Unit 3 World History

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What would be the best title for this photograph taken in late 1914?

"If War Comes, We're Ready!"

In stating this goal, Wilson was seeking an end to agreements such as the "There shall be no private international understandings of any kind but [instead] diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view." - Woodrow Wilson, The Fourteen Points

Allied promise to give Italy some Austrian lands.

A consequence of Germany promising Austria a "blank check" was that

Austria sent Serbia an ultimatum to end all anti-Austrian agitation.

How was Lenin's "war communism" similar to tsarism?

Both relied on secret police, terror, and autocratic rule.

How did French nationalism increase tensions in Europe?

France considered Alsace and Lorraine to belong to France, rather than Germany.

Who benefited most from the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?


What was one effect of the failure of Germany's Schlieffen Plan to quickly defeat France?

Germany had to fight the war on both the Eastern and the Western Front.

Why did Germany ask the Allies for an armistice in November 1918?

Germany was exhausted and could not hold out against fresh troops from the United States.

How did the Treaty of Versailles create a climate that might cause another war in Europe?

Germany was forced to accept harsh treaty terms and might use force to undo the treaty or seek revenge.

Which measure did Lenin adopt in trying to achieve the promise made in the following quote? "We shall now occupy ourselves in Russia in building up a proletarian socialist state." - Lenin

He ended private ownership of land and distributed land to peasants.

How did the man shown in this photograph contribute to the outbreak of the February revolution in Russia? (Rasputin)

His influence over the Tsarina weakened faith in the government.

What was the result of the Allies' intervention in Russia's civil war?

It backfired when the Reds appealed to nationalism and urged Russians to drive out the foreigners.

Why was the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand important?

It caused Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia.

What was one reason the February revolution in Russia was less successful than the October revolution?

It did not affect Russia's commitment to World War I.

How did new military technology influence the fighting in World War I?

It increased the number of casualties.

How did Austria's alliance with Germany affect Austria's reaction to the assassination of Francis Ferdinand?

It prompted Austria to take a firmer stand against Serbia.

Which country fills in the blank space on this chart?


What is one way in which militarism influenced the nations of Europe prior to World War I?

Militarism contributed to a European arms race.

Which statement describes a feature of "war communism" in Russia? *

Peasants were forced to deliver their crops to feed the army and people in the cities.

Which phrase completes this chart? Britain-

Pledged to defend Belgium

How was imperialism a cause of World War I?

Rivalry over overseas territories increased tensions in Europe.

Which of the following was an effect of Allied defeats and high casualty rates on the Eastern Front ?

Russia experienced a revolution and dropped out of the war.

Which factor was a cause of BOTH revolutions in Russia in 1917?

Russia's involvement in World War I

What was the reason behind the incident described in this passage? "The second bullet struck the Archduke close to the heart. He uttered only one work 'Sofia'- a call to his stricken wife. Then his head fell back and he collapsed. He died almost instantly."

Serbian nationalism

What event in 1917 most benefited the Allies?

The United States declared war against Germany.

Why were posters like this one necessary to the U.S. war effort? (Uncle Sam, "I want YOU for the U.S. Army")

The United States entered the war late and had little time to mobilize.

Which statement completes this chart?

The old Russian empire became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Why were political reforms ineffective under Lenin's government?

The party held all of the real power.

How did Ottoman control of the Dardanelles and German submarine warfare in the Atlantic have a similar impact on World War I?

They both interfered with vital Allied supply lines.

Why did the soldiers mentioned in this statement choose to fight in World War I? "India Gate, an important monument of the city, is a memorial built in commemoration of more than 80,000 Indian soldiers who were killed during World War 1." - National Portal of India, Government of India

They expected that their service would be a step toward self-rule or independence.

What impact did rapid-fire machine guns have on the course of the war?

They helped prolong the stalemate because they made it difficult for troops to advance.

How did the Allies fight against German vessels like the one shown in this picture? (German U-boat)

They organized convoys of merchant ships protected by warships.

What role did women play in the war effort during World War I?

They worked in war industries, manufacturing weapons and supplies.

What is one way Russia's lack of industrialization impacted the war?

Trench warfare did not develop on the Eastern Front.

What were the Fourteen Points?

Wilson's plan for ending the war and preventing future wars

Which of the following is the best example of how World War I was a total war?

Women took over many jobs in war industries.

What was the immediate result of the sinking of the British liner Lusitania by a German u-boat?

Woodrow Wilson threatened to cut diplomatic ties with Germany.

Germany, France, and Russia were drawn into the war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia as a result of the

alliance system

What was the main reason that Britain entered the war?

because Germany invaded neutral Belgium

These soldiers are marching through Belgium in August 1914, an action that

brought Britain into the war.

How did Lenin plan to apply Marxism to Russia?

by creating an elite Socialist ruling party to lead a revolution

How did the Russian provisional government contribute to the outbreak of the October Revolution?

by keeping Russia in World War I

Imperialism increased tensions in Europe because

countries built up their military to protect their colonies.

The image shown here could best be used to illustrate which of the following causes of World War I?

extreme nationalism

The major goal of the Pan-Slavic movement in Serbia was to

free Serbia from Austrian domination.

The naval rivalry between Germany and Britain was the direct result of

growing German imperialism in Africa.

The weapon described in this passage was primarily used "I suppose I resembled a kind of fish with my mouth open gasping for air. It seemed as if my lungs were gradually shutting down and my heart pounded away in my ears like the beat of a drum. . . . To get air into my lungs was real agony." - William Pressey, quoted in People at War 1914-1918

in trench warfare.

Which type of military technology played the largest role in creating the long stalemate on the Western Front?

machine guns

When he made this prediction, German chancellor Otto von Bismarck was most likely referring to

nationalist and ethnic tensions in the Balkans.

The chief goal of the League of Nations was to

prevent future wars

The European nations formed two great alliances because they wanted to

protect themselves from their enemies.

Which of the following is the best example of how imperialism increased tensions in Europe in the years before World War I?

the Moroccan crisis of 1904

Which situation shown on this map shaped Germany's military strategy in World War I?

the alliance between France and Russia

In the above passage, a British woman criticizes which provision of the Treaty of Versailles? "Although they would no doubt have welcomed the idea of a League of Nations, Roland and Edward certainly had not died in order that Clemenceau should outwit Lloyd George, and both of them bamboozle President Wilson, and all three combine to make the beaten, blockaded enemy pay the cost of the War." - Vera Brittain, Testament of Youth

the imposition of reparations on Germany

The above statement made by Tsarina Alexandra is evidence that "They are constantly frightening the emperor with threats of revolution, and here, - you see it yourself - we need merely to show ourselves and at once their hearts are ours."

the royal family underestimated the growing discontent in Russia.

The military technology shown in this illustration was important in World War I because it allowed (Tank)

troops to attack targets more than 100 miles away.

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