present ourselves influence others? -todd(actor) plays game of chance for money with college student-highest card drawn wins -bet against each other of what win, keep -take poll before game, size todd up first, sits like a winner, suggest confident and in control. quickly finishes poll, unnerving opponent -none of Todd's opponent see chances against man who acts like a winner, place minimum bet possible, don't want to risk losing -2nd time, todd not self confident, changes shirt, hairstyle and behavior, acts in submissive manner -sits, hunched unthreatening, avoids eye contact, tries to make opponents feel superior -opponents take far bigger gamble, act like betting against a loser, one bets house limit -more instinct than logic with bets

Clip: Sensory and perception

-sensory ability changes throughout lives -eyesight: first few weeks babies see 8-12 inch in front of face, vision improves quickly and by first birthday, have 20-20 vision for most -sensory development into young adulthood -age 25, sensability begins slow but steady decline, becomes less acute -vision becomes less sharp, hearing tends to decline sense of smell, taste, and touch become less acute and sensitive -dimming of flavor sensations and diminished sense of smell and touch can affect daily life -changes to eye sight and hearing present most difficult challenges, need vision enhancement and extra lighting -walk into room and younger person reading under dim light and think don't you need more light which do because older -glaucoma and macular degeneration occur with age -glaucoma from damage to optic nerve, increases fluid pressure in eye causing loss of peripheral vision -macular degeneration caused by accumulation of cellular debris between 2 layers of retina, loss of sight in center of field of vision -man with macular degeneration seen vision slip away, works around with computer that turns printed word into spoken word so can read books, less pleasant but normal -hearing loss accumulation with age -in mid 70s, 1/2 have discernable hearing loss, in mid 80s 90% and could benefit from hearing support -consequence of hearing loss is social isolation -mom did not enjoy being with other people once deaf -now have cochlear implants as possible technology to restore hearing which mom didn't have -act as prosthetic substitute for hair cells in ear that detect sound which wear down over time -tech advances have improved quality of life for many people with diminishing vision and hearing

Clip:situational influence on behaviors

-set up hidden camera experiment to see if woman would stand up at sound of this tone, simply because everyone else is -after 3 beeps and without knowing why she's doing it, woman now conforming perfectly to group -if take group away and alone and no one watching her, she's conforming to rules of group without them even being there -introduce other outsider who doesn't know the rules -guy questions why doing it, she says everyone was doing, so thought was supposed to -guy started doing it -more unsuspecting patients arrive -slowly but surely, what began as random rule for this woman has now become social norm for all in waiting room -johan berger(UPenn): internalized a form of herd behavior is part of social learning -starting at early age, when see members of our group perform a task, brains will reward us for following in footsteps -woman says when saw everyone stand up, felt need to join them, otherwise would be excluded -once decided to go with it,felt much more comfortable -avoiding punishment of the rejection and looking towards reward that does influence our behavior

Clip 1: Social Role Theory

-showed boys as playing sports, pokemon, dinosaurs, violence -girls: barbies, talking -old clip which shows how over time social roles and expectations have changed

How does this fit with Latane and Darley's research?

-showed that race impacts altruism, even for people of the same race -people played into that they can't help if they don't notice by pretending to read the newspaper or be on their phone -diffusion of responsibility in public place like park assume someone else will see them soon -showed how if people in situation where ease of escape is there, people are more likely to try to get out of it -people who had experienced something similar had more perceived responsibility because viewing men as true victims -since no one there to judge, felt less required to intervene

Clip: OCD

-shows how disruptive to life OCD is, gives insight to how challenging though OCD is incredibly treatable -brings to light ways OCD can overtake life and how important to know can be treated -obsessions around baby son jake, look at him at stop signs, fear someone will take him and open door -have to start car before take eyes off him -when moving, nobody can get him -stephanie's protective maternal instincts in overdrive -stephanie fears somebody might kidnap jake, even when at home with doors locked and alarm on -set up so if things move, she'll know it -stephanie knows thoughts are irrational but beyond her control, protecting jake from every conceivable danger makes life hard -if even glance away, chance for something to happen -keep in front so if somebody walks by will know if spit on him, grab him, touch him, inject, take him -has fear of contamination, avoids litter or spots on pavement in case wheels of stroller touch something deadly -passerbyers double threat of kidnapping and contamination -spin around in circles until feel relatively sure it's ok -hard to go on walks because hard to get home because constantly turning around and going other way when somebody is coming -before interacting with jake, make sure hands were just cleaned -washed hands 22 times in half hour because urge so strong -try to tell self not to do it but feet moving toward sink, desperate and have to -washing ritual complex and have to perform correctly 3 times -lather hands completely, drawing finds through other hand, water has to be hot as possible, ritual of which nails and fingers -keep hands under burning hot water to feel better, don't touch garbage when throw out towel or start over -husband says wasn't uncontrollable until jake born -realizes real danger to son comes from obsessions -at 1 year old, pretending to rub hands with soap -will engage in therapy-exposure and response prevention will lead to symptom relief

Self Portraits

-some alters painted self portraits with vastly different images -one who collected playing cards painted self as candle melting away

Anxiety Disorders

-some of most commonly diagnosed disorders we see -continued increase in diagnosis -unclear if people just more comfortable getting diagnosed and seeking assistance or if more, probably combination of both

Example of strongly held attitude influencing behavior

-someone says can I light up cigarette in here -may be someone in general who doesn't like smoking but that's fine-go ahead -or might be somebody who says no, i know research on second hand smoke -something feel strongly about -say "no you may not smoke in my apartment{

Groupthink example

-someone says think this is a good idea and someone else says me too -might be sitting and thinking I really see a lot of potential problems with this but less likely to speak up about it because don't want to speak up about it because don't want to change agreement among members -don't want to be person saying "wait, I think we need to take a step back because don't think that's a good idea especially if several people have said I think it's a good idea" -ramifications: if think something not a good idea and don't speak up and turns out it doesn't work, you'll think you should've spoken up -if understand powerful influences of group think, it can propel you to know it's ok to speak up and see where that discussion goes

Example of Situation and Coping

-someone tells you they're feeling so stressed and overwhelmed, feel like being worst mom in world -all do trying to get kids out door to get wherever need to go, get to school -screaming, yelling and hollering and everyone's late and every morning disaster, in their house and get kids to school and feel bad all day that has been horrible morning and pledge not to do again but do it next day

ESP(Experience Sampling Method)

-sometimes called event sampling method -carrying watch or beeper and it'll go off -right when goes off, ask you to write down your thoughts, perceptions, what doing, how feeling -idea getting sample of what thoughts, feelings, experiences are randomly sampled at different times during the day

Sensory Sensititivity

-sometimes kids more enured to stimuli, other times hypersensitive to sounds, touch, tastes, very overwhelming -sometimes see eating restrictions because find tastes overwhelming or textures something don't enjoy being exposed to -may find just one food that they want to eat -JHU has eating and feeding program for kids on AS because don't always move successfully across growth curve or eat as well balanced diet

Clip: Parent attachment

-stranger anxiety begins at 6 months old when memory begins to mature and peaks around first birthday -apprehension has biological advantage -use social reference with parent around stranger, clues how to respond

Ex of door in face: volunteering study

-study where had students walking across campus, stopped to see if they would sign up to volunteer 2 hours/week for 2 years at county youth home for juvenile offenders -when students refuse say "sorry, that's just a commitment I can't make", asked if would agree to just chaperone a day at zoo for group of kids you're working with -51% of people stopped said yes -when used control group and just said doing day at zoo, only 17% agreed

Dependent personality disorder

-submissive and clinging behavior -excessive need to be taken care of -difficulty making decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others -has difficulty expressing disagreement with others because of fear of loss of support or approval -feels helpless when alone and goes to great lengths to get nurturance from others -rely excessively on others

Recent challenges to the original story but empirical support for the concept

-support for concept of diffusion -no question if attack did occur and some neighbors maybe did ignore the cries for help -current reports show that the portrayal of 38 witnesses is fully aware and nonresponsive does not seem to be correct -none of the witnesses appeared to have seen the attack in its entirety

Dream Interpretation

-think about manifest content of dream -through continued work with dream interpretation, can come to make greater sense of latent content, what hidden meaning was behind the dream -with belief dreams are a way of unconscious conflicts, feelings, wishes, and desires are also trying to reveal themselves

Can retrace thoughts

-think beaker task is ridiculous because of course they're the same -if break cookie in 2 say not fair because you still have more -understand perspectives

Characteristics of Psychoanalysis

-traditionally/historically very intense(4-5 times a week) -uses free association -dream interpretation -transference

Example of choosing to take responsibility

-trained in CPR, given opportunities some will say I know how to do this and I'm stepping in -some may let someone else go ahead if they feel comfortable, will call 911 instead


-underestimate how much energy goes into combatting overwhelming, constant feeling of anxiety -comes out sideways with irritability -trying to keep in control with everything and then something else changes or happens or somebody asks you to do something and response is to say no, not because asking is unreasonable; not understanding you're barely holding it together and anything changed/added to circumstance feels overwhelming

Smokers underestimate health risks

-use anecdotal evidence, know someone that smoked for 75 years and they were fine

Clip: Behavioral therapy for autism spectrum disorders

-very commonly used intervention based on skinner's principles -tried to apply skinner's principles haphazardly to kids but never seen it done systematically, in an organized way, trying to see -jigsaw school for autistic kids, teachers use a system based on skinner's principle called applied behavioral analysis -8 year old, Rohit, working through a series of working tasks -used to assault staff, been here a year and starting to behave better -each task is broken down into small parts, gets token for each part of task completed -main goal is constantly praising and reinforcing appropriate behavior -key is to consistently reward the behaviors and responses they want to encourage, rohit working towards the bigger prize of time in soft play area -gets combination of reinforcers, praise, pat on back , and point which they know leads to a prize -Rohit eventually gets his prize(playtime in soft room) -sat for over an hour learning picture word associations, would've been impossible just a year ago -Skinner's principles put into practice in practical way -kids lives would be awful, a lot bleaker without skinner

Use of objects

-very focused on particular things -always look at water bottle, if try to take away, show significant negative reaction like tantrum or breaking down

Milgram's obedience to authority research project revisted

-very strong pull in study to assume that person in charge(researcher) had important information -several people in research said "I assume idea is that they know what electricity is, know how it happens" -in predicting what you would do in experiment, goes back to original questions about psychology to observe, describe, understand, and predict -can potentially create ways where necessary to try to intervene and inform

Example 2: Norm of reciprocity with roommate

-want to borrow $10 from roommate for pizza -start out by saying "I'm running really low on cash. Do you have $100 you could spot me right now?" -chances are they're going to say no -say if can't give 100, any chance you can at least loan me 20 so I can go get pizza tonight -increases likelihood they'll say yes

Clip: Group Membership

-we are social animals, our ancestors lived in groups, protected themselves -very strong tendency to care about the group and identify ourselves with the group which equals social identity -groups are everywhere and with groups, there is prejudice(refers to positive or negative evaluation of another person based solely on group membership) -positive prejudice: positive evaluation in favor of someone else within their own group -negative prejudice: negative evaluation is made about someone in different group often leads to discrimination toward these individuals who are thought of as the other -prejudice is unjustifiable attitude toward a group and its members -discriminations to engage in negative behavior -social psychologists usually talk about groups in terms of in and out groups, groups you're a member of and not a member of -in group is us, outgroup is them, it's we vs they -in groups and outgroups change all the time -people treat ingroup members very differently than outgroup members, people tend to think that we, in our group, are diverse, they are all alike -groups have lots of positive functions, there for protection, are better at solving difficult problems of logic than individuals are, even highly talented members of those groups -one negative repercussion of forming in groups is prejudice -stereotyping typically involves a generalization, often overgeneralize about members of a particular group, has to do with belief -definitions of prejudice focus on negative rather than it being a positive function -in cases of stereotyping, can have positive stereotype -think about elderly being very wise, certain ethnic groups being pro-family with lots of kids -stereotypes arise very easily -classic example of prejudice between groups is Robber's cave experiment, created by zahar sharif in 1954, collected 22 young oklahoma boys, brought them to a boy scouts camp, separated them into two groups and through a series of competitions with prizes for victory, created an ingroup and outgroup that were at war with one another, like lord of the flies -ransacked one another's camp sites, broke out into fights, food wars in the dining hall -researchers found best way to relieve intergroup hostility was to present a challenge that is too great for any 1 group to surmount -together helped get stalled truck out of mud, did a variety of things like this together and at the end of the time, they became close friends and rode home in same bus singing songs together -most people in social psychology want to do something about prejudice, one issue is trying to define what it is and now know that all of our thinking, memories, perceptions, attitudes exist at a conscious level and unconscious level. -there's explicit attitudes towards others but also implicit automatic associations -new challenge is to deal with implicit forms of prejudice, not necessarily aware of -researchers have developed different instruments to measure the conscious, explicit and unconscious automatic attitudes to large extent, we fly on autopilot -only occasionally does consciousness do a manual override to enable us to override our automatic attitudes and prejudices -whether we see someone in the dark shadows as holding a gun or a branch may depend not on our thoughtful attitudes but on our automatic associations between a person.of a particular race and violence -if we know that, then we can do some things to rein in our automatic associations and reactions -historically, prejudice has contributed to some of the worst problems of inter-group conflict and continues to do so to this very day -within american culture, the study of prejudices is not at all controversial

Bad tasting nail polish

-when put fingers to mouth, rather than reinforcement of chewing on nail, instead get bitter taste, hence positive punishment -stimuli presented to decrease likelihood of that behavior

Challenges with treatment compliance

-with manic phase fell powerful/omnipotent, can get anything done -hard to help people realize that manic state is not based on accurate assessment of how they're doing -don't like feeling of being slowed down

Clip: DBS

-woman has OCD(typical contamination sufferer), often feel germs on surfaces or people are contamination and she might catch a disease or illness from other people or general feeling of dirtiness or contamination -OCD is serious mental illness, affects 2-3% of population and estimated that 1/40 suffer from OCD -one of more serious mental illnesses as one of leading causes of disability in the world -used to continuously wash hands, take very hot long showers, avoid touching things thought were dirty -mild OCD, recommend go slowly/solely into behavioral therapy(Specifically ERP) -ERP is only scientifically validated therapy for OCD -therapy is very difficult but effective -entails having people expose themselves to the triggers that they have(process called habituation) -habituation is a repeated process, reduces intensity and frequency of a person's obsessions -with OCD number of people who do not respond to stand therapies -OCD is one of few indications at this point in psychiatry for use of neurosurgery -initiating a program involving DBS -thought of as pacemaker for the brain, resets abnormal brain rhythms that contribute to symptoms of a number of brain disorders, movement disorders like Parkinson's but also neuropsychiatric disorders like OCD -patients that get DBS have failed medical management, reached point where medicines are not working to control their symptoms or side effects from meds are intolerable -goal for any DBS procedure, regardless of the disease being treated is to improve the patient's quality of life -tell doctors if have OCD if significant problem/issue in life -implant electrode, pacemaker that goes with it

Disorganized speech and behavior

-word salad where words and sounds all get jumbled up where incoherent -walk out of house with underwear on your head


-work with dopamine(neurotransmitter associated with motivation, pleasure, attention, and movement) -for many with ADHD, stimulant meds help boost concentration, increase focus while reducing hyperactive and impulsive behaviors -stimulates action in frontal lobe which can inhibit certain behaviors -stimulate areas of brain that helps you to focus and limit distracting behavior

Bipolar II disorder

1 or more major depressive episodes, together with at least 1 hypomanic episode

Things Learned

1. Capacity to form and secure attachments is key to healthy development 2.Can have secure relationships with one parent and insecure with another 3. Research shows if do identify insecure attachement, can correct with interventions

4 criteria of Category B

1. Repetitive speech or use of objects 2. Excessive need for routines/rituals including verbal 3. Restricted interests and preoccupations 4. Sensory sensitivity (hypo or hyper reactivity)

Psychotherapy Outcome Research

1. Treatments for psychological disorders are generally more effective than no treatment at all. 2. Research supports that some therapies may be more effective for some disorders (erp for ocd, anxiety, phobias...) but overall there is not one "best approach". 3. Many therapists said they are "eclectic" using techniques from different kinds of therapies, based on client/patient needs. 4. A positive therapeutic relationship with the therapist can be vital. The key is to seek support when needed! -need therapist that you feel like is a good fit -if don't feel like in right place, try again

3 criteria of category a

1.Not facile at back and forth conversation -echolalia 2. Lack of eye contact, gestures 3. Deficit in social relationships

Example of difficulty speaking up

12 angry mem -11 people on jury vote to convict and 1 doesn't -process of what it means to be person who doesn't let the power of majority change how they truly see the situation

Fetal stage

8th week to birth


A form of compliance that occurs when people follow direct commands, usually from someone in a position of authority -informational social influence

Conduct disorder

A repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

All 3 required in criterion A and 2 of 4 in B for the diagnosis.

General Adaptation Syndrome(Selye)

All types of stressful situations lead to a similar stress response consisting of 3 stages: Alarm, Resistance, and Exhaustion -psychological and physiological aspects of stress in stressful situations(regardless of whether action or change)


Any circumstances that threaten or are perceived to threaten one's well-being -has both psychological and physiological components

Lapiere study

Attitudes do not necessarily determine or predict our behavior -actually very bad research, taken out of hock -lead to important field of study exploring how even though people say what attititudes are, attitude durability and attitude impact doesn't impact behavior -lapiere traveled around us looking at Asian couple right when prejudice against asians was very widespread -time in US in 30s when allowed to refuse service -later wrote to each place and asked if they would serve diverse clients, more than 90% responded that they would not -when ask people what do and see what they do, often not consistent

Types of Changes with Mood Disorder

Behavioral, Cognitive, Physical

Multiple factors associated with individuals who develop hoarding disorder

Being raised in a chaotic home -Challenges with decision making and problem solving; -ADHD (overwhelmed with organization/task) - Anxiety and/or depression; -affinity to think about and Guilt about waste -Effort to "protect" and comfort with objects/items -Need to be sensitive to the intensity of the symptoms and respect where they are in the process.

Example of Cognitive Restructuring 2

Belief: Everyone is watching me. I won't be able to make friends. People know something is wrong with me. Emotional Response: Embarrassment, Social Anxiety Therapy Response: What do you think likelihood is when you walk into a room everyone is all the sudden is going to be looking at you as opposed to still generally be thinking about themselves when walk into room everyone turns head Response: They heard a sound, so isn't it more likely that they would Going to see what's wrong with me Response: why is the assumption that they're going to have a negative attribution

Example of Cognitive Restructuring 1

Belief: I have to get this done immediately. I must be perfect. Something terrible will happen. Emotional Response: anxiety, stress Therapist could say what happens if it's not perfect? Why the belief that something terrible will happen because holding onto those irrational beliefs is what leads to greater likelihood of anxiety or stress

Theory of lifespan development

Believes each stage involves a psychosocial crisis: a transition which is organized around social relationships and that personality is determined by these stages

Two types of bipolar

Bipolar 1 and Bipolar II

Classifying Mental Disorders

DSM-5(most recent, following DSM1, 2, 3, 4, and 4TR): standard reference book for all disorders -descriptive and provides a set criteria for diagnosis

Aging and Stress (Hunter and Gillen, 2009)

Declining Health Increased Likelihood of Loss of Family and Friends Employment and Financial Problems Alienation from the larger society Loneliness

Category A

Deficits in social communication and social interactions

Mood Disorders

Depression(Major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder) -also seasonal affective disorder -diff things that go along with each of them

secondary appraisal

Determination of whether the stressor is something that can be handled or not

McRae and Costa

Developed the "Big Five" personality traits; believe most personality traits fall under these categories. -further factor analysis, believe most personality traits fall under these categories -OCEAN or CANOE as a mnemonic strategy -whether choose ocean or canoe could be projective test -individuals either high or low on these dimensions

Examples of Defense mechanisms

Displacement Rationalization Reaction formation Sublimation Compensation (overcompensation)

Important concepts with teratogens

Dose Genetics/Heredity: stability Interaction with environmental influences: stress, nutrition, lack of medical care Age of organism at exposure

Technological Measures

EAR(electronic activated recorder), ESP(experience sampling method)


Expectations or demands that one behave in a certain way. -sometimes get pressure from multiple areas in your life which can lead to stress

narcissitic personality disorder

Feelings of grandiosity -Sense of privilege -Feels special -Expect favors from others -Lacks empathy -truly believe better than other people -shouldn't have to stand in line, say things to make you feel better -you need to do things to be kind to me

Humanistic perspective

Focus on the inner experiences of one's personality and development -Unique human qualities -Freedom and potential for human growth -Optimistic view of human nature: can control impulses, not based on irrational needs and conflicts

dissociative identity disorder (DID)

Formerly called multiple personality disorder. Described by the appearance of two or more distinct identities within one person -at least two recurrently take control of behavior -inability to recall important information -controversial in the field of psychology but still included in DSM 5 -considered rare -if someone said knew lots of people with DID would be concerned because but for places that diagnose and treat(very few in US) would be unusual for someone to have several people in practice with diagnosis -some concern that people fake it -real life and law and order cases where people tried to say it was alter that engaged in criminal activity so they shouldn't be criminally liable or responsible

Psychodynamic theory of personality

Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory Focus on the influences of early childhood Emphasis on unconscious motives/conflicts(how you either resolved them or didn't) Primary focus on sexual and aggressive urges

variables that impact rates of altriuism

Gender, Race, and Socioeconomic status(SES)

Stage 7

Generativity vs. Self-Absorption(Stagnation) -middle adulthood Key Event: Parenting positive resolution: person develops interest in guiding development of next generation -will i produce something of real value? -self absorption sometimes replaced with stagnation -explore what have to pass on to future generations -do you have connection to children, career, common good? If not, do you feel stagnant, not focused on what feels meaningful?


Helping behavior


High: Organized, Careful, Self-Disciplined Low: Disorganized, Careless, weak-willed(hard to follow through on things)


High: social, fun-loving, affectionate, more talkative Low: retiring, sober, reserved -instead of going out, want time to sit at home with good book because it's exhausting to be going out and being social


High: soft-hearted, trusting, helpful Low: ruthless, suspicious(about people), uncooperative


High: worried, insecure, self-pitying Low; calm, secure(more confident with self and world), self-satisfied

Diagnostic Criteria ASD

Historically children were labeled as having Asperger's Syndrome based on a higher level of functioning on the spectrum of autistic symptoms. -Concerns with recent change, children who previously met diagnostic criteria may no longer be able to receive services (Under new rules there was a concern that only ~90% qualify for diagnosis)

Stage 5

Identity vs confusion Who am I and where am I going? -adolescence Stage: Adolescence Key Event: Peer Relationships Positive Resolution: adolescent develops sense of self in relationship to others and to own internal thoughts and desires -look at psychosocial crisis of identity vs rate of confusion -form own idenity, want to establish sense of ideology, what do believe in? -relationship between exploration or commitment do you try things out or believe what always taught to believe? -what table do you sit at in lunchroom? Who are you? Do you come out with sense of identity or more confused about not knowing who you are and what you believe?

Fundamental Attribution error(Bias)

In contrast to the self-serving bias, we assume others'failures are due to personal or internal or dispositional factors.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapies

Includes a variety of behavioral elements including modeling and rehearsal and change of behaviors coupled with cognitive restructuring

ways to promote healthy aging

Increase healthy behaviors(eating right) Promote companionship Take vitamin supplements (some question this) Stay active physically and intellectually Volunteer or work Maintain positive relationships with family/friends Have a positive attitude Decrease sun exposure Decrease smoking, drinking Be a health care consumer; ask questions Explore medication interactions Find faith Recent programs supporting the elderly and children in daycare

Basic premises regarding attachment

Infants express their wish to be attached by wishing to be close to their caretaker and showing signs of distress when their caretaker departs. This emotional upset is called separation anxiety. -typical for kids -often occurs around time children form and hold onto mental representation of caregiver

Mania/Hypomania as part of Bi-Polar Diagnosis

Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity. -Decreased need for sleep -Pressured speech -Flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing. -Distractibility(very distractable) -Increase in goal-directed activity -Excessive involvement in activities that have a high potential for painful consequences

Stage 8

Integrity vs. Despair. Late adulthood. "Have I lived a full life?" Key event: reflection on and acceptance of one's life Positive Resolution: person develops sense of acceptance of life as it was lived and the importance of people and relationships that the individual developed over life span -life review, do you look back and feel period of reflection when say if could do it all over again, i'd probably do same way or learned from mistakes but at least made mistakes because took chances -most don't regret mistakes, regret chances didn't take -is life one of losses and limitations and failed wishes or of acceptance of things that went well and at least the things you tried

Stage 6

Intimacy vs. Isolation. Early adulthood. "Shall I share my life with another or live alone?" Key Event: Love relationships Positive Resolution: person develops ability to give and receive love; begins to make long-term commitment to relationshipa -have capacity to share intimacy with another? -can connect with partner in a healthy meaningful way with appropriate empathy and honesty? -failure to do so can result in isolation in actuality or reality of limited relationships which do develop

Revisiting goals of psychology

Learn how to observe (empiricism), make hypotheses, test assumptions and use your knowledge to create positive change -See psychology's relevance in every day life -Best of luck as you define and achieve your goals


Lesion/destroy problematic areas of the brain to eliminate disruptive behaviors (lobotomy; ocd surgery) -used to lesion an area of brain they thought was overactive for people that had oCD that didn't prove to be as effective as DBS -not positive history of psychiatry where people had lobotomies where they would remove aspects of our frontal lobe or lesion it with idea it would eliminate disruptive behaviors

Langer and Rodin study

Maintaining a sense of control over one's life leads to greater psychological well-being in the elderly -looked at nursing home with important question: would people do better if took care of them, gave plant and watered for them, told them you would coordinate what they did during daily schedule, tell them would see movie or did do better if gave them plant if wanted it, let them water, asked if they wanted to see a movie -taking over makes incredibly more difficult for seniors as much as you can still give sense of independence to say and options, do better -ethical dilemma of giving say and taking away

Treatment Model for BPD

Marsha Linhann(also has BPD) came up with treatment-dialectical intervention that has markedly shift, now have model for how to treat individuals with BPD because really difficult to live with and live with someone you about with it -really helpful to understand what your challenges are -with diagnosis and additional insight can lead to better way of being able to have greater sense of empathy about how you actions may affect people around you and why engage in behaviors that do


Need for more research, but use discouraged because studies have shown prenatal exposure associated with lower scores solving visual motor problems, decreased visual motor coordination, decreased attention and behavior problem; some increase SIDS but confound with cigarette smoking(ACOG, July 2015). -ACOG doesn't generally recommend use for pregnant women

At the end the woman reports "gosh it was real to me". Do you believe this was an ethical study according to current APA ethical standards? Why or why not?

No they did not follow the standard of avoiding harm as the woman clearly experienced emotional harm from the interaction from the stress -they did not properly weigh costs and benefits -did not let them know deception would be involved

Lifespan issues in development

Our country is getting older Living more productive lives for more years More career shifts seen in the population Demographics chance, people move more -more consistent that someone doesn' t have same job at same country throughout life

Mischel's Person by Situation Interaction

People express particular traits in particular situations Most likely to see consistency within these similar situations Some traits are more situationally determined (shyness, cheating, honesty or breaking the rules)

Hoarding Disorder

Persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions, regardless of their actual value -Due to a perceived need to save the items and associated distress(making mistake/doing something wrong) with discarding -Difficulty discarding the items results in clutter and inability to use living space -Severity is related to levels of insight -used to look at interference with living space, now levels of insight -may realize doesn't make senes and know interfering but get stuck in process of discarding things or individuals that don't even see circumstance are problematic at all

Assessments of Personality

Personality inventories -Projective tests -technological measures

Eysenck's Theory

Personality is determined by a large extent to one's genes -All of personality emerges from 3 higher order traits that are biologically based (i.e. differences in cortical levels of arousal). Hierarchical with specific behavioral tendencies associated with a higher-order trait.


Physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion caused by long-term exposure to demands associated with lower performance and motivation -body, mind and soul feel like it's had enough -until can find some way to recharge batteries, not going to be as successful with motivation to do best work and will lower ability to perform effectively -need to say i need to take a break such as fall break in middle of semester to give time to recoup, thanksgiving break coming up, taking attitude adjustment day on job where just mental health day

Behavioral symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome

Poor impulse control, poor attention, hyperactivity and cognitive deficits.

Examples of SSRIS

Prozac, Zoloft

Research on Big 5

Psychological research uses big 5 factors to not only assess what someone's personality would be but also association with significant other aspects of development -People high in extraversion like to spend more time with people -People high in conscientiousness perform well at work -People low in conscientiousness and agreeableness more likely to be "juvenile delinquents"

Stage 1 of moral development

Punishment orientation; right and wrong is determined by what is punished -judgement based on avoiding punishment from superior authority

What were two other variables that made it more or less likely someone would intervene?

Race -people were more likely to stop for Darryl than Emmanuel, as african americans are perceived as generally more threatening Past Experiences also influenced

Reframing Example 2

Rather than thinking people in audience are judging, judge them instead

Reciprocal Determinism (Bandura)

Reinforcement history and cognition(how think about world) influence behavior We see what we expect to see(in relationships with others and how respond and react to them) We place ourselves in places that will confirm our beliefs -personalities reflection of not only who we are but we've come to expect from world around us

Is there a happiness gene?

Research identifies that there may be a singular gene that is similar to the effects of the drug prozac. Individuals either have the short or long version of the gene. Finding is that there is a correspondence with the personality trait of neuroticism and the short version of the gene.

Category B

Restricted repetitive patterns of behaviors or activities

ADHD medications

Ritalin, Concerta, Adderal ( stimulants/dopamine) Straterra (norepinephrine)

Closing thoughts

See all the ways we are interconnected—as we celebrate our individual differences and commonalities.

ambivalent/resistant attachment

Seek closeness with their parents, fail to explore, upon return display angry, resistant behavior, cannot be comforted, -15% U.S. -sometimes won't let go of parent

Criteria for ADHD

Several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms present prior to age 12 years. -Several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms are present in two or more settings(can't just be at home or at school but both) -There is clear evidence that the symptoms interfere with, or reduce the quality of, social, academic, or occupational functioning.

Anal stage(1 to 3 years)

Sexual Interests: expelling and retaining feces -getting sense of independence and dependence, toilet trained Causes of Fixation: if dealt with in very controlled way or not taught about how to set appropriate control Fixation: orderliness, stinginess, stubborness

Phallic Stage (3-6 years)

Sexual Interests: touching penis or clitoris, oedipus complex(when feel sense of power and master) -broken into males and females Effects of Fixation: difficulty feeling closeness(can't have healthy relationships) Males: fear of castration Females: penis envy

Smoking and Health

Smokers have a significantly shorter life expectancy than non-smokers Lung cancer, heart disease as well as other cancers, hypertension and emphysema are all smoking related illnesses Smokers underestimate the health risks Smokers overestimate their ability to quit

Additional health issues associated with stress

Smoking Poor nutritional habits Lack of exercise Alcohol / drug use Risky behaviors

Cattel's Theory of Personality

Studied traits using factor analysis Developed the 16 Personality Factors Questionnaire Examples: reserved-outgoing; relaxed-tense; trusting-suspicious... -asked to fill out across these dimensions which you are most like -not talking about 1 particular situation because it's a trait -if generally reserved in most situations, you're going to approach it from vantage point of individual who is more reserved


Tasks that are below our abilities cause boredom -Tasks that are too challenging cause anxiety -Tasks that are "just right" lead to the ideal feeling of being in "the zone" or an optimal state he calls flow. -flow is peak feeling get -want to get to point where challenging self, engaging in taks, living life in area of sweet spot -part of us motivated and driven to find activities and opportunities to give self positive experience of being in zone

Big 5

The Big 5 traits appear to be universal -Used in many research settings showing validity -Generally stable over the lifespan with increase of conscientiousness in 20s, more agreeable in 30s and neuroticism decreases in women as they age.

Concrete Operations(7-11)

The child performs operations on tangible objects and events -Show increased flexibility in thinking -Can begin to see cause and effect -Masters reversibility and decentration -Can retrace thoughts -Understands hierarchies

What was the independent variable they manipulated to see how it would affect altruism? How did this manipulation affect the likelihood someone would or would not stop to help?

The independent variable they manipulated was time pressure. Only 35% with time pressure stopped but 80% of those who didn't have time pressure did choose to stop

developmental psychology

Universal aspects of lifespan development from conception through death; Identifies cultural and individual variations -Explores physical, cognitive, social and emotional development -overriding principle:Looks at elements of continuity and change over time

Example of Permissive

Veruca Salt "I found the golden ticket" even though didn't piut in work

Personal Fable

View him/herself as somehow unique or heroic

Group membership

We categorize ourselves as "in group" or "out group" and research that we view our members in more favorable terms. Desire to put things into categories -hardwired to organize ourselves as being in or out of groups


What strategies you use to buffer against the stress cycle. Active efforts to master, reduce or accept the demands created by stress. -can be adaptive or maladaptive

Schacter(2017) states that research on the BIG FIVE traits shows that in general

Women tend to be higher than men on agreeableness, neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness -For openness to new experiences Schacter reports women more open to feelings and men more open to ideas. -Overall men and women seem to be more similar in personality than different -don't know how much difference is based on genetic differences or social role

Sherif Robber's cave results

Working on a common task or goal (superordinate goal) is an effective way to reduce in/out group conflict. -didn't know other group was there, formed group identity -had them play tug of war, baseball against each other, tried to create sense of in and out groups, then started to short cheat each other's beds and engage in negative activities then work on common goal

anti-anxiety drugs(benzodiazepines)

Xanax, Ativan(increase GABA), addictive potential -generally work with GABA(inhibitory neurotransmitter -inhibitory effect slows down anxiety symptoms which calm you down and can make you more sleepy

approach-avoidance conflict

a choice must be made about to achieve a goal which has both positive and negative attributes

approach-approach conflict

a choice must be made between two desirable goals -the least stressful type of conflict -either way it's a win for you

avoidance-avoidance conflict

a choice must be made between two unattractive goals


a distinctive pattern of behavior, thoughts, motives and emotions that are consistent in an individual over time -particular fixed attributes to how we think about world, respond to world that is consistent attribute that we take with us across situations -similar to intelligence, sometimes think about personality specific to how we measure it -several ways to assess what are aspects of our personalities


a form of exposure that involves immersion into the feared situation/circumstance as an intervention to decrease the phobic/feared response -if can handle that, can actually decrease phobia and get rid of feared response

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

a goal of humans is to be self-actualized; a basic hierarchy of needs exist. Innate drive towards personal growth. Often seen as a pyramid of needs. -most basic needs are physiological, once met continual drive toward growth being able to achieve next higher level of development until ultimate goal of being self-actualized -can go up and down hierarchy


a persuader gets you to commit to some action and then - before you actually perform the behavior - he or she increases the "cost" of that same behavior. -don't tell you fully what you've commited to

Foot in door

a persuader gets you to comply with a small request and then presents a larger request thinking you will now be more likely to comply -opposite of door in face -see all the time with people that are wanting to get money for a cause -don't ask first for money first ask to sign petition -once signed, increased likelihood that you'll be more likely to donate money


a positive, neutral or negative evaluation reaction toward a person, object, or concept


a recurrent, persistent and unwished for thought

stress inoculation training (SIT)

a reframing technique that helps people to cope with stressful situations by developing positive ways to think about the situation


a release of emotional tension -even though some benefits of good cry or stomping feet or punching pillow, not adaptive because doesn't change anything except release of emotional tension -goal for adaptive coping strategies is to help you confront source of conflict or pressure or challenge

Social role

a set of norms which characterize how people in specific social positions and situations should behave -come to learn through our experience with other people from media, observations, books and lots of things, we come to understand what are particular sets of norms and expectations for particular roles -as students, come to understand what behaviors that are expected of you when you come into a classroom setting -when kindergartners first come in for show and tell, may not understand what appropriate rules of behavior are , learn that over time, partly what kindergartners are expected to do -other kinds may be knowing and understanding that school guidance counselor is somebody that may talk to about kinds of classes you take, what kind of carrier opportunities you would want -very different than just asking the barista at starbucks what your best career choice should be -some baristas have very important insights, but in general, it's knowing and expecting what are ways these individuals are supposed to behave, and your expectations for what their roles are and what they are supposed to do


a stressor you believe you might not be able to overcome


a stressor you feel fairly confident you can control

unconditional positive regard

accepting person for who they are and where they are and pace they need to move toward that healthier, more adaptive self

Carl Rogers

accepts the self-actualizing tendency; explores individuals who do and do not function well -also humanist -not only interested in people working toward self actualization but also interested in individuals not functioning well -Looked at the relationship between the self (one's conscious feelings/views of self) and the person (sum of experiences, feelings, perceptions and wishes)

Esteem needs

achievement and gaining of recognition


adolescent egocentrism, imaginary audience, personal fable, invincibility fable -socioemotional aspects of adolescence

belongingness and love needs

affiliation and acceptance

Example of Avoidance

after 9/11 many children didn't like going near tall buildings, made them very anxious

Biological therapies

almost always accompanied with therapeutic intervention


also studied stress in terms of "daily hassles"; the sum total of mundane life tasks combine to create significant levels of stress.

Psychotropic Medication

alter the biochemistry of the brain

Cyclical Nature

alternate between manic or hypomanic stage and major depressive episode

Excessive need for rituals and routine

always need you to say same thing in same way at same time -if go different route than used to feel disruptive and upsetting

Congruence/Incongruence Example

always seen self as good person but know ghosted a friend and feel really bad. more time goes by and feel worse but don't know how to undo it -leading to conflict because always saw self as good person -how good person treat someone in that way?

Cognitive dissonance

an unpleasant state/feeling that arises when a person recognizes the inconsistency of his or her actions, attitudes, or beliefs


antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic

Mental Disorder

any behavior or emotional state that causes distress or suffering, is maladaptive and disturbs relationships and the greater community


any notable difference in one's life which requires adaptation. Both positive and negative life changes can be stressful.

Personality inventories

any time ask someone to fill out a form sensitive to self-report bias -Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) Rosenberg Self-Esteem, Locus of Control

Danger of overdiagnosis

any time goal is to figure out whether someone has a diagnosis, making sure fit somebody in results in danger of overdiagnosis

crystallized intelligence

application of accumulated knowledge remains more stable

Example of Approach-Avoidance Conflict

applied for job and get this wonderful job and then they tell you rather than being in San Francisco or New York where thought going to be, gonna be in small town in area never heard of before -doesn't have large population, only 4 in satellite office -job with company really want but not in place wanted to be at -stress because conflict of having to make choice with positive attributes(job wanted) and negative attribute(not where wanted it to be located)

Three general types of conflicts

approach-approach, avoidance-avoidance, approach-avoidance

example of illusory correlation

arrested someone for 2nd time on shoplifting offense, imagine age many would think of someone in their teens -research shows middle aged individuals(especially women) are often the ones most likely to overestimate because whenever hear about shoplifting it's a kid when not what data shows

Durability of attitude of fish

as child, remember going to grocery store with your parents and looking at fish on ice and realizing they had their eyeballs in it and being repulsed by it and now even as an adult, though of eating fish is something that you don't want to be associated with to this day so when think about attitude strength, lot of durability

Medical Student Syndrome

as describe disorders, may recognize symptoms in yourself or other people -level of distress and interference are main diagnostic criteria and knowing when it is appropriate and necessary to seek out support and assistance with that

Locus of Control(Rotter)

as opposed to entire assessment of personality, may look at key particular components of personality

Example of cognitive dissonance in actions

ask people to engage in mind-numbing activity -some people given $1, others given $20 -asked them to rate what they though about the activity -found people paid $1 rated boring activity higher than people given $20 -realized hard to justify doing something so boring for a dollar without actually changing that it must not have been so bad because they had done it and only been paid a dollar

Health care advocates

ask questions of doctors and be good advocates -change over past decades of asking for 2nd opinion -sometimes individuals leave appointments with written instructions -noncompliance significant in eldelry population, much because didn't fully understand

Example of not following instructions

ask them to go upstairs to get something such as 3 cups that left on dresser, come back 5 min later without cups -not because not wanting to do, went upstairs for cups but by time got upstairs forgot what went up for, not trying to not follow through

Draw-a-Person (DAP) Test

ask to draw picture of yourself, idea you project important elements of you onto that pic

Inappropriate behavior for developmental age

asking two year old to sit still is not reasonable but by time child is 5 or 6, should be periods of time where can sit still and focus

Impact of early puberty

associated with obesity, higher BMI


associated with successful aging -whther formal religion or some other faith, important individuasls that do have purpose, meaning, and faith do better -confound because those with faith based community that can also serve as social support to help them too

Association between sleep and ADHD medication

association of sleep disturbances and greater likelihood of sleep challenges for kids that are diagnosed with ADHD

Strawberry girl

ate only strawberries -wild and selfish -21 years old

unconditional positive regard

attempt to resolve conflict; accept one may have acted badly and still be a good person; accepts one in a positive and accepting manner -can feel congruence again -accepting so someone can forgive themselves -made feel uncomfortable to ahve done bad things means not bad person -decide whether to forigive self, make amends(what are risks and benefit) -help get back to feeling internal sense of congruence


attributing one's own threatening feelings, motives, or impulses to another person or group Ex: judging others as being dishonest because you believe you are dishonest

Stage 4 of moral development

authority orientation -right and wrong is determined by society's rules and laws, which should be obeyed rigidly -law and order -follows laws because what right to do -les mis(jean valjean) belief right wrong determined by law "I am law and law is not mocked" -have to follow laws and rules. never ok to steal

Avoidance symptoms

avoiding places and reminders of the traumatic events -or places that have been generalized and associated with them


based on freudian principles that emphasize the impact of early childhood -much of symptoms are related to unconscious conflicts

Preconventional level

based on immediate punishment and reward


basic properties of an object remain stable even if superficial properties change

Reluctance to confide

because don't trust people, much less likely to confide in people


because of suspiciousness, look out for tricekry -why did you say that? Why are you doing that? Is that truly the purpose behind what you're saying and doing?


being near increases likelihood you'll be attracted to them -exposure/availability increases attraction -people that meet in class, spend time with, have mailbox near

Self Efficacy

belief one can set out to accomplish tasks/goals -acquired from 4 sources to develop positive sense of self-efficacy

Imaginary Audience

belief that everyone in the environment is concerned with the behavior/appearance of him/herself -idea of greek chorus, everyone is focused on and talking about you and ,making observations about you

Humanistic or Client-Centered Therapies

belief that people wish for, want, and need to be supported and set the pace of their own therapy. (Rogers) -still considered talk therapies -didn't buy into freudian beliefs that we are somehow so much guided by unconscious that we are not aware of -enter therapy with way to find goals and courage to optimize own development

Cognitive component

beliefs about the object


bilateral symmetry more attractive -face to body show mirror side

Oral stage

birth to 1 year Sexual interests: sucking, swallowing, biting Causes of fixation: not fed right way, weaned before ready to lose bottle Effects of fixation: lasting concerns with dependence and independence, pleasure from eating, drinking, and other oral activities


body is on "high alert" -people with chronic stress or deal with a lot of stress always in high alert state, so ultimately leads to exhaustion

Example of Displacement

boss yells at you- can't yell at them so come home and dog wants to go for walk so say not taking you for walk right now. Displace feelings of anger from boss onto dog or slamming door, yelling at someone other than who mad at

Combined type

both inattention and impulsive/hyperactive component


broken nail, have an exam this week

Research of challenging biases

can be challenging to counter biases but learning about them is one way to start the process -research shows if try to talk about stereotypes, can inadvertently reinforce them -research shows challenging can be good way to start process -knowing that learning about stereotypes may inadvertently reinforce them may help us make sure we don't do that

Tracking Bipolar

can track if cycling -family members, friends, people in lives may be second set of eyes or ears seeing more depressed lately or starting to see burst through on manic thoughts -are you still on meds? Are you starting to feel different things? -can be helpful when working with those with bipolar

Flaws of thinking in Preoperational Children

centration, irreversibility, egocentrism


certain body parts grow at different speeds leading to a lack of proportion -feet have grown and so wearing size 10 feet but haven't grown in height yet -like puppy that has to grow into their ears or paws -feel physically awkward because is physically awkward to go through growth spurts


characteristics we attribute to people based on their membership in a group -not just on attitude but set characteristics

Bipolar I

characterized by at least 1 manic episode or mixed episode(manic and depressive features in the same episode)

Example of combining biological and therapeutic intervention

child that takes ADHD medications may also work on developing better organizational strategies -don't just take Concerta and ADHD symptoms and challenges are done -may also work on a planner or an organizational tool more effectively

Purposeful Activity Example

child very proud of drawings made on younger sibling, purposeful action to make artistic semi representation

health-imparing behaviors

chronic stressors can lead to stress-related activities, maladaptive coping strategies

Example of SAD

class desperately want to take but find out group presentation and instead of figuring out how to work through it, drop the class

Examples of compulsion

cleaning, checking and hoarding; creates anxiety to not have things a certain way

Heightened sensory awareness

colors brighter, smells more intense


come up with seemingly plausible explanation for something but just rationalizing Ex: not gonna bother studying for Schreirer's test because no matter how much I study, doesn't help anyway or dropping calculus because of poor ventilation


compensate for deprived/frustrated feelings by trying to promote a feeling of satisfaction in another area

Type a personalities

competitive, impatient, intense and more prone to aggression and hostility -different ways ascertain if someone is consistent with label of type a -may be at greater risk for host of health challenges

Males: Phallic stage

conflict with little boy with power and mastery who looks at mom and thinks would like to have to myself, dad in way -forbidden impulses make anxious, pushes underground -fear if dad knows, he'd harm or damage me(castration anxiety) -resolved by sense can't have mom but can grow up and find someone like mom

group size

conformity increased from 5-35% as group size increased; after 5 this stabilized -if 2 people, someone always gave right answer because figured other person didn't need eyes checked -as incorrect majority increased, conformity increased -after 5, didn't continue to be positive correlation with group size and conformity rate

Mental Disorders and Criminality

confound in people's minds that mental disorders are equated with criminal activity, dispel as falsehood -vast majority of individuals with mental disorders are in no way engaged in any kind of criminal activity

Exposure therapy

confronting an emotionally arousing stimulus directly and repeatedly leading to a decrease in emotional response -less extreme version of flooding, to lesser degree


conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, extraversion

Dissociative Disorders

consciousness, behavior and identity are split off May develop in response to traumatic events(Aetiology) -Amnesia -Fugue State

Example of obsession

contamination leads to washing hands more and more helps anxiety

Examples of obsession

contamination(germs there); need for orderliness, aggressive impulses or thoughts, obsessive worry about an accident happening

Piaget Criticism

criticized for underestimating children's abilities, not focusing enough on individual differences; much research(even cross culturally) still supports his theories/beliefs -also criticized because earlier research subjects were his children -found not just consistent ways kids understood info but consistent ways made particular failures in thinking at particular ages

new classes of mood stabilizers for bipolar

currently working on much better and newer classes of mood stabilizers for individuals with bipolar -one of challenges is some of medications that can put someone on can either lead to greater depressive phenomenology or trigger manic episodes


dealing with feelings of threat and anxiety by unconsciously taking on the characteristics of another person who seems more powerful or better able to cope Ex: bullied child becomes bully

Example of persuasion

debate -my opponent is going to say this, here's why they're wrong and here's why I'm right

Companionate love

deep affection, share emotional intimacy and friendship -increase in intimacy results in decrease in passion

Eve White

demure, retiring, quiet, concentional in manner -sadness and tension beneath her reserve -ok with jane becoming dominant personality if need to get well -feels a little distress if she's not taken care of

Relationships with BPD

develop intense relationships very quickly and then frantic effort lead to instability -intense love relationships and then break up -break up isn't we didn't work out but how did I ever love or have relationship with you -cutting can across spectrum of people who are pretty high functioning but don't have adaptive coping strategies to deal with stress, pain and challenges in life to sometimes being more negative with risk and being able to maintain healthy relationships


develop relationship with therapist and reactions are based on earlier relationships and unconscious fantasies -allow for greater insight -therapist acts as blank screen -try not to reveal much of who they are so for patient/client have ability to transfer onto therapist what their previous relationships and quality of relationships were -goal of freeing you up for more productive, healthy relationships


developed in germinal phase -structure that allows oxygen and nutrients to pass into fetus from mother's bloodstream; allows waste to pass out

deciding to intervene

diffusion of responsibility is key -if alone, significantly increases likelihood -if responsibility can rbe restedon others,more likely that you will past that on


displace what true feeling or object of feelings onto something safer

Followup on mom

documentary brought family together and doing it was meaningful -when family member in crisis, seek professional help to understand its process -baby steps, start where person is at, not where think they should be -intervention can be powerful but also overwhelming -important to realize she had to take care of herself in the process, wasn't able to help mom until she had enough resources emotionally and mentally -mother living in facility that helped monitor health and living situations, taking computer classes at Pasadena senior center and felt very connected to her community -getting therapy and meds at outpatient treatment center


don't gesture and point toward things

Multimodal treatment approach for ADHD

drugs(psychotropic medications) and behavioral interventions

Physical changes

e.g. alters immune functioning -Selye how stress and depression can lead to altered immune function

Excessive Involvement

e.g. buying sprees, sexual indescretions, or poor business investments -because of faulty thinking that goes along with inflated self esteem -increase in goal directed without thinking about consequences of your actions

Cognitive Changes

e.g. cognitive distortions -people thinking more negatively and not being able to remember positive things that have happened in their lives

Behavioral Changes

e.g. slower moter reactions

Specific phobias

e.g., spiders, squirrels, dogs


efforts to maintain the relationship with difficulties and costs -sometimes called social exchange with in love relationship -comparison of cost-benefit level -I'm giving these things up because of what I'm getting in return -intimacy and passion are legs of triangle


emotional and physical

Affective Component

emotional feelings about the object


every time new DSM edition comes out, changes are predicated on research and once new one out and before fully published, continue process of evaluating and reevaluating different disorders and criteria -several hundred diagnoses included

Anxiety and Phobias

exaggerated fear of a specific situation, activity or thing

Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)

exaggerated fear or anxiety about one or more social situations in which the individual is exposed to possible scrutiny by others -avoid them or causes significant distress -al roker talked about his social anxiety, fear of public speaking he has overcome -when see models overcoming it, can be helpful

Illness Anxiety Disorder

excessive preoccupation and worry with health concerns/worry about developing illnesses. Used to be called hypochondriasis -sign if anxiety about developing illnesses -intervention is to tell them to stop looking on WebMD -fact have blister on thumb doesn't mean you have leprosy -preoccupation with every twitch that leads to health concerns with that which takes up so much of their energy


existing structures don't fit so a child must develop new schemas -"C" for change

Women more likely to be helped

experimental situations where put women in situation and counted how many people help -in same situation, how many helped the man -women are generally perceived to be more likely to need help and be assisted

Self concept

explicit knowledge of one's own behaviors, traits, and characteristics -develops and is maintained in relationship to others -increased stability over time -self verification -affiliation motivation which allows for opportunity for social comparison, define self vis-a-vis others -are you artistic, athletic, smart? -not just internal sense of smart but smart compared to who, or athletic compared to other kinds of athletes -young kids may feel good at lots of things, become more nuanced in ability to realize what truly are things good at, more sensitive to their particular characters

What would you do? series

explores social psychology research findings in the real world


exposure to bright lights, often used to treat SAD (seasonal affective disorder) -can ward off SAD symptoms of feeling down -part of biological intervention

3 Higher order traits

extroversion: being sociable, assertive, lively neuroticism: anxious, tense, moody, low self esteem Psychoticism: egocentric, cold, impulsive

6th month

eyebrows/lashes well defined eyes completely formed

4th month

face looks human, lower body outgrows head(before this point head is largest proportion of fetus), bones are defined


fails to attend to details -difficulty organizing tasks -loses things - forgetful -careless mistakes -difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities - may not seem to listen even when spoken to directly(off in head not listening to string of what your conversation is having) -may not follow through on instructions, fail to finish tasks


false belief Ex: belief not a person but a dog, abducted by aliens, and now part of interstellular ET experiment, Queen of England here on witness protection program

Invinciblity Fable

false sense that h/she can't be harmed -even though know what rules are and know shouldn't be getting into car if drinking but still do because don't think will harm/affect you -consistent with prefrontal cortex -makes some of intervention programs in terms of public health and getting to engage in safe behaviors more difficult because of invincibility


fear of being alone in public places from which escape might be difficult or help will be unavailable; at its worst one doesn't leave his/her home -some individuals haven't left home in several years -paula dean recently discussed her agoraphobia

Lack of Empathy

feeling of vulnerability, not shown because only let themselves experience that they know more than other people can be very problematic

Symptoms of Mood Disorders

feelings of sadness, lethargy(not having energy), inactivity and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness


fetus can hear sounds around 6 months in utero, recognize mother's voice

7th month

fetus capable of life outside uterus, age (threshold) of viability has changed and now considered to be 23-26 weeks (used to be 27-28)

Impulsivity and/or hyperactivity

fidgets -"on the go" -interrupts -runs and climbs inappropriately -Behavior is inappropriate for a child's particular developmental age

Prefrontal Cortex

final maturation of the prefrontal cortex takes place in late adolescence and young adulthood. This area is responsible for organization, planning, emotional regulation and impulse control -myelination, synpatic pruning most effective connections are there -used to think early to mid twenties

Self verification

find evidence to confirm our self-concept -have feeling about behavior or traits, try to find evidence -took 5 APs senior year and did really well so must be smart


finding a new or creative way to think about a stressor that reduces its threat


first occurence of ejaculation


first occurence of menstruation

Stage 1

first year of life -trust vs mistrust Stage: oral-sensory key event: feeding positive resolution: child develops a belief that environment can be counted on to meet his or her basic physiological and social needs -is my world predictable and supportive? -are needs reliably met? -cloth mother vs wire -is world one where fed when hungry? comforted when afraid? If experience in stage one of predictability and support, come to believe can have trust in world -if not experience, take sense of mistrust to next stage

cognitive component of attitude of fish

fish is clearly a kind of food, makes sense that that's at the grocery store -sometimes considered pretty high in protein


focus on one aspect of a problem and neglect other aspects -cookie example, focus on having same number though different size -beaker experiment, focus on taller is more so one higher would be more height, not looking at width

Family/Couples Therapy

focus on the dynamics in the family as a system with different rules, roles and motivations -focusing on individual forgets some of the important elements of what either promotes or continues with our symptoms or can interfere with our ability as we work on finding more adaptive strategies -Treat each person as integral to the bigger system; historically, "identified patient" is symptom bearer in the family -Change one part of the system and the whole system needs to adapt -if one person in system changes, force where other people or individual in system try to bring it back to what steady state was -some use structural models, others more interpersonal models, some involve paradoxical interventions(encourage them to in engage in systems greater) -greater part of system most essential for healthy and adaptive change

Example of SIT

focused on how different things are this semester but maybe reframe and say anything i learned this term is kind of a win and a benefit to me -glad to be able to take classes right now during global pandemic

Asch's study

found that a person presented with positive traits first was found to be more sociable and happier -solomon asch read groups of people 1 of 2 lists of words about an individual named bill -afterwards, asked them to rate bill among a series of dimensions -first group heard: bill is intelligent, industrious, impulsive, critical, stubborn and envious -second group heard: bill is envious, stubborn, critical, impulsive, industrious, and intelligent -in first situation, began with more positively valued attributes and then went to more negative attributes -second group, heard negative attributes first and then got to positive attributes -bill(first one presented with positive traits first) rated as more sociable and happier

Social Role Theory

gender differences are based on cultural messages and expectations regarding appropriate behaviors, careers and activities

General attitudes predict _____behaviors and speciifc attitudes predict _____ behaviors

general, specific -sometimes when we're asking people what they would do or what they think, don't ask the right question

ADHD inheritance

genetic link/runs in families

Example 1 Self Indulgence

get dumped, give me spoon and pint of Haagen-Dazs

Example of Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict

getting to end of semester and have choice: can take cumulative final exam or write 20 page research paper -answer: don't wanna do either one -rather avoid both of them -have to make choice between cumulative final to study for or 20 page paper to write

Example of norm of reciprocity

go to ice cream store and they let you taste 3 different flavors and think I'm not so sure but instead think I got a couple of free samples, I probably should at least buy an ice cream

Ex 2 of Frustration

goal of getting to work on time and get a flat tire, would lead to frustration

Example of Attitude

going to grocery store and with a friend, wearing your mask -looking around and think what should we get for dinner -friend says "what about fish?" -when think about fish

Decreased need for sleep

gone 48 hours and gonna keep writing because writing memoir right now

Negative correlates of ADHD

gone untreated, negative cycles with teachers, peers, and parents

Stage 3 of moral development

good boy/good girl orientation -right and wrong is determined ny close others' approval or disapproval -do what do to get approval from others, not about primary reinforcers or rewards but relational sense of approval

Blame others

greater likelihood will blame and say i don't get mad, I hold onto it though and I'm not forgetting

Higher rates of stressful life events are associated with

greater risk for health challenges

Group Polarization

group discussions lead to more extreme positions -when in group, devaluating discussion

Factors which affected conformity

group size, presence of a dissenter -several variations of study where manipulated independent variables


groups may be less effective to keep agreement among members

Recent program supporting elderly and children

groups that are able to interact with each other and supports both ends of development

Holmes and Rahe Social Readjustment Scale

had people rate the different changes they had in lives and how it affected them -found even positive changes require readjustment and readjustment in itself was stressful -had people fill out social readjustment scale and whether was a mean value -anything that requires you to adapt and readapt and adjust leads to certain stress

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

hallmarked by obsession and accompanying compulsion that reduces anxiety caused by obsession -only way to handle anxiety about obsession is development of compulsion -people with OCD know on some level compulsion doesn't make sense but no control -can't stop the thought or doing the behavior -to not do it creates overwhelming anxiety -prevents people from being able to enjoy their lives, interferes with every day of life in thing can't let themselves do or how much interferes with ability to enjoy activities engaging in

Displaced Agression

harmful act to someone verbally or physically, who is not actually the true "object" of the hostility

Representational Thought

have box and say it's a car/rocket ship/fridge -one thing can represent another

Constructive coping strategies

healthy efforts to deal with a stressful event making one more resilient to the stressor(s)

Smoking and Drinking

healthy rate with drinking, none with smoking -appropriate moderation is key

Stress and personality style interact with health

heart and circulatory system which work with each other sensitive to stress


heat, cold, pressure and pain all present at birth -can understand and differentiate all -did not always respect how pain processed in newborns -working with babies in NICU, sensitive to how they are processing pain and how we death with in treatments and interventions

Cognitive Therapies

help identify beliefs, thoughts and expectations that maintain problems and reinforce conflicts -goal is to challenges distortions in thinkings -process is to identify faulty thinking and encourage realistic reappraisal with therapist support -cognitive restructuring

Ambigious feedback

hierarchy where people neuroti more likely to perceive rejection in more intense way -low self esteem: if asked someone to get together for dinner and said don't know let me check schedule -if had high self esteem, would say ok great -if low self esteem, would hear check my schedule as they really don't wanna go and are looking for way to get out of it

Openness to Experience

high: imaginative, variety, independent -original, like to question things, artistically sensitive, very intellectual -like to try new things, go new places low: down to earth, routine, conforming -when restaurants open, always went to restaurant and ordered same thing

Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale

higher score= higher self esteem -rate statements from strongly agree to strongly disagree

Bipolar Disorder

historically called manic-depression -used to be considered one of mood disorders -cyclical nature of disorder -responsive to lithium and other mood stabilizers -challenges with treatment compliance -can be adaptive, healthy, and contributing members of society

Somatic sympotom disorder

history of diverse physical complaints which are psychological in origin and result in disruption in daily life -names have changed from DSM4 TR -used to think about somaticization disorder -doesn't mean not real or legitimate -may be real headaches but no organic understanding of what aetiology would be or stomach aches where can't find any kind of physiological basis -disruption even if no physiological reason for them

Mental imagery

hold image in mind without seeing it -think about mom when not there to play peekaboo or hold onto image of keys hidden under blanket

Type A, especially ______ is one of the best predictors of heart disease

hostility -more than cholesterol, caloric intake or smoking, determined with regression analysis -constant hostility brings leads to significant stress reactions on heart

Cynical hostility and anger leads to

hostility and competitiveness may undermine social support from others that might buffer effects of stress -cynicism and impatience might lead to poor health habits, such as lack of exercise, excessive consumption of convenience foods, or denial of symptoms -don't have time to cook dinner, gonna wolf down big mac and fries -who has time to go for physical? Doctor always running late or no time to go to dr even though have heart palpitations because gotta get work done

Cultural implications

how evaluate certain behaviors may have cultural bias built into them Ex: whether someone makes eye contact or not -is it sign of pathology or is direct eye contact something that culturally, especially when looking at elder not encouraged to do

Social Cognition

how think about the social world -how come to understand and think about other people -what rules of interactions are -broad way of understanding things about social elements in your world

Emotional Focused

how to change perceptions/reactions to the situation -can't change situation necessarily

Problem Focused

how to change the situation


how to fit new information into the present system of knowledge -kids have particular schemas, encounter new info and try to figure out how to assimilate or fit

Physiological needs

hunger, thirst, and so forth

Attachement and contact comfort

hypothesized that animals/humans need warmth, comfort as a primary need

Freud's Basic Structures of Personality

id, ego, superego -freud had topographical model, then came up with structural model

Thomas and chess

identified three basic temperaments for infants; difficult, slow to warm and easy -many researchers have come up with lots of different kinds of temparament categories

People high in conscientiousness perform well at work

if could pick people to work with on group project, would rather have someone that knew is conscientious -going to follow through on tasks they tell you they're going to do

Indifferent to praise

if don't truly invest in other people, praise or critcism, doesn't really matter to you because what others think is not part of how you deal with things in your life


if eat healthy diet, should not need -certain vitamins can help with vision and vitamin D needed for mi winters where not enough supply because of dark days

See what expect to see

if have come to expect can't trust people, may focus on things not trustowrth or finding self in situations where will be disappointed by other people to reinforce


if it impacts behavior or thoughts


if it lasts over time

Kids on ASD

if know kid on ASD, only know one kid on ASD as only represent themselves -grouping all with autism together does significant disservice to all strengths and challenges individuals may experience

Example of Encouraging Symptoms

if one of problems is parents aren't in charge of family enough, may tell them let the kids make all the decisions for the week -talk about intervention, what works and what doesn't and what's askew with rules and roles in this system

Moro reflex

if stimulate falling or dropping the head the baby shows a startle or alarm reflex; arches back, extends arms, fingers and legs


illustrates even animals have sense of frustration when what think is fair and equitable doesn't occur -two monkeys: one gets cucumber, other gets grapes -monkey likes cucumber until sees other getting grapes, gets frustrated and throws cucumber, shakes holed wall tried to reach through and get grapes -sees giving same kind of rock, doing same task and they get a grape and other gets cucumber -pursuit of a goal, even if not tangible, wanting piece of grape, something want ,notion of inequity makes even more of a frustration

Example of flooding

image from documentary with danny which included gentleman afraid of heights -first therapy session involved climbing to top of huge tower

Personality traits and styles

impact response to stressful situations


impulses/dominated by pleasure/avoid pain -when born, mostly Id

Efficient use of resources

in same hour can provide resources and support for several people -ideal numbers for group therapy -yalom found 5-7 or 7+/-2 being ideal numbers for group therapy


inability to remember important personal information; cannot be explained by ordinary forgetfulness -different than organic basis -doesn't appear to have organic cause -in most severe form. I don't remember ever doing those things, attending that school

ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity -diagnosis is made as combined-type, predominantly inattentive presentation, or predominantly hyperactive/impulsive presentation -name has changed many times, even though criteria talking about same group of individuals(Minimal brain dysfunction, hyperkinesis, hyperactivity, or add) -now everyone diagnosed with ADHD but not everyone has hyperactivity component


increased physiological vulnerability to stress -impact on immune system -any stress confront by making us more likely to be able to have less resources to be able to take it on

Stage 6 of moral development

individual principles and conscience orientation -right and wrong not determined by principles and laws -don't do or not do something because law is good or bad, right or wrong, more idea of your conscience -you assess morality, you decide because no law doesn't mean ok to do -morality transcends the laws

Example of Type A

individuals that have to win even at small things -babysitting and have to win at candy land

Stage 4

industry vs inferiority -age 6 through puberty Stage: Latency Key Event: School Positive Resolution: child learns to do things well or correctly in comparison to standard or to others -am i competent or worthless? -exhibiting increased sense of curiosity, moving outside family -some children eager to learn and persistent tasks to develop mastery in positive sense of productivity, others may lose interest or feel ineffectual/inferior in broader world -seeing kids go into classroom setting, are you able to master info and come home with stars and smiley faces, or do realize not stacking up to how other kids are doing? -see both parents that encourage child's sense of industry or may discourage it or school may encourage or discourage -do end up feeling positive sense of industry or feelings of inferiority?

Initial Impressions

initial perceptions make a difference; and have shown strong effects -how we form impressions about people, what attitudes we place on them, how strongly an initial impression may last in terms of kinds of impressions we have and how long lasting they may be -research that initial impression can make a difference -shown pretty strong effects in some studies

Stage 3

initiative vs guilt -fourth through sixth years Stage: Locomotor Key event: independence Positive Resolution: child learns to begin action, to explore,t o imagine, and to feel remorse for actions -am i good or bad? -gaining motor skills, understanding how actions impact others -if parents are controlling, may instill guilt -if child wishes and needs to explore, take action are thwarted, may feel bad leading to diminished sense of self worth and even guilt over strivings -child wants to know about world. Why does this happen? What happens if I do this? -Are they encouraged in steps toward initiative or made to feel guilty and bad about asking?

Hyperarousal symptoms

insomnia, irritability, impaired concentration, hypervigilance(always alert in some ways), and increased startle responses(overreactive to comments, movements into other things)

Passionate love

intensely emotional and physical intimacy -passion is a highly emotional and affective component -some inverse relationship with intimacy and passion

Projective Tests

interpreter bias -Rorschach, TAT, DAP

Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love

intimacy, passion, commitment


introduced the concept of flow to humanistic perspective -flow reflects achievement of one's potential

Difference between foot in door and lowballing

is lowballing for same behavior after person commits, it's the same behavior asking just increase cost requires more of them

Gene for neuroticismterm-35

is single gene leading to more complex behavior like neuroticism or is it polygenic but don't know combination of gene pairs related?

if an emergency

is something requiring you to intervene or not

Key component of mental disorder

is the level of subjective distress and whether it interferes with the ability to successfully function in every day life

Not able to follow instructions with ADHD

kids not oppositional or defiant or lazy, kids that think doing HW right way but just didn't read instructions fully or read and missed important key details -start to think not smart or people treat them like being lazy or disrespectful and purposefully not following through

Example of Sensorimotor

kids put cat tail in mouth and get mouthful after and cat may hiss -learning about world through actions

Example of Stage 7 teacher

kids worked with teacher who worked for long time as lawyer within juvenile justice system, found getting some kids out of criminal justice system and then back in and out -realized wasn't making differnce the way he wanted so went back and got certified in early elementary education because felt what he was doing was stagnant and not making a difference -if he could teach kids to read, to feel sense of industry, maybe there would be opportunity to change trajectory of where they were going -looked at way to go back and feel positive sense of generativity(doesn't have to be about having own children, could be doing something meaningful, idea of producing something of value

Cognitive needs

knowledge, understanding

Limited Pro-social Emotions

lacks remorse, callous (no empathy), unconcerned about performance, shallow or deficient affect in response to sad or scary stories

Clip: Lost in Mirror- women with multiple personalities

large recent survey of pyschiatric community, 80% of doctors do believe disorder is real -2/3 diagnosed have tried to take own life

Additional Behavioral Component of Fish

later may go to another place and somebody says "Hey, we're having tacos, would you like some?" -right away, sounds great until tell you it's fish tacos and automatically say hard pass, no thank you


leading teratogen in US causing intellectual disabilities

People high in extraversion like to spend more time with people

likely to endorse that on check off light as well as when given object of being with other people or being by themselves, choose to be with others

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

little boy with violin from intelligence lecture -use to look at achievement motivation -sometimes just use as general assessment of thoughts, feelings, ideas, and conflicts

people high in self-esteem

live happier, healthier lives

safety and security needs

long-term survival and stability

Panic attack must be associated with

longer than 1 month of subsequent persistent worry about having another attack or consequences of the attack, or significant maladaptive behavioral changes related to the attack.

Rorschach inkblot test

look at ink blot and supposed to tell us what you see with idea you project aspects of personality onto that ink blot

Erik Erikson

looked at development throughout lifespan, looked more socio-emotional -personally determined by how crises are solved or not

Nielsen Family ratings

looked at what people watched on TV and when they watched it(before computers) -family once got neilsen survey -included $1 bill in it because research showed including just $1 significantly increased rate of replying to survey -people feel uncomfortable getting something without doing something in return

Psychodynamic therapies

looks at unconscious conflicts, consider defense mechanisms and symptom resolution that comes from insight in a broader manner than Freud. - Still a form of "talk therapy" -usually less intensive(once a week, sometimes every other week) -still helping someone through process of a talking therapy to find symptom relief and more adaptive relationship qualities, successfully handle job stress, etc. -goal to reduce/relieve symptoms, promote insight, offer advice and support

Employment and Financial Problems

loss of certain aspects of identity

Conversion Disorder

loss of motor or sensory function with no organic basis, usually a specific area or system affected

Stress in general

lowers/decreases the body's immune responses

Example of Hoarding

magazines(every 1 for last 50 years, plastic bags from grocery store -might need it, could be useful -cars, can't see out back windows because so much clutter

gender differences

males and females place significant emphasis on physical attraction in early relationships but the strength of this feature may not last as long for women -based on Lee's research

Body shape

males as inverted triangles(having very broad shoulders) -females as hour glass -some cultural differences, some valuing women that are thinner or robust in terms of weight and size, ratio of waist being 70% of hips for women


mary delivering meals at 94 but gave sense of purpose and meaning that made her life feel positive and productive

Example of Social norms

may be visiting someone where they have an open air market and going to buy some food products and they have bag of onions and charging $5 -say to vendor, would you take $4 for it? -someone that didn't understand about bartering in an open air market may initially be surprised because they don't understand those expectations -would be problematic if next time they went to meijer's, cashier rings through onions and person said to them, instead of 5 would you take 4 -need to come to learn what are the particular expectations of feelings and behaviors and how vary from time and place


may laught at strange things or respond inappropriately to things -because personality disorder, in most situations and things, people that not only seem to be going to beat of different drummer but unusual in particular ways

odd behavior

may look for psychic soul spot, think words have special meaning

Example of panic attack association

may see series of attacks or avoidance behaviors- not going back to grocery store because that's where had panic attack -avoidant behaviors really important to work through as part of treatment of panic disorder -allowing people understanding of what's physiologically going on with panic attack so can realize what experiencing is panic, not danger, reframing so can take more control, not avoid those situations and not be afraid of that panic attack

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

measures anxiety, depression, health concerns, likelihood to get angry in certain situations, your self esteem -looks at family and school problems, level of motivation, aspirations -has some validity scales such as lie scale where can determine if answers are internally consistent or not

example of narcissistic personality disorder

meet individual at party and they say "that's a strange thing for you to wear" and you look offended and they're confused why offended -they tell you all about things they've been doing in regular conversation think they'd want to know about you but they'll tell you all about what they did this past summer and rather than asking what you did they ask "so what did you think about how wonderful my summer was" -focus so much on self that they are most important person there and they are deserving of your admiration and attention

Example of homogeneity bias

member of sports team, all care about sports and part of team -if asked if everyone in team the same, you'd say no -but if looked at someone in another group would say they're all alike -problematic because leads to further prejudice


mind always vigilant for what may be going wrong, what said wrong, replaying things which can interfere with ability to concentrate


mood is extremely abnormal and is also combined with increased activity or energy that is also abnormal -key when in full blown manic period can be engaging in pretty dangerous activities, can be significantly problematic

Behavioral component of fish

more likely than not to not want to buy fish

homogeneity bias

more likely to believe those in the "out group" are all the same, although we see the diversity within our own group

Normative social influence

more likely to conform to obtain rewards that come from being accepted by other people while trying to avoid rejection that comes along with group in some ways -everybody has something that there's the buzz about

People low in conscientiousness and agreeableness more likely to be "juvenile delinquents"

more likely to get into difficulties, especially in adolescence -little contrary and don't follow rules very well

Perceived responsibility

more likely to help those who we view as "true victims"

Type B personalities

more relaxed, easy going and less quick to anger

Breaking rules Mischel Example

most would not break rules, not take something that didn't belong to us -some people who would no problem if movie theatre expected you to pay full price if 12+ and maybe shorter, telling somebody that they're 10 so pay child rate -this is someone who would never break big rules but little rules willing to break

Informational social influence

much more likely to follow the opinions of those we believe have accurate knowledge and believe they are doing right, "others are buying this product" -desirable thing because have that information

Stage 2 of moral development

naive reward orientation -right and wrong is determined ny what is rewarded -right and wrong based on what want to get from others

Interaction with environmental influences

need to realize how multiple determined teratogens are -can't do experimentally, correlation research -high stress may not be getting good nutrition, not good medical care in addition to exposure to teratogen(cumulative effects_


negative attitudes towards people based on membership in a group -explicitly and implicitly look at attributions we make -basis of so much of what social psychologists do -can have positive but in general think in a pejorative way, solely based on membership


negative effects of COVID with isolation and loneliness that comes from individuals not being able to be with families and to connect with them in ways that have -not just physical wellbeing, but cognitive well being challenged by it

Smokers overestimate ability to quit

new intervention for smokers, now say don't quit quitting because so important to know hard to quit, go through physical withdraw(why have patch, smoking cessation programs) -any point stop smoking, benefits start to accrue

Fugue state

no concept of self/can take on a whole new identity/life -used to call John/Jane Doe in ER, would show up and present themselves and not know who they were and how they got there -technology(internet and social media) has been breakthrough in treating, by being able to identify who are -gentleman who showed up in town, didn't know who was and how got there and went on internet and someone said was family member and able to identify, initially no recollection of who was, slow process -many regain memories but not everyone -fugue states also track back to trauma, significant stress


no longer have energy and don't care about things

Role conflict

norms accompanying different roles may clash -each of us has more than one role we play

Developing tic after virus or stressful situation

not considered tourette's

Social Relationships

not enriched and interactive, no back and forth that makes social interactions work

Pressured speech

not just speech but feel intense pressure with it

diffusion of responsibility

numerous studies have shown when others are present the responsibility to help is divided among those present


ocpd, dependent, avoidant

clusters of personality disorders

odd/eccentric, dramatic/erratic, anxious/inhibited

Impaired Attention

often individuals experience positive symptoms such as hearing voices, interferes with ability to successfully attend to what's going on around you -if doing cognitive or intellectual assessments with someone while in active psychotic state, often see decreases in what responses are because of impaired attention and loss of motivation


oh please come on, i'll pay for you to go to the movie with me -not wanting to ever be alone because truly need to be with somebody else, need external sense of reassurance for them

interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)

one form of psychotherapy focuses on helping clients improve current relationships. Works on improving relational functioning (adaptive role transitions(partner to parent), build social and emotional skills...) -therapist takes a more active role, usually don't have someone laying on a couch looking up and away -usually sitting face to face -more significant relational quality, often see therapist providing more specific advice and support in therapeutic view

Positive Relationships

one of best predictors of successful lives

Lithium for bipolar disorder

one of first drugs that came aroundl, still seems to be some effective

Sleep Disturbance

one of hallmarks of GAD -affects ability to fall asleep -crawl into bed and all worries and anxiety of day are playing through or fall asleep and jolt up and start replaying conversation, think of what did and didn't do, concerned somebody misinterpreted something you said, more riled up with difficulty falling back asleep

Purple Lady

only wore purple -kind and nurturing -59 years old

Example of Approach-Approach Conflict

opportunity to do really good internship or really wonderful study abroad opportunity -conflict because can't do both -either way end up with positive situation


optimistic about future -difficult to say if she will be surviving one -hopeful, would like to live -doesn't mind responsibilities and obligations

Aesthetic needs

order and beauty

Operation on events

organizing what's beginning, middle and end

Stereotypes and Prejudices impact

our impressions and attributions


paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal


particular phase marked by physical, socioemotional, and cognitive developments and shifts -adolescence growth spurt -asynchrony -prefrontal cortex


people afraid of making a mistake -may think did i remember to unplug the curling iron -will go upstairs to make sure because afraid if didn't, house will burn down -drive back to house and check again -end up not getting where need to go or always arriving somewhere late

Bystander Effect

people are less likely to provide help when in groups -more people there, more you look to see if somebody else will intervene, less likely somebody will step into help

Example of reducing dissonance

people believe really importantly about getting fuel efficient car -then realize how much a fuel efficient car costs -supportive beliefs: decide can't afford prius but going to make sure recycle more to make up for it -reduction of importance of conflicting belief: decide it's just one car that's not a prius on road and not hurting it that much -change conflicting belief: not sure i believe in greenhouse gas emissions, cars, and all that that it's changing the environment

external locus of control

people believe their lives are controlled by luck, fate or other people

Internal locus of control

people believe they are responsible for what happens to them

Cultural differences in fundamental attribution error or self-serving bias

people form collectivist cultures are less prone

Matching Hypothesis

people tend to opt for those at their same level of attractiveness

Illusory correlation

people tend to overestimate the number of confirmations of an association between social traits often within groups -availability heuristic and representative bias, doesn't fit with data but think there's conformation within it


people with more positive outlooks handle stress better - certain personality traits associated with being adaptive, successful and happy in life -can look at situation and try to find something good and positive from it -take opportunities others would see as challenges and find positive meaning from that -temperament: some naturally have more positive outlook -mindfulness: people can work to reframe some of more negative aspects of how see world and try to reframe in more optimistic way and do well

Group Therapy

people with similar or different problems come together to provide support, strategies -Normalization a key component -Can aid in social skills, modeling of adaptive strategies and encourages empathy -Efficient use of resources

Psychological factors

people with similarity in attitudes, values and interests -confound with situational factors -often taking some classes or you are volunteering with the same organizations that you volunteer with or at same concerts or sporting events -situational factors likely to be expanded when have shared psychological factors

Flight of Ideas

person in manic episode may tell you feels like thoughts are racing

Door in face technique

persuader makes a large request expecting you to reject and then makes a smaller request believing you will be more likely to comply -don't ask for what they really want first

Picture: pop leave mom, i love you

picture left by daughter of development psych author who wrote book -even though lot of freud theories are outdated and lot of problem with how conceptualize them with broader understanding of world, sometimes maybe something subtly to it

Longitudinal research demonstrates

positive benefits of meaningful relationships and their association with health and wellbeing

Personality traits may also serve as

positive moderators(conscientiousness)

Conscientiousness associated with

positive physical health and higher rates of longevity(Terman's sample) -follows through on things -may be exposed to less stress because make healthy and reasonable choices -may gravitate toward healthier environments -less reactivity to stress -less likely to exhibit unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking, risk taking -can be friends with lots of different people -would also conscientious friend to take to airport -maybe conscientious people foster healthy relationships

Graduated exposure

practicing in situations that involve higher "doses" of trigger; challenging "what if's" and "I cant's"

Behavioral component

predisposition or propensity to act in a certain way toward an object

all biases increase


Example of Conscientious person

prescription says make sure take all 14 days -feel better after 5-6 days so stop taking -conscientious person would take all 14 days

Social Supports

presence of social supports provide adaptive coping/practical reality of release from pressures -having someone there can help you feel comforted

Impact of attitude on fish

probably not going to buy fish

Psychosexual stages

progress through stages. Fixations or regressions can occur. -go through at different ages -could solve conflict dealt with at that stage, have organized in healthy, adaptive way and move onto next stage or get fixated at stage where seem stuck in terms of conflicts working on and personality seemed stymied -could progress through stage and have something occur and regress to earlier stage -very heteronormative




psychosis or condition involving distorted perceptions of reality and an inability to function in most aspects of life -typical onset 17-25 -strong genetic component -identifying more role of epigenetics, not only genetic trigger to make expression come about but also protective factors that can make it less likely that schizophrenic behaviors would present itself -used to have subtypes, now conceptualize more on positive and negative symptoms


quickly fall head over heels in love with someone you just met could lead to promiscuity

Adolescent growth spurt

rapid growth in height and weight as the body is preparing for hormonal shifts/ maturation(where can reproduce)

Sun Exposure

rates of melanomas continue to grow, wear sunscreen -invisibility: telling adolescent to put suncreen on can be difficult to think about long term implications if don't

Reaction formation

react in exact opposite way of how really feeling and often accentuated Ex: roomate has friend that kinda attracted to so when come in thinking they're so cute say you're so annoying-how long are you gonna be here?

Need for self-actualization

realization of potential

Eve Black

reckless, fun loving -every nuance of voice, posture, and gesture suggest impish merriment -was little disappointed by first plane ride, just crept along -thinks everything really exciting, more than interesting -been out off and on all life, remembers childhood and things that happened to Eve White(everything) -less educational background, wasn't interested -didn't pay attention when she studies -trouble coming out


reduces tension by relaxing muscles in the body, slowing cortical activity, heart rate, respiration and blood pressure -helps if response is one of sheer anxiety or anger or over-reactivity

Symptom groups of PTSD

reexperiencing, avoidance, and hyperarousal


relatively constant basic disposition which is inherent in a person that underlies and modulates his/her behavior -idea born with particular temperament


removing painful experiences and unacceptable impulses from the conscious mind: "motivated forgetting" Example: not lashing out physically in anger, putting bad experience out of mind


repetitive ritualized behavior in which people feel a lack of control over it

Cognitive restructuring

replace negative thinking with more realistic and positive beliefs -through challenging irrational belief, trying to reframe it and restructure it in a more positive way, see a decrease in those negative emotional responses -often involves behavioral elements

Social skills group

require you to be able to listen, take turn, develop empathy

attitudes influenced by several factors

research says attitudes influence our behavior more strongly when counteracting situational factors are weak -most people say would never take food from grocery store without paying for it(pretty strongly held attitude) until devastating hurricane and nobody is manning or is there at the stores, have to feed family and there's a loaf of bread on the shelf -might decide going to take loaf of bread right now because counteracting situational factors aren't walk, actually pretty significant

precursor to antisocial personality disorder

research shows not every child with conduct disorder will develop anti social personality but adults diagnosed with antisocial can track back in adolescence and childhood showing criteria for conduct disorder

Defense Mechanisms

responses to anxiety that are caused by internal conflicts (not always conscious); attempts to reduce distress of anxiety/guilt


restrictive parenting; insist on obedience, rigid rules; no explanations and insensitivity. Preschoolers were moody; easily annoyed, unfriendly, less motivated


reverting to an immature behavior or earlier stage of development, a time when things felt more secure, to deal with internal conflict and perceived threat Ex: using baby talk, even though able to use appropriate speech, in response to distress

Personality Disorders

rigid, maladaptive traits that cause great distress or lead to an inability to get along with others, or to function well in the world

display rules

rules that were culturally determined for how you're allowed to express sadness or anger -social norms go with that

Emotionally Focused application to mom stressed in morning

say what are you worried about? What's the concern? -worried kids are gonna be late: have they ever been late? What would happen if they are late? -have person realize they ahve internal idea that if somehow late, world will fall apart but not what is going to happen -sense of relief with someone realizing don't have to think about in way that've been thinking -if 4th grader has tardy on permanent record, will not change ability to get into a good college one day, nor will lose any opportunity to still see yourself as adaptive, successful parent

Problem Focused Application for mom stressed in morning

say what's the challenge of getting out on time of house in morning and what gets in way?' -say nobody can find backpacks or lunches aren't made or somebody can't find coat or shoes -change situation by packing backpacks night before and leave at door, make lunches night before, set alarm for 15 minutes earlier

Free association

saying whatever comes to mind -laying on couch, often not looking directly at the therapist to help facilitate free association process -belief in doing that, unconscious thoughts, feelings, wishes, desires will allow themselves to be revealed

Daily Hassles scale

schrierer did research for dissertation -asked people to mark down on scale how stressful to least stressful different things in life were like having to make kids dinner again, needing to make sure all bills were paid -daily tasks in and of themselves combine to create significant levels of stress

Females: phallic stage

see dad and wish mom wasn't there and want to get rid of -look down and realize don't have amazing thing called penis, incomplete in some ways -what would mom do if knew wanted dad and wanted rid of her? -decide can't get rid of mom and don't want her to know, can grow up to want to be like mom and marry someone just like dad

situational influence on behaviors

see others engaging in a behavior, likely to be influenced by it -just seeing others, more likely to be influenced

example of informational social influence

see something on TV of someone saying this is the face cream you need to use -going to be difficult from whether the dermatologist is telling you or it's a licensed dermatologist who is telling you that even on TV


sense of closeness and sharing


sense of self/person in conflict

Piaget's stages of cognitive development

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational


sensory distortion -seeing, hearing, touching, tasting thing that aren't there -hearing voices of individuals that don't exist, seeing lights, colors, and flashes that aren't there

Genital Stage (puberty on)

sexual contact with other people -sexual impulses reveal themselves(assumed resolved phallic stage) -don't have to prove power -can form healthy relationship with partner


sexual functions reach maturity; impacts social and emotional development in addition to physical -stabilization in onset, was moving down and down in industrial countries

Latency(6 to puberty)

sexual interests suppressed

Social norms

shared expectations about thoughts, feelings and behavior you should have across variety of circumstances; can vary by time and place; culturally sensitive -display rules

eyeblink reflex

shine a bright light or clap, they will close eyelids. Protects from strong stimulation -continues

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

shock therapy; beneficial to those with severe depressions which are not responsive to medication/therapy. Can lead to memory impairment. even though pretty significant success rate,Unclear on why/how it works -still done today, even at UM hospital -basically bring about seizure, rewires areas of brain -never first line of treatment -when depression is debilitating -not usually 1 session, usually have series of ECT treatments -for some with intractable depression , find it truly does help open up opportunity to live happier more successful lives because of it -research shows as start to feel depressive phenomenology coming back, may go in for shorter course of treatment -much better now in how they adminster it -historically, was more dangerous because didn't give accompanying muscle relaxes so sometimes people would break bones, now done under good controlled conditions -also unilateral vs bilateral decision to make

Example of stereotypes

showed 2 groups of people same videotape of little girl telling a story -in one of groups, told girl is of upper SES family, other group told girl was from lower SES family -asked to rate her level of intelligence, girl from higher SES rated as more intelligent

Clip 2: Social Role Theory

shows how much hasn't changed with really rigid social role and expectations that help determine who we are, how we see ourselves -links how much of personality traits inherent or encouraged or discouraged, based on particular gender role expectations -girls have long hair, wear dresses, don't like minecraft -boys are more active, play with toy cars, crazy, short hair, legos

movement up and down hierarchy of needs

significant change in social circumstance, may be very focused on school and aesthetic beauty around you and then something happens and natural disaster, all of the sudden finding food and shelter is more important

can't rely on ____ solutions for complex challenges such as ____________

simplistic, systemic racism and bias


so significant -staying connected -covid has made difficult because people are isolated

Stage 5 of moral development

social contract orientation -right and wrong is determined by society's rules which are viewed as fallible rather than absolute -morality based on contract of individual rights and democratically accepted laws -can see rules and laws may somehow be limited or wrong

Group Effects on Decisions and Behavior

social loafing, group polarization, groupthink -how does being in a group change what we do, how we think , the effort we put in

Example of Limited prosocial emotions

some behaviors are primitive -light cats on fire, no empathy of how harm other people

Alienation from larger society

some cultures value and respect elders -not uncommon for us to not put as much wisdom and value in older individuals in current(western) society

Research on liking and loving

some has been challenged over last several years -one was presented form very heteronormative perspective and lot of significant gender bias embedded within it and stereotypes and attributions made with what gender differences were looking for partners

Cause of Hoarding

some people because of trauma or something else, effort to surround yourself with items -if felt deprived growing up, objects give you some sense of comfort with aht

Positive Attitude

some people generally more optimistic -research that can retrain to reframe negative attitude into more positive one, partly mindfulness movement does is tell to stop and to reframe things in positive way

Example of Social support

somebody gets sick and gotta run to grocery store -who can help get the items you need for you? Is there a neighbor or friend you could call? Is there a grandparent that can come and babysit?

Example of Mischel

somebody when put in big class situation and need to raise hand and ask question, no way would because feel so shy and overwhelmed with that -in most large social situations will be shy -even though see shyness as pretty stable that put somebody shy with few close friends and they don't seem shy at all


someone might say do you wanna cookie -child says wanna cookie, wanna cookie

Example of Transference

someone over period of weeks and months starts to experience analyst as being withholding -never say anything in response to what I say -allows analyst to interpret: I'm wondering if what your experience is a familiar feeling from other people in your life

Skills and tools of empathizing example

someone says to you "sometimes i feel like I just can't win" answer being " you know it s gotta feel difficult to feel that no matter what you do, you can't find the successes that you need" -idea of framing with them how they're feeling so they feel understood, feel accepted as they continue to find more significant ways to feel sense of congruence with the person and the self are in a more consistent manner that leads to the reduction of anxieties and concerns


someone that didn't realize pregnant and took 14 days of antibiotic -someone binge drinking vs toast of champagne on New Years when didn't know pregnant

Example of Avoidant Personality Disorder

someone who gets note slipped under door saying "we're going to get together and do socially distant dinner downstairs" and think probably said everyone had to be invented and didn't really want me -so desperately want to connect with others but withdraw because of fear and shame associated with it

Dr. Spiegel

specialist of DID at stanford -new medical techniques providing preliminary evidence inside brain -noticeable difference in brain scans of 4 different personalities of patient


specific events or chronic pressures that place demands on a person or threaten the person's well-being -can be real or perceived -with anxiety, how to think differentially about whether something truly is threatening well being or not

Restricted interests

specific interest in baseball statistics or fluorescent lighting

Reexperiencing Symptoms

spontaneous intrusions of traumatic memory in form of images come to mind that cause distress or nightmares(terrible, may wake up in cold sweat from these nightmares) -can lead to avoidance symptoms

Hallmark of antisocial

steal from people, rob, scam -set up fake cancer charities think what an easy way to make money

systematic desensitization

step by step process of eliminating a fear. -based on principles of counterconditioning from classic conditioning -based idea if you could condition someone to have a fear, you could counter condition them -pairs relaxation techniques with increasing levels of contact with the feared situation/object

maladaptive coping strategies

strategies use to try to reduce the stress but ultimately can create greater problems and stress -displaced aggression, catharsis, and self-indulgence

Experience with Histrionic Personality Disorder

stress may not be internal because behaviors present themselves seem perfectly how should be -with histrionic, fear of abandonment seems like trauma but everyone else rolls eyes because everything is a trauma -must be sensitive to individuals experience while viewing personality disorders from broad context of how affect people in their lives around them

Babinski reflex

stroke the heel to see reactions of the toes which flex/fan out; normal in infants, if persists can indicate neurological problems

Type A personality

strong competitive orientation, impatience and time urgency, anger and hostility


studied moral development using moral dilemmas. found various stages of moral development based on responses to this and similar situations -developed 6 stages, 3 levels of moral development, determined by how answered question

Aversion therapy

substitutes punishment for the reinforcement of a bad habit. Antabuse for alcoholics; shock for pedophiles

Deep Brain stimulation

surgical treatment for depression and OCD; ---thin electrode surgically implanted so electrical currents can be delivered to the brain -idea mechanisms are array -never a first course of treatment(ERP is one of most effective but not for 10-25% who don't get relief they need) -used if not seeing success from other treatments, meds, ERP

Rooting reflex

survival value, stroke cheek and baby will turn head toward the stimulation, open mouth -present at birth

Hypomania of bipolar II

sustained mood that is elevated (heightened), expansive (grand, superior), or irritable. This mood has to be noticeably different from his or her normal mood when not depressed.


take particular feeling that have that feels unacceptable and find more socially acceptable way to express it Ex: very nosy and want to know everything going on in other's houses, may volunteer to be in neighborhood watch, don't have to feel guilty if in charge of watch or diverting anger to contact sport

Difference between Mania and Hypomania

talk about same kinds of qualitative symptoms but matter of degree that distinguishes

Pete Davidson

talked about his diagnosis with BPD and what it's meant to be able to understand choices he makes in that context

Electronic activated recorder

tape records for 30 seconds once every 12 minutes for time span of 2-4 days -lightweight and portable, wear comfortably and will just start recording conversation at certain fixed times with idea allows a sampling of an individual's natural social, linguistic, and psychological experiences of world

people low in self-esteem

tend to perceive rejection in ambiguous feedback


the adjustment of people's behavior, attitudes and beliefs to a group -adjust to fit with the group -lots of different ways to see increased powerful role on pressures to conform


the affectional bond between an infant and its caretacker -looked at by developmental and clinical psychologists -Studied by Ainsworth in her attachment paradigm still being used today -The "strange situation" allows researchers to assess attachment relationships


the body releases adrenal hormones, sympathetic nervous system is activated -HPA access gets activated -once alarm sounded and everything triggered especially in response to chronic stressors, body goes to resistance

locus of control

the degree to which people perceive the control of rewards as internal to the self or external to the environment -in divorce research, use locus of control to see if children's ability to successfully cope with divorce was somehow predicted or moderated by sense of locus of control


the deliberate effort to change or impact one's attitude

Attitude Strength

the durability or impact of an attitude

Self Esteem

the extent to which an individual likes, values, and accepts the self -affects personality and relationship with others

Norm of Reciprocity

the golden rule; to get you to comply with a request you are given an unsolicited favor or gift -come to expect that when others treat us well, we need to respond in kind -free sample -when get something for free, feel guilty and feel like have to give something back


the inability to envision reversing an action -was one cookie before broke in half, same amount of water before poured into tall beaker but can't remember that

Primary Appraisal

the interpretation of a stimulus as stressful or not

Goodness of Fit

the match between the characteristics of the infant and his/her family is critical to development. Some are better matches than others! -doesn't mean if difficult baby, certain parent better suited to raise because of their temperament -if different baby and parents more sensitive(mind-minded) can read what need and adapt environment successfully would do better than parent that finds annoying because can't get on schedule


the moral component of personality that incorporates social standards about what represents right and wrong -develops over time -expectations internalized about right and wrong -some people may have superego that is too rigid, strong -some have superego like swiss cheese, huge gaping holes in that component over personality -no problem breaking rules, think don't apply to them because haven't internalized healthy sense of right and wrong

Social influence

the presence of others energizes performance (Triplett) -triplett studied how people performed on bike races -found generally people that were racing against someone perform better than when they were just racing against the stop watch -for some, just knowing they're being observed changes at least initially aspects of their behavior -over time, habituation to that where long term shifts of being observed can actually be diminished -being around others not only motivates our performance, especially initially but being around other people also helps give us ideas about how we're supposed to respond in particular situations -cultures help determine social norms


the pursuit of a goal is prevented -can present itself in all different ways -sometimes about somethings abstract, expect something to be fair and equitable

Social Psychology

the school of study that examines the influence of social processes and social world in affecting the way people think, feel, and behave -assess by looking at people's attitudes

Panic disorder

the spontaneous and unexpected occurrence of panic attacks -Recurring attack of intense fear or panic accompanied by feelings of impending doom or death -panic attacks really anxiety rousing, feel overwhelming -many people go to ER without knowing having heart attack or panic attack -feels like heart coming out of chest, sympathetic nervous system triggered


the use of humor can help cope with stress; can defuse some situations (bullying) -research that in some bullying prevention programs, obviously getting bystanders to speak up can be helpful but using a little humor in situation can actually help diffuse it -humor in and of itself can with getting through really dark and difficult times

Example 2 of Self-Indulgence

things aren't going so well for me today so going to do some retail therapy for me -maybe momentary feeling of satisfaction, but neither helped solve problem, sometimes can create additional problems -research shows a little retail therapy might help until charge cards come in and could create whole new host of problems with that

Example of displaced agression

things don't go well at practice and come home and scream at roommate who didn't do anything wrong -displaced because can't yell at coach so yell at roommate -creates new conflicts in relationships, can be problematic

affective component of fish

think fish is kinda disgusting, don't particularly want to put on your plate


think you are so special and important that you are bringing to situation beyond what is reasonable

Reframing Example 1

think you have to get As in all your classes -could reframe with idea don't need to get all As, all I need to do is pass my classes this term to have positive outcome given everything going on


thinking characterized by a limited ability to share another person's point of view -theory of mind, if child knows thinks everyone knows -if see something, assume you see in same way

Goal of Group therapy

to bring individuals together in a group -don't all have to be similar people or similar sort of goals in mind -could be heterogenous group where it's a social skills group or general therapy group where different people(some suffer from depression, anxiety, OCD) -being in group where talking about challenges themselves can normalize the process


to help make up for feelings of insecurity, try to accentuate something you feel competent at Ex: lord farquaad has very large castle because compensating for height

Goal of psychoanalysis

to increase insight and and understanding and uncover repressed/unconscious conflicts -when bring to conscious in confines of psychoanalysis decrease their unwanted influence which bring about stress, anxiety, relationship challenges

post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD)

trauma or stress related disorder following exposure to death, threatened death, actual or threatened serious injury or actual or threatened sexual violence. -can include exposure to chronic stressful situations and circumstances -even experience a threat, if doesn't result in physical harm, doesn't make it any less traumatic - Reflects change from previous functioning(prior to stress) in order to receive diagnosis -has to be a behavioral change related to exposure to the stress


treat people differently and unfairly based on group affiliation

Symptoms of Panic Disorder

trembling, shaking, dizziness, chest pain, sweating, heart palpitations, hot/cold flashes, sense of losing control


two or more competing and incompatible goals

Basic principles of Humanistic Therapies

unconditional positive regard - help build self esteem and feelings of acceptance with genuineness and empathy -skills and tools of being able to empathize with someone by being able to connect with how they feel

Avoidant Attachment

unresponsive to parent when present, no distress when she leaves, react to stranger similar as to parent, slow to greet parent when she returns, ~20% show this pattern in the U.S.

Stay active physically and intellectually

use it or lose it


used to be subtypes, could be diagnosed as being schizophrenia with catatonic, disorganized, undifferentiated, paranoid -no validity to subtypes

transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

using a powerful pulsing magnet alters neuronal activity in the brain; less invasive than ECT. Some studies show similar benefits with less negative side effects.

Reflexes and sensory abilities of newborns/infants

vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch


waxy coating collects -when fetus ready for birth, vernix covers entire body which we thinks helps with birthing process -protective and lubricant as baby is moving through birth canal and being born

Adolescent Egocentricism

way of thinking the world is focused on themselves

Attitudes have a greater influence over our behaviors when

we are aware of them and when they are strongly held

self-serving bias

we attribute our successes to personal factors and our failures to situational forces -also called actor-observer effect -if something doesn't go out way much more likely to say I just didn't catch a break or if I had really studied more, I would've done better on that test

Medication interactions

week day pill containers of grandparents, more pills with age -makes sure medicines react well with each other

Personality Traits

went through all different words could think of for how somebody would describe themselves -all different ways think about ourselves(shy, outgoing, friendly, withdrawn) -originally came up with 18,000 traits to consider from Webster's dictionary -clustered together using factor analysis and got down to 4,504 -further research and condensing down to 171 -from 171, looking at correlations and finding clusters

Agressive impulses

what if I poison them or hurt by accident

object permanence

when kids understand that an object in world is permanent even if can't see it

Poverty of Speech

when schizophrenia active and symptoms present, asked questions and answer in one or two monosyllabic word responses such as can you tell me what you did last week "not much", don't go beyond that

Example of Catharsis

when schreirer doing lot of child therapy, sometimes if child going around hitting people or punching walls, goal to get them to not do that -some would say punch pillow instead of brother but ideally, help a child not just go around punching pillow for rest of their lives but figure out how to understand to use words about what made them so frustrated and angry -how can they realize what may be getting them angry so can stop cycle that would get them to fell as if need to punch pillow or punch sibling(adaptive coping) -just punching= catharsis(maladaptive)


when sense of self and the person are consistent it allows positive functioning -if things work right way, someone has sense of congruence

Presence of a dissenter

when someone else dissents he/she serves as a model and it significantly reduces conformity -asch included second dissenter in some variations -often in 3rd or 4th seat while subject often in 6th -often looked at dissenter and look for assurance like somebody else sees the world like i did

Legal Standards

whether or not a person is in control of behavior and aware of the consequences of his/her actions -significant because look by state statute if someone is competent to stand trial because of mental disorder -not based on presence of disorder

Example of TMS

woman blindfolded used this to interrupt ability to read braille letters -can do some rewiring, changing firing patterns


won't go outside or go to certain places because phobic of spiders

Example 1 of Frustration

working on getting an A in class, find out professor is grading on bell-shaped curve and only two people in course are able to get an A -know there's no way gonna be in top top in the class which leads to frustration

Retrace Lady

wouldn't retrace her tracks -if drove into town in one direction would drive around to come home in another direction -though if don't repeat anything, won't make mistakes like others and would be survivor(personalities in competition to survive)


writing about your deepest thoughts and feelings has been shown to have a range of beneficial health effects -journal, writing letter to someone you're thinking about whether negative or positive -research about whether write in first person or not


abuse of multiple substances likely

Environmental influences either

accelerating or impeding the acquisition of developmental milestones

Clip: Cephalocaudal and proximaldistal

-2 month old joesphina just beginning to be able to lift head while lying on stomach -soon will be able to use hands to elevate chest and arms like 6 month old anthony can -rolling over and sitting with supports become possible with trunk control -9 month old hannah sits with support and can control neck, shoulder, and trunk muscles when pulled to sitting position -once developed control of upper and middle parts of body, development of extremities quickly follows -9 month ol dholly uses legs and arms to pull to standing, soon will walk using furniture for support like steven is doing -around 1 year, children begin walking and moving quickly to more complex and coordinated motor skills of kicking, throwing ball, climbing steps, -wide individual ages when infant acquires specific skill, progress through some sequence of motor achievements fairly consistently


-poor fixation ability -limited ability to discriminate color -estimated visual acuity of between 20/200 and 20/400 -preference for human faces(look at longer and more persistently than other objects) -holding baby and looking down in arms is best ability they have to focus effectively -research that prefer higher contrast

How does design and structure of strange assessment help us look at qualitiative aspects of attachment relationships?

-designed to gage how secure is cruicial relationship between mom and child -did experiment at 1 year old and followed up at 21 about relationships with parents -long term significance of relationship -after several minutes of play, mom leaves room -key moment is reaction to mother's return -if baby isn't engaging, solid not secure relationship -resistance or ambivalent: inconsolable even after return, pushing away toys -shows in past when sought comfort, mom inconsistent with whether available, unresponsive or not -other component where stranger comes into room, parent leaving and baby interacts with stranger who tries to comfort then parent combes back to see how respond is reunion after stranger left again

Clip: Predicting temperament

-discovering large set of temperamental categories don't know numbers -focusing on two types able to predict from simple behavior when child is 4 months old -foreshadow shyness or sociability -focus on motor activity, excitement from visual stimli reactions with extreme distress will be very quiet -pattern of motor tension, thrashing of arms and legs, irritability tends to be characteristic of temperament biased to become shy, timid, restrained child when 1-2 -parents with shy fearful children misinterpret behavior and assume did something wrong such as going on vacation at wrong time or punished when shouldn't have -child was born with neurochemistry that made it likely to behave in this way -karina who is quiet in extreme exhiibits behavior that may mean she'll be more outgoing later -will be sociable, spontaneous, outgoing, nonfearful, one year old -kagan continued to check -continuity vs change -prediction of whether child sociable or not seemed to be pretty stable construct over time

Age of viability

-doesn't mean very premature baby couldn;t survive but greater likelihood of survival at 23-26 weeks

Clip: Reflexes

-moro and grasping considered leftovers from evolutionary heritages -survival refelexes usually become voluntary at some point during first year of while primate reflexes disappear -some reflexes predominantly related to nourishment of infant(eating) psome reflexes predominantly related to protection of infant(grasping, moro) -moro begins to disappear at 5 months -josephina already starting to lose at 2 months -absence of moro at birth or reappearance after normal age or disappearence may suggest damage to central nervous system -stepping reflex related to postural control -2.5 week old olivia appears to take steps and walk, reflex disappears 2-3 months, won't be seen again until learns to walk on own -reflexes used to identify normal brain activity -absence, persistence beyond normal time for disappearance or reapparance later is suggestive of significant neurological problems -Bubinski normal in children less than 2 but presence after indicates damage to nerve paths connecting spinal cord and brain

Developmental Theories as Stage theories

1. Individuals must progress through stages in a particular order, stages build on each other 2. Progress is strongly related to age(chronological) 3. Development is marked by discontinuities that result in dramatic transitions -when compare child and what can do in one stage vs next stage, marked difference in capacity or ability

Jean Piaget and Cognitive Development

How a child thinks, including reasoning, remembering and problem solving -schemas -Development involves two processes of assimilation and accommodation -children and infants like "little inherent scientists"

Attachement Deprivation: Harlow Monkey studies

Reared Monkeys in isolation or with a surrogate mother -After 6 months sent back to colony -Isolated monkeys showed indifference, were terrified or were aggressive with other monkeys, failed to form relationships with opposite sex, were abusive to their offspring -Gave Monkeys a wire mother with milk and a cloth mother with no milk: watch the results

Increased understanding of role on parental exposure to drugs on developing child

Thalidomide -taken for severe morning sequence -many mothers who took drug had babies with malformed limbs, negative effect on development -helped identify how certain drugs could alter development


a developmental period during which characteristic patterns of behavior are exhibited and certain capacities become established

Clip: Fine motor development

ages of 2-5, children improve dramatically in ability to control and coordinate fine motor activity -fine motor involve fine body movement like hands and fingers -william, 2.5, enough fine motor control to eat with spoon with some success -as children gain control over muscles in hands, fingers, and wrists and as hand-eye coordination improves can manipulate puzzle pieces more easily -age 3 or 4 graduated from simple puzzles for ease of handling to more complex -by 4 or 5, children can cut, draw, paint, and write while skills still developing, laying foundation for handwriting for school -20 month old tess can't draw recognizable pic, while has intent -caroline's increased ability to hold marker and coordinate wrist movements results in artistic representations which can easily recognize

Cognitive deficits

appear to be irreperable -even with early intervention, can't help kids gain skills hope would gain


assume control with flexibility; reasonable demands; provide reasons for rules/decisions. Preschoolers were cheerful, socially responsible; achievement oriented and cooperative -"benign dictators", have to be in charge not full democracy


authoritarian, authoritative/democratic, and permissive parenting styles -different parenting styles more likely to lead to different behaviors in child

fat deposit

baby is born and loses a few ounces because lot of work in birth process, reason for fat storage

Stepping reflex

basis for complex motor skills, with bare feet touching floor infant will mimic a stepping response (disappears around 2 months) -overriden in development so no longer there


birth to 2 years -infants learn through concrete motor actions; by touching, tasting and smelling -accomplish object permenance (6 months) -develop capacity for mental imagery -organize information into categories -increasingly able to use purposeful activity

Taste and smell

both present at birth, preference for sweet -like smell of bannana and chocolate and don't like smell of sulfur/rotten eggs -breast milk is inherently sweet so prefer -often introduce vegetables before fruits because once babies get taste of fruit and like sweet would be less likely to eat vegetable

Gender differences

boys ahead of girls in force and power; girls ahead in fine motor and gross motor skills which involve good balance -sometimes also effect of social construct -girl vs boy babies held differently, given diffirent toys, and encouraged to use bodies in different ways


cause individual difference with effect of teratogen -Are you allergic to poison ivy?Someone who is downward a mile and pick it up whereas others unaffected -greater vulnerability in male than female fetus

fetal alcohol syndrome

caused by high doses of alcohol for devoloping fetus -don't know what level safe or not -unifromly agreed not having alcohol is recommended best way to protect from having any fetal alcohol effects on developing fetus -physical and behavioral symptoms

Physical and Motor Development

cephalocaudal and proximodistal


cheerful, adaptable, easily establish routines -if couldn't nap at 1 could wait till 2 and be fine

Securely attached

child uses the parent as a safe base to explore, when separated the child may not cry during absence, seek contact when parent returns, decrease crying if present (~60% of U.S. infants)

Stranger anxiety

develops when infants are around 6-7 months ending around 18 months. If a stranger approaches, the infant becomes afraid and reaches for the caregiver for comfort and reassurance

3rd month

digestive organs begin to function, buds for teeth form, sex organs develop rapidly due to influence of different hormones, arms/fingers move

Gross motor development

early childhood, growth rates 2.5 inches a year, 5-7 lbs a year, rapid gains in gross motor skills -gross motor skills involve large muscle movements or movements of entire body -2-3 year olds can walk and run with ease but coordination and balance need to matur -by age of 4, most can jump, skip, and hop with 1 foot and run faster than could earlier -bean bag activity affected by individual differences in coordination of motor skills -girls and boys perform relatively equally with regard to gross motor skills in pre K years, will change with age

Cultural variations in attachment styles

ethnocentric beliefs that come along with this Germany kids are encouraged to be more independent, increases rates of avoidant -Japan, kids encouraged to stay close show ambivalent -whether picking up increased insecurity or different ways encouraging children to deal with important adults in lives and expectations have for them -early display rules of how supposed to modulate and deal with emotions about separation


exposes infant through blood stream; mild stimulant; increases fetal activity; low birth weight, perceptual and attentional problems, increased SIDS -related with premature births -not just primary exposure but second hand smoke can lead to some of these effects -even question of tertiary, touching things with residue of tar and ingesting could have effect


exposure to antibiotics in utero can lead to discoloring of teeth buds, depending when exposed -especially early in development, effects of teratogens can be very significant in how affect development of nervous system still some effects if later on stage in development


often inactive, adapt slowly, and can be withdrawn and show a negative mood -then ease into situation


often wail, cry, and are negative in new situations, eat and sleep irregularly -based on how genetically organized -doesn't mean can't find ways to overcome/adapt -most ways engage in world has to overcome what basic dispositional feature is -couldn't get on schedules

Clip: Monkey study

other individuals seen or heard but no physical contact, interaction -monkey becomes dependent on doll to satisfy basic necessities of life -nourishment and deeper psychology needed from comfort -in primate infants, instinctive need to cling to other body warm -question of whether will switch to wire monkey which has food -after feeding, returns to cloth mother -if exposed to other young, will grow into normal, well adjusted adult -looked at what happened when exposed to feared object -clings to cloth mother -not sure if monkey studies transfer to humans -can't ethically deprive humans of relationships -healthy attachments predictive of healthy relationships

sucking reflex

place a finger in mouth and baby will suck; permits feeding -affected by teratogens -want baby to latch onto nipple to feed enough, may have to intervene if not


premature birth weight, tremulous behavior, poor sleep, poor sucking and feeding, risk of SIDS


premature size/weight, tremulous, high pitched crying, respiratory & regurgitation problems, muscle rigidity, withdrawal symptoms, urogenital tract deformities -babies exposed can be born addicted -don't see long standing challenges with cognitive limitations that see with fetal alcohol


removed or hostile parenting; overwhelmed with own stressors have little time or energy to parent. Children high in aggression, temper tantrums, perform poorly in classroom -two parenting styles embedded in one -others just overtly hostile, different from authoritarain becuase about charge not from hostilitty level

Ainsworth 4 attachment styles

securely attached, avoidant attachment, ambivalent/resistant attachment, disorganized/disoriented attachment

Motor development

see particular unfolding process, child getting over head head and shoulders and then at cetain point sitting independent or will roll to side and fall over, pull up, cruise furniture with support then walk independently -usually at similar stage of set movements -same order universally -slight difference in time for individuals -if milestones don't occur, look for development delays and talk about appropriate interventions and assessment

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