Unit 8 APES - Energy - review

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b. 1,825

A home uses ten 100-watt lightbulbs for five hours per day. Approximately how many kilowatt-hours of electrical energy are consumed in one year by using the lightbulbs? a. 365 b. 1,825 c. 5,000 d. 10,500 e. 365,000

e. thermal pollution

Compared to a coal-fired power plant that produces the same amount of energy, a nuclear power plant generates more a. CO2 b. SO2 c. fly ash d. particulates e. thermal pollution

c. Oil

Currently proven global reserves are expected to be largely exhausted within the next 50 years. a. Solar b. Uranium-238 c. Oil d. Coal

a. Groundwater contamination

Extraction of natural gas by the process of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is most likely to result in which of the following environmental problems? a. Groundwater contamination b. Desertification c. Denitrification d. Eutrophication e. Ozone depletion

d. Natural gas combustion emits fewer pollutants.

Some automobiles in the United States are fueled by natural gas. What is the primary environmental advantage of natural gas relative to gasoline as a transportation fuel? a. The United States has 60% of the world's proven natural gas reserves. b. Natural gas is a renewable resource that is usually produced from corn and other agricultural products. c. When natural gas is burned in an automobile engine, the only emission product is water vapor. d. Natural gas combustion emits fewer pollutants. e. There is an extensive retail distribution network for natural gas so that natural gas is available at most gas stations.

c. A solar collector system using mirrors or lenses to concentrate sunlight

Some solar energy systems produce high-temperature water for industrial applications and produce steam to run turbines that generate electricity. What type of solar energy system is needed for these kinds of applications? a. A flat-panel solar collector system b. A flat non-tracking array of photovoltaic panels c. A solar collector system using mirrors or lenses to concentrate sunlight d. A passive solar system that uses building design to block summer sunlight e. A passive solar system that uses building design to collect winter sunlight

a. Installing effective ventilation systems in dwellings

Throughout the world, especially the less-developed countries, burning wood or other biomass for heating or cooking in homes is common. One negative environmental impact of this practice is the production of particulates indoors, which can be a health hazard to humans. Which of the following describes the best strategy for mitigating this potential problem? a. Installing effective ventilation systems in dwellings b. Updating dwellings with well-sealed windows c. Equipping dwellings with rainwater collection systems d. Planting native plants around the dwelling

c. uranium

Which would NOT be classified as biomass? a. animal dung b. straw c. uranium d. charcoal

b. do not produce as much electricity on cloudy days

A major limitation of using photovoltaic cells to generate electricity is that they a. do not produce as much CO2 as other energy sources do b. do not produce as much electricity on cloudy days c. have no moving parts d. present a danger to birds and bats e. cannot be connected to the electrical grid

d. do not produce as much electricity on cloudy days

A major limitation of using photovoltaic cells to generate electricity is that they a. do not produce as much CO2 as other energy sources do b. have no moving parts c. cannot be connected to the electrical grid d. do not produce as much electricity on cloudy days

c. 30 years

A sample of radioactive waste has a half-life of 10 years and an activity level of 2 curies. After how many years will the activity level of this sample be 0.25 curie? a. 10 years b. 20 years c. 30 years d. 40 years

a. The increase in oil consumption outpaced the increases in coal and natural gas consumption.

According to the data plotted in the graph above, which of the following is true about the increase in world fossil fuel consumption between 1965 and 1980? a. The increase in oil consumption outpaced the increases in coal and natural gas consumption. b. Increases in oil, coal, and natural gas consumption occurred at about the same rate. c. Increases in oil and coal consumption outpaced the increase in natural gas consumption. d. The increase in coal consumption outpaced the increases in oil and natural gas consumption.

c. 20,000

Burning one gallon of gasoline in a car releases approximately 20 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere. One person drives 60,000 miles in a car that averages 30 miles per gallon (mpg), while another person drives 60,000 miles in a car that averages 20 mpg. Over the course of the 60,000 miles, how many fewer pounds of CO2 are released by the 30 mpg car than by the 20 mpg car? a. 2,000 b. 8,000 c. 20,000 d. 80,000 e. 100,000

d. Nuclear fission

Directions: Select the choice that best fits each statement. The following question(s) refer to the following energy sources. a. Biomass b. Wind c. Tidal energy d. Nuclear fission e. Sunlight The source that is not renewable a. Biomass b. Wind c. Tidal energy d. Nuclear fission e. Sunlight

c. Nuclear power can supply electricity, but it cannot replace other uses of oil and gas.

Directions: The following question(s) refer to the graph below showing the percent contribution of major fuel sources that have supplied energy for the United States for the past 150 years. The category labeled "Other" includes nuclear power, hydroelectricity, solar and wind power, and other alternative sources of energy. Nuclear power is a component of the line labeled "Other" in the graph. Why is it impossible for nuclear energy to completely replace oil and gas in the future? a. Nuclear power is unacceptable to the public, so they will not allow it. b. At the current rate of consumption, there is only enough uranium to last for fifteen more years. c. Nuclear power can supply electricity, but it cannot replace other uses of oil and gas. d. Nuclear energy is too costly for general use. e. Nuclear waste contributes more to global climate change than do oil and gas.

c. I and III only

Economic benefits of building large dams include which of the following? I. Storage of water for agriculture and domestic use II. Controlling floods upstream III. Production of renewable energy a. I only b. II only c. I and III only d. II and III only e. I, II, and III

Renewable and clean.

FRQ: (b) Proponents of wind energy argue that wind turbines are a better way to generate electricity. i. Describe TWO potential advantages, other than reducing the negative consequences from using nuclear power, of generating electricity using wind turbines.

Wind turbines can kill birds that get in their way.

FRQ: Describe one potential disadvantage of generating electricity using wind turbines.

a. There is no CO2 emitted from the nuclear reaction.

Which of the following is considered an advantage of using nuclear power to generate electricity? a. There is no CO2 emitted from the nuclear reaction. b. Nuclear power plants are inexpensive to build and maintain. c. There is a limitless supply of the raw material needed for the process of generating energy. d. There is no potential for thermal pollution.

c. $40

If an average refrigerator uses 500 watts of energy per hour and your energy cost is $0.11 per kWh, approximately how much does the energy used by the refrigerator cost per month? a. $55 b. $13 c. $40 d. $1.30

c. Biomass

In the majority of less developed countries, the major source of energy for domestic use is which of the following? a. Oil b. Coal c. Biomass d. Nuclear e. Geothermal

b. 7 seconds

The half-life of a radioactive substance with the decay rate shown in the graph above is closest to a. 14 seconds b. 7 seconds c. 5 seconds d. 18 seconds e. 21 seconds

b. Replacing coal-burning power plants with wind farms

Which of the following actions would reduce global greenhouse emissions? a. Converting tropical forests to rice paddies b. Replacing coal-burning power plants with wind farms c. Decreasing the number of nuclear power plants d. Increasing the use of automobiles

c. Building fish ladders around the dam

Which of the following is the most successful solution to the problem of fish mortality caused by dams? a. Placing fish repellents on dam turbines b. Eliminating keystone species above the dam c. Building fish ladders around the dam d. Harvesting the fish before they reach the dam e. Dredging the sediments upstream of the dam

a. The combustion of fossil fuels heats water to produce steam, which then turns a turbine. The burning of fossil fuels releases heat. The heat converts water to steam and the steam turns a turbine, which runs the generator to produce electricity.

Which of the following statements correctly explains the role of fossil fuels in the production of energy? a. The combustion of fossil fuels heats water to produce steam, which then turns a turbine. b. The steam released from the combustion of fossil fuels turns a generator, which then powers a turbine. c. The heat released from burning fossil fuels rises and turns a turbine, which then releases carbon dioxide. d. Steam produced from a turbine ignites the fossil fuels, which then powers the generator.

((72500MW-2540MW)/2540MW)x100 = 2754% 2754% increase

FRQ: (c) The total wind power capacity in the United States in 2000 was about 2540MW. By 2015, the total wind power capacity in the United States was about 72,500MW. Calculate the percent change in the total wind power capacity in the United States from 2000 to 2015. Show your work.

e. Most of the nutrient-rich silt that the Nile annually deposited downstream is now deposited behind the dam.

Many environmentalists consider Egypt's Aswan High Dam on the Nile River to be an ecological disaster. Which of the following is the best evidence to support this viewpoint? a. Creation of the dam flooded important archaeological sites. b. Sardine populations near the Nile delta increased exponentially as a result of decreased annual rates of water flow. c. The Aswan High Dam supplies one-third of the electrical power used in Egypt. d. Some countries upstream from the dam have diverted Nile River water for their own projects. e. Most of the nutrient-rich silt that the Nile annually deposited downstream is now deposited behind the dam.

d. decrease the use of fossil fuels

One solution for reducing the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide would be to a. increase oceanic temperatures to enhance carbon dioxide uptake b. increase the rate of removal of tropical rainforests c. decrease the total area of rice paddies d. decrease the use of fossil fuels e. decrease the production of chlorofluorocarbons

e. 1/128

The half-life of radon gas is approximately four days. Four weeks after the introduction of radon into a sealed room, the fraction of the original amount remaining is closest to a. 1/ 2 b. 1/ 8 c. 1/ 32 d. 1/ 64 e. 1/128

d. The energy needed to produce the hydrogen fuel may come from fossil fuels, whose use contributes to ocean acidification and global climate change. Energy is needed to produce the hydrogen gas used in hydrogen fuel cells. This energy could come from renewable or nonrenewable sources. If the electricity is produced using fossil fuels, carbon dioxide is released, which contributes to ocean acidification and global climate change.

Which of the following best describes how the use of hydrogen fuel negatively impacts the environment? a. The harvesting of hydrogen fuel from ocean sediments can result in damage to marine ecosystems and fisheries. b. The transport of hydrogen fuel requires pipelines that can negatively impact terrestrial habitats, especially when these pipelines leak. c. The combustion of hydrogen fuel releases carbon dioxide, which contributes to ocean acidification and global climate change. d. The energy needed to produce the hydrogen fuel may come from fossil fuels, whose use contributes to ocean acidification and global climate change.

d. Carbon dioxide is a product of the combustion fossil fuels, and it can lead to global climate change when released into the atmosphere.

Which of the following describes an environmental problem that can result from the combustion of fossil fuels to generate electricity? a. A chemical reaction occurs between the fossil fuel and oxygen to produce energy for the generation of electricity. b. The combustion of fossil fuels can heat water to convert the water into steam to turn turbines that are connected to electrical generators. c. Combustion reactions using fossil fuels require more energy than they produce and are therefore very inefficient. d. Carbon dioxide is a product of the combustion fossil fuels, and it can lead to global climate change when released into the atmosphere.

b. There is high energy investment in producing and processing the crops needed for ethanol production.

Which of the following is a drawback to using biofuels, such as ethanol, as a fuel source? a. Ethanol-blended gasoline increases the likelihood of freezing gas lines in winter months. b. There is high energy investment in producing and processing the crops needed for ethanol production. c. Ethanol-blended gasoline has higher carbon emissions than petroleum alone. d. The global demand for biofuels is continually decreasing.

a. Coal, oil, and natural gas

Which three sources supply the majority of commercial energy in the world today? a. Coal, oil, and natural gas b. Solar, wind, and biomass c. Nuclear, hydropower, and photovoltaics c.Wood, dung, and charcoal e. Fuel cells, geothermal, and tidal power

d. cleaner because it burns more completely

An advantage of using natural gas, rather than oil, as a fuel is that natural gas is a. less of a contributor to global warming because it does not release CO2 when it burns b. less expensive because most reserves are in the United States c. more abundant because it is a by-product of photosynthesis d. cleaner because it burns more completely e. safer to store because it is a gas

c. 76 gallons The original vehicle used 136 gallons in one year for the commute original car: (60 miles per week/22 miles per gallon) × 50 weeks = 136 gallons. hybrid car: (60 miles per week/50 miles per gallon) × 50 weeks = 60 gallons. The difference between the original vehicle's 136 gallons and the hybrid car's 60 gallons is 76 gallons saved.

An individual has been driving a passenger vehicle to work, averaging 60 miles a week in a car that averages 22 miles per gallon. The individual plans to purchase a hybrid vehicle that averages 50 miles per gallon. If the individual drives to work 50 weeks a year, how much gas will they save if they switch to a hybrid vehicle for their commute? a. 28 gallons b. 60 gallons c. 76 gallons d. 107 gallons

1.5MW/1 hour x 24 hours/1day x 7days/1week = 252mw/week 252mw/1week x 1000kWh/1mwh=252000kWh The wind turbine will produce 252000kWh by the end of the week.

FRQ: (d) A wind turbine has a capacity of 3MW. Assuming the turbine operates at 50 percent of its capacity all day and every day for a week, calculate how many kWh of electricity the wind turbine will produce by the end of the week. Show your work.

252000kWh x 52weeks=13104000kWh 13104000/10900=1202.2 1202 houses can have their full energy needs provided for one year by the turbine.

FRQ: (e) If a typical house uses 10,900 kWh per year, calculate how many houses could have their full energy needs provided for one year by the turbine in part d if it continued to operate as described for one year. Show your work.

Deposit of radioactive waste.

FRQ: Nuclear power is an important source of energy around the world. Some countries, such as France and Ukraine, generate more than 50 percent of their electricity from nuclear power plants. However, generating electricity from nuclear power plants can lead to environmental problems. (a) Describe one potential negative environmental consequence from using nuclear power.

a. create cracks within the rock in order to provide pathways for the release of gas and oil

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is the pumping of highly pressurized water with a mixture of sand and chemicals into boreholes to a. create cracks within the rock in order to provide pathways for the release of gas and oil b. reopen old mine shafts, from which gas and oil can be collected c. create seismic movement and artificial earthquakes in order to liberate gas and oil d. supersaturate the rock with the fracking fluid, which scrubs gas and oil from the rock by abrasion e. pulverize the rock in order to let gas and oil rise through the soil horizons

b. 20% real answer ~19.35%

In 1997 the World Resources Institute estimated the world's proven oil reserves to be 1,000 billion barrels and the ultimately recoverable reserves to be 2,000 billion barrels. The table below shows the world consumption of oil from 1986 to 1997. What was the approximate percent increase in consumption from 1986 to 1997? 1997=74 1986=62 a. 10% b. 20% c. 30% d. 50% e. 80%

d. Anthracite is considered the highest grade coal because it is almost pure carbon, and it is often used for domestic heating

Purity is a major factor in determining the type of coal used for energy. Which of the following types of coal are correctly paired with a description of its purity and common use? a. Coking coal is most widely available and contains 60-86% carbon, which makes it ideal for use in coal power plants. b. Steam coal has a high carbon content with low amounts of impurities, which makes it ideal for use in the steel industry. c. Lignite is the most mature and purest form of coal, and it is often used for large-scale power generation. d. Anthracite is considered the highest grade coal because it is almost pure carbon, and it is often used for domestic heating

b. No tracking, tilted west Peak energy output for no-tracking, tilted-west panels is about 2p.m. This would be the ideal system to use to meet these needs.

The graphs below show the energy output of one kilowatt of photovoltaic (PV) capacity of different PV panel systems over a day (graph on the left) and the annual energy production (graph on the right) of the same systems. Dual-axis tracking means that the PV panels are constantly moving to always face the Sun directly. If the PV panels are tilted in a fixed position, the direction of tilt is indicated. Flat PV panels are not tilted in any direction. If peak electricity use occurs around 2p.m. in the Los Angeles area and avoiding brownouts is more important to the installers of the PV panels than annual energy output, which of the following PV panel systems would be best to use in the area? a. No tracking, tilted south b. No tracking, tilted west c. No tracking, tilted east d. No tracking, flat

b. PV panels that can track the Sun and are constantly moving to always directly face the Sun produce the most electricity daily and annually.

The graphs below show the energy output of one kilowatt of photovoltaic (PV) capacity of different PV panel systems over a day (graph on the left) and the annual energy production (graph on the right) of the same systems. Dual-axis tracking means that the PV panels are constantly moving to always face the Sun directly. If the PV panels are tilted in a fixed position, the direction of tilt is indicated. Flat PV panels are not tilted in any direction. Which of the following statements is best supported by the data shown in the graph? a. Of the PV panels that cannot track the Sun, those in a fixed position tilted to the west produce more electricity daily and annually than do those in a fixed position tilted to the south. b. PV panels that can track the Sun and are constantly moving to always directly face the Sun produce the most electricity daily and annually. c. PV panels that cannot track the Sun and are in a fixed position tilted to the south produce the least electricity daily and annually. d. PV panels that cannot track the Sun and are in a fixed position tilted to the east produce the most electricity daily and annually.

b. Biomass

The source whose use is a direct cause of deforestation a. Nuclear Fission b. Biomass c. Tidal Energy d. Wind e. Sunlight

a. Fuel cell vehicles use hydrogen to generate electricity that runs the motor.

Which of the following accurately describes a fuel cell vehicle? a. Fuel cell vehicles use hydrogen to generate electricity that runs the motor. b. Fuel cell vehicles run on both an internal combustion engine and a backup battery. c. Fuel cell vehicles are able to convert waste oil from the food industry into ethanol, which is burned as a source of power d. Fuel cell vehicles use methane to heat water, which creates steam that turns a turbine to generate electricity.

d. Offshore winds farms will produce up to three times as much electricity as wind farms on land because of increased wind speeds offshore. Offshore winds are much steadier and faster than land winds because of a lack of obstruction by other vertical structures.

Which of the following best describes a benefit of increasing the number of offshore wind farms rather than onshore wind farms? a. Offshore wind farms will consume less water during operation than wind farms on land because the turbines require less steam for electricity generation. b. Offshore wind farms will decrease the maintenance costs associated with electricity generation because they are cheaper to operate than wind farms on land. c. Offshore wind farms will emit less carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide than wind farms on land because they are farther from urban areas. d. Offshore winds farms will produce up to three times as much electricity as wind farms on land because of increased wind speeds offshore.

a. Geothermal energy implementation in homes and businesses has a high upfront cost, and electricity is needed to operate pumps.

Which of the following best describes a disadvantage of geothermal energy production? a. Geothermal energy implementation in homes and businesses has a high upfront cost, and electricity is needed to operate pumps. b. Geothermal energy production is a significant source of noise pollution. c. Geothermal energy generation costs remain stable when gas and oil prices increase. d. Geothermal energy is weather dependent and can be generated only at certain times of the year.

b. Geothermal energy implementation in homes and businesses has a high upfront cost, and electricity is needed to operate pumps. In areas that geothermal energy can be obtained, there are few businesses that are able to implement the system due to the increased cost associated with implementing geothermal energy in homes and businesses.

Which of the following best describes a disadvantage of geothermal energy production? a. Geothermal energy production is a significant source of noise pollution. b. Geothermal energy implementation in homes and businesses has a high upfront cost, and electricity is needed to operate pumps. c. Geothermal energy generation costs remain stable when gas and oil prices increase. d. Geothermal energy is weather dependent and can be generated only at certain times of the year.

d. Biomass production is cheaper than fossil fuel extraction, making it more readily available for use.

Which of the following best describes an advantage of burning biomass rather than burning fossil fuels in developing countries? a. Burning biomass is associated with fewer human respiratory concerns than fossil fuels are because it does not give off sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides. b. Biomass production requires less open space than fossil fuel extraction does, so land is available for other purposes. c. Burning biomass is more efficient than burning fossil fuels, providing more available energy from less of the resource. d. Biomass production is cheaper than fossil fuel extraction, making it more readily available for use.

d. Fracking fluids can escape from the drill hole and contaminate surface water and groundwater. The contaminated surface water and groundwater can affect humans and wildlife. Groundwater contamination is a major concern with fracking sites.

Which of the following best describes an environmental problem associated with hydrologic fracturing, or fracking? a. Fracking has led to an increase in the production of oil and natural gas, lowering energy prices. b. Fractures in the shale will close up once the fracking fluid is removed unless fine particles, like sand, are introduced to hold them open. c. The products of fracking release more carbon dioxide and sulfur compounds into the atmosphere than other fossil fuels. d. Fracking fluids can escape from the drill hole and contaminate surface water and groundwater.

a. The energy needed to produce the hydrogen fuel may come from fossil fuels, whose use contributes to ocean acidification and global climate change.

Which of the following best describes how the use of hydrogen fuel negatively impacts the environment? a. The energy needed to produce the hydrogen fuel may come from fossil fuels, whose use contributes to ocean acidification and global climate change. b. The combustion of hydrogen fuel releases carbon dioxide, which contributes to ocean acidification and global climate change. c. The harvesting of hydrogen fuel from ocean sediments can result in damage to marine ecosystems and fisheries. d. The transport of hydrogen fuel requires pipelines that can negatively impact terrestrial habitats, especially when these pipelines leak.

a. Renewable energy sources can be replenished naturally, at or near the rate of consumption.

Which of the following explains why some energy sources are renewable? a. Renewable energy sources can be replenished naturally, at or near the rate of consumption. b. Renewable energy sources include natural gas and other fossil fuels because they are made from the remains of ancient organisms. c. Renewable energy sources exist in a fixed amount and cannot be easily replaced. d. Renewable energy sources use advanced technologies and have been discovered in recent years, making them newer energy sources.

b. Nonrenewable energy sources typically take a longer time to replenish than renewable energy sources do.

Which of the following is a characteristic of nonrenewable energy sources that distinguishes them from renewable energy sources? a. Nonrenewable energy sources typically require additional new technology in order to be used than renewable energy sources do. b. Nonrenewable energy sources typically take a longer time to replenish than renewable energy sources do. c. Nonrenewable energy sources are typically less harmful to wildlife and ecosystems than renewable energy sources are. d. The construction of power plants that use nonrenewable energy sources is typically more expensive than the construction of those that use renewable energy sources.

c. There is high energy investment in producing and processing the crops needed for ethanol production. It requires a lot of energy to grow and process the crops used to produce ethanol fuel. Additionally, the crops grown to produce ethanol (primarily corn) require large tracts of land that could be used to produce food for the human population.

Which of the following is a drawback to using biofuels, such as ethanol, as a fuel source? a. Ethanol-blended gasoline has higher carbon emissions than petroleum alone. b. The global demand for biofuels is continually decreasing. c. There is high energy investment in producing and processing the crops needed for ethanol production. d. Ethanol-blended gasoline increases the likelihood of freezing gas lines in winter months.

b. Thermal energy is converted into mechanical energy and then to electrical energy, as in coal-burning power plants.

Which of the following is a true statement concerning the production of electricity in conventional nuclear power plants using fission reactors? a. Storage of nuclear waste is no longer an issue, because power plants are now storing all wastes on-site in specialized containment units. b. Thermal energy is converted into mechanical energy and then to electrical energy, as in coal-burning power plants. c. New nuclear power plants will be built without containment structures, due to the increased insulation in the reactor core. d. Nuclear production of electricity is much less expensive per kilowatt-hour than production of electricity at a coal-burning or natural- gas-fueled power plant.

c. Requiring higher fuel economy standards for new cars

Which of the following is a way for the government to encourage efficient energy use? a. Limiting the development of public transportation systems b. Implementing government subsidies to keep gasoline prices low c. Requiring higher fuel economy standards for new cars d. Raising the speed limit from 55 to 70 miles per hour

e. A coal-fired power plant captures waste heat and uses it to heat adjacent buildings.

Which of the following is the best example of cogeneration? a. A power plant uses both coal and natural gas as fuel. b. A trash-to-steam power plant accepts both residential and commercial waste. c. Several power plants supply the same city with electrical energy. d. Emissions from power plants are captured and stripped of sulfur for commercial sale. e. A coal-fired power plant captures waste heat and uses it to heat adjacent buildings.

b. Building fish ladders around the dam

Which of the following is the most successful solution to the problem of fish mortality caused by dams? a. Eliminating keystone species above the dam b. Building fish ladders around the dam c. Dredging the sediments upstream of the dam d. Placing fish repellents on dam turbines e. Harvesting the fish before they reach the dam

d. Electricity production from coal began to decrease in 2008 because of the increasing use of natural gas and renewable energy

Which of the following is the most valid inference regarding electricity production, based on the graph above? a. The use of nuclear energy increased from 1970 to 2010 because of shortages in coal supplies. b. Electricity production from coal began to decrease in 2008 because of shortages in coal supplies. c. The use of nuclear energy increased from 1970 to 2010 because of the low cost of constructing nuclear power plants. d. Electricity production from coal began to decrease in 2008 because of the increasing use of natural gas and renewable energy

b. Disposal of radioactive waste

Which of the following is the primary environmental problem associated with the use of nuclear power to generate electricity? a. Production of acid rain b. Disposal of radioactive waste c. Production of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide d. Depletion of the ozone layer e. Radon leaking into buildings

a. The location of geothermal energy sources ranges from short distances below ground to miles below the surface.

Which of the following statements about geothermal energy is accurate? a. The location of geothermal energy sources ranges from short distances below ground to miles below the surface. b. Steam from underground sources must be condensed before it can be used aboveground. c. In some parts of the world, geothermal sources are used to power steam locomotives. d. While geothermal energy can heat buildings directly, it is not used to generate electricity.

d. Arranged uniformly on a local farm that has fields and pastureland for dairy and grain production Wind farms take very little space on the ground, making them ideal for installation in agricultural lands. The turbines are more than 50 feet above the ground at their lowest point, allowing enough clearance for farmers to grow agricultural crops and for animals to graze in the pastureland below.

Which of the following would be the best location for a wind farm with ten industrial turbines? a. Adjacent to a wetland area with a large migratory avian population in the fall and spring b. Scattered throughout a residential neighborhood where strong wind gusts are common c. Just outside a town near a cave housing a large bat population d. Arranged uniformly on a local farm that has fields and pastureland for dairy and grain production

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