Unit 4 - Ch. 14-17

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Which of the following can be symptoms of Severe Non-Fatal Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)?

all of these answers (sensation deficits, motor function and emotional deficits, coma, amnesia, other cognitive function deficits)

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is can be caused by which of the following?

all of these answers (vehicle accidents and falls, being struck, unknown reasons)

____ is a legal process where the State forces involuntary treatment for those who are a threat to self &/or others. (in the State of Florida it is known officially as the Baker Act)

civil commitment

______ treatment produces electrical currents through the brain, thus producing a seizure and affecting the neurotransmitter system. This treatment can be administered in 2 ways, bilateral and unilateral.

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

_____ Therapy is used to treat anxiety disorders, by displaying the anxiety-provoking stimuli.

exposure therapy

_____ Mental Disorders have no organic basis and are thus treated by medical doctors called Psychiatrists.


The most commonly used mood stabilizer drug to treat bipolar disorders is called ________.


In the mental health field, ______ are medical doctors (M.D.) who perform biological treatments.


______ is the use of medications to treat mental disorders.


____ Amnesia is for events before the causative event; whereas, ____ Amnesia is results from the inability to store new memories after the causative event.

retrograde; anterograde

_____ Interventions target smaller segments of community; such as school based interventions, programs for high risk teens, parent-family education, prevention, and extracurricular strategies. Efforts placed toward at risk sub-groups of population.


_____ is the second most common dementia which includes decline in thinking skills due to block/reduce blood flow that deprives the brain cells of oxygen and nutrients. Symptoms are: Confusion, Disorientation, Impaired Speech, Vision loss.

vascular dementia

Which disorder includes the following symptoms: Difficulty with focus/attention, controlling behaviors, hyperactivity, and impulsive/inattentiveness. Causes/Risks are due to a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Treatment: No cure. Medication (i.e. Ritalin, Adderall..) & therapy to treat symptoms


Which type of dementia includes the following symptoms: Extreme limitation in ability to lead normal life with difficulty in: Memory, Judgment, Learning, Coordination/balance, Extremities, Mood, Headaches, Attention, & Confusion. With later stage symptoms occurring such as, seizure, psychosis, bladder/bowel control problems. There is No cure; medications are used to treat the symptoms.

HIV dementia

Which type of stroke occurs as a result of an obstruction within a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain and accounts for 87 percent of all stroke cases?

Ischemic stroke

______ is a chronic memory disorder caused by severe deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B-1), most commonly caused by alcohol abuse and also other conditions. Symptoms include problems learning new information, inability to remember recent events and long-term memory gaps. Memory problems can be severe while other thinking and social skills are relatively unaffected. Treatment is supplements of thiamine and other vitamins as directed by a doctor.

Korsakoff syndrome

Which type of dementia has the following symptoms? Most common dementia with memory, thinking & behavior problems. Symptoms develop slowly & increase over time to severe. Some other warning signs include problems with Planning, Surroundings/Time, Visual/Spatial, Words, Judgment, Personality changes, and Social Withdrawal.

alzeheimer disease

_____ are a buildup which accumulates outside neurons. Amyloid is a protein normally found throughout the body. In Alzheimer Disease, this protein divides improperly into beta-amyloid which is toxic to brain neurons, thus destroying synapses leading to cell death.

amyloid plaques

Alzheimer Disease is NOT a normal part of aging however, risk factor increases with age. The majority of people with the disease are age 65 and older; about 5% age 40 to 50 years old have early onset form. Recent research in 2015 at Northwestern University found in the brain _______ a feature of Alzheimer's starts accumulating in brain neurons as young as _____ years old.

amyloid protein/20

_______ drugs, alleviate or reduce the intensity of delusions and hallucinations, by blocking dopamine receptors, thus lowering the amount of dopamine in the brain.

anti-psychotic drugs

Which disorder includes the following symptoms: A Pervasive Developmental Disorder affecting approximately 1 in 60 children born with the disorder which is often seen before/by age 3. Symptoms: difficulties in social interaction, repetitive behaviors, verbal/nonverbal communication & narrow obsessive interests.Cause/Risks: Unknown. Genetic Predisposition & Environmental FactorsTreatment: No Cure. Medications & Therapies treat symptoms


______ Therapy is a direct and active treatment that recognizes the importance of behavior, acknowledges the role of learning, and includes thorough assessment and evaluation.

behavioral therapy

Which disorder includes the following symptoms: Serious brain disorder, with abnormal mood changes including mania & depression. In children it is 'early onset' is more severe v. teens/adults, as mood swings are more frequent. With mania including extreme happiness or silly, short temper, speak fast, flight of ideas, unable to sleep, difficulty focusing, risky behaviors. With depression as extreme sadness, guilt/worthless, problems sleep/eating, pain complaints (i.e. stomach ache, etc) tired, and suicidal thoughts..Causes/Risks: Unknown. Genetic Predisposition & Environmental Factors. Treatments: Medications & Therapies treat symptoms

child and adolescent Bipolar

Which disorder includes the following symptoms: Affects apx. 11%, with higher risk increasing with age, a U.S. leading cause of disability between ages 15-44, with females more affected v. males.Symptoms: In children include feeling sick/refuse to go to school, clingy or excessive worry a parent may die. In teens sulking, trouble at school, negative complaints, feel misunderstood.Causes: Unknown. Genetic & Environmental Factors combined.Treatments: Medications (with high warnings) & Therapies treat symptoms

child and adolescent depression

Which disorder includes the following symptoms: Serious behavioral & emotional disorder w/patterns of disruptive, violent behavior, ignores rules and regularly violate others/socially unacceptable behaviors. Aggressive/Destructive/Deceitful, low self esteem, drugs, lack empathy Causes/Risks: combination bio, genetic, environment, psychological & social factors.Treatments: Medications & Therapies treat symptoms

conduct disorder

________ laws prohibits therapists from divulging a client's information, with the exception of them being a threat to themselves and/or others.


What was the following called? A 1960's Policy discharging mental health patients from hospitals due to lack of public funding and the belief that institutional living is harmful and patients must integrate back into community. However, critics stated the lack of community resources made created a situation where patients were dumped on city streets and are now homeless.


Which diagnosis would best match-up to the following symptoms: A serious often short lived, usually reversible brain disorder with fluctuating disturbance in attention, cognition, and consciousness level. Causes include almost any disorder or drug toxicity, dehydration, and illness. Diagnosis is clinical, with laboratory and usually imaging tests to identify the cause.


Drugs, referred to as 'second generational' reuptake inhibitors, work by increasing the serotonin (SSRI) and/or norepinephrine (SNRI) levels in the brain. These drugs are used most often to treat which disorder?


What is the study of the origins and course of individual maladaptation in reference to the normal growth process?

developmental psychopathology

Which disorder includes the following symptoms: About 1/700 live births are born with an extra chromosome 21, with risk increasing as the maternal age increases. Each person is unique. Symptoms can include intellectual disability, short stature, characteristic faces, physical anomalies and abnormal development. No Cure. Treatments: Genetic counsel, therapy, & Medication to treat symptoms.

down syndrome

Which type of stroke occurs when a weakened blood vessel ruptures. Two types of weakened blood vessels usually cause this type of stroke; aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations. However, it is most commonly caused by uncontrolled hypertention (high blood pressure).

hemorrhagic stroke

Which disease has the following symptoms: It is caused by genetic mutation on chromosome 4, causing a progressive brain disorder which affects about 5 out of 100,000 in midlife, most of European descent, living only about 10/15 years from onset. The disease gradually kills brain nerve cells affecting body, mind, emotions, weight loss. Early stage:Subtle issues in balance, movements, cognitive, emotions. Middle stage: Interference in daily life, such as falling, difficulty speaking, swallowing.Late stage.Requires full care with inability speak or walk, severe fidgety movementNo Cure. Medications to treat symptoms and mental, physical, speech therapies

huntington disease

When an individual accused of a crime, has a mental disorder preventing him to assist in own defense, it is legally known as _____.

incompetent to stand trial

______ Interventions emphasize early detection, prompt treatments for individual, family, and community. Immediate and brief intervention to prevent long-term behavior consequences to trauma. Efforts placed toward high risk groups.


Which disorder includes the following symptoms: It is the most common sex chromosome disorder, affecting about 1/500 live male births with the disorder which occurs due to an extra X chromosome (XXY). Those affected boys tend to be tall with disproportionately long arms and legs; small testes and 30% develop enlarged breasts (gynecomastia). There's a predisposition for verbal learning disorders. Some affected men have 3, 4, and even 5 X chromosomes along with the Y. As the number of X chromosomes increases, the severity of intellectual disability and of malformations also increases. Not inherited. Treatments: testosterone supplements, fertility counseling, some benefit from speech/language therapy.

klinefelter syndrome

_______ is used in therapeutic communities, which brings all the ongoing activities of a hospital together. The 3 approach treatment includes, 1) staff clearly communicates to patients; 2) patients are involved in decision making processes; 3) patients belong to a a social group within the therapeutic community.

milieu therapy

Which disorder includes the following symptoms: A pattern of disobedient, hostile, and defiant behavior toward authority figures. Actively not obeying or arguing with adults, anger and resentment, blaming others for their mistakes, lack friends, trouble in school, temper, revengeful, easily annoyed. -Some cases grow into teens with conduct disorder or as adults with antisocial personality disorder. Causes/Risks: biological, psychological & social factors. •Treatments: Medications & Therapies. (not all children improve)

oppositional defiant disorder

____ Mental Disorders have an identified pathology, such as tumor, stroke, drugs, etc.


Which disorder includes the following symptoms: The disease occurs slowly over years about age 50-60. Affects movement due to low levels of neurotransmitter Dopamine producing hand, leg, and arm tremors, along with stiff muscles. Slow movement occurs and problems with balance/walking.In the later stages a person may have blank expression, trouble speaking, and dementia. No cure; medications are used to treat symptoms as well as mental, physical, speech and occupational therapies.

parksinson disease

_______ treatment uses pulsed magnet over a selected area of the patient's scalp, to create an electrical field that increases or decreases neuronal activity in the brain.

transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

Which type of stroke is caused by a temporary clot blocking blood flow to/in the brain. Often called a "mini stroke", these warning strokes should be taken very seriously.

transient iscemic attack

Although laws vary from state to state, patients who are hospitalized involuntarily, can refuse treatment.


Alzheimer Disease can be the result of a gene/genes.


In the United States, If someone is charged with a crime and is considered to be unable to understand the trial proceedings due to an intellectual or mental health state, they can be hospitalized until their mental state is restored.


Psychosurgery is sometimes used for debilitating obsessive-compulsive disorders, treatment-resistant severe self-mutilation, and intractable anorexia nervosa.


Which disorder includes the following symptoms: Females are born with 1 (of their 2) X chromosomes partly or completely missing. Usually present around age 5. Symptoms vary; short stature, webbed neck, broad chest, gonadal defect, cardiac anomalies are common; intellectual disability is rare. Treatment depends on symptoms: may include cardiac surgery, growth hormone therapy for short stature and estrogen replacement.

turner's syndrome

_____ Interventions alter conditions that can cause/contribute to mental disorders (risk factors) and Establish conditions which foster positive mental health (protective factors). Efforts to influence general population.


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