US Constitution Review

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71. "Rights to personal liberty established by the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and certain Congressional acts, especially as applied to an individual or a minority group." Read and analyze the above definition. Which term BEST summarizes this statement?

Civil Rights

49. Who has the power to declare war?


15. Which of the following is not a power of the President?

Declaring laws unconstitutional.

8. If you are arrested, all of the following would be considered your legal rights EXCEPT:

Diplomatic immunity

6. Which of the following would be the BEST definition of Federalism?

Division of power between a strong national government and state governments

Creating an army and navy is an example of what type of power?

Enumerated Powers

41. Which would be the BEST example of where American political traditions were chiefly derived?

European Enlightenment

54. Identify the BEST example of rule of law.

Every member of a society (including government officials) must obey the law.

1. The United States Constitution established two houses within Congress in Article I, Section I. What are they?

House and Senate

20. Which of the following represents the purpose of the branch of government described in Article III?

Interpret laws

23. King John was forced to sign a document by English nobles in 1215 that would become the foundation of English constitutional rights. Which of the following was that document?

Magna Carta

73. Identify the location where the Constitution AND the Declaration of Independence were written.


Taxes, law enforcement, and eminent domain are examples of what types of power.

Powers shared by the national and state governments (Concurrent Powers)

16. Select which option lists the parts of the Constitution in the correct order.

Preamble, articles, amendments.

2. Each state's representation in the House of Representatives is _____________, while the number of Senators is ______________ among the states.

Proportional, Equal

56. Who has the final authority to approve justices appointed to the Supreme Court?


43. Which phrase BEST illustrates the philosophy of CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY?

Taking part in formal and informal activities that are good for the community/country (voting, respecting places are examples)

57. Which amendment specifies that all powers not specifically delegated to the federal government by the states are reserved to the states respectively, or the people?


75. Identify which Amendment to the U.S. Constitution extended suffrage to any citizen over the age of 18 years.


58. Which amendment specifies that an individual's person and property are free from police search, absent a warrant issued by a judge based on probable cause?


10. Complete the following sentence: "A President is limited to _____ terms by the _____ amendment."

4 years, 22nd Amendment

36. In 1937, President Roosevelt tried to increase the number of justices on the U.S. Supreme Court, but it was ruled unconstitutional. He tried to increase the number from _____ justices to 15 justices.


52. Which statement BEST describes limited government?

A constitutional government governed by the rule of law

5. Which of the following BEST describes a change to the Constitution?


37. "If you make the citizens of this country agree to become the subjects of one great consolidated empire of America, your government will not have sufficient energy to keep them together." Select the political philosophy that best fits the above quote by Patrick Henry.


64. Which is an example of fundamental rights?

Basic rights to life, liberty, and property

25. "Administration of a government chiefly through bureaus or departments staffed with non-elected officials."


46. Examine the diagram below. Which BEST describes the diagram?

Check and Balances

51. Who has the authority to appoint justices to the Supreme Court?

The President

35. Which statement BEST summarizes the Articles of Confederation?

The first Constitution of the United States

59. Select the number of amendments that are currently in the U.S. Constitution.


9. Once elected, what is the length of term of the President?

4 years

39. Identify how many representatives are in the House of Representatives.


53. "A form of government that derives its power directly or indirectly from the people, is administered by officials holding power for a limited time, and incorporates representative institutions." Which of the following BEST describes the above passage by James Madison?

A government with a written constitution

61. Which statement BEST describes the Bill of Rights?

A list of basic rights that the government may not interfere with and must protect

30. "Inalienable rights are inherent to each individual, regardless of wealth, social status, or birth." Analyze the above statement, and predict how it would impact government.

All citizens would be treated equally

70. The United Kingdom is a parliamentary democracy, so its political leader is

Chosen by the party with the majority of members in the legislature

17. In the United States, the President is not elected directly by the people. Select which of the following government entities directly elects the President.

Electoral College

19. Which of the following represents the purpose of the branch of government described in Article II?

Enforces laws

48. According to the diagram above, the _______ branch has the power to appoint government officials; however, the ________ branch must confirm these appointments?

Executive; Legislative

Which part of the government in Federalism can create an army and navy, declare war, etc.?

Federal government

38. "Proportional representation is a democratic system which aims to represent the will of the population in the legislature by proportional support. The goal of proportional representation is to more accurately reflect the political inclinations of the population." Based on the above definition, which of the government entities uses proportional representation?

House of Representatives

13. In the presidential impeachment process, the __________ brings up the charges while the ________ serves as jury.

House, Senate

Forming an Air Force, NASA, Coast Guard, National Parks, and National Monuments are examples of what type of powers?

Implied Powers (Fed. gov't. can do this, but not part of Enumerated powers)

21. In the court case "McCulloch v Maryland," the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government had the power to create a Bank of the United States. With this decision, the Supreme Court affirmed that the federal government has:

Implied powers

11. Which of the following BEST describes the basic idea of our criminal justice system?

Innocent until proven guilty.

55. Identify the effect checks and balances has on the legislative process.

It distributes power so that one branch or official cannot dominate others.

47. According to the diagram above, which branch has the power to check the other two branches with the power to declare laws or acts unconstitutional?


18. Which of the following represents the purpose of the branch of government described in Article I?

Makes laws

60. Which of the following Supreme Court cases established the principle of Judicial Review:

Marbury vs. Madison

24. The structure of the U.S. Senate, in which all States are represented by two Senators, was first suggested by which of the following plans?

New Jersey Plan

3. According to U.S. Constitution, Congress has the power to decide the date of the general elections. Currently, Congress has established which month for general elections?


29. Identify which of the following statements BEST refers to the Bill of Rights.

Only the first 10 amendments of the Constitution

42. "The indirect veto of a bill received by the President within ten days of the adjournment of Congress, effected by retaining the bill unsigned until Congress adjourns." Identify the term which BEST fits the above definition.

Pocket veto

4. Which of the following BEST describes our form of national government?

Representative Democracy

40. The ancient Roman Republic is to _________, as Ancient Greece is to __________ .

Representative Democracy; Direct Democracy

7. All of the following are rights guaranteed in the first amendment EXCEPT:

Right to bear arms.

27. Which of the following is considered a CIVIC DUTY?

Serving on a jury

28. If both the President and Vice President are removed from office through the legal process, incapacitation, or death--identify which of the following would be next in line to become President.

Speaker of the House

74. Who is the MOST powerful member of the House of Representatives?

Speaker of the House

14. All of the following limit the powers of the Federal Government EXCEPT:

Supremacy Clause

12. Select the correct, in descending order (from top to bottom) of the federal courts.


31. In Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, it states, "The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States. As Commander in Chief, the President has the authority to place U.S. military forces on alert and to authorize military force." What phrase BEST describes the power of the President as Commander in Chief?

The President is the highest-ranking person of all military forces.

65. In 2001, Vice President Dick Cheney voted for the first time in the U.S. Senate on a bill. Why did he vote?

The President of the Senate would break the tie.

32. According to John Locke, why do people enter into a social contract with their government?

The government will protect the life, liberty, and property of all citizens.

50. In the American democratic system, ultimate sovereignty lies chiefly with:

The people

72. Select the BEST explanation of the concept of "Popular Sovereignty."

The people have the supreme power in a country

63. Which of these BEST describes due process of law?

The right to be treated fairly by government, law enforcement, and the courts

44. What statement BEST describes the Mayflower Compact?

This was the first example of a governing document in the New World utilizing social contract theory.

45. Who is the main author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

22. Identify what proportion of States is required to APPROVE a proposed Amendment to the Constitution.


33. Identify the best definition of "ratify."

To confirm or approve

34. The Constitutional Convention decided to create a bicameral legislature. Which of the following statements BEST describes their reasoning?

To create a two house legislature that represents the population as well as the interests of individual states

62. Which sentence BEST identifies the Federalist philosophy?

Urged ratification of the U.S. Constitution and a strong central government

26. The structure of the U.S. House of Representatives, in which representation is based on population and therefore favoring the most populous states, represents which of the following plans?

Virginia Plan

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