Unit 8 study guide

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The most influential advocate for African Americans in the Roosevelt administration was -

Eleanor Roosevelt.

The Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930 -

None of these answers is correct.

Which reason best explains the growth of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s

There was a conservative reaction against shifting moral standards.

What was the significance of the immigration acts passed by Congress in 1921 and 1924

They set quotas on immigration from certain areas of Europe, Asia and Africa

In 1933, two days after he took office, President Franklin Roosevelt -

closed all banks for a short period.

As the Depression deepened, President Herbert Hoover -

grew less willing to increase federal spending.

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) -

included 1.5 billion public work budget and was created to provide federal loans to troubled banks and businesses

Prohibition was largely seen as a failure because

organized crime began to control illegal alcohol production

the 1920s scopes "Monkey Trail" illustrated the growing rift between religious Fundamentalists and

progressives who believed Darwinism should be taught in schools

The severity of the Depression increased in 1931 when the Federal Reserve Board -

raised interest rates.

Between his election in 1932 and the inauguration in 1933, Franklin Roosevelt -

refused to make any agreements on the economic direction of the country with the outgoing president, Herbert Hoover.

The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 -

sought to raise crop prices by paying farmers not to plant.

The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 established -

the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

the " Harlem Renaissance " refers to

the movement of African-American artists, poets, and writers who expressed their pride in their racial heritage

President Herbert Hoover responded to the onset of the Great Depression by -

urging a program of voluntary cooperation from business leaders.

To oversee activities in the stock market, in 1934 Congress established the -

Securities and Exchange Commission.

All of the following characterized the writings of the " Lost Generation" EXCEPT

an acceptance of decadence as the best way to survive in post-World War 1 society

American Foreign policy toward Europe during the 1920s was characterized by

an overall trend toward isolationism

All the following factors contributed to the Great Depression EXCEPT -

banking policies that restricted the availability of loans.

As Herbert Hoover began his presidency, he -

considered the country's economic future bright.

One of the major effects the New Deal had on the United States was that it -

fostered stronger and more varied interest groups.

During President Franklin Roosevelt's early days in office,

he promised to take drastic even warlike action against economic conditions

the Teapot Dome Scandal

involved government officials illegally leasing land to oil companies. One of many scandals that plagued the Hoover administration

Beginning in 1933, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation -

protected the assets of bank depositors.

After 1929, in the face of the worsening global economic crisis, the United States -

refused to alter the payment schedule of debts owed by European nations to America.

All of the following revolutionized American life in the 1920s EXCEPT


which of the following statements BEST describes the administration of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge

the business of government is busniess

The "Dust Bowl" in the 1930s -

was a product of changing environmental conditions.

The Works Progress Administration of 1935 -

was much larger than previous programs of its kind.

African Americans employed by New Deal relief programs -

were among the first to be released when funds ran out.

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