Unit 6: Industrial Revolution and Imperialism in Asia

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Who were the kinds of people who tended to work in factories during the industrial revolution?

People of the Lower class

What is meant by Laissez faire?

To be left alone

What's the country that controlled the most land in Africa after the age of imperialism?

Great Britain

What are the factors that contributed to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?

-Large population of workers -Extensive natural resources -Industrialization -Expanding economy -Increase demand for goods

What are the factors that helped Europeans conquer and colonize Africa?

Having alot of power and having alot of money

What was the impact that railroads had on the industrial revolution?

1. Provided inexpensive way for manufacturers to transport materials and products 2. Created hundreds of thousands of new jobs for railroad workers and miners 3. Boosted England's agricultural and fishing industries which could transport their products to distant cities 4. By making travel easier and railroads encouraged country people to take distant city jobs.

What is a labor union and what is its main purpose?

A labor union is when a group of workers who have the same job/type of job. Its purpose is to allow collective bargaining aka negotiations between workers and employers.

What were the ecomomic beliefs of Adam Smith and Karl Marx, especially regarding their views on social classes and on who should own and control property?

Adam Smith: Believed in Capitalism. Believed that factors of production are privately owned. Money is invested in business to get more profit. Karl Marx: Believed in Communism. Believed that production, mines, factories, are owned by the people

What was the percentage of the African continent controlled by Europeans both before and after the Age of Imperialism?

Before: 5% are controlled by an outside power After: 95% aren't controlled by an outside power

What is the kind of economic system that the modern United States has today?

Both capitalism and socialism

What does capitalism,socialism, and communism mean?

Capitalism -an economic system based on 3 things; wage lab (working for a wage), private ownership of the means of production for exchange and profit (you pay for what you get) Socialism -an economic system where the means of production, such as money and other forms of capital, are owned by the state (the government) or public. Socialism is simply an economic system. Goods and services are distributed based on individual efforts Communism -an extreme form of socialism, communism is both a political/governmental system and an economic system. Within communism, the distribution of goods and services takes place according to the individuals needs.

What is the relationship between industrialization and imperialism?

Desire for new land, they would take over places. They needed more resources, countries that were industrialized needed more raw materials, to produce the goods. Unindustrialized areas created a great environment to sell the resources

What is the difference between direct and indirect control?

Direct: When the ruling country is in the country and running it on a day to day basis. Indirect: When the ruling country is ruling from afar, but the local government officials are seen.

How did the industrial revolution impact the lives of the middle class people?

Education -They demanded education for children Participation -They lead social reforms(having a say in the government. -They demanded improvements in the democracy

What does Social Darwinism mean?

I am more superior to you because i have more resources

How does imperialism impact the lives of people in colonized areas?

It forced the Africans to acclimate to the leader/rulers style and what type of government was put in place.

What were the effects of the Industrial Revolution had on society?

It made the cities more filthy, making the lower class struggle to survive.

How did the Industrial Revolution influence living conditions in cities/

Made conditions worse. Areas turned into "slum" areas and there was filth and garbage everywhere. This made the lower class struggle even more to survive.

What are some potential positive and negative aspects of capitalism?

Positive: Motivation for people to work hard. Once you earn it, you keep it. Encourages inovation and creativity. It promotes competition. Negative: Competition could create conflict. The people who are poor stay poor and they have to work hard to get out.

What are some potential positive and negative aspects of socialism?

Positive: Things that arent collected by the government could help the poor. Everyone is equal. No one is poor, no one is too rich. Crime rates decline, decline in homlessness. Negative: Peoples willingness to work hard starts to decline because everyone remains equal no matter what. Unemployment declines. less competition.

What does Industrial Revolution mean?

Refers to the greatly increased output of machine goods that began in England in the Middle 1700s.

What are the characteristics of the assembly line process?

Strengths of the assembly line: More is being produced at a quicker rate. Weaknesses of the assembly line: More of the product may be produced at a quicker rate, but the quality of it is low. The people are being rushed and therefore the designs etc will be low quality.

What were working conditions in factories during the industrial revolution?

The conditions were terrible. The lower class was barely making any money, but they didn't care, because they were desperate for a job.

What were some social reforms that resulted from the industrial revolution?

The middle class could have a say in the government and they can suggest democratic improvements

What is the purpose and achievements of the Berlin Conference?

The result of the conference was a method of dividing the continent of Africa between the European powers. No African rulers were invited to attend the conference.

What are the attitudes that European colonizers had towards Africans?

They really didnt care about the Africans, they just wanted the land.

What are the reasons why western nations wanted overseas colonies and adopted policies of imperialism during the 19th century?

They wanted to have indirect/direct control. Indirect: They rule from afar but the local government officials are seen. Direct: The western nation rules in the country

What is the prevalence of pure communism, as defined by Karl Marx, in the world today.

We never see it, non existent.

What does imperialism mean?

government/authority or system

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