Unit 7

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Although the majority of European soldiers received meager compensation for their war efforts, they were still willing to fight for their countries because they believed war was necessary and glorious. a). True b). False


During the Cold War, the first country to send a man into space was a) Russia b) China c) United States d) Great Britain


In countries heavily depended on exports such as Brazil and Ghana, a) The Great Depression caused a significant drop in commodity prices. b) The Great Depression improved the demand for raw materials. c) The Great Depression had no impact. d) The Great Depression granted farmers more access to loans.


In the Berlin Blockade of 1948-1949 the a) Russia blocked all land access to the portion of Berlin controlled by the West. b) the United States defended Russian right to defend itself against aggression. c) Russians airlifted all supplies to their zone and wanted the west to do same. d) Germans blocked all land access to Western Berlin.


Some scholars have argued that the Great Depression provided an opportunity to reexamine Communism and Socialism as viable alternate economic systems. a) True b) False


What was the New Deal? a) A collection of reforms intended to restart economic growth in the Depression-era United States. b) U.S. policy that helped veterans returning from World War I find work and get established. c) U.S. policy of guaranteed loans to European states to help them out of the Great Depression. d) The collectivization of farms and businesses in the United States in an effort to increase prosperity.


What were the goals of the Dawes and Young Plans? a) Provide American loans to the Germans to help pay their debts and reparations. b) Help American businesses to compete against the British c) Pay French and British debts to the U.S. d) Prevent the Great Depression


Which German colony was taken over and partitioned between the English and French as a result of World War I? a) Kamerun b) Central African Republic c) Bosnia d) Nigeria


Which of the following measures brought Germany out of the Great Depression? a) The Nazi government's investment in infrastructure and rearmament. b) Hitler's success in bringing in large amounts of foreign investment. c) The Nazi government's downsizing and stringent austerity measures. d) The creation of an alliance between the German government and the labor unions, creating better working conditions for most of the population.


Which of the following was an effect of the Great Depression in Latin America? a) Military dictators took control of several states. b) The property of the Catholic Church was confiscated to provide food for the poor. c) Latin America enjoyed a boom economy as the region supplied goods that the rest of the world was no longer able to produce. d) States took advantage of the global chaos to break free from Spain.


After the "War to end all wars" Europe was spared from fighting anymore wars. a) True b) False


Once the U.S. decided to enter World War II, the first enemy country that was invaded by American troops was Japan. a) True b) False


The Harlem Hellfighters were a regiment of African-American soldiers who a) Decided to fight for the French in World War I because they hated American racism b) Became the most decorated unit in the entire U.S. army as a result of their war effort in Europe. c) Fought in World War I in Europe as a U.S. force fighting under a U.S. general d) Who were set up to fail by the Germans


The Iron Curtain a) Became a common antibiotic which was used to treat the outbreak of influenza during the war. b) Described the division of Europe into the Communist East and Capitalist West. c) Was developed by Ambassador George F. Kennan as U.S. policy towards Russia. d) Was an expression used to describe the curtain which divided Joseph Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt.


The government established in Germany immediately after World War I was known as a) Third Reich. b) Weimar Republic. c) Triple Alliance. d) Vichy Government.


What decision by the Social Democrats who seized power from the Russian leader proved so unpopular it triggered the success of the Bolshevik Revolution in November 1917? a) The labor uprisings b) The decision to continue fighting in World War I c) The ineptitude of their leader Nicholas II d) The German takeover of Cameroons from the British


What was U.S. policy towards Communist Russia during the Cold War? a) Capitalism b) Containment c) Fascism d) Bolsheviks


What was the immediate cause of U.S. involvement in World War I? a) German bombing of the Lusitania which killed many Americans. b) The Zimmerman Telegram c) Many Americans wanted to fight in the war d) Woodrow Wilson's reelection


Which of the following states enjoyed significant economic growth in the 1930s, while the rest of the world was sunk deep in the Great Depression? a) Germany b) Russia c) The United States d) Brazil


Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points included a plan to create an international organization made up of member states with authority to resolve global disputes. This multinational body was known as a) United Nations b) League of Nations c) Universal Postal Service d) International Court of Justice


World War I was known to have caused the destruction of kings and empires, the introduction of chemical weapons, airborne bombing and tanks. Which of these groups were brought into the workforce of many countries for the first time? a) Czar b) Women c) Police d) Lawyers


Class C mandated territories of the League of Nations referred to places a) Which were mostly found in the Middle East b) Located in Asia but were ruled from Europe such as India c) Which were determined to have virtually no prospect for independence or self-rule d) None of the above


In which of these countries did the CIA orchestrate coups to remove democratically elected governments? a) Korea b) Vietnam c) Guatemala and Iran d) Cuba


The Schlieffen Plan basically required that a) In order for Germany to avoid war on two fronts it should enter into an alliance b) Britain and the U.S. should be defeated by overwhelming German force before they could enter into the fray c) Germany should overpower France quickly enough before Russia could enter the war d) France and Russia should invade Germany


Which of the following committed the United States to the defense of Europe against the Soviet Union after World War II? a) The United States of Europe b) The League of Nations c) The North Atlantic Treaty Organization d) The European Union


Which of the following is a reason why the Nazis were able to rise to power in Germany? a) The Nazis proved that there was a great international Jewish conspiracy and promised to fight it. b) An attempted Communist takeover terrified most Germans and led them to vote for the party they thought would protect them from communism. c) Most Germans were disgusted by the Weimar Republic's inability to ease the Great Depression, unemployment and other problems. d) The Weimar Republic lost face by losing a war with Italy.


Which of the following steps did the Nazis take against Jews in the 1930s? a) Millions of Jews were put in forced-labor camps. b) The Jews were killed. c) Jews were stripped of their German citizenship. d) Many Jews were deported, especially to Madagascar where a colony was formed for them.


Which of the following was a reason for the failure of the League of Nations? a) The League's chief promoter, President Woodrow Wilson, died in the influenza epidemic of 1919 before plans for the organization were complete. b) World War I broke out while the League was still being planned. c) The United States refused to join the League, weakening it before it ever started. d) Great Britain refused to join the League, weakening it before it ever started.


Which of these statements is true of fascism in Germany but not in Italy? a) It became a single-party dictatorship. b) Its members hated communism. c) Its members claimed racial superiority and made a policy of persecuting minorities. d) It advocated the use of violence as a political tool.


Which statement best describes the United States' role in World War I? a) The United States remained neutral during World War I. b) The United States played a major role in the war from the beginning. c) The United States entered the war late, but played an important role in the defeat of Germany. d) The United States entered the war early, but only played a minor role.


Which terrorist event in 1914 sparked World War I? a) The Nationalist struggle for independence in India b) The sinking of the British ocean liner Lusitania. c) The assassination of the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne Franz Ferdinand d) Release of the racially controversial movie "The Birth of a Nation" in the U.S.


How did Hitler become chancellor of Germany? a) Hitler became chancellor in a rigged election that was later discovered to have included massive fraud and ballot falsification. b) Hitler became chancellor thanks to his leadership in a rebellion of Germany's business class against the ineffective Weimar Republic. c) Hitler became chancellor thanks to a coup in which he led dissatisfied veterans against the state. d) Hitler became chancellor by lawful election: His Nazi party won the largest number of delegates to the German parliament and he was invited to form a government.


In the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Russia lost control of some of its territories to ________. a) Bolsheviks b) Communists c) Reds d) None of the above


In the revolutionary period, which of the following sectors of the Chinese population provided essential support for Chinese communists? a) Soldiers b) The middle class c) Urban workers d) Peasants


Match the following countries to their appropriate alliance systems or allies: a) Central Powers: Germany, Serbia, Cameroon b) Triple Entente: France, Great Britain and Sweden c) Triple Alliance: Italy, Germany and Spain d) Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire


The American economy in the period after World War I experienced a) Expanded to serve new markets South America. b) Significant decline because of fighting in Europe c) Decline because German economy picked up d) Continued production of goods which were in demand in war ravaged Europe.


The Great Depression of 1929 was a) The unemployment in the U.S. automobile industry b) A great time when American loans spread to Germany c) Increasing revenue to investors as a result of the growing economy. d) A crash in the U.S. Stock Market which affected many countries across the globe.


The Japanese invasion of China in 1931 and 1937 respectively provoked a) The League of Nations to invade Japan as an aggressor. b) An alliance between Japan, Germany and the U.S. c) Prompted Stalin to recognize Japan as Communist country. d) None of the above.


The United States invested $12 billion in Europe's recovery in a plan named a) Warsaw Pact b) Blitzkrieg c) Schlieffen Plan d) George Marshall Plan


The ____________________ divided North Korea from the South. a) Iron Curtain b) Containment c) 17th Parallel d) 38th Parallel


What role did diseases play in the Great War? a). Many soldiers wanted to end the war quickly b). Germany and France surrendered after they lost the majority of their soldiers c). Diseases were spread by the use of airborne bombing d). Diseases like influenza killed more people than the war itself


What was the Cold War? a) The Cold War replaced World War I because the Russians wanted to keep the countries they had conquered. b) It was fought between Russia and China over leadership of communism. c) It was not really a war but a series of debates that took place during winter. d) Distrust between communist Russia and its American capitalist allies escalated into a series of wars which were fought in different countries.


Which of the following is a reason why Japan adopted Fascism in the early twentieth century? a) Fear that Japanese culture would be destroyed by the large number of foreigners in the country. b) Reaction against misgovernment by a dictatorial emperor. c) Suffering in World War I turned the Japanese people against their government. d) Reaction against the hardships of the Great Depression.


Which of the following resulted from Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor? a) Japan was reduced to a third-rank power, with its empire in Asia destroyed. b) The United States imposed an oil embargo on Japan but was open to negotiations. c) The war in Asia ended, allowing the Allies to focus on the war in Europe. d) The wars in Asia and Europe merged into a single global war.


Which of the following statements best describes Benito Mussolini's rise to power in Italy? a) Mussolini came to power in a peaceful election, which he won thanks to his program for reform. b) Mussolini seized power as the leader of a peasant rebellion. c) Mussolini came to power in a military coup. d) Mussolini came to power through elections.


Which of the following statements best describes fascism? a) Fascism was a political ideology that advocated the abolition of all minority groups within fascist countries. b) Fascism was a political ideology that advocated the destruction of factories and a return to simpler, pre-industrial life. c) Fascism was a political ideology that advocated the redistribution of land to level out social classes. d) Fascism was a political ideology that advocated nationalism and was opposed communism and democratic freedoms.


Which of the following statements best describes the establishment of communist rule in China and Vietnam? a) It was a quick and violent process. b) It was a quick and largely peaceful process. c) It was a steady, stepwise development that lasted nearly a century. d) It was a decades-long violent struggle.


Which of the following was a penalty from the Treaty of Versailles? a) Germany was held responsible for the Bolshevik Revolution b) President Wilson wanted Europe to gain more colonies in Africa c) Germany lost control of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California d) The Germans were held responsible for causing the war under the War Guilt Clause.


Which of the following was an effect of the Great Depression in the United States? a) Large-scale starvation, especially among unemployed urban workers. b) Large-scale emigration from the United States for the first time, as unemployed people desperately sought economic opportunities elsewhere. c) Rapid spread of socialism in the United States, as impoverished workers sought relief in the teachings of Karl Marx. d) Massive unemployment and economic distress.


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