Unit 9 - The Civil War

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______ means to set free.


An argument arose on whether new states added from the territories should be ____ - states not allowing people to own slaves, or should they be added as _____ - states that allowed people to own slaves. This became an argument because each state has ___ representatives in the Senate, and if one side had more than the other, that side would control the Senate's decisions about slavery.

free slave 2

President Lincoln made an announcement on ____, stating that all slaves would be considered ____ in any states that were fighting against the _____. This announcement is known as the _______.

January 1, 1863 free North Emancipation Proclamation

__________ was the capital of the Confederate States.


President Lincoln first asked ____ to command the Union forces, but he reluctantly decided to resign his position in the US Army and returned to Confederate Virginia to become their commanding general. He actually opposed slavery and freed all of his slaves. _____ was made commander of all Union armies, and his determination lead the Union to victory.

Robert E. Lee Ulysses S. Grant

______ was the first state to leave the Union. Within a short time, six other Southern states made the same decision, forming the ________. They elected ____ as their president.

South Carolina Confederate States of America Jefferson Davis

On April 9, _______, Lee met Grant in a farmhouse in the town of___________, Virginia to surrender. The war settled two important problems: 1. no state could leave the Union 2. there would be no more slavery in the United States

1865 Appomattox Court House

_____ was a tall man from Illinois, who did not want to see our country divided. He was the first ____ President of the United States, had a great faith in ____, and regularly read his _____. The South stated that, "If he becomes President, the South will ____ the Union." They knew he did not like slavery.

Abraham Lincoln Republican God Bible leave

Thousands of men died in ______________, considered the turning-point of the war. ____________ became a great cemetery, and was the sight of Lincoln's famous speech,______________. On the same day, Grant's army defeated the Confederate troops in the _______________, an important city on the Mississippi river. This was important because the Union army could now control the river, and cut off the supplies to the Confederates.

Battle of Gettysburg Gettysburg The Gettysburg Address Battle of Vicksburg

The first shot fired by _____ soldiers on _____, in _______, South Carolina, marked the beginning of the Civil War. The Union soldiers were forced to ____ the fort.

Confederate Fort Sumter Charleston surrender

In 1857, the Supreme Court made an important ruling known as the _____. A _____ named Dred Scott, was taken by his owner from the ____ state of Missouri to the Wisconsin Territory (Minnesota), where the Missouri Compromise prohibited slavery. Shortly after, his owner died and he sued the widow for his freedom. However, the Supreme Court reasoned that under the ______ (1) a slave was not a _____ and could not sue in the courts. (2) a slave was the ____ of his owner, and they (3) decided the _______was unconstitutional and slave owner could now take his slaves to any part of the U.S.

Dred Scott Decision slave slave Constitution citizen property Missouri Compromise

______, a Massachusetts schoolteacher, moved to Georgie and invented the _____, a machine that quickly removed the ____ from cotton. This invention greatly increased the speed of turning cotton into ____. Not only Northern states, but ____ and ____ bought cotton from the South.

Eli Whitney cotton gin seeds cloth England France

Five days after the war ended, Lincoln took his wife to see a play at ___________ in Washington D.C. An actor named _______ slipped through the theater and _______ Lincoln. _____________ became President in Lincoln's place.

Ford's Theater John Wilkes Booth shot Andrew Johnson

The ______ made it a criminal offense not to report an _____ slave to the police. This law prompted ______ - people, working to end slavery, to work harder. ______ wrote the novel ______, which dramatized the cruelty of slavery. It became a best-seller, and had a huge impact in the North.

Fugitive Slave Law escaped abolitionists Harriett Bucher Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin

_____, an abolitionist, led a band of 18 men to _____, a sleepy town nestled in the Virginia mountains. He came to ____ the federal arsenal, arm the ____, and then slaughter the _____ who kept slaves in their homes and on plantations and farms. He was captured, tried for treason, and hanged, but he was made a ______ (a person who is killed for their religious or other beliefs) for the antislavery cause by abolitionists.

John Brown Harper's Ferry raid slaves families martyr

The Confederates had few ships, so they raised the _____, an old shop that the Union had sunk. They covered it with thick iron plates, creating the first ironclad ship. The Union was also building their own ironclad ship, the ____. When the two ships met in battle, ____ side won.

Merrimac Monitor neither

The ______ was a decision by Congress to admit Missouri as a slave state, but only after a compromise was made. A compromise is a decision that tries to _____ both sides of an argument. Since Missouri was to become a slave state, no other states ____ of an established boundary line could enter the Union as slave states.

Missouri Compromise satisfy north

In order to stop the South's trade with Europe, Union ships planned a ____ to block all major seaports of the South.


Union troops were ordered to_______ or destroy everything they found, including homes, barns, animals, food, and the crops in the South.


____ is an important statement. For many people, it changed the reason for ____ the Civil War. Before the proclamation was read, the ____ army was fighting to keep our country from _____. Now the ____ army was also fighting to _____.

proclamation fighting Union dividing Union free the slaves

Life in the North was very different from life in the South. Until the late 1700's some _____ existed in all American colonies. Northern farms were _____ and _____ began growing in importance in the North. Southern farms were very ____, also called ____, and usually grew only one or two crops - ____ and _____.

slavery small factories large plantations cotton tobacco

Thousands of ____ escaped to the North by way of the ________, a series of secret _____ leading North. At "____" along the way, helpful people hid the slaves and provided them with food. ______, one of the "_____," was an escaped slave from Maryland. She led ___ slaves to freedom in the 1850's.

slaves Underground Railroad routes stations Harriett Tubman conductors 300

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