Unit 3 Test Key

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Aaron Beck developed a ________ therapy for depression.


disparaging or belittling a despised outgroup provides people with a heightened sense of:

self-serving bias

during football season, when a team loses, fans will believe that factors other than team performance (such as poor officiating) were responsible for the loss. this best illustrates:

11 percent less

in studying the brains of violent repeat offenders, researchers found that their brains had ___________ frontal lobe tissue than a normal brain.

scapegoat theory

in the US during the late 1980s, most democrats wrongly believed the inflation had risen under republican president Ronald Reagan. in 2010, most republicans wrongly believed that taxes had increased under democrat president Barack Obama. these incorrect beliefs best illustrates the impact of:

low self-evaluations and high achievement standards

individuals with eating disorders tend to have:

medical model

it would be most difficult to use the ______ to explain why anorexia nervosa occurs mostly in western cultures.

an anxiety disorder

maladaptive behaviors that reduce worry and fear are most indicative of:

offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person

obsessions are:

an unjustifiable, usually negative, attitude toward a group and its members

prejudice is best defined as:

Sigmund Freud

psychoanalysis refers to the personality theory and therapeutic practices developed by:

a specific phobia

Kaylee is so afraid of snakes that she avoids most outdoor activities and even refuses to spend time in her own backyard alone. Kaylee appears to suffer from:

in-group bias

Kelly is a republican and Carlos is a democrat. both believe that the members of their own political party are more fair-minded and trustworthy than members of any other party. this belief best illustrates:

defensive self-esteem

Kelly loves to boast about her accomplishes and becomes very upset when anyone criticizes her. Kelly most clearly demonstrates:


Luke suffers from acrophobia, a fear of high places. his therapist suggests that his reactions to heights is a generalization of the fear triggered by a childhood playground accident in which he fell off a jungle gym. the therapist's suggestion indicates that he believes Luke's fear results from:


Rorschach inkblot test results diagnose many normal adults as disordered. this indicates that the test has little:

free association

a central therapeutic technique of psychoanalysis is:

a continuous state of tension, apprehension, and autonomic nervous system arousal

a generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by:

in a person's cognitions, emotion regulation, or behaviors

a psychological disorder is a syndrome marked by a clinically significant disturbance:

anxiety; depression

a response to the threat future loss is to __________ as a response to past and current loss is to ________.


a sincere word of apology often helps to reduce the tension between two conflicting parties. this best illustrates the value of:

a psychological disorder

a syndrome marked by a clinically significant disturbance in a person's thoughts, emotion regulation, or behaviors is most clearly an indication of:

anorexia nervosa

about four months ago, 16-year-old Amanda went on a drastic diet that caused her to drop from her normal weight of 120 pounds to less than 90 pounds. although her weight is dangerously low, she continues to undereat because she thinks she looks fat. Amanda suffers from:

problems thinking, concentrating and making decisions

according to the DSM-5, one of the five major symptoms of major depressive disorder is:

therapeutic lifestyle change

aerobic exercise, adequate sleep, light exposure, and social engagement are important components of:


stressful life events like the loss of a job are most likely to increase one's risk of:


the DSM-5 is most clearly designed to ________ psychological disorders.

personality inventory

the MMPI is an example of a(n):

drug therapy

the biomedical treatment most widely used today is:

reduce symptoms without resolving underlying problems

the criticism most likely to be made regarding the use of drugs as an ongoing treatment is that they may:

cognitive dissonance

the discomfort we feel when our thoughts and behaviors are inconsistent is called:

an attempt to achieve some goal is blocked

the frustration-agressions principle suggests that anger results when:

no diagnosed psychological disorder

the vast majority of violent crimes are committed by those with:

stressful life experiences

the vicious cycle of depression is often initiated by:

attitudes, intelligence, and age

we are likely to prefer as friends those who are similar to us in:

personality traits; situational constraints

we have a tendency to explain the behavior of strangers we have observed in only one type of situation in terms of ________ and to explain our own behavior in terms of _________.

social psychology

which branch of psychology is most directly concerned with the study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another?


which severe disorder(s) is (are) characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and/or diminished emotional expression?

companionate love grows slowly throughout a relationship

which statement about companionate love is true?

behaving unselfishly to enhance the welfare of others

altruism is best described as:

the mere exposure effect

an increased liking for an unfamiliar stimulus flowing repeated experience with it is known as:


an individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting is his or her:

belief-based feelings

attitudes are _______ that guide behavior.

increase; increasing

cocaine may _______ symptoms of schizophrenia by ______ dopamine levels.

higher; higher

compared with those who suffer no disorder, those with alcohol use disorder have a _______ risk of committing suicide. compared with the general population, those who have been depressed have a _______ risk of committing suicide.


compulsive fretting and overthinking about problems and their causes are characteristics of:


25. Gina and Tina are identical twins. Gina has had a series of traumas and has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Tina is demonstrating no symptoms of schizophrenia. Because schizophrenia tends to run in families, the difference between the twins can be explained through:

the fundamental attribution theory

Carol is restless during class because her professor's distressed facial expressions lead her to believe that he dislikes teaching. the professor, on the other hand, is distressed because he sees Carol's restlessness as an indication that she lacks any motivation to learn. at this point, both student and professor should be informed of the dangers of:

a panic attack

the most common symptoms of _______ are a pounding heart, rapid breathing, breathlessness, and a choking sensation. the person may also sweat, tremble, and feel terrified.

biomedical therapy

the treatment of serious psychological disorders with prescribed medications or medical procedures that directly influence the nervous system is called:

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