Unit 6 quiz: Respiratory

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Carbon dioxide:

-concentration is greater in systemic venous blood than in systemic arterial blood -concentration in blood is decreased by hyperventilation -build-up in the blood will result in a decreased pH -all of the above

Which of the following is true of bronchial constriction?

-is a response of the air pathways to dust, smoke or irritant gas -is triggered by the settling of particles less than a micron in diameter on the sensory receptors in the air pathways -when persistent it results in excessive secretion of mucus, a reduction in ciliary activity, and finally cell damage -all of the above

The rate of breathing is chiefly dependent on chemical factors in the blood, of which the most important is:

CO 2 concentration

The ________ is the amount of air that you can inhale above the resting tidal volume.

Inspiratory reserve volume

Which of these age-based changes is false?

Vital capacity increases.

Damage to the type II pneumocytes of the lungs would result in

a) a loss of surfactant. b) a decreased rate of gas exchange. c) increased surface tension in the alveoli. d) increased tendency to alveolar collapse. e) All of the answers are correct.

Air remaining in the conducting portion of the respiratory system that does not reach the alveoli is known as

anatomic dead space.

The opening or closing of the glottis involves rotational movement of the

arytenoid cartilages.

At the level of the alveoli, where does gas exchange occur?

at the respiratory membrane

The respiratory center is housed in the ________ of the brain.

brain stem

The most important chemical regulator of respiration is

carbon dioxide

The measure of how easily the lungs expand and contract is termed


Inhalation is caused by:

contraction of the diaphragm or intercostal muscles

As the PO2 in the atmosphere decreases with increasing altitude, percent saturation of hemoglobin in arterial blood:


At a given PO2, the percent saturation of hemoglobin:

decreases as pH decreases

Each of the following factors affects the rate of external respiration except the

diameter of an alveolus.

An artificial ventilator replaces which of the following structures:

diaphragm and intercostal muscles

During swallowing, the epiglottis prevents:

food from passing into the trachea

The nasal cavity is separated from the oral cavity by the

hard palate

Carbon dioxide is found:

in both venous and arterial blood

Harry suffers from cystic fibrosis and has severe breathing difficulties. His problems result from

inability of the respiratory defense mechanism to transport mucus and production of thick secretions that are difficult to transport

Which of the following organs is not part of the lower respiratory system?


Because the PCO2 of venous blood is higher than that of alveolar air, CO2 normally diffuses:

out of the plasma and into the alveoli

The carotid bodies are:

peripheral chemoreceptors which respond to PO2, PCO2, and pH

The common passageway shared by the respiratory and digestive systems is the


The soft palate and uvula:

prevent food and water from entering the nasal passages

The amount of air remaining in the lungs after maximal forced expiration is called:

residual volume

During inspiration the lung stretch receptors function to:

send inhibitory input to the medulla

Air traveling from the tertiary bronchi must pass through the ________ to reach the pulmonary lobule.

terminal bronchioles

The movement of chloride ions into the RBCs in exchange for bicarbonate ions is known as

the chloride shift

Which of the following is greater?

the partial pressure of oxygen in atmospheric air

The amount of air breathed in and out during normal quiet inspiration is called:

tidal volume

The unit of measurement for pressure specifically preferred by many respiratory therapists is


What airway connects the larynx to the bronchi?


Ciliated cells are found in the bronchi, trachea, and nasal cavity.


When dust, smoke, or irritant gas particles are too small to elicit the cough reflex, one might expect bronchial constriction to occur.


If an individual breathes in as much air as he possibly can and then breathes out as much as he can, the total volume breathed out is called:

vital capacity

The vocal ligaments are found in the

vocal folds.

Diffusion of carbon dioxide from the tissues into the capillary blood:

will occur if the pCO2 in the tissues is greater than that in the blood

Which of the following could be of adaptive value for mountain dwelling people who must breathe high-altitude air having a low PO2?

ability of hemoglobin to release oxygen more readily

A condition characterized as partial or total collapse of alveoli is:


If the fluid bond between the parietal and visceral pleura is broken and the lung collapses, the resulting condition is termed


The conchae

create turbulence in the air to trap particulate matter in mucus.

The obstructive lung disease in which elastic fibers are lost, leading to collapse of alveoli and bronchioles, is called


The laryngeal cartilage composed of elastic cartilage that prevents entry of solids or liquids into the larynx when swallowing is the


The condition resulting from inadequate production of surfactant and the resultant collapse of alveoli is

respiratory distress syndrome

The respiratory membrane of the gas exchange surfaces consists of

simple squamous epithelium.

Carbon dioxide:

increases the dissociation of oxygen from the hemoglobin molecule

The process by which dissolved gases are exchanged between the blood and interstitial fluids is

internal respiration

Absorption of O2 from blood and release of CO2 from tissue cells is known as

internal respiration.

The space between the thoracic wall and the outer surface of the lung is called:

intrapleural cavity

Inhaling through the nostrils is preferred over the mouth because

it allows better conditioning of the inhaled air.

The C shape of the tracheal cartilages is important because

large masses of food can pass through the esophagus during swallowing.

The vocal folds are located within the


Secondary bronchi supply air to the

lobes of the lungs.

A head injury has caused a patient to stop breathing. Which area of the brain is most likely damaged?


The nasal cavity is divided into left and right portions by the

nasal septum

The auditory tubes open into the


Which of the following is false about the pharynx?

It is shared by the integumentary and respiratory systems

Which of these descriptions best matches the term external intercostal?

primary muscle of inspiration

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