unit 5

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fast and jerky movements of the eyes are especially likely to be associated with a. sleep spindles b. dissociation c. REM sleep d. sleep apnea e. NREM sleep

REM sleep

circadian rhythm refers to a. the pattern of emotional ups and downs we routinely experience a. a pattern of biological functioning that occurs on a roughly 24-hour cycle c. the experience of sleep apnea following an extensive transoceanic flight d. the cycle of five distinct stages that we experience during a normal night's sleep e. a pattern of brain waves that occur during sleep

a pattern of biological functioning that occurs on a roughly 24-hour cycle

the minimum amount of stimulation a person needs to detect a stimulus 50 percent of the time is called the a. adaptation threshold b. difference threshold c. subliminal threshold d. absolute threshold e. change threshold

absolute threshold

compulsive craving for and use of a drug is an indication of a, dissociation b. narcolepsy c. addiction d. hypnagogic sensations e. hallucination


sleeptalking may occur during a. stage 1 stage b. stage 2 sleep c. REM sleep d. stage 4 sleep e. any stage of sleep

any stage of sleep

which drugs are most likely to be prescribes as tranquilizers? a. amphetamines b. barbiturates c. hallucinogens d. opiates e. dissociatives


those who emphasize that mood fluctuations may be indicative of seasonal affective disorder are highlighting the importance of a. neurodatption b. alpha waves c. biological rhythms d. narcolepsy e. REM sleep

biological rhythms

which of the following is the most widely consumed psychoactive substance? a. alcohol d. marijuana c. nicotine d. cocaine e. caffeine


prior to age 9, children's dreams seem more like a slide show and less like an active story in which the dreamer is an actor. the best illustrates that the content of dreams reflects children's a. latent content b. psychological dependence c. night terrors d. cognitive development e. manifest content

cognitive development

people become unresponsive to hypnosis if told that those who are highly gullible are easily hypnotized. this fact is most consistent with the theory that hypnosis involves a. dissocation b. conscious role-playing c. neuroadaption d. hypnagogic sensations e. unconscious processes

conscious role-playing

THC the active ingrediant in _________, is classified as a ___________ a. marijuana; hallucinogen b. marijuana; stimulant c. cocaine; stimulant d. cocaine; hallucinogen e. heroin; depressant


the activation-synthesis theory best helps to explain why a. most dream are realistic portrayals of pleasant life events b. people often experience sudden visual images during REM sleep c. dreams typically express unacceptable feelings in a symbolic disguised form d. individuals with sleep apnea are unable to recall any of their dreams e. some people experience insomnia throughout their lives


when informed that a brief imperceptible message would be flashed repeatedly during a popular TV program, many viewers reported feeling strangely hungry or thirsty during the show. since the imperceptible message had nothing to do with hunger or thirst, viewers' strange reactions best illustrate a. the mcgurk effect b. sensory adaptation c. the volley principle d. a placebo effect e. accommodation


the human sleep cycle repeats itself about every a. 30 minutes b. 90 minutes c. 2 1/2 hourse d. 4 hours e. 1.5 days

90 minutes

the large, slow brain waves associated with deep sleep are called a. alpha waves b. beta waves c. delta waves d. theta waves e. sleep spindles

delta waves

sleep deprivation has been shown to a. increase attentiveness to highly motivating tasks b. reduce hypertension c. diminish immunity to disease d. decrease narcolepsy e. decrease tolerance and increase withdrawal

diminish immunity to disease

sensory experiences that occur without a sensory stimulus are called a. night terrors b. neuroadaptations c. dissociations d. hallucinations e. stressors


hypnosis involves a state of a. increased physical stamina b. heightened openness to suggesiton c. improved perceptual skills d. elevated autonomic arousal e. low amplitude and high frequency brain waves

heightened openness to suggestion

which of the following is true of alcohol a. in large doses, it is a depressant, in small doses, it is a stimulant b. in large doses, it is a stimulant, in small doses, it is a depressant c. in large doses, it is a hallucinogen, in small doses, it is a depressant d. in large doses, it is a stimulant, in small doses, it is a stimulant e. in large doses, it is a depressant, in small doses, it is a depressant

in large doses, it is a depressant, in small doses, it is a depressant

obesity is a risk factor for developing which of the following sleep disorders? a. night terrors b. sleepwalking c. sleep apnea d. insomnia e. sleeptalking


which of the following is true of melatonin? a. it is produced by the brain during the hypnagogic stage in NREM sleep b. production of melatonin during sleep boosts our immune system, which helps us fight off viral infections c. it is sleep hormone released by the pineal gland into the bloodstream d. it alters metabolic and hormonal functioning in ways that mimic agin e. it helps restore and repair brain tissue by increasing the production of free radicals

it is sleep hormone released by the pineal gland into the bloodstream

according to freud, the latent content of a dream refers to a. its accimpanying brain wave pattern b. the previous day's events that prompted the dream c. the sensory stimuli in hte sleeping environment that are incorporated into the dream d. its underlying but censored meaning e. the story line of our dreams

its underlying but censored meaning

freud called the remembered story line of a dream its ___________ content a. manifest b. latent c. dissociated d. paradoxical e. delusional


the lack of the neurotransmitter orexin has been linked to which of the following? a. sleep apnea b. paradoxical sleep c. insomnia d. narcolepsy e. sleepwalking


the change in brain chemistry that offsets the effects of a psychoactive drug is called a. narcolepsy b. dissociation c. disinhibition d. neuroadaptation e. dependence


which of the following drug is classified as a stimulant? a. marijuana b. morphine c. alcohol d. nicotine e. LSD


chronic sleep debt is most likely to promote a. sleep apnea b. obesity c. insomnia d. night terrors e. withdrawal


chronic slepe debt is most liekly to promote a. sleep apnea b. obesity c.insomnia d. night terrors e. withdrawal


near-eath experiences are a. typically recalled as very scary and unpleasant b. often accompanied by visions of bright lights c. recalled by nearly all who have been revived from a cardiac arrest d. examples of REM rebound e. typically experienced during delta wave sleep

often accompanied by visions of bright lights

morphine and heroin are a. amphetamines b. opiates c. hallucinogens d. barbiturates e. stimulants


consciousness is a. the ability to solve problems, reason, and remember b. the sudden and often novel realization of the solution to a problem c. the process of organizing and interpreting sensory information d. effortless encoding of incidental information into information e. our awareness of ourselves and our environment

our awareness of ourselves and our environment

which of the following is evidence for cultural influences on sleep patterns a. the sleep patterns of identical twins are usually similar b. brain waves are generally elevated and variable during REM sleep c. sleep patterns reflect differences in latenet and minifest dream content d. people in countries without electric lights generally sleep longer e. newborn babies spend more time in REM sleep than in NREM sleep

peole in countries without electric lights generally sleep longer

which of the following is evidence for cultural influences on sleep patterns? a. the sleep patterns of identical twins are usually similar b. brain waves are generally elevated and variable during REM sleep c. sleep patterns reflect differences in latent and minifest dream content d. people in countries without electric lights are generally sleep longer e. newborn babies spend more time in REM sleep than in NREM sleep

people in countries without electric lights generally sleep longer

as the brian receives information about the lines, angles, and edges of objects in the environment, higher level cells process and interrupt the information to consciously recognize objects. this process best illustrates a. sensation b. bottom-up processing c. perception d. selective attention e. psychophysics


unpleasant withdrawal symptoms are indicative of a. narcolepsy b. neuroadaption c. dissociation d. phsycial dependence e. REM rebound

physical dependence

deep sleep appears to play an important role in a. narcolepsy b. sleep apnea c. paradoxical sleep d. posthypnotic amnesia e. physical growth

physical growth

chemical substances that alter perceptions and moods are called ___ drugs a. neuroadaptive b. narcoleptic c. psychoactive d. hypnagogic e. dissociative


although max never experiences caffeine withdrawal symptoms, he feels that he needs coffee every morning as a part of his daily routine. max best illustrates a. narcolepsy b. REM rebound c. psychological depence d. the pop-out phenomenon e. dissociation

psychological dependence

because she was listening to the news on the radio, mrs s didnt perceive a word her husband was saying. her experience best illustrates a. gate-control theory b. choice blindness c. gestalt d. selective attention e. opponent-process theory

selective attention

as you look at an apple, its reflected light travels to the eye. the rods and cones absorb the light and help transmit the information to the brain. this process best illustrates a. sensation b. top-down processing c. perception d. selective attention e. psychophysics


bottom -up processing involves analysis that begins with the a. optic nerve b. sensory receptors c. cerebral cortex d. feature detectors e. occipital lobe

sensory receptors

layla has difficulty going to sleep and staying asleep. layla is most likely suffering from a. sleep apnea b. night terrors c. hypnagogic sleep d. insomnia e. paradoxical sleep

sleep apnea

research on sleep [atterns indicates that a. older adults and newborns have similar sleep patterns b. different sleep patters reflect differences in latent dream content c. everyone needs a minimum of 8 hours of sleep per night to function well d. sleep patterns may be genetically influenced e. REM sleep may not be necessary for normal functioning

sleep patterns may be genetically influenced

compared with when they were only 20 years old, 60-year-olds a. spend less time in deep sleep b. spend less tim ein stage 1 sleep c. spend more tim ein paradoxical sleep d. complete the sleep cycle more slowly e. complete REM rebound more often

spend less time in deep sleep

REM rebound involves the a. tendency for REM sleep periods to become increasingly longer and more frequent as a normal night of sleep progresses b. increase in REM sleep that characteristically follows intese learning episodes or stressful daytime experiences c. unusualy symptoms of tiredness and irritability that follow periods of REM sleep deprivation d. tendency for REM sleep to increase following REM sleep deprivation e. replacement of REM sleep with NREM sleep

tendency for REM sleep to increase following REM sleep deprivation

the ability to pay attention to only one voice at a time is called a. gestalt b. change blindness c. frequency d. the cocktail party effect e. sensory interaction

the cocktail party effect

when people are experiencing vivid dreams a. their bodies often move in accordance with what they dream b. their eyes are likely to move under their closed eyelids c. they are more likely to sleepwalk than during any other stage of sleep d. their slow brain-wave patterns indicate that they are deeply asleep e. they intermittenly stop breathing

their eyes are likely to move under their closed eyelids

which of the following is true of night terrors? a. they are usually recalled vividly for days following their occurrence b. they are typically accompanied by a state of temporary muscular immobility c. they jolt the sleeper to a sudden state of full waking alertness d. they typically occur during stage 4 e. they involve the temporary inability to breathe

they typically occur during stage 4 sleep

patients' negative expectations about the outcome of a surgical procedure can increase their postoperative experience of pain. this best illustrates the importance of a. transduction b. accommodation c. sensory adaptation d. difference thresholds e. top-down processing

top-down processing

giulio's bag of marbles is twice as heavy as Jim's. if it takes 5 extra marbles to make jim's bag feel heavier, it will take 10 extra marbles to make giulios bag feel heavier. this best illustrates a. the opponent-process theory b. accommodation c. the mcgurk effect d. sensory adaptation e. webers law

webers law

the discomfort and distress that follow the discontinued use of certain drugs is called a. intolerance b. narcolepsy c. withdrawal d. REM rebound e. dissociation


evidence that some cones are especially sensitive to red light, others to green light, and still others to blue light is most directly supportive of the ______ theory a. frequency b. young-helmholtz c. gate-control theory d. opponent-process e. signal detection


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