UNIT 5 Speech

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Which of the following is a maintenance need of a problem-solving small group?

* easing interpersonal tensions among group members using the Internet to research the issue under consideration ordering lunch for the group during its scheduled break outlining the major reason for adopting the group's policy organizing a symposium to present the group's decision

Persuasive speeches on questions of __________ argue for or against particular courses of action.

need value * policy fact plan

"To persuade my audience that long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields can cause serious health problems" is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of

value opinion attitude policy * fact

According to your textbook, a speech in which an individual gives thanks for a gift or award is termed a(n)

* acceptance speech. speech of presentation. after-dinner speech. commemorative speech. speech of introduction.

Which of the following is one of the six major guidelines for effective informative speaking?

Relate the subject directly to the audience.

According to your textbook, when is it especially important for a persuasive speaker to establish common ground with the audience?

when presenting a plan at the end of the speech when reasoning from specific instances * at the beginning of the speech when explaining visual aids

According to your textbook, the main purpose of a speech of presentation is to present

* a gift or an award to the recipient. the main speaker to the audience. thanks for a gift or an award. the reasons why a person deserves commendation. information about the importance of the occasion.

Which of the following is an example of a real-time online speech?

* an interview with your prospective employer over Skype. a video introduction you upload along with your online job application. a training video you record and post on the Internet as part of your job. both a video introduction you upload along with your online job application and a training video you record and post on the Internet as part of your job. All of these answers are correct.

All of the following are discussed in your textbook as elements of the visual environment of an online speech except

* editing lighting. eye contact. framing. setting.

"To persuade my audience that the use of social media to perform experiments on people's behavior without their consent is unethical" is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of

* value fact policy opinion

If your specific purpose were "To inform my audience of the steps involved in making diamond jewelry," you would probably organize your speech in __________ order.

comparative spatial * chronological causal illustrative

"To inform my audience about the major parts of a motion-picture camera" is a specific purpose statement for an informative speech about a(n)

concept. event. process. * Object. function.

According to your textbook, the credibility of a speaker produced by everything the speaker says or does during the speech itself is called

contrived credibility. * derived credibility. demonstrated credibility. generated credibility. terminal credibility.

Persuasive speeches on questions of __________ judge whether something is good or bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair.

criteria policy fact * value judgement

As your textbook explains, when you give a speech of introduction, you should be sure to adapt your remarks to the

* All of these answers are correct. occasion. audience. main speaker. Both occasion and audience.

Which of the following are discussed in your textbook as elements of the visual environment for an online speech?

* All the answers are correct. framing lighting personal appearance Both framing and lighting

When Horace Engdahl delivered a speech at the Stockholm Concert Hall explaining why Bob Dylan was receiving the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature, what kind of speech did Engdahl deliver?

* a speech of presentation a celebratory speech a speech of introduction an after-dinner speech a memorial speech

The __________ is the obligation of a persuasive speaker to prove that a change from current policy is necessary.

* burden of proof strategic duty deliberative responsibility balance of practicality causal imperative

According to your textbook, the fundamental purpose of a commemorative speech is to

* inspire inform exhort entertain convert

According to your textbook, which of the following would be an effective backup plan for a real-time online speech?

Distribute an outline of your speech via email. Reschedule the speech once the technical problems are resolved. Share a text of your speech through a document collaboration program such as Google Docs. * All the answers are correct.

What organizational method for persuasive speeches is designed to take the audience through the five steps of attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, and action?

Maxwell's influence model reflective-thinking sequence Miller's psychological process target audience order * Monroe's motivated sequence

Jessica Ryland is going to present a real-time online speech to the City Council explaining her designs for a downtown hotel and conference center. According to your textbook, which of the following should she remember to do?

Practice with the computer and presentation software she'll use during the speech. Sit with good posture so she'll appear professional, relaxed, and confident. Have a backup plan in case she encounters technological problems. Both sit with good posture so she'll appear professional, relaxed, and confident and have a backup plan in case she encounters technological problems. * All the answers are correct.

Which of the following is discussed in your textbook as a good way to adjust the pacing of an online speech?

Speak without notes. * Use visual aids. Talk more slowly than in a traditional speech. All the answers are correct. Both speak without notes and use visual aids.

According to your textbook, listeners are persuaded by a speaker for one or more of four major reasons. Which of the following is among those reasons?

The audience is impressed by the speaker's use of visual aids. * The audience is won over by the speaker's evidence. The audience is captivated by the speaker's gestures. All of these answers are correct. Both the audience is impressed by the speaker's use of visual aids and the audience is won over by the speaker's evidence.

Myenne is part of a problem-solving small group in her speech class. When the group was deciding how best to go about its work, Myenne suggested that group members work in pairs, with each pair tackling one of the main issues facing the group. According to your textbook, what kind of leadership need did Myenne's action fulfill?

a decision need a maintenance need a procedural need * a task need a consensus need

Which of the following is an instance of informative speaking?

a student sharing ideas about leadership based on a book she has read * a student sharing ideas about leadership based on a book she has read a student on stage telling jokes during the intermission of a play All of these answers are correct. Both a student urging an instructor to reconsider the due date for an assignment and a student sharing ideas about leadership based on a book she has read.

Which of the following is an instance of informative speaking?

a teacher praising parents for contributing to the school carnival a teacher arguing that phonics is a successful method for teaching reading * a teacher explaining the requirements for an assignment a teacher explaining the requirements for an assignment

If you give a persuasive speech advocating a change in policy, your main points often will fall naturally into __________ order.

causal chronological progressive * problem-solution spatial

According to your textbook, the credibility of a speaker at the end of the speech is called ____________ credibility.

final derived concluding * terminal acquired

"To inform my audience about the history of the lie detector" is a specific purpose statement for an informative speech about a(n)

function. concept. body. entity * Object.

The major reason Monroe's motivated sequence is such an effective way of organizing persuasive speeches that seek action from listeners is that it

is limited to five steps. can be easily adapted to standard outlining form. * follows the process of human thinking. is more detailed than problem-solution order. is often used by advertisers.

According to your textbook, the most common decision-making process used by problem-solving small groups is called the

issue-resolution approach. introspective solution system. * reflective-thinking method. deliberative sequence. dialogue-debate process.

Speeches about __________ are often more complex than other types of informative speeches.

objects events process functions * Concepts

"To persuade my audience that soccer will become the highest revenue-producing sport in the United States by 2030" is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of

policy opinion value * fact attitude

The following set of main points for a persuasive speech on a question of policy follows which pattern of organization? 1. The number of school shootings has become alarmingly high in recent years. 2. The best way to reduce them is to ban assault-type weapons and to expand background checks to include family members of the people who purchase weapons.

problem-solution comparative advantages persuasive sequence * problem-cause-solution need-plan-practicality

Blake circulated a questionnaire to gauge his classmates' attitudes toward implementing a special tax on junk food. He discovered that 5 audience members already agreed there should be such a tax, 6 were firmly opposed, and 10 were undecided. From these results, Blake decided that the 10 undecided class members were the __________ for his speech.

projected audience majority audience focus audience * target audience central audience

There can't be anything wrong with cheating on exams if 75 percent of college students do it.

red herring * bandwagon slippery slope invalid syllogism appeal to novelty

The two major kinds of online speeches discussed in your textbook are

remote speeches and in-person speeches. prepared speeches and extemporaneous speeches. downloaded speeches and streaming speeches. * recorded speeches and real-time speeches. digital speeches and uploaded speeches.

That part of the audience a speaker most wants to persuade is called the

specific audience. designated audience. central audience. special audience. * target audience.

The person who assumes a leadership role in a small group because of her or his ability, personality, or talkativeness is termed a(n)

specific leader. implied leader. * emergent leader. insistent leader. designated leader.

As defined by your textbook, a _________ online speech is one that has been created specifically for an audience that will view it online as it is being delivered.

stand-alone direct synchronized * real-time simultaneous

According to your textbook, an error in reasoning is called a

syllogism * fallacy. hypothesis. premise

Which of the following statements about real-time online speeches is (are) true?

the best distance to sit from the webcam is a foot away so your face will fill the audience's screen. * You should talk directly into the webcam as if you were making eye contact with an audience right in front of you. Audiences are likely to be understanding if you haven't mastered the online presentation software for your speech. All the answers are correct.

As your textbook explains, in an online speech almost every aspect of the speech communication process can be affected by the

user interface. * online environment. speech presentation software. technical knowledge of the audience. computer literacy of the speaker.

According to your textbook, questions of policy

usually contain the word "should." also involve questions of fact and value. seldom come up in our daily lives. All the answers are correct. * both usually contain the word "should" and also involve questions of fact and value.

A persuasive speech exploring the truth or falsity of an assertion is known as a speech on a question of

value opinion evidence policy * fact

As explained in your textbook, "To inform my audience about the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II" is an example of a specific purpose statement for an informative speech about a(n)

* Event. narrative. condition. concept. function.

According to your textbook, a dyad is

* a group of two people. a group formed to solve a particular problem. a group organized to present a symposium. a group formed to plan a social event. a group without a leader.

As explained in your textbook, which of the following is a characteristic of a small group?

All participants are potentially speakers and listeners. The group must be small enough to allow discussion by all its members. The group assembles for a particular purpose. * All of these answers are correct. Both the group must be small enough to allow discussion by all its members and the group assembles for a particular purpose.

According to your textbook, which of the following statements about online public speaking is (are) true?

Dressing professionally is as important online as it is when speaking in person. Gestures and facial expressions are magnified when they appear on screen. Online speaking is more challenging and time-consuming than traditional speaking. * All the answers are correct. Both gestures and facial expressions are magnified when they appear on screen and online speaking is more challenging and time-consuming than traditional speaking

According to your textbook, which of the following is a responsibility of every member in a problem-solving small group?

Seek to become the group's designated leader. Reserve a room for the group's meetings. Keep disagreement at the interpersonal level. * Work to keep the group's discussion on track. Serve as the moderator in a panel discussion.

Which of the following is an instance of persuasive speaking?

a friend offering a humorous toast at a wedding * a volunteer convincing a group of citizens to sign a petition an academic advisor explaining the study abroad process All the answers are correct.

In an informative speech, the speaker acts as a(n)

advocate. entertainer. * Teacher. motivator. evaluator.

As explained in your textbook, the leadership needs faced by all problem-solving small groups include

agenda needs. participation needs. task needs. * All of these answers are correct. Both agenda needs and participation needs.

According to your textbook, the aims of an informative speech include

communicating the speaker's information clearly. communicating the speaker's information accurately. making the speaker's information meaningful to the audience. * All of these answers are correct. Both communicating the speaker's information clearly and communicating the speaker's information accurately.

Which organizational pattern is especially effective for persuasive speeches that seek immediate action by listeners?

comparative advantages order * Monroe's motivated sequence problem-solution order reflective-thinking sequence psychological process order

As your textbook explains, whenever you give a persuasive speech on a question of value, you need to

concentrate on convincing listeners who already share your view. organize the speech according to Monroe's motivated sequence. conclude your speech by urging the audience to take immediate action. * justify your value judgment against a set of standards or criteria

The specific purpose for Yaoling's persuasive speech is "To persuade my audience that humans have an ethical responsibility to prevent the extinction of animal species." According to your textbook, Yaoling is speaking on a question of

fact * value knowledge opinion

According to your textbook, which of the following is a task need of a problem-solving small group?

helping group members get along with each other * keeping the group from going off on a tangent taking notes during meetings of the group All of these answers are correct. None of these answers are correct.

If your specific purpose statement were "To inform my audience how to make authentic South American empanadas," you would probably organize your speech in _________order.

illustrative * Chronological spatial comparative causal

As defined by your textbook, a(n) _________ online speech is delivered, recorded, and then uploaded to the Internet.

indirect * recorded streaming blended non-synchronized

"To inform my audience about the different theories of intellectual property in Eastern and Western cultures" is an example of a specific purpose statement for an informative speech about a(n)

object. event. concept. operation. * process.

As explained in your textbook, one of the defining traits of a small group is that

the group has a predetermined leader. * members of the group assemble for a specific purpose. the group succeeds in brainstorming for potential solutions. everyone in the group has a similar frame of reference. the group follows the reflective-thinking method.

All of the following are presented in your textbook as guidelines for a speech of introduction except

* Limit your remarks to fifteen minutes in length. Adapt your remarks to the audience. Try to create a sense of anticipation and drama. Adapt your remarks to the main speaker. Make sure your remarks are completely accurate.

Which of the following is recommended by your textbook as a guideline for a speech of introduction?

* Make sure your remarks about the main speaker are completely accurate. Prepare your speech so it will last between 15 and 20 minutes. Generate humor with an embarrassing story about the main speaker. Assume that the audience knows nothing about the main speaker. Use a quotation at the beginning to secure the attention of the audience.

Which of the following is an example of a commemorative speech?

* a speech honoring Martin Luther King's life and legacy at the opening event for the campus-wide Martin Luther King Day observance a speech to the student government aimed at getting funding for special campus activities on Martin Luther King Day a lecture to a community audience explaining the oratorical techniques Martin Luther King used in his "I Have a Dream" speech a speech analyzing the philosophy of nonviolent protest employed by Martin Luther King during the civil rights movement a speech seeking to convince the school board to keep the schools open for extracurricular activities on Martin Luther King Day

When Carlos Bustamante received the Alumni of the Year award at his alma mater's annual award dinner, he gave a speech thanking the school for recognizing his work. What kind of speech did Carlos give?

* an acceptance speech a speech of introduction a commemorative speech a speech of presentation an informative speech

As your textbook explains, when giving a commemorative speech, a speaker should take care to

* avoid falling back on clichés and trite sentiments. thank the people who made the award possible. use PowerPoint to generate strong emotions. All of these answers are correct. Both avoid falling back on clichés and trite sentiments and use PowerPoint to generate strong emotions.

At the annual field hockey banquet, Olivia is introducing the coach, a woman who is well known by everyone in the room. According to your textbook, the best way for Olivia to create a sense of anticipation and drama in her speech of introduction is to

* be creative by learning about the coach and casting her in a new light. tell an embarrassing story about the coach's childhood. present a detailed biography of the coach's life. All of these answers are correct. Both tell an embarrassing story about the coach's childhood and be creative by learning about the coach and casting her in a new light.

According to your textbook, when giving a speech of introduction you should

* build enthusiasm for the main speaker. provide a biography of the main speaker. state your personal view on the main speaker's topic. All of these answers are correct. Both build enthusiasm for the main speaker and state your personal view on the main speaker's topic

Regardless of whether your aim is to encourage passive agreement or immediate action, you must deal with three basic issues whenever you discuss a question of policy. They are

* cause, effect, and practicality. evidence, practicality, and reasoning. need, action, and reaction. problem, plan, and solution. need, plan, and practicality.

According to your textbook, the two most important factors affecting the credibility of a persuasive speaker are

* competence and character. prestige and charisma. character and reputation. popularity and intelligence. charisma and competence.

What contemporary researchers term credibility, Aristotle termed

* ethos ethics logos pathos credos

"To inform my audience about the removal of the Cherokee from their native lands" is an example of a specific purpose statement for a speech about a(n)

* event. function. condition. object. concept.

According to your textbook, the major traits of a good acceptance speech are brevity, humility, and

* graciousness. humor. clarity. confidence. fluency.

When reasoning from specific instances, a persuasive speaker should be especially careful to avoid the fallacy of

* hasty generalization. false example. appeal to ignorance. false cause appeal to tradition

As explained in your textbook, a group member to whom other members defer because of her or his rank or expertise is called a(n)

* implied leader. specific leader. emergent leader. designated leader. appointed leader.

The maintenance needs of a problem-solving small group center on

* interpersonal relations in the group. the research requirements of the group. determining the agenda of the group. finding a meeting place for the group.

Evidence and reasoning are the two major elements of persuasion that Aristotle called

* logos. pathos. credos. ethos. mythos.

According to your textbook, persuasion is a psychological process in which listeners engage in a __________ with the speaker.

* mental dialogue situational disagreement cognitive restructuring feedback loop logical debate

Of all the kinds of speechmaking, __________ speaking is the most complex and the most challenging.

* persuasive after-dinner ceremonial informative

"To persuade my audience that they should adopt a program of regular exercise" is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of

* policy attitude value opinion fact

As chair of the student advisory committee, Devan began the meeting by distributing the agenda and minutes from the last meeting. According to your textbook, what kind of leadership need did Devan's action fulfill?

* procedural need an informational need a maintenance need an educational need a task need

In her speech on chewing tobacco, Catherine made the following argument: To be effective, laws governing chewing tobacco sales to minors must be enforced and must have adequate penalties for people who violate the law. My proposal will significantly increase both enforcement provisions and penalties for violators. Therefore, my plan will be effective. What kind of reasoning did Catherine use?

* reasoning from principle reasoning from analogy reasoning from specific instances reasoning from expediency reasoning from need

If you were giving an informative speech describing the different parts of the Forbidden City in China, you would probably arrange the speech in __________ order.

* spatial geographical architectural chronological causal

A speaker introducing the president of a university to an audience of prospective students and their families will best accomplish this goal by

* summarizing the president's major accomplishments at the university. presenting a detailed biography of the president's entire life. discussing the history of the university and its excellent athletic teams. defending the changes in graduation requirements instituted by the president. praising the president as the finest public speaker on campus.

What does it mean to say that a speech of introduction should be "adapted to the main speaker"?

* the speech should avoid creating discomfort for the main speaker. Both the speech should preview what the main speaker's points will be and the speech should avoid creating discomfort for the main speaker. All of these answers are correct. The speech should be given in the same style as the main speaker uses. The speech should preview what the main speaker's points will be.

When giving an informative speech, you should take special care to

* translate technical information into everyday language. state your ideas in abstract terms. generate goodwill with the audience ONLY in your conclusion. avoid speaking about complex topics. prepare your introduction before the body of your speech.

Which of the following statements about online public speaking is true?

Online speeches require less audience analysis than do in-person speeches. The best source of light for an online speech is a window behind the speaker. Online speakers should dress casually because the audience is not physically present. * Online audiences have more sources of distraction than do in-person audiences. Online speakers should exaggerate their gestures to make sure they are visible.

As explained in your textbook, at which of the following would you be most likely to hear a persuasive speech on a question of fact?

a graduation ceremony a retirement banquet an awards ceremony a political convention * a jury trial

Which of the following is an instance of persuasive speaking?

a mayor presenting the Volunteer of the Year Award at a banquet * a scientist urging the FDA to ban plastics containing the chemical BPA a newly elected governor thanking supporters for their help in the campaign a company president boasting about the increase in dividends to shareholders

Which of the following is an instance of persuasive speaking?

a president of a company presenting an award to an outstanding employee a marketing manager explaining a new product to the company's sales force a personnel manager defining employee benefits at a meeting of workers * a union representative urging management to avoid a strike by raising wages

"To inform my audience about the steps in creating a rooftop garden" is an example of a specific purpose statement for an informative speech about a(n)

concept. * Process. function. condition. Object.

In high school I didn't have to study at all and I earned good grades in all my classes, so I'm sure I don't need to study to do well in my college classes.

either-or red herring * invalid analogy hasty deduction false cause

Using evidence is especially critical in a persuasive speech when your target audience

is apathetic about your point of view. is neutral toward your point of view. supports your point of view. * opposes your point of view. is unsure of your point of view.

According to your textbook, persuasive speakers have an ethical obligation to

make sure their goals are ethically sound. learn about all sides of an issue. present their evidence fairly and accurately. * All the answers are correct. both make sure their goals are ethically sound and learn about all sides of an issue.

The three types of questions that give rise to persuasive speeches are questions of

opinion, fact, and policy. problem, cause, and solution. * fact, value, and policy. opinion, attitude, and value. need, plan, and practicality.

As defined in your textbook, the visual environment of an online speech refers to

the speaker's choice of presentation technology. the interference caused by technological glitches. the speaker's presentation of visual aids. the conditions of Internet communication. * the onscreen elements seen by the audience.

According to your textbook, people are persuaded by a speaker, in part, because

they are convinced by the speaker's reasoning. they perceive the speaker as having high credibility. they are won over by the speaker's evidence. * All of these answers are correct. Both they are convinced by the speaker's reasoning and they are won over by the speaker's evidence.

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