Unit 6 Sociology
what are the 2 barriers to African American assimilation
-skin color/ physical features -roots of slavery (being immediately placed in the lower class status)
what 2 reasons does the separation of ethnic minorities continue
-the ethinic minority wishes to maintain its cultural and national origins - the majority erects barriers that prevent the ethnic group from blending with the larger culture
how many Americans are predicted to be Latino in 2050
1 of every 4 americans
how many Asians live in the US
10 million
how long was Chinese immigration to America stopped
100 years
how many Native Americans are found in America; how many tribes
2 million; over 500
the average income for African Americans is how much of what whites make
what group makes up the largest racial minority in the US; how many people and what percent
African Americans; 34 million, 12%
what is the largest minority today, fastest growing?
African Americans; Latinos
permitted Japanese to lease farm land for a maximum of 3 years, and you couldn't pass down land from generation t generation
California Alien Land Act of 1913
moved more that 110,000 Japanese people into internment camps away from the west coast
Executive Order 9066
what 2 groups of Asian Americans were discriminated by the majority especially during times of hardship
Japanese, Chinese
nearly 60% of Latinos today are of what descent; next is ______________________________ and lastly is ____________________
Mexican; Puerto Ricans; Cubans
what are the 2 predicted black America's
a growing black middle class; a black underclass
what are some cultural characteristics of some minorities
accent, religion, language, parentage
minority groups are either what or what
accepted, rejected
an extreme form of cultural pluralism that occurs when a minority maintains its own culturally unique way of life
what jobs did Chinese Americans have during the 1850s
agricultural laborers, railroad crews, low paying industrial jobs
in this form of assimilation, traditional American institutions are maintained, immigrants are accepted as long as they conform to the "accepted standards" of the society
what has been the most prevalent pattern of assimilation in America
the blending or fusing of minority groups into the dominant society
why do functionalists think the safety and stability of the larger society is at risk
because violence periodically erupts
prejudice involves a generalization based on what
biased or insufficient information
who was involved in a hate crime involving race, sexual orientation
byrd, matthew shepard
large urban ghettos where Chinese Americans were driven into and where they are still concentrated today
in which perspective do minorities view each other as commpetitors instead of allies in their struggle against the majority
according to this theory, a majority uses prejudice and discrimination as weapons of power to control a minority; why do they do this
conflict theory; to increase the majority's control over property, goods, and other resources
what group of Latinos is the most affluent; their median income is ________% that of whites
cubans; 75
the desire of a group to maintain some sense of identity separate from the dominant group
cultural pluralism
denial of equal access based on everyday practice
de facto segregation
what form of segregation is illegal but effective in controlling a minority since it is extremely difficult to prove bias
de facto segregation
denial of equal access based on the law
de jure segregation
what are Native Americans suffering from more than any other minority
effects of hundreds of years of discrimination
a group identified by cultural, religious, or national characteristics
ethnic minority
judging others in terms of one's own cultural standards; creates a feeling of "us" versus "them"
why do negative attitudes toward ethnic minorities exist
how are individuals described that don't fit the stereotype; rather than what
exceptions; to reexamine a whole set of established beliefs
what 3 things construct race
genes, biology, social constructs
the systematic effort to destroy an entire population
what are the 3 basic patterns that have emerged that describe the approaches dominant cultures take in their rejection of minority groups
genocide, population transfer, subjugation
for anglo-conformity, groups must either _______________ or ____________________ their own values
give up or supress
a criminal act motivated by prejudice
hate crime
how does the average income for Latinos compare to African Americans and white people
higher than that of African Americans, but lower than that of white people
prejudices can be hard to change even when; why
in the face of overwhelming evidence; they are attitudes based on strong emotions
what happened to Chinese American relations after the 1940s
since the 1960s, the number of African Americans in professional and technical occupations has (increased/decreased) by what percent
incresed; 128%
minority traits are often believed by the dominant majority to be ___________________
the unfair practices that grow out of common behaviors and attitudes and that are a part of the structure of society
institutionalized discrimination
since the apology of internment camps, how have Japanese Americans been doing in America; what have they used the educational system for
largely successful; upward mobility
slavery was legally abolished long ago but what still affects African Americans today
legacy of prejudice and discrimination
who decides who belongs to the minority through ascribed status
a pattern of assimilation where all ethnic and racial minorities voluntarily blend together
melting pot
one trait of minorities is that there is a "consciousness of kind" meaning what
members have a common sense of identity with strong group loyalty
a group of people with physical or cultural traits different from those of the dominant group in society
does prejudice always end in discrimination; but what
no; it often does
is the situation worse for Native Americans on or off of the reservation; what is there a higher risk of on reservations
off; suicide, depression, alcoholism
as one feature of a minority, what is a distinctive characteristic that can be used to seperate it from the majority
physical/cultural characteristics
what power of African Americans has grown since the 1970s
when a minority is forced either to move to a remote location or to leave entirely the territory controlled by the majority
population transfer
what is a major life factor of Native Americans; what fraction of Native Americans live below the poverty line; what fraction live on reservations
poverty; 1/4; 1/4
in this stage of prejudice in symbolic interactionalism, children may overhear parents make racist or pejudiced statements, but they haven't yet learned to separate people by race or ethnic group
pre generalized learning stage
what are the 2 stages of prejudice in symbolic interactionalism
pre generalized learning stage, total rejection stage
widely held preconceptions of a group (minority and majority) and its individual members
(discrimination/prejudice) involves holding biased opinions and (discrimination/prejudice) involves acting upon those opinions by treating others unfairly
prejudice; discrimination
people sharing certain inherited physical characteristics that are considered important within a society
hate crimes involve bias related to what 5 things
race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry
an extreme form of prejudice that assumes the superiority of one group over others; these people believe that discrimination or exclusion is morally justified why
racism; natural superiority
politically, Latinos are becoming a force in what
shaping American poitics
what are some physical features of some minorities
skin color, facial features, disabilities
when minorities are exploited or oppressed, what costs to society are extremely high; what group of people believes this
social, political, educational, economic; functionalists
a set of ideas based on distortion, exaggeration, and oversimplification that is applied to all members of a group
most common pattern of conflict; denied equal access to the culture and lifestyle of the larger society
according to this perspective, members of society learn to be prejudiced in much the same way they learn to be patriotic
symbolic interactionalism
what do functionalists focus on in terms of prejudice and discrimination
the dysfunctions caused by prejudice and discrimination
a feature of minorities is that they are dominated by what
the majority
what do sociologists predict about the future of African Americans in terms of status
there will be 2 black America's
in the 1980s, what did the US do about the internment camps they created (they were gone but what did they say to Japan)
they formally apologized and payed internees $20,000
in this stage of prejudice in symbolic interactionalism, children are able to use physical clues to sort people into groups
total rejection stage
how much more likely are African Americans to work in low- level service jobs than whites
twice as likely
what are stereotypes created to justify
unethical behavior against minority groups
what led to Executive Order 9066
wartime hysteria that generated a fear of a possible Japanese invasion
how do Americans view Chinese Americans today
welcome them