Unit 5 Quiz and Test Questions, Exam 5 Microbiology ALL

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black eschar

Bacillus anthracis

A patient has a paroxysmal cough and mucus accumulation. What is the etiology of the symptoms


Infection with Streptococcus pyogenes may progress to _________ characterized by a skin rash that peels after about a week and a bright red swollen tongue. A) Pyoderma B) toxic shock syndrome C) scarlatina D) rheumatic fever E) scalded skin syndrome

C) scarlatina

Cystitis is most often caused by A) Candida albicans. B) Neisseria gonorrhoeae. C) Leptospira interrogans. D) Escherichia coli. E) Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

D) Escherichia coli.

Broadfish tapeworm

Diphyllobothrium latum


Leishmania spp.

Which of the following is not predisposing factors to cystitis in females

None of these answers are correct, all are predisposing factors

Viral gastroenteritis




Causes cell fusion in cell culture

RSV (respiratory syncytial virus)

Most colds are probably caused by


Treponema pallidum


Which of the following is vector that transmits Trypanosoma cruzi?


Vector involved in transmission of plague


The normal habitat of ________ is rodents, but humans bitten by fleas carrying the pathogen have fever, severely inflamed lymph nodes, and headache. Later, areas of black, necrotic tissue may develop.

yersenia pestis

Which of the following helminthic diseases is a common infestation found worldwide? A) Ascaris lumbricoides B) Echinococcus granulosus C) Enterobius vermicularis D) Trichuris trichiura E) Taenia saginata

A) Ascaris lumbricoides

Which of the following causes a disease characterized by the catarrhal, paroxysmal, and convalescent stages? A) Bordetella pertussis B) respiratory syncytial virus C) Cornybacterium diphtheriae D) Mycobacterium tuberculosis E) Streptococccus pyogenes

A) Bordetella pertussis

The patient is suffocating because of the accumulation of dead tissue and fibrin in her throat. What is the etiology of the symptoms? A) Corynebacterium B) Bordetella C) Mycobacterium D) Haemophilus E) The answer cannot be determined based on the information provided.

A) Corynebacterium

Which of the following organisms feeds on red blood cells? A) Entamoeba histolytica B) Giardia lamblia C) Escheria coli D) Vibrio parahaemolyticus E) Taenia spp.

A) Entamoeba histolytica

Symptoms of cryptosporidiosis include A) Headache, sweats, vomiting, severe abdominal cramps and diarrhea B) Chills, fever, sweats C) Bloody, mucus-filled stools and fever D) A red skin papule that spreads to a large ulcer E) None of the choices are correct

A) Headache, sweats, vomiting, severe abdominal cramps and diarrhea

Inflammation of the liver with necrosis of the hepatocytes and swelling due to a mononuclear response is a disease called A) Hepatitis B) Jaundice C) Liver cancer D) Mononucleosis E) None of the choices are correct

A) Hepatitis

The common soil mycobacteria that frequently cause systemic infection and death in AIDS patients is A) Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC). B) Mycobacterium kansasii. C) Mycobacterium scrofulaceum. D) Mycobacterium fortuitum complex. E) Mycobacterium marinum.

A) Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC).

Which of the following diseases is almost diagnostic for AIDS? A) Pneumocystis pneumonia B) Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome C) coccidioidomycosis D) histoplasmosis E) blastomycosis

A) Pneumocystis pneumonia

The majority of cases of bacterial pneumonia are caused by A) Streptococcus pneumoniae B) Haemophilus Influenza C) Klebsiella pneumoniae D) Chlamydophila pneumoniae E) Mycoplasma pneumoniae

A) Streptococcus pneumoniae

Beef tapeworm A) Taenia saginata B) Enterobius vermicularis C) Diphyllobothrium latum D) Echinococcus granulossus E) Taenia solium

A) Taenia saginata

The typical sign of primary syphilis is A) a chancre at the site of infection B) a widespread rash C) lymphadenopathy D) gummas in various organs E) paralysis

A) a chancre at the site of infection

The most effective means of preventing influenza is A) annual vaccination B) vector control C) administration of amantadine D) pasteurization of milk E) isolation of carriers

A) annual vaccination

The lower respiratory tract is protected by all the following EXCEPT A) competition with the normal flora of the lungs B) mucous secretions C) alveolar macrophages D) the ciliary escalator E) IgA antibodies

A) competition with the normal flora of the lungs

Which of the following is NOT a typical symptom of influenza? A) diarrhea B) muscle aches C) headache D) fever E) chills

A) diarrhea

Members of the group A streptococci (GAS) cause all of the following EXCEPT A) epiglottitis. B) rheumatic fever. C) scarlet fever. D) strep throat. E) pharyngitis.

A) epiglottitis.

Gums bleeding while brushing one's teeth is most commonly associated with A) gingivitis B) halitosis C) cavities D) peiodontitis E) trench mouth

A) gingivitis

The initial symptom of HIV infection is A) lymphadenopathy B) loss of T cells C) high viral load D) appearance of thrush E) significant weight loss

A) lymphadenopathy

A woman goes to her gynecologist and reports that she is experiencing pain during intercourse and frequently has an unusual vaginal discharge that is increased in quantity and sort of foamy. A vaginal smear shows normal appearing epithelial cells with prominent oval nuclei. What is the likely treatment? A) metronidazole B) penicillin C) azithromycin D) doxycycline E) all of the above

A) metronidazole

Undiagnosed or untreated infections with Neisseria gonorrhoeae in can progress to A) pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) B) bubonic plague C) meningococcal meningitis D) trench fever E) Q fever

A) pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

A frequent complication of untreated gonorrhea in women is A) pelvic inflammatory disease. B) syphilis. C) dysuria. D) vaginal discharge.

A) pelvic inflammatory disease.

The number of T cells drops to below 200 cells/microliter in which phase of HIV infection? A) phase 3 B) initial phase C) asymptomatic phase D) phase 1 E) phase 2

A) phase 3

The viruses responsible for the majority of infant deaths resulting from diarrhea in the world are the A) poroviruses B) astroviruses C) rotaviruses D) hepaciviruses E) caliciviruses

A) poroviruses

Which of the following is NOT controlled by a mosquito eradication program? A) schistosomiasis B) chikungunya fever C) yellow fever D) dengue fever E) malaria

A) schistosomiasis

A 25 year old man present with fever, malaise, and a rash on his chest, arms, and feet. Diagnosis was based on serological testing. The patient then reported that he had an ulcer on his penis two months earlier. What stage of disease is the patient in? A) secondary B) primary C) NGU D) tertiary

A) secondary

Which of the following is treated with benzathine penicillin? A) syphilis B) genital herpes C) candidiasis D) genital warts E) trichomoniasis

A) syphilis

You advise your pregnant friend to not adopt a new kitten from her neighbor because she could contract A) toxoplasmosis. B) Brukitt's Lymphoma. C) plague. D) infectious mononucleosis. E) listeriosis.

A) toxoplasmosis

Many bacterial infections of the lower digestive tract are treated with A) water and electrolytes. B) penicillin. C) antitoxin. D) quinacrine. E) thorough cooking

A) water and electrolytes.

Plasmodium species reproduce sexually in

Anopheles mosquitoes

Human Intestinal roundworm

Ascaris lumbricoides

The most common cause of traveler's diarrhea is A) Salmonella enterica B) Escherichia coli C) Cryptosporidium parvum D) Giardia intestinalis E) Shigella flexneri

B) Escherichia coli

The vector involved in African sleeping sickness is the A) Reduviid, "kissing", bug B) Tsetse fly C) Anopheles mosquito D) Sand fly E) Hard bodied tick

B) Tsetse fly

Which of the following is caused by an opportunistic pathogen? A) gonorrhea B) candidiasis C) genital herpes D) trichomoniasis E) chancroid

B) candidiasis

Typically both gonococcal urethritis and nongonococcal urethritis are treated with A) cocaine and heroin B) doxycycline and penicillin C) cephalosporins and azithromycin D) azithromycin and clarithromycin E) benzathine penicillin

B) doxycycline and penicillin

Attachment of HIV to the target cell depends on A) CXCR4 binding to the CD4+ receptor. B) gp120 combining with the CD4+ receptor. C) gp41 binding to the CD4+ receptor. D) gp120 combining with the chemokine receptor CCR5. E) gp120 binding to the CD4+ plasma membrane.

B) gp120 combining with the CD4+ receptor.

A characteristic symptom of plague is A) nausea and vomiting. B) swollen lymph nodes. C) rose-colored spots. D) recurrent fever. E) small red spots on the skin.

B) swollen lymph nodes.

doxycycline or ciprofloxacin recommended treatment

Bacillus anthracis

Which one of the following causes a disease characterized by the catarrhal, paroxysmal, and convalescent stages

Bordetella pertussis

Whooping cough

Bordetella pertussis

Lyme disease

Borrelia burgdorferi

bull's eye rash

Borrelia burgdorferi (lyme disease)

erythema migrans

Borrelia burgdorferi (lyme disease)

All of the following are eukaryotic organisms that cause diarrheal disease EXCEPT A) Giardia B) Cryptosporidium C) Campylobacter D) Entamoeba E) Cyclospora

C) Campylobacter

"Rice water stools" are characteristic of A) bacillary dysentery B) amebic dysentery C) Cholera D) salmonellosis E) tapeworm infestion

C) Cholera or vibrio cholera

Which of the following is not a normal causative agent of acute diarrhea with vomiting (food poisoning)? A) Clostridium perfringes B) Staphylococcus aureus exotoxin C) Clostridium difficile D) Bacillus cereus E) All of the choices are correct

C) Clostridium difficile

Infection of the urinary bladder is called A) Urethritis B) Pyelonephritis C) Cystitis D) Vaginitis E) PID

C) Cystitis

Which of the following is NOT treated with antibiotics? A) anthrax B) plague C) Ebola D) Lyme disease E) tularemia

C) Ebola

Which of the following pairs is properly matched? A) Chagas' disease- oriental rat flea B) Leishmaniasis- tsetse fly C) Lyme disease- Ixodes scapularis D) malaria- Aedes (mosquito) E) None of the above

C) Lyme disease- Ixodes scapularis

Infection by which of the following results in the formation of Ghon complexes? A) Bordetella pertussis B) Corynebacterium diphtheriae C) Mycobacterium tuberculosis D) Streptococcus pyogenes E) Blastomyces dermatidis

C) Mycobacterium tuberculosis

The cyclic bouts of fever and chills in malaria are caused by A) Liver cell lysis B) White blood cell lysis C) Red blood cell lysis D) Neurological involvement E) None of the choices are correct

C) Red blood cell lysis

Poultry products are a likely source of infection by A) Vibrio cholerae B) Clostridium perfringens C) Salmonella enterica D) Shigella spp. E) Helicobacter pylori

C) Salmonella enterica

Which of the following statements about mycoplasmal pneumonia is TRUE? A) The causative agent is a virus. B) The symptoms resemble pneumococcal pneumonia. C) Treatment is tetracyclines. D) Annual vaccination can prevent infection. E) The causative agent cannot be cultured.

C) Treatment is tetracyclines.

All of the following are true of common cold EXCEPT A) the duration of symptoms is approximately one week B) it is caused by rhinoviruses and coronaviruses C) early treatment will drastically reduce the disease symptoms D) complications include laryngitis and otitis media E) it is transmitted via aerosols and contact

C) early treatment will drastically reduce the disease symptoms

Which of the following is mismatched? A) sinusitis - headache and nasal mucous B) otitis media - earache C) epiglottitis - sore throat D) laryngitis - voice loss E) pharyngitis - sore throat

C) epiglottitis - sore throat

Which of the following is a notable symptom of giardiasis? A) cold sores B) irritability and sleep disturbance C) foul-smelling "rotten egg" stools D) "rice water" stools E) jaundice

C) foul-smelling "rotten egg" stools

Which of the following is NOT caused by a bacterium? A) tickborne typhus B) epidemic typhus C) malaria D) plague E) relapsing fever

C) malaria

A patient is experiencing profuse greenish yellow, foul-smelling discharge from her vagina. She is complaining of itching and irritation. What is the most likely treatment? A) cephalosporins B) miconazole C) metronidazole D) acyclovir E) No treatment is available

C) metronidazole

A woman goes to her gynecologist and reports that she is experiencing pain during intercourse and frequently has an unusual vaginal discharge that is increased in quantity and sort of foamy. A vaginal smear shows normal appearing epithelial cells with prominent oval nuclei. What disease is the woman experiencing? A) cervical cancer B) syphilis C) trichomoniasis D) herpes E) chancroid

C) trichomoniasis

Fungal vaginitis

Candida albicans

Ornithosis, a disease of birds that can be transmitted to humans, is caused by A) Mycoplasma pneumoniae B) Chlamydophila pneumoniae C) Chlamydophilia psittaci D) Yersinia pestis E) Klebsiella pneumoniae

Chalmydophila psittaci

One form of NGU is lymphogranuloma venereum caused by

Chlamydia trachomatis

Ornithosis is a disease of birds that can be transmitted to humans, is caused by

Chlamydophilis psittacl

gas gangrene

Clostridium perfringens

Which of the following helminthic diseases accounts for over 30% of all humans infected with parasitic worms? A) Echinococcus granulosus B) Enterobius vermicularis C) Trichuris trichiura D) Ascaris lumbricoides E) Taenia saginata

D) Ascaris lumbricoides

Pelvic inflammatory disease often leads to A) Ovarian cancer B) Uterine cancer C) Cervical cancer D) Infertility E) Kidney cancer

D) Infertility

Which of the following is an opportunistic pathogen? A) Legionella B) Histoplasma C) Mycoplasma D) Pneumocystis E) rhinovirus

D) Pneumocystis

This opportunist is the most frequent cause of life-threatening pneumonia in AIDS patients A) Cryptococcus neoformans B) Candida albicans C) Malassezia furfur D) Pneumocystis (carinii) jiroveci E) None of the choices are correct

D) Pneumocystis (carinii) jiroveci

Which of the following statements about group B streptococci is FALSE? A) They cause neonatal sepsis. B) They cause gram-positive sepsis. C) They are present in healthy carriers. D) They cause strep throat. E) They are classified as Streptococcus agalactiae.

D) They cause strep throat.

Neisseria gonorrheae infection in men is A) symptomatic in about 50% of the population, causing mild urethritis B) usually a bladder infection C) usually asymptomatic D) an acute painful respiratory with pus and discharge E) only symptomatic in advanced stages of disease

D) an acute painful respiratory with pus and discharge

A vaccine is available against which of the following? A) hepatitis A B) hepatitis B C) hepatitis C D) both hepatitis A and hepatitis B E) hepatitis A, B, and C

D) both hepatitis A and hepatitis B

Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea is usually preceded by A) travel to an underdeveloped country B) eating contaminated food C) a blood transfusion D) extended use of antibiotics E) improper food storage

D) extended use of antibiotics

During the spring calving season a ranch hand begins to run a fever and feel nauseous and achy. After he develops a headache and vomiting, he goes to a clinic. A microscopic exam of a urine sample reveals long thin microbes which move very rapidly in a corkscrewing pattern. The man may have contracted A) staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome B) glomerulonephritis C) thrichomoniasis D) leptospirosis E) chancroid

D) leptospirosis

The treatment regimen for people with normal immunity recovering from cryptosporidiosis includes A) high-powered antibiotics B) careful monitoring of fluid levels C) both A and B D) neither A nor B

D) neither A nor B

Transmission of the pathogen of leishmaniasis is by the A) reduviid, "kissing," bug. B) tsetse fly. C) Anopheles mosquito. D) phlebotomine (sand) fly. E) hard bodied tick.

D) phlebotomine (sand) fly.

Which of the following is NOT a recognized form of anthrax? A) gastrointestinal B) inhalationial C) cutaneous D) septic E) None of the answers are correct; all of these are recognized forms of anthrax.

D) septic

Treponema, Borrelia, and Leptospira are all A) obligate parasites requiring host cells. B) curved rods. C) transmitted by arthropod vectors. D) spirochetes. E) bacteria without cell walls.

D) spirochetes.

Which of the following is treated with penicillin? A) genital warts B) genital herpes C) trichomoniasis D) syphilis E) candidiasis

D) syphilis

What is the usual cause of pseudomembranous colitis? A) improperly home-preserved foods containing botulin toxin B) eating unpasteurized dairy containing Listeria monocytogenes C) handling infected animals contaminated with Escherichia coli D) therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics leading to superinfection by Clostridium difficile E) living in close contact with someone infected with Clostridium perfringens

D) therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics leading to superinfection by Clostridium difficile

fish tapeworm

Diphyllobothrium latum

A diagnosis of tuberculosis involves A) Chest X-ray B) Acid fast stain of sputum C) Sputum culture D) Tuberculin skin test E) All of the choices are correct

E) All of the choices are correct

Which one of the following causes a disease characterized by the catarrhal, paroxysmal, and convalescent stages? A) Corynebacterium diphtheriae B) Mycobacterium tuberculosis C) Streptococcus pyogenes D) respiratory syncytial virus E) Bordetella pertussis

E) Bordetella pertussis

The intracellular parasite usually acquired in contaminated drinking water which causes a persistent watery diarrhea, especially in neonates, the elderly and immunocompromised patients is A) Vibrio cholerae B) Hepatitis A virus C) Entamoeba histolytica D) Norovirus E) Cryptosporidium parvum

E) Cryptosporidium parvum

Eating sashimi (undercooked fish) is a risk factor for infection with A) Entamoeba histolytica B) taenia saginata C) Giardia intestinalis D) Anisakis simplex E) Enterobaius vermicularis

E) Enterobaius vermicularis

Which of the following statements about staphylococcal food poisoning is FALSE? A) it can be prevented by adequate refrigeration of food B) it is characterized by rapid onset and short duration of symptoms C) it is caused by ingesting an enterotoxin D) it is treated by replacing eater and electrolytes E) It can be prevented by heating foods to 50C for 15 minutes

E) It can be prevented by heating foods to 50C for 15 minutes

Nongonococcal urethritis can be caused by all the following EXCEPT A) trichomonas vaginalis B) streptococci C) Mycoplasma homini D) Candida albicans E) Neisseria gonorrhoeae

E) Neisseria gonorrhoeae

The bacterium _____________ adheres to and grows on teeth, contributing to dental plaque formation. A) viridians streptococci B) Porphyromonas gingivalis C) Streptococcus agalactiae D) Enterobacter E) Streptococccus mutans

E) Streptococccus mutans

The patient has a sore throat. What is the etiology of the symptoms? A) Rhinovirus B) Bordetella C) Streptococcus D) Corynebacterium E) The answer cannot be determined based on the information provided.

E) The answer cannot be determined based on the information provided.

Which of the following organisms is likely to be transmitted via contaminated shrimp? A) Trichinella spiralis B) Clostridium perfringens C) Giardia lamblia D) Staphylococccus aureus E) Vibrio parahaemolyticus

E) Vibrio parahaemolyticus

A 38-year-old man had onset of fever, chills, nausea, and myalgia while vacationing on the Gulf of Mexico. On April 29, he had eaten raw oysters and gone wading in the warm coastal water. On May 2, he was admitted to a hospital because of a fever of 39C and two circular necrotic lesions on the left leg. He had a history of alcoholic liver disease. He was transferred to the ICU; therapy with antibiotics was initiated. On May 4, he dies. Which of the following is the most likely cause? A) Salmonella typhi B) Cyclospora cayetanensis C) Bacillus cereus D) hepatitis C virus E) Vibrio vulnificus

E) Vibrio vulnificus

The preferred treatment for anthrax is A) penicillin. B) ciprofloxacin. C) quinine. D) doxycycline. E) ciprofloxacin or doxycycline.

E) ciprofloxacin or doxycycline.

Which of the following requires treatment with both antibiotics and antitoxins? A) psittacosis B) tuberculosis C) whooping cough D) scarlet fever E) diphtheria

E) diphtheria

Which of the following diseases of the gastrointestinal system is transmitted by the respiratory route? A) bacillary dysentery B) traveler's diarrhea C) Vibrio gastroenteritis D) staphylococcal enterotoxicosis E) mumps

E) mumps

Helicobacter pylori can grow in the stomach because it A) makes HCl B) hides in macrophages C) invades epithelial cells D) makes a capsul E) possesses an enzyme that neutralizes HCl

E) possesses an enzyme that neutralizes HCl

Diphtheria toxin kills cells by interfering with which of the following processes? A) adenylate cyclase activity B) nucleic acid synthesis C) cytoplasmic membrane function D) complement function E) protein synthesis

E) protein synthesis

Which of the following is responsible for epidemics of respiratory disease in infants? A) adenovirus B) rhinovirus C) influenza D) Mycoplasma E) respiratory syncytial virus

E) respiratory syncytial virus

Acute gastroenteritis that occurs after an incubation period of two to three days and commonly affects children is probably caused by A) Salmonella B) Staphylococcus aureus C) Trichinella D) Giardia E) rotavirus

E) rotavirus

Which drug is used to treat cases of tuberculosis? A) Penicillin G B) Vancomycin C) Tetracycline D) Synercid E) Isoniazid

E. Isoniazid

dog tapeworm

Echinococcus granulosus

Pathogenic amoeba that feeds on RBCs and GI tract tissues

Entamoeba histolytica

The protozoan parasite may invade the peritoneal cavity, causing serious dysentery

Entamoeba histolytica


Enterobius vermicularis

Burkitt's lymphoma

Epstein-Barr virus

Infectious mononucleosis

Epstein-Barr virus

Cystitis is most often caused by

Escherichia coli

Bacterial vaginitis


Syphilitic tumors called _____ develop in the liver, skin, bone, and cartilage during the tertiary stage of syphilis.


The patient suffocating because of an inflamed epiglottis. What is the etiology of the symptoms


gastric ulcers

Helicobacter pylori

Which of the following statements about staphylococcal food poisoning is false

It can be prevented by heating foods to 50 degrees celcius for 15 minutes

Which of the following statements is true regarding tuberculosis

It remains viable in dried aerosol droplets for up to eight months

hemorrhagic fevers


Infection by which of the following results in the formation of Ghon complexes?

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Walking pneumonia

Mycoplasma pneumoniae

hook worm

Necator americanus

Nongonococcal urethritis can be caused by all of the following except

Neisseria gonorrhea

Why are nearly all AIDS patients at risk of developing Pneumocystis pneumonia?

Pneumocystis jiroveci is a common member of the respiratory microbiome in humans and opprotunistic pathogen

Dermacentor variabillis (american dog tick)

Rickettsia rickettsii

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Rickettsia rickettsii

blood flukes

Schistosoma spp.

Bacillary dysentery


Bacilliary dysentery caused by the genus _____ can lead to hypovolemic shock and/or organ failure if medical attention is not sought in time


Otitis media

Streptococcus pneumoniae

The majority of cases of pneumonia are caused by

Streptococcus pneumoniae

Puerperal fever

Streptococcus pyogenes

rheumatic and perpetual fever

Streptococcus pyogenes

Pork tapeworm

Taenia solium

Permanent cardiovascular and neurological damage is seen in which stage of syphilis?


Leukocytes at the infected site are a symptom of



Trichuris trichiura

Chaga's disease

Trypanosoma cruzi


Trypanosoma cruzi (chagas disease)

Xenopsylla cheopis (rat flea)

Yersinia pestis

bubonic plague

Yersinia pestis

in bubonic plague, buboes are swellings formed in the lymph nodes and filled with

Yersinia pestis

the typical sign of primary syphillis is

a chancre at the site of infection

Which of the following is not a complication of gonorrhea

a) pelvic inflammatory disease b)endocarditis c)meningitis d... none of the answers are correct all are complications

Phyelonephritis may result from

all of the answers

Vector involved in transmission of malaria


Influenza A virus can be identified by which of the following surface glycoproteins

both HA and NA

pelvic inflammatory disease results from infection of the

both fallopian tubes and ovaries

Which of the following is characteristic of Yersinia pestis infections?


Vaginal itching and cheesy discharge are symptoms of


The symptoms that occur in cyclic 48 to 72 hour episodes in a malaria patient are

chills, fever, sweating

"rice water stools" are a characteristic of


This organism can infect deeper wound sites and produce exotoxins, enzymes and gas that cause tissue and muscle necrosis:

clostridium perfringens

Which of the following statements is true regarding the common cold

cold viruses are most commonly spread by contaminated fomites

Vector involved in transmission of Rocky Mountain spotted fever


Which one of the following is not a typical symptom of influenza


The development of pseudomembrane on the tonsils and throat is characteristic of


Depletion of clotting proteins from the serum leads to the uncontrollable hemorrhaging seen in ________ infections.

ebola virus

Vegetations are associated with which of the following disease proccesses


Vegetations are associated with which of the following disease processes?


Vegetations are associated with which of the following disease processes? A) endocarditis B) tularemia C) toxoplasmosis D) septicemia E) plague


The nickname "the kissing disease" refers to an infection caused by which pathogen?

epstein barr virus

The bright red rash and fever of scarlet fever is due to

erythrogenic toxin

Clostridium difficile associated diarrhea is usually preceded by

extended use of antibiotics

which of the following is a notable symptom of giardiasis

foul smelling "rotten egg" stools

Which of the following recurrs at the initial site of infection

genital herpes

Most peptic are a result of

helicobacter pylori

Mebendazole, thiabendazole, and ivermectin are drugs used to treat _____ infections.


Which of the following causes inflammation of the liver

hepatitis A virus

genital herpes

herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2)

Carcinoma of the uterine cervix and anus is strongly associated with

human papillomavirus

genital warts

human papillomavirus

Projecting from the outer envelope of the influenza virus are two glycoproteins called

hyaluronidase and coagulase

Which of the following is commonly the source of leptospirosis

infected animal urine

Primary infection with Epstein Barr virus is known as

infectious mononucleosis

A urine sample collected directly from the urinary bladder

is sterile

Which of the following statements about pelvic inflammatory disease is false

it can be caused by T. pallidum

Which of the following statements about toxoplasmosis is false

it is a severe illness in adults

Erythema migrans, a bulls eye rash, at the portal of entry is associated with

lyme disease

The drugs used for several protozoan infections is


tuberculosis in AIDS patients

mycobacterium avium complex

The microbe which causes primary atypical pneumonia

mycoplasma pneumoniae

The enzyme associated with the influenza virus that hydrolyzes the protective mucous coating of the respiratory tract is: A. catalase. B. reverse transcriptase. C. hyaluronidase. D. neuraminidase. E. kinase.


The sudden, violent, uncontrollable cough of pertussis is described as


The DPaT vaccine protects against which of the following respiratory diseases



plasmodium (malaria) spp.


plasmodium spp.

Which of these anthrax virulence factors is responsible for binding the toxin to target cells, allowing their entry?

protective antigen

Diptheria toxin kills cells by interfering with which of the following processes

protein synthesis

Trichomonas vaginalis is a


HIV can evade host antibodies by

remaining an inactive provirus, causing cell to cell fusion, and virions remaining latent in vacuoles.

Which of these is the vector for the transmission of leishmaniasis?


During which stages of syphillis does fever lymphadenopathy and a red to brown rash occur


Which of the following is not a recognized form of anthrax


Disease causing exotoxins are produced by all of the following organisms except

shigella dysenteriae

inflammation of the pharynx with pus filled abscesses and swollen tonsils is known as

streptococcal pharangitis (strep throat)

The bacteria ____ adheres to and grows on teeth contributing to dental plaque formation

streptococcus mutans

Which of the following is a common cause of otitis media

streptococcus pneumoniae

the majority cases of pneumonia are caused by

streptococcus pneumoniae

The agent responsible for puerperal fever is

streptococcus pyogenes

A characteristic symptom of plague is

swollen lymph nodes

what is the primary determinant of virulence in streptococcus pneumoniae

the presence of a polysaccharide capsule

Which of the following is a characterisitic of bacterial vaginosis frequently used to confirm diagnosis

the presence of clue cells

Which of the following factors is primarily responsible for the ability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to survive long periods of time in dried droplets of respiratory aerosols

the presence of mycolic acid in the cell wall

Which of the following factors is primarily responsible for the ability of mycobacterium tuberculosis to survive long periods of time in dried droplets of respiratory aerosols

the presence of mycolic acid in the cell wall

What is the usual cause of pseudomembranous colitis

therapy with broad spectrum antibiotics leading to superinfection by clostridium difficile

All of the following can result from drinking contaminated water except

trichinellosis, malaria

Infection with schistosoma species is aquired by

wading or swimming in fresh water

The most immediate and important treatment needed to prevent death in cholera victims is

water and electrolyte replacement

many infections of the lower digestive tract are treated with

water and electrolytes

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